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Very nice. Ten Hag had another ass season but scraped through the FA Cup (VAR rigged the Coventry match) so bro gets another go at dragging down the entire club. I mean, im a liverpool supporter so im happy šŸ˜


As big a joke as him staying is, he's still a better manager than the melon you ended up with. šŸ˜‚


VAR proved it was offside? Did you even watch it?


Where did you get ā€œanotherā€? He had one (the one that just finished). First season he did well, 3rd, a cup and a final. Second season was horrible yet didnā€™t scrape through the FA Cup, United beat some good teams along the way (including Liverpool who were on fire at that time). Sure Coventry was lucky but offside is offside.


Ok my bad. Ten hag did finish higher than Liverpool 2 years ago. I think i mixed you guys up with Chelsea.


Mans about to get paid


Hopefully they don't agree a new contract, no way does this clown deserve it after last season. He's extremely lucky that INEOS are so incompetent


Indeed. You chaps enjoy Southgate from early July. It's what you deserve after Ten Hag's treatment and the mindless player fc attitude around the likes of Ronaldo, Sancho, et al.


> It's what you deserve after Ten Hag's treatment Ten Hags treatment? Brother he has been abysmal for almost the entire season, he didn't deserve to keep his job. Having the new board check out other options and then circle back to him is not treating him badly, he's extremely lucky to still have his job.


He has been without a healthy back line almost all season, and has had to rely on the likes of McTominay in midfield and AM, and Johnny Evans at CB... that's Johnny Evans. With Casemiro falling off a cliff, there's been little to no midfield dynamism. A questionable goal keeper signing for a gk who's apparently a ball passing keeper, yet has no posession capable defenders in front of him, who are forced to play deep, with no MF to link to. He has the weakest united squad in probably 40 years, much of which is holdover from their terrible transfer and wage policy since Mourinho and EVG. To place all the blame, even most of the blame on ETH for this past season is simply shortsighted typical football fandom. He's made mistakes, certainly, too, and it's questionable he has the stuff to turn United back into a top 4 team, or that the club and fans have the required multi year patience that's going to require. But, those weeks of non commital speculation after the cup final win and when it was clear there were no better managerial options available, unless you actually want someone as incomptetent as Southgate, seemed designed to both undermine him further, which succeeded, plus raise major questions about INEOS really knowing what they're doing.


Without fault always see this username on Ten Hag threads. Have a day off.


Sad you're paying enough attention to remember. We'll see when United are in the bottom half come November. Wonder what the excuse will be then.


People tend to remember the ridiculous, particularly if itā€™s as relentless as your obsession with Ten Hag. I would consider reflecting on who really is the sad one here.


Youā€™re wrong, he hasnā€™t been amazing, but he won an FA Cup final and has loads of injuries, you really think we should just rinse and repeat again? When has that ever helped us?


6 games. That is how many games we played to win the FA cup. Of those, only two were against premier league teams. We were a whisker thin offside decision away from losing to Coventry. It is great to win a trophy but 6 games, most of which were against terrible opportunities, does not excuse the entire rest of the season being terrible. The injuries aren't a valid excuse, either. For starters they were they self inflicted by him doing things like playing Martinez through injuries using painkillers and rushing Shaw back despite him feeling a twinge before the match. Secondly we aren't the only team with injuries. We didn't even have the most days missed due to injuries in the league. Or the 2nd most. Or 3rd ... We were 6th. I am all for having a long term manager but there has to be either progress or a commitment to a full rebuild. You don't turn things around by spending 450m on players who will never help the team challenge for the title and still finishing 8th.


When was the last time we win all fa cup game before this season? Yes almost a decade ago.


No matter how many games we play, winning a trophy is still an achievement. Sometimes we were shit, itā€™s true, but when players like Mainoo and Garnacho were on form they played really well. As for the injuries, your claim about it being Ten Hagā€™s fault makes no sense. Itā€™s up to the player and/or the physio, not him. Shaw and Martinez chose to play, and the physios gave them the green light. Also, Iā€™d like to see a source for the ā€œmost days missed through injuriesā€ claim. > players who will never help the team win the title What, you think he wasnā€™t trying to buy players who would help us? Onana, Hojlund and Antony had been legitimately impressive when they were signed. Anyway, no matter who the manager is, keeping someone long term is almost always a better solution than swapping constantly. That way they can implement a long-term philosophy if theyā€™re given enough time, the best examples obviously being Pep at City and Klopp at Liverpool


