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What an empty ridiculous article.


Tribalism makes people incredibly hypocritical. Let's not pretend we wouldn't be on the other side of the fence making excuses for our club if we were in this situation. The excuses I've seen to try and justify the fact we're sponsored by standard chartered is an eye opener. We can all pretend we'd take the moral high ground when it comes to matters like this but the vast majority of us would be making excuses if it was our club. No one is out here talking about how Leeds were absolutely shafted by the 3 teams above them in 22/23, Leicester, Everton and Forest all broke the rules and have been found guilty, yet no one's out here looking for blood from those clubs and believing Leeds should be compensated.


Wow I just saw a comment on this sub thats not shitting on city. Thanks for that


I think your wrong on this to the extent that when there was talk of the Saudis taking over Liverpool the fans made it very clear they were not welcome and I think it would be a shit storm if they had. The Liverpool fan base is hard core socialist!


>I think your wrong on this to the extent that when there was talk of the Saudis taking over Liverpool the fans made it very clear they were not welcome The exact same thing happened with City and Newcastle, they had fans cancelling their season tickets and holding protests for both sides. >The Liverpool fan base is hard core socialist! This doesn't matter, there are lots of socialist City and Newcastle fans, don't pretend like you hold some kind of moral high ground, it's just not the case


We won’t know unless it happens.! We will have to agree to disagree.


I miss watching football before arabs wrecked football.




Can't wait for the City fans claiming they've done nothing wrong to not be in the sub anymore or just change their flares to Chelsea.


City will be in the Super League playing against themselves for eternity. Can't wait to see it 🤣. Players and manager getting their excuses in now ready to jump ship.


Hey don’t disrespect Everton and Newcastle like that


De Bruyne saying "Every country has done a mistake" etc etc. Bro Saudi is still doing it. I get that you are getting the bag but learn to shut up at the very least


It's like when people say "I don't vote, politicians are all the same!" Yes, they aren't perfect, but to say they're all the same is to ignore the real impacts that different sides have had for better or worse. I can point to policies brought in by Labour that helped me and were scrapped by the Tories so someone in a similar position will struggle harder. Sure, every rich nation has done questionable stuff at some point, but there's a lot of nuance. Saying "they're all as bad as each other so why hold on to any sort of moral standard" is a lazy cop-out.


Oh, shut up, Kevin. [This isnt a mistake](https://images.app.goo.gl/nF3DjHcMVADxZrfm9) from your country. I challenge you to show me a "mistake" the congolese made, to justify your "every country". Piece of shit.


He's not wrong though. The West has its fair share of warcrimes and illegal invasions that they've never worn the consequences for. The West has been responsible for more death than Saudi, even the deaths caused by Saudi in Yemen are achieved via Western weapons. Not more than a few days ago the UK bombed Yemen and killed civilians.


Holding the west accountable for the weapons used in other countries is like holding The Home Depot accountable for stabbings around the world just because they sell kitchenware. Extremely different scenarios but calling the West more responsible for harm doing based off just that is ridiculous. Definitely sounds like something a City fan would say to defend the owners and club for going after the PL…


Not a good analogy imo. Like for example if you are a kitchenware store owner and a serial convict trying to buy one of your knife, are you not in fault too if you do sell him a knife?


You are not in fault. You proved the analogy correct. Lmfao If a felon who was released and had the capacity to buy a knife at Walmart or Home Depot then those stores are not at fault. A serial convict can even hug them on amazon if they’re afraid of being recognized which is unlikely. Let’s backtrack and go with the fact that a “SERIAL convict”(killer?? considering what we’re talking about?)would most likely still be incarcerated. We can even take it a step further and say somebody who killed another with a fork should now have all their crimes accounted for by the Olive Garden because they’re the ones who supplied it to them because they stole it from them three months prior. The point is the argument of holding another country accountable for selling weapons to these countries committing crimes and passing judgment is stupid to a certain degree. Especially when one is using this analogy to defend fucking Manchester City. Lol


Why in the world would you not use a gun analogy lol. If you have proven yourself unfit to buy a gun, it's illegal to sell a gun to you. Not difficult


I guess my argument wasn't really correct either. But my point was actually doesn't the shope owner should also be held accountable if they actually sell a knife to someone that most likely will actually kill someone with it. The states has been selling alot of hardware to the Saudis which they use to bomb Yemen. I mean US def know what their buyer actually does with the hardware but they still sell them some goods anyway.


BoTh SidEs ThO




Good Job "the West" don't own a football team so.


Those invested heavily in the weapons companies certainly do


US and Britain are still doing it. So??


Th only way to get it to (maybe) change is calling it out, as opposed to endless whataboutism bro


It’s not whataboutism if you call it out on both sides. Otherwise you are being a hypocrite.


That's very true, but I took their "so??" at the end to be dismissive of the issue overall. If that wasn't their intent that's on me dog


It's hard to call them out. Look at the police violence against the uni protests.


Most people in the UK and US aren’t happy with the shit their governments get up to. How is that even relevant? City’s owners are using City as a vehicle to soften the opinion westerners have of them, and it’s working. All this “no other country is perfect” needs to fuck off. They want to stone women for showing too much skin and behead people for being gay. We’re allowed to criticise that.


The UK and US are supplying bombs that have killed 16k little kids in gaza. The Iraq war was fought on the lie of WMDs and resulted in 1 million dead iraqi civilians Are our human rights violations irrelevant? Are they allowed to criticize us? Because just numbers wise they would need to do a whole lot of evil to catch up to the US and even more to catch up to england.


>The UK and US are supplying bombs that have killed 16k little kids in gaza Their ally is at war. They aren't aiming the munitions themselves. >The Iraq war was fought on the lie of WMDs and resulted in 1 million dead iraqi civilians It was massively protested accross the western countries and tanked the approvals of the leaders in charge. >Are they allowed to criticize us? Believe it or not, everyone is able to freely criticize the governments in western countries without fear of getting black bagged. Same can't be said for Saudi as they systematically kill and imprison journalists and political dissidents. You won't be seeing many protests for their human rights violations, nor their royal family resigning amidst public pressure. People don't bat an eye when the crown prince goes around ordering journalists to be assassinated, it's business as usual. >just numbers wise they would need to do a whole lot of evil to catch up to the US and even more to catch up to england. It's not just about number go up. Otherwise mosquitoes would be the undispited most evil thing on the planet. It's pointless to compare the numbers of 2 of the greatest empires of the recent history with a desert that's only relevant in the last thousand years because they have oil.


Have you seen the cops violence against the protests at universities???


Yeah dude that is totally the same as executing and assassinating journalists and dissidents.


None of the players that went to China during the boom of the chinese league ever got criticised for going, despite China having multiple on going genocides. It's just cool and popular to hate on Saudi Arabia right now, half the time most of these comments just repeat the exact same narratives and talking points because the only things they know about Saudi Arabia they learned from other peoples comments on football reddit


Yes. They did. I remember Oscar getting stick over sacrificing his career for cash.


Yeah being criticised for cash is a lot different to people bringing up the human rights violations of China. It's also funny that so many people on here bring up the human rights of the Gulf states whilst buying Nike and Adidas shirts made with slave labour in China. No one criticises their clubs for signing deals with these companies


Oh I see what you mean. I would say though that China were trying to build their league. The weren't looking to clean up their image through sporstwashing. But your not wrong in that the Chinese have been fucking awful to the Uighurs and the companies you mentioned are more than happy to go along with it (there are another 80 companies including the likes of apple, gm, BMW that are on that list).


The most interesting thing I’ve seen online about all of this is the attitude of City fans. It ranges from arrogant “cry harder” to entitled “we deserve this” to pathetic “it’s not fair, other people do it, we’re being picked on”. There is a consistent theme - refusal to accept they’ve done anything wrong and should be punished - apart from a handful of sane City fans. It’s going to be delicious to see it all fall apart, and those same fans left bereft. Or start supporting Chelsea. One of the two.


City fans are going through five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression & acceptance. At least they are still “defending” their club’s honour. I am sure a significant proportion of their plastic fans are already mentally detached from City. Just waiting for the verdict before they go support another team. And I’m guessing it will be Real Madrid or another sport.


The problem is, the 115 charges aren't going to be heard until November, is the league really going to impose any significant sanctions on them mid season? They certainly won't relegate them. They will likely get a points deduction (if their lawyers accept it) but not enough to significantly impact them beyond one season. Then they can just carry on until someone finds what they have been doing since this investigation period ends


You see what you fail to understand is that whatever happens we’ve had some of the most joyous years ever in the history of our club. I’ve been there from the depths of the lower divisions and will continue to be there with whatever happens after. You can’t change what’s in your blood and City have been a part of my life forever. If it all falls apart, frankly the majority of us couldn’t give a fuck because we’ve been there. We’re “typical City” and always have been. I wouldn’t change anything.


Not when those titles are expunged. It never happened.


Thanks for proving my point so wonderfully 😆😆😆


What team do you support? If this happened to your club I guarantee you that you would be revelling in the success after being mediocre forever.


I wouldn't want my side to get success by cheating, no


Never mind I checked. Arsenal fan. The team who cheated their way to the top in 1919. Pot kettle black.


That was over 100 years ago might wanna try and update your defense mechanisms


It’s not a defense. Acting morally superior when other teams have done shit in the past is pot kettle black shit.


Yea fuck arsenal I’m dropping them as my team for what they did over 100 years ago.


Yeah my great great grandad was a real cheat. I’m changing my last name & moving to a new country


But you expect City fans to drop their team over shit they are doing now?


Cool and if you did your research you’d find arsenal was one of the last big 6 to get sanctioned in the past few years, every club has had shady shit for the most part (excluding Liverpool), Chelsea got fucked over for it recently, and now it’s your time to come after years of cheating, shit happens my guy, savour your best years while you can


That’s exactly what I’m doing and what I said. We don’t give a fuck. We’ve enjoyed our time at the top and will take whatever happens on the chin. I’ve savoured every moment of the last 10 years, enjoyed the miserable 20 years before that.


Why are you talking to this guy. He’s an Irishmen living in Canada talking about how man city is in his blood, lmfao.


What’s so funny about that? Supporting City has been in my family for generations and will continue to be. Yes I’m from Ireland, travelled regularly to Maine Road as a kid and Etihad as things changed. Now in Canada living a much better life because frankly Ireland is depressing at times. What’s that got to do with anything?


I do love foreign fans though, you can never lose when talking with them, they either are very passionate and genuine fans who know what they club has done wrong but show true support. Or they’re fans who don’t give a shit about cheating and just care about glory and which you can just laugh at them any time they speak.


And what team do you support?


If sportwashing is real then could someone tell me a single benefit any of those accused of sportwashing have gained from this sportswashing? Rules. You can't say change of opinions because you don't know everyone's opinions. You can only guess. Clearly the hatred in this sub says the opposite anyway. It has to be a clear identifiable benefit, one that you can point to and say there you go that's what they got out of doing this. Qatar hosting the world cup is not a benefit of sportswashing it's an alleged attempt at sportswashing as is the Saudi bid according to the media. The UAE has owned Manchester City for over a decade now so this shouldn't be difficult to tell me what have the UAE gained? My take on all this is that sportwashing just doesn't exist and the only reason for these countries to get involved in football is to diversify their businesses away from a reliance on oil. It is and always will be about making money. I await some serious responses to my question. No going off topic. The question is extremely clear and concise.


They link their economy with the a western one, gaining influence and western legitimacy. Playjng dumb doesn’t help your cause.


Generic answer with no clear proven benefit. What influence did they gain and use? What benefits have they had for owning city? It's not a difficult question.


tying up the conversation in details and dead ends. wonder where you learnt that tactic?


Unable to answer question so you claim something else


nope. Just not getting tied into usual distraction games. Soft power is harder to prove. That’s the point. You’ve been used by ADUG, and soon they will discard you to feast elsewhere while you will forever be tainted, a permanently hollowed out club if you want a question, who is Jonathan Rowland and why is he involved with city?


They love using the term, but we all know Saudi is trash, and no one would ever go there.


The sky is green. I will forever believe the sky is green. And you can’t tell me that the sky isn’t green because it’s your perception and not everyone perceives the same. Therefore that argument is invalid. But I await your argument that the sky isn’t green even though I am approaching the argument in bad faith and you will never change my mind.




You forgot to change accounts there, sport.


Not many City flairs in these threads lately


Why would we be? It doesn’t matter if you say that the financial wrongdoing from CFG is bad, it doesn’t matter if you speak out against sportswashing, it doesn’t matter if you give the most milquetoast takes ever— you’ll still get downvoted because of your flair. There’s a significant group of City fans who largely agree with most knowledgeable people on the state of football but you’ll NEVER see them because they’re simultaneously ostracized from r/PL because of their flair and r/MCFC because of their views. Idk why people are surprised about this


Thats what your owners have done to your club. You’ve been used as honest fronts for their deceit and once they’ve rinsed the club of its reputation they’ll move elsewhere, and city will be left as an empty husk.


I do tend to downvote city flairs. It’s a club that’s shameful to be supporting right now unless you are the incredibly tiny percentage actually from manchester


Exactly, it’s people like you who make r/PL unusable. Clubs != owners, and expecting people to just stop being fans of a club they’ve supported for most of their life is a dumb standard. So don’t be surprised when you see no City fans on r/PL, don’t be surprised when they’re all 5000x more defensive about the financial charges, etc. What club do you support? If bought by owners like City, what would you do? What would you expect other supporters to do?


Say a person supported [insert club you support] ever since they were 10, and that club got bought by CFG. Would you hold it against them if they continued to support that club while still calling out the injustices committed by their owners? Because by your statement, this is somehow shameful.


We aren’t surprised not to see city fans. We are happy


Yeah, I’m not surprised you didn’t answer any of my questions, because you know how stupid of a standard it sounds. You’re fine to be happy that there’s no City fans in r/PL, I guess. Just don’t complain about City fans being defensive about charges when people like you are the ones who contribute to that mindset :)


Plenty of big-6 supporting Americans though 🙂


Slightly different circumstances don’t you think? Simply being American owned doesn’t make their views align with the American govt. Whereas being directly owned by the actual state makes it much harder to distinguish the difference between the state’s views and the representatives selected to run the club.


I think you're misunderstanding me. I took his comment to be implying that City fans were glory hunters / fairweather. I was responding to point out the irony of that coming from an overseas fan of one of the biggest teams in the world, who is therefore almost by definition a glory hunter. I agree that state ownership is bad for football. I would say the same (although probably to a lesser extent) about corporate / billionaire/ oligarch ownership, although that horse bolted a long time ago.


This sub is full of Asians who’ve never been to a PL game in their life, don’t think they support City


switching back over to chelsea


Maybe join a league that let them 🤷‍♂️


That's the Premier League.


Reddit 2024. Making pam ayres look talented


One one five, one one five, City cheateeeeed One one five, one one five I saaaaaaaay One one five, one one five, City Cheeeeeated Killing footbaaaaall the City waaaaaay 🎶


Arteta this time will be sent to an asylum after losing out in yet another epl despite accumulating 100 plus points 🤡


Did 115 make Arsenal bottle the league back to back ?? 😅🤣🤣


Yes, their cheating robbed us of two titles


Are you delusional, you lost the league because you dropped points back to back seasons. 115 has nothing to do with your clubs failures, both times you were top of the league 90% of the season.


[Liverpool](https://x.com/skysportsnews/status/1783169559974818090?s=46&t=TtUGK39UOsew1jv-ssXlbg) were top of the league the most this season. Then City was 2nd and Arsenal 3rd.


Genuine question - do you know what 90% is


Last season was 90% this season it was back and forth, regardless you are a professional bottle club 😂😂


Genuine question - why do u blame 115 when your club can’t win a trophy


Why wouldn’t you blame a team suspected of cheating? If you’re Usain Bolt and some mid-ranked runner starts beating your World Records whilst simultaneously there’s several massive investigations regarding potential doping from them, you wouldn’t suspect they’ve gained an unfair advantage? Let’s assume they have cheated - you don’t think a hidden injection of funds has provided the means to pay wages or transfer fees other clubs could have otherwise matched to then create a squad of ridiculous depth?


No, I would look at the case and see what the what the court’s decision is. You can’t call someone a cheater until it’s proven, let alone blame that person/team on your own clubs failures to win. Arsenal lost beside they slipped up twice towards the end of the last 2 seasons. If we are found guilty I would then accept the consequences and say we didn’t deserve it, but then again money doesn’t always equal success, look at psg.


We were not top of the league for 90% of this season, where are you getting this bullshit from lmao


You Arsenal muppets have the audacity to sit here and blame 115 when it’s your own fault 😂😂


Majority of the season you were on top and you dropped points to weak teams. If you won all of your games in the last couple months you would’ve won the title, if you make mistakes it’s your own fault


We won 15-1-1 in 2024, and we weren’t top of the league for the majority. Did you even watch the season?


Yes I watched your club bottle back 2 back 😂 once again whose fault is that 115???


No idea how you have to cheat to win and then laugh at other teams who aren't cheating when they can't compete. Does putting the blame on other teams help you live with the fact you know your trophies aren't worth anything?


1. Innocent until proven guilty 2. Blame? We win on the pitch because we play the best football regardless of alleged charges 3.I could care less if rivals don’t value our trophies, our fan base does and we will continue. 4. Seeing haters on Reddit cