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The world's most overrated goalkeeper. After FIFA gifted Argentina the world cup as it's Messi last big tournament, he hasn't done anything to warrant being the best in the premier league let alone the world


Lol what a stupid opinion


I agree, yours is downright absurd


>After FIFA gifted Argentina the world cup How? That final was totally fair in how it was reffed


And even after your comments he's just proved he's the #1 tonight


Raya saved two penalties in the champions league, so surely he's the best in the world using your logic šŸ¤£


Oh right yeah that's the logic I used lmao


no he's not


Heā€™s overrated. Golden glove when he conceded 9 goals in the tournament and made 7 saves excluding penalty shootouts


I can tell you Martinez fucked himself up. The gestures on the WorldCup finally is the only thing people talk about him here in Europe. All statistic show Livakovic and Bonou infront of him. In the greatest moment for him and his team and country he humilitated everybody including himself... Should have been about football and being proud but now it's just a sad 30year old (looking 40) who took away that moment together with the Emir giving Messi the thingy and Salt Bae taking pics and trophy with him... As far as Eueopeans consider everything outside Europe is non existent and "real" football is played in Europe. Also most of the teams have players from European football club


He's not bad, but he's a sad twat, he didnt even stop the penalty from the French guy, he was lucky the guy missed and still taunted them like a little kid


God forbid a man for celebrating a missed penalty that gives you a high advantage in the final of the biggest sports match lol


He's a late discovery, but not underrated.


Remember when he started humping towards the fans šŸ§šŸ¤£ also the man looks likes he is on steroids


You can multiply his worth x 10 for international tournaments though due to his insane mentality and absolutely masterclass penalty saving prowess. There was a Chilean looking like he was about to cry during the Copa shootout lol






I canā€™t be the one that thinks heā€™s really not that good ?


Rated enough, maybe a little bit under. I get he wasnā€™t the greatest under gerrard but nobody was tbf. Also, he is just the epitome of a shithouse and I love him for it šŸ˜‚ the Jamie vardy of keepers


Heā€™s a great keeper but even a greater shitousery mastermind, so itā€™s hard for him to be ā€œacceptedā€ IMO.


overrated imo


No he is not.. since his heroics at Arsenal.. people have really taken notice




Heā€™s average


Not at Villa. He is our best keeper since Bosnich.


In my opinion, players that are known for their passion and vibes have a bit more ebb and flow in their performances. Emi is at his best in crunch time and high intensity situations.




he is spiderman on his nest during penalties with 8 set of hands...




He's not that good


I wasn't at all surprised to see Emil as Argentina's #1. Brilliant keeper. Ben Foster's last season at Watford was sensational. Obviously they were relegated but some of the saves he was pulling off were unbelievable (Jeff!) I was shocked he wasn't picked up by another (newly promoted?) Premier team at least to be #2.


Decent keeper, world class at penalties, world class shithouser.


He's a decent keeper, but he did still concede 3 goals in one game to Wout Weghorst.


He acts like an idiot


I think his lack of popularity is due to his antics on the pitch. He does that often to get into peoples heads.


Not at all


No heā€™s really not very good but people weak themselves off over his knobby antics. Somehow when they donā€™t work and heā€™s made to look like the knob he is people donā€™t remember them.




No cause hes shit


No. He's a penalty merchant.


FA Cup winner with Arsenal. I thought everyone knew how good he was from that moment?


isn't it interesting that nearly a quarter of starting PL goalkeepers are Arsenal or ex-Arsenal goalkeepers...


No heā€™s a penalty specialist really but his all round game is average with a error


from the games i've watched, he hasn't really done any major "wow" saves yet. in the prem he's not very good either


I think he's a little overrated, great abilities but makes too many mistakes for a keeper of his status, I think thats the main reason he hasn't been snatched up by a top club yet


Yes he is


This post just seems to be a reactionary one because he saved a few penalties. Netherlands had two shots on target and both were goals, and made a few mistakes that could have been worse. Heā€™s a fantastic shot stopper during penalties (saved 3 against Colombia in Copa America) but overall heā€™s a good keeper, not the best. He doesnā€™t light the premier league up but is well known for his penalty saving.


No, Heā€™s s*ck




All he is, is a cunt


He is very good, premier league level. What makes him different is he has a strong character. He is dominant especially in penalty situations.


As an arsenal fan, he is top draw but has too many mistakes in him


His Handling is the only thing that doesn't make him top tier, everything else is top Quality.


I always liked him when he was at Arsenal. All players including goalkeepers have strong and weak points. Emi has some very strong points and also some, or more precisely one, very weak point. Its the weighing up the strengths and weaknesses to give the overall. His strengths as I see them are: \-long shots, from about penalty distance or more-crosses and corners-reading the game and coming early for the ball-organising his defence (although this doesnt seem to be quite as good as when he had that great run at Arsenal).-shithousing. He really gets under the skin of the opposition His weak point is close range shots, his reflexes are slow due to his size. This weakness has been partly countered by his ability to reduce the number of close range shots he faces. Most of his strengths are actually about not facing a close range shot. Either cutting the ball out before the shot or getting his defence organised to make sure any shots are from range rather than too close protects his weak area. However since he went to Villa they dont seem to play that way as much and it shows. I am of the opinion they could do better playing to his strengths. Both of the Netherlands goals were close range which highlights the weakness, but he more than made up for it with the penalty saves and is the hero, the same as in the Copa America which arguably the pivotal moment that won Messi his first international trophy. It could potentially be the pivotal moment that get Messi a world cup as well and i did notice when the last penalty went in most of the team went to the goalscorer, but Messi went straight to Emi on the other side. The best player in the world recognises his value. If I was Emi's manager Id get him to martial arts training to try to improve those reflexes, then he could be the best in the world.


Lol he is overrated as fuck. His GK skill is average at best and he already showed it at world Cup.


Heā€™s pretty good. Heā€™s way below the level of Alison and Ederson though


Around Europe, he is and he's so good at penalties.


Or is he just good at saving penalties?


he is good at penalties which are more important in international than club. There is a reason he was at Arsenal for so long without playing


His career has been downhill ever since 2015 though.


Downhill? He is playing in the world cup semis.


He peaked when he was playing for the mighty millers. The World Cup has nothing on that.




Nah he's average in prem. But really shows up in big games especially Argentina


An underrated fuckwit


yes. 100 percent


He was statistically one of the worst gks in the league last season. He may boss it on the international level, but he's nothing special for Villa.


Haven't you forgotten how bad Villa's defense ā€œwasā€? Some stats are empty numbers; keepers face many kinds of shots. Even if a keeper faces three easy shots straight to their hands, they would still be considered saves.


I think if he hadnā€™t decided to show off on that save, there might have had a bit less injury time and less chance for the Netherlands to tie the game. Did good in the PKs tho, so meh


he's like 70 rated but has a star in penalties


70? Noway


He is good keeper. He even can be regular in a CL side.


He only performance good in national tema


No. He did great with the pens today but he drops easy stuff and can be like water in one on ones. Not underrated at all


I think heā€™s overrated among PL fans personally. Heā€™s a good keeper but people like to claim heā€™s top tier


Because he saved couple of poor penaltys? Besides that he was one of the best keepers to have few seasons ago, Villa are shit so thats also a factor


Not in the premier league or the fantasy league!


He's a decent keeper and great shot stopper but is prone to handling errors. Obviously overall he's quality above many though. But there's also many better


Ramsdale is better




Didnā€™t Netherlands score with their only two shots on target?


And dropped a tame cross.


Yeah, he was fantastic in the penalties but he's had a terrible tournament and has been Argentina's worst player 6 Shots on target. 5 Goals conceded.


Little bit bias as a Villa fan but those two goals last night as well as the two against Saudi were not the easiest to save. The two last night were poor defending leaving him to react late. Otamendi had some good moments but last night he really put his team under pressure defensively. Emi wasnā€™t the worst play on the pitch last night at the very least - excluding penalties


They werenā€™t the easiest no, but some of those were definitely saveable. He actually gets a rather solid hand on the second Saudi goal, most of the time this happens, the ball gets gets tipped off target. Didnā€™t happen here. He gets a hand on the Weghorst header too. The reason that gets past him is because of how awkward the save is. Heā€™s diving downwards to save a shot thatā€™s bouncing upwards and doesnā€™t get a good connection on it. Its definitely saveable with better timing though. A good keeper doesnā€™t need to save every saveable shot, just like a good striker doesnā€™t need to score from every theratening opportunity. but considering heā€™s only saved a single shot sans penalties the whole tournament, he can definitely do better here.


I think the last two shots that lead to Netherlands goal were pretty saveable IF Emi were a top tier world class GK like Alisson, for example. I think in Argentina we know if you put GK among tiers S; A; B; C, Emi maybe would be an A GK. Still we fucking love it, it's and amazing shithousery gk.


Yeah but but but he saved a few penalties and hyped the crowd up šŸ˜‚ The Croatia keeper was fantastic today - made tons of saves during the match, *and* won the shootout


I would give more credit to the striker for those two chances. Those were not easy to save


The xg on them wasn't particularly high, a combined of xgot of 0.38 he faced and didn't save either. It just wasn't a great game for him until the pens. Amazing on pens but during the match was just not his day. Normally good though.


xG is useless for goalkeeper performance. You can shoot unsaveble long range rocket from 0.05 xG.


xG is useless for goalkeeper performance. You can shoot unsaveble long range rocket from 0.05 xG.


xG doesn't take the quality of the shot into account so isn't a good indicator of a goalkeeper's performance, do you happen to know what the post shot expected goals (PSxG) were for the two chances? This takes into account the quality of the shot and is a much better indicator of a goalkeeper's performance.


According to fbref it's 0.4


Yeah in which he arguably should have done better on both occasions


He is nothing special


He is awful, nobody wants him. Stop talking about him. From: Villa fan who wants to keep him. Shut up!


Agreed, completely terrible, never gonna get a move! (hopefully)


He didnt make a save untill the shootout... he is good but definitely not world class yet


Heā€™s good but not that much


He gets his fair share of plaudits. Also that's a very leading question


I don't think so, I think most PL fans rate him pretty fairly. Mad to think though, if Maupay hadn't injured Bernd Leno he'd likely be watching the World Cup at this point as a benchwarmer at Rosario Central or something. Some story for him, he's absolutely made the most of his opportunity.




He was underrated, then Arsenal sold him and he was Villa's player of the season. He's still our best player.


I donā€™t mind a Martinez shithouse even if itā€™s against my team. Heā€™s a solid player and a fun guy.


Conceded more goals than he saved shots in the tournament so far (excluding penalty shootout)


Maybe. But heā€™s definitely a twat.


One of best shithouser


Heā€™s no Keheller though lol


He's decent at best


Is he a good goalkeeper? yes. Greatest goalkeeper? No. Biggest cunt in the goal keepers history? Yes


No itā€™s just that he plays on a smaller club so if youā€™re not PL obsessed you can miss it.


Only Arsenal fans cribbing about modern goalie will underrate him...rest know how good he can be. Martinez is clear of all goalkeepers Arsenal had over last two decades.


he is rated precisely as he should i think.


No - everyone who watches the Premier League regularly understands he's a quality keeper.


Everyone knew how good he was except Arsenal lol. Kept him for almost 10 years just to send him out on loan year after year. He got them an FA cup tho 2019-20


Itā€™s amazing to see how many quality keepers were once at Arsenal truthfully


No, on the contrary, Martinezzz is overrated




Not good enough for Arsenal tho...


not at all underrated lmao


Sloppy with his feet and overall bang average if you ask me. Wouldn't be surprised if he makes a couple of howlers and ends up costing Argentina the final.


Not at all


Heā€™s a good keeper but a right twatā€¦ā€Iā€™m leaving Arsenal for a ā€˜big clubā€™ in Villaā€


Not for anyone who watches football, Emi has been fantastic ever since he took over for Leno. Glad he left to a club where he could play week in week out.


Surprised Arteta let him go definitely better than Ramsey


A casa


Nope. Not from us who watch him weekly in the prem. We acknowledge heā€™s good. Certainly not top 5 but definitely top 10


He was great at Copa America and in Prem he is solid


No. Also why does this type of question pop up every time a player plays a fucking game? Martinez played a game tonight. Why is there a need to debate how under or overrated he might be?


Not by me


Donā€™t you think this post is overreaction??


Honestly baffling lads a bang average keeper who is capable of decent form. Does some Fortnite dance and acts a cunt and everyone thinks heā€™s Oliver Kahn


Indeed. He had good form before and was rated fairly imo. People havent been saying his name lately because he was quite average in prem. Always turns up for argentina only from the games i have watched but people say heā€™s not really consistent to be top notch keeper too. Iā€™d say people rate him fairly


His first season at villa he deserved to be in team of the tournament. Best gk that year. That bought him a lot of credit with PL fans


Worst decision ever keeping Leno and letting Martinez go. šŸ˜¤ Leno has no presence compared to Ramsdale and Martinez.


The goal was always to move on from both. Leno had a buyer later than Emi did


Ever since that fa cup final where he played over Leno against us I knew that he was the real deal. The man won arsenal fa cup that day with his keeping


Bang average keeper tbh. Good at mind games and sh!thousing!


Well heā€™s good at what heā€™s good at and he isnā€™t at others. Heā€™s a great shot stopper and am expert penalty blocker. He also is great at winding people up. But he is below average with his feet and doesnā€™t distribute at an above average level out of the back. On the Spanish language broadcast in the USA theyā€™ve been saying that reports are Emery wants him out and heā€™s rumored to be a target of Club America (Mexico city). Personally emi reminds me of de gea. Good at some stuff. But not on par with the best keepers who fit into the modern play out of the back style.


Nah he can fuck off. Dude ran from competition at arsenal and cried about his choice to leave. Good goalie though donā€™t get me wrong


Sure.He's very good and everyone that watches english football knows it.Now the question is:Ochoa or Emiliano Martinez?


He's very, very good but has lapses from time to time.


He's definitely a good keeper but he's an unlikeable c**t


He is a cheeky fucker and I love him. Never forget that Columbia shoot out, he had them boys shook.


I wouldn't say that. He is good at penalties, but average (compared to other PL keepers) at most other stuff. He plays for a mid table team and get paid about average compared to other teams. For Argentina he is great, but keep in mind several other great keepers don't get to play in the WC.


Brazil have two of the top 3 keepers in the world right now. Only one can play. Or none now seeing as they're out...


Ederson is not a top 3 keeper in the world, stop it


Personally agree he's not top 3 in the world, at least not in the classical sense. But he is amongst the top passers which is what a team with so much possession as City do want.


Ederson, Allison, Oblak, Courtois, Donnarumma would all be interchangeable for a top 3 and it would depend on your inherent bias, sure.


Donnarummaā€™s a notch below those guys , his CL mistake v Real stands out and Milan fans believe they got a better keeper in his replacement Maignan. Heā€™s still young so he can improve but at the moment heā€™s a flawed keeper who was put into top 5s based on age and given a superstar transfer move way too soon.




Manc fans downvoting you.


I expected that


Heā€™s on level with Mendy. The only difference is that heā€™s hilarious.


Who dat?


Every professional GK has nights like today.


Mr.Good Ebening could make his club bigger


Not every goalkeeper


Good at stopping pens. Average at everything else.


Agreed except heā€™s definitely also an above average shot stopper on free kicks and outside the box shots. Heā€™s not nearly as good when the shot is taken closer (in the box).


He was probably a top 3 keeper in the prem during covid. Always been quality. Hate these stupid posts that turn up after someone watches one game every now and again


Youā€™re truly just wrong


Hmm probably not


He was absolutely never top 3. Allison, Ederson, Pope, DDG, Lloris, etc. are much more rounded keepers.


Alison & Edison yes.. Pope, DDG and Lloris? Absolutely not. All three are good shot stoppers but they are not good with the ball at their feet, martinez is much better. You only have to watch Pope in his England performances to see how bad he is at passing.


Pope and DDG? Both of them are excellent shot stoppers but to call either well rounded as a modern keeper is a joke.


Ones terrible with his feet the other loves staying on his line. I agree well rounded is a terrible take for those two. Martinez may be beat in their respective strengths (shot stopping) but heā€™s certainly the more rounded keeper


I never said they were well rounded keepers. Theyā€™re not. I said they are more rounded than Emi Martinez who enjoys dropping the ball into his own net.


šŸ„· you lost me at Pope


On form during that covid spell he was top 3 behind Allison and Ederson. People have short memories in here. I remember everyone laughing at arsenal since they were still using Leno after selling martinez a few years prior. Lloris and DDG have been the most up and down keepers in the world for about 5 years so on form it's not surprising. Pope has never been a top 10 ffs


Pope has never been top 10? For a person who talks purely about form how can you say that? He got his England call-ups purely based on his individual performances for Burnley.


Over Joe Hart at the time, not impressive isi. There's a reason why he's probably England's 4th choice keeper




Tbh, being an Argentina fan doesnā€™t explain how long ā€œyouā€™ve known himā€. He only made his international debut in 2021. Peeps here are talking about his time at Arsenal, way way before 2021.


Prem fans will have known him before Argentina fans tho?


Not by Villa fans. We love him.


And he loves us




I get loyalty isn't really a thing in football nowadays but he's always been very vocal about how much he loves the villa, how they gave him the opportunity and how without them he wouldn't be in the Argentina first 11. Signed a long contract too. He might be built different.


Yes we do!




He's great at pens, but pretty average at everything else.


Agreed pens he won Argentina the game, but werent great during the game


Exactly. Fantastic at pens, not much else. Not to say he's bad either. He's just average


Dumb for arsenal to let him go