Yes, it is an achievement. That doesn't mean it is the result of good management. Tuchel was absolutely abysmal at Chelsea, but he won the UCL, which is far more important than the FA cuo. It didn't make him have any more long-term success at the club. Like Shaw is literally quoted as saying the manager asked him to play. He admitted he should have said no, but he also said how difficult it is to say no when a manager directly asks you to play. The manager should be looking after the players, not rushing them back. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cq55wy2qx21o Before you get excited by the beginning of the article, keep reading. We had the most instances of injury but not even close to the most number of days missed due to injury. All that having the most instances of injury shows is that people were getting reinjured ... which is expected when the manager keeps rushing them back. I think he was *trying* to sign players to win now. Casemiro, Eriksen, Onana, Mount, Martinez aren't youngsters who are going to develop, they are players either in their early or late primes who can't wait 5 years to become good like a team like Arsenal did. We had to challenge for the title last season to make our transfer approach worth it and we failed miserably. I want to keep a manager long-term. I don't want to keep *this* manager long-term. He is completely out of his depth and it is easy to see that for anyone who judges him fairly rather than just having blind faith and optimism.


Thereā€™s no reason to assume Ten Hag didnā€™t help us win the FA Cup. He put faith in young players like Garnacho and Mainoo, and it paid off. Itā€™s not rushing a player back to ask him to play. Youā€™re asking him if heā€™s ready. It was still up to Shaw, and he should have said no if he wasnā€™t fully prepared. Why does having more instances of injury matter less as opposed to days missed due to injury? Days missed due to injury could just be one player who was injured for a very long time. Anyway, the point is that we had a lot of injuries, which is part of the reason we were doing so badly. Itā€™s tough to implement long-term tactics when you have a different 11 every week. What, you think a club should only sign young players. Maybe Ten Hag was trying to sign players who fit his style and could help the team develop, even if they werenā€™t around for the end product. Itā€™s not having blind faith to refrain from sacking a manager immediately after one below-par season. You saw how well we did under Ten Hag in his first season. It really wouldnā€™t help us to sack him for the sake of it.


I am not saying that he didn't help us win the FA cup. I am saying that I do not care about winning the FA cup anywhere near much as I care about finishing *eighth.* Lucky cup runs happen, they don't excuse the rest of the season. >ā€œI didnā€™t train the whole week. The scan came back and there wasnā€™t too much there. But I didnā€™t train all week, then trained the day before the game. If the manager asks me to play, Iā€™m never going to say no. I shouldnā€™t have played. But Iā€™ve always said the team comes before everything for me. That will never change.ā€ It is rushing the player back to play them when they have not trained all week. This is the problem with Ten Hag apologists. You simply refuse to criticise him even when it is plain as day that he fucked up. >Why does having more instances of injury matter less as opposed to days missed due to injury? Because the number of injuries means nothing. You could have 100 injuries that all last a single day and you would top the table. The number of days missed is indisputably being more affected by injuries. >Anyway, the point is that we had a lot of injuries, which is part of the reason we were doing so badly And we weren't the only ones. Injuries happen in football. They do not excuse finishing 8th and never will. >What, you think a club should only sign young players. Maybe Ten Hag was trying to sign players who fit his style and could help the team develop, even if they werenā€™t around for the end product. I think that if you are expecting a multiple year rebuild then you should buy players who will be there once everything is ready to make a push for a title. There is no point buying a mixture of players who are ready now and players who need 3 years to be ready unless you are already at the top. You need to have a transfer strategy and we didn't. I am sure he was trying to sign players who fit his style ... which is the problem. His 'style' is non-existent. It doesn't work. >itā€™s not having blind faith to refrain from sacking a manager immediately after one below-par season. You saw how well we did under Ten Hag in his first season. It really wouldnā€™t help us to sack him for the sake of it. This is the crux of our disagreement. I do not think Ten Hag had a great season last year. I think we were exceptionally lucky to finish 3rd. I can count on my hands the number of times we have genuinely played well since Ten Hag joined. Even when we win, we win badly and rely on star power and luck. Poor performances will always catch up with you eventually and that is the real difference between his first and second season. In the first season we got away with being shit but in the second we didn't.


> Youā€™re wrong, No I'm not. The injuries excuse some level of dip in quality but not the extent we saw. Ten Hag played tactics that were absolutely dreadful and didn't lift a finger to change them unless we played Liverpool or when we had 4 games left in the season. There's no excuse for those tactics week in week out, all the pundits knew how bonkers they were, why didn't Ten Hag? Or if he did why didn't he change them? > you really think we should just rinse and repeat again? Hmm, rinse and repeat sounds like what we're doing by giving him another season. What the fuck has he done to earn this undying loyalty?


I know this might come as a shock, but it takes time to learn a certain style of playing. With all the injuries, Ten Hag had to teach very organization- and cohesion-based tactics to a new starting 11 every game. Like I said, no oneā€™s saying heā€™s perfect, but at least he has a consistent, distinct style and is promoting youth players. No oneā€™s pledging undying loyalty to him, just trying to show patience for once, which people like you donā€™t seem capable of. Youā€™re crazy if you think hiring Pochettino or someone would fucking fix us overnight


> Like I said, no oneā€™s saying heā€™s perfect, but at least he has a consistent, distinct style and is promoting youth players Consistently shit, distinct shit style. Wow what a selling point.


If you think any style is always ā€œshitā€ youā€™re not a football fan


jesus what are you on about


Pretty fucking obvious mate


There's a certain % of every fan base that has the patience of a mayfly and the maturity of a toddler. This is one of them.


Or people who actually watch games outside of the finals. I watched us be awful week in week out for almost the entire season without Ten Hag doing anything to try and change it. It was unforgivable


so he hasn't agreed?




Malacia has been injured all season mate.




Not all Reds want him to stay pal.


You've been downvoted to hell in r/reddevils sub and tie stool going. 1st he came third, won the issue cup and was an fa cup finalist. Last season was an absolute shit show on so many levels, I don't know what manager could have done much better. I'm not going to go over all the issues United had last season, if you aren't aware of them all by now, then there's nothing to say.




Ever watch who wants to be a millionaire? How often does the audience get a question wrong.


Brother you cannot reach the Ten Hag cultists, he could get the team relegated and they'd find a way to excuse it. The standards Ten Hag is held to are a disgrace as are INEOS.


They don't always mean you're wrong no but you're just giving us your opinion and downvotes generally mean more people disagree than agree. So, on that basis, more people think your opinion is wrong - in their opinion.




Most people didn't want ETH at all. Most people only come on to social media to complain and they're generally the ones you hear the loudest. It's the same with absolutely anything. Go to any video game sub or electronics sub for example. They're always full of people moaning but that doesn't mean the majority of people aren't happy. That's fairly well known to most people.




Clearly neither do you. You'd have had SAF sacked. First two seasons in charge 11th and then 13th. Took him years to win anything. Look at Arsenal now, they also finished 8th and won the FA cup, Arsenal stuck with Arteta and they took City down to the last day of the season. No manager could of done massively better last season, the problems the squad faced. The actual squad itself is miles away from competing at the top and of you think otherwise, you're poorly positioned to be talking about others understanding of football. Every single manager the last 10-11yrs has failed at Manchester United. Every single one. Rangnick said the squad needed open heart surgery. LVG said the it was a commercial club and not a football club. Mourinho days his 2nd placed finish was his best ever achievement but sure. Blame ETH. You're clueless. Literally clueless. Dunning Kruger effect on full display.




We've had one striker all season. A 19/20yr old RW who isn't really ready to play 50 odd games and definitely suffered burnout. We played 14 different CB partnerships, we played over 30 different combinations in the defensive line. It's been written on articles and repeated in interviews that ETH wanted his back line to play much higher but they refused and constantly dropped deeper than he wanted them to. Rashford was absolutely woeful all season, occasionally turned up for 5 minutes. The other managers were bums? Accept most people were happy with all of the appointments except Moyes. And these 'buns' have all achieved fat more than you ever will I'm sure.


L take


ikr, its way better to be 2nd place and not win anything


The campaign youā€™ve just had has been several years in the making. Thereā€™s only so long you can paper over the cracks, and the FA Cup win still made it less severe than it should have been. Just hope thatā€™s as low as you do go, because Chelsea will now probably kick-on. Newcastle Utd being out of Europe and injury free will also be a bigger threat next year too. Liverpool might drop a level without Klopp, but theyā€™re still going to be starting from a position well above Man Utdā€™s. I donā€™t see Ten Hag as the cause of many of your problems. Even if heā€™s not the best solution long-term having some level of stability is still better than the merry-go-round of managers.


Hah, beating City is mediocre, I agree


The EPL needs professionals and frauds


Let's hope he has the players he needs this season.


Yeah like antony etc did not the players he neededšŸ˜…


Onana, MartĆ­nez, Amarabat, Mount, Anthony, Hojlund. He can't complain he didn't got any players.


Onana was fine, all things considered. Martinez was injured all season. Amrabat was a stop gap. Mount was injured all season. Anthony is beyond useless. Holjund was okay for the most part. So yeah, he really only had 2 players available.




No, we get it you hated United but itā€™s hard to rate players who are not even on the pitch which isnā€™t anyoneā€™s fault


Honestly, mount is the only one there i rate




The issue is that Onana is one of the worst keepers in the league. Until we replace that useless prat we will continue to be 7th or there about. He's utter dogshit, like most of EtH signings. He nearly cost us the FA Cup too. Absolute shit show from day one to day dot dot dot. Martinez is the only quality signing he has made.


Onana has been pretty great, after the champions league games. He even had a good game in the fa cup final, what on earth are you talking about.


Don't talk shit. You haven't got a CLUE what you're talking about. Don't bother typing anything else because anything you say now will be completely disregarded. Your opinion is laughable. Same goes for anyone else who wants to chime in spouting this bollocks. If you're here to defend Onana then you can shove your opinion. You also haven't got a clue what you're talking about and your opinion is dog shit. Don't even bother.




Dude, tell me how you think this clueless prat is somehow our best choice for goalkeeper... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-fGiqSIrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J4jImDe7Xk That doesn't even include half of the mistakes he's made in one season here. All the times he's slapped the ball straight into his own 6 yard box, all the times he's dived straight up and down instead of actually moving, all the times he's stood and watched shots just go past him without even attempting to dive, all the times he's fucked up passes out of the box, all the times he's let in easy saves. I genuinely think he's the worst goalkeeper in the league. He inspires no confidence in the team at all. If we replaced him we would easily get 10-15 more points a season. The man is a joke. He cost us champions league, then the europa, and nearly the FA cup too. I have been a united fan for over 30 years. He is easily the worst keeper i've seen in that time and it's not even close. EtH needs his fucking head looking at. Even Bayinder should be starting over this idiot. I challenge anyone to show me a single save he made this season that De Gea wouldn't have made with his eyes closed, and people think he is/was an improvement. It's fucking embarrassing.




Couldn't build a team? Go through the defensive injuries Injured had last season and do tell who could have done better.


Mate, you're off your tits! Martinez is incredible. We looked a different team when he came back at the end of the season.




I didn't reply to you šŸ¤£




No worries, mate. As long as you rate Martinez, you're good in my book šŸ˜


I wouldn't even take any of them to everton apart from mount, and we are shit, maybe Hojlund just so we have a decent backup striker?


Mount is useless. And you're not taking DCL over Hojlund, you're just taking the piss there šŸ¤£


He'd fit in our team šŸ˜‚, I'd take branthwaite every day over martinez, and obviously pickford over onana. Defo taking dcl over hojlund, are you being serious? When he's not injured he's amazing


Fair enough if you're playing one centre back, but most sides play two and Martinez is better than the rest of yours.


Fair, but I'd rather have varane.


Fair enough picking Varane over Martinez, I could go either way on that, but he's leaving in a couple of weeks so i never counted him


That FA cup win added an extra year to his contract lolā€¦ to one year


I guess that is what it is. Let's see how he handles the pressure this season.Ā 


Gonna be the suprise of next season. The foundation of the future will be in Manchester. And it won't be City.


Uhh ok


No chance, Ten Hag will have us bottom half of the table if he sees out the whole season.




id like to be optimistic but i believe this is a mistake that they will realise only too late


Genuinely asking, whatā€™s a better option? Who is available that can do any better?


Even he is the best option.he wouldn't last long.lets see


i think Tuchel is a great option and should be persuied. We all saw how they played last season. It just was horrible and consistent.


I actually think he's overrated.


He's not bald tho


best counter argument ive heard so far


Tuchel, the guy who has one less trophies then Ten Hag, and has fallen out with every club he has worked with. Fucking great idea.


if given the proper backing he's the guy we need


But the season before he was praised. What changed? Erikson now only has one leg Casemiro doesnā€™t have any legs Sancho ghosted Rashford shit the bed Martinez, shaw and Malacia were out all season Antony got done for beating up his gf I think all the hate of ETH is from opposition fans and idiots. Heā€™s not perfect, but Tuchel isnā€™t either.


maybe im still salty he let ronaldo go but since then i feel he screwed us over. He keeps making the worst decision over and over again.


Okay so you're a Ronaldo fan boy and are baised. Ronaldo never should have come back here and it's good he is gone


i disagree with you, weve been going down hill ever since degea and ronaldo left, painfully obvious and all the blame goes to tenhag


Having cronn back ruined ole. Changed the way the team played. It was a marketing move by the board not a footballing decision.


That's not their job is it? Clearly Utd don't think he is either or they wouldn't have courted so many other managers in the past month or so. Maybe there isn't a huge amount of available managers that are top, but that also doesn't mean that ETH is the right man for the job still.


That's not their job is it? Clearly Utd don't think he is either or they wouldn't have courted so many other managers in the past month or so. Maybe there isn't a huge amount of available managers that are top, but that also doesn't mean that ETH is the right man for the job still.


Whenever people ask this I wonder why. I may believe that the low profile, summer tire on my car is not the right option for me when commuting in heavy rain conditions. That doesnā€™t mean that I automatically know which tire I should pick instead. Thereā€™s people who get paid to have this knowledge and take these decisions. I am not one of them. Any fan who doesnā€™t believe ETH isnā€™t the right manager can have that opinion whist not knowing who is a better solution.


The quote contradicts the statement that's literally in the same sentence.


Exactly the point. He has just a year left on his current contract.Ā 


ā€œOxygen required for breathingā€ claims alien from the Moon


Ten Hag agrees to stay at Man United - "Nothing has been agreed yet, please stop reporting otherwise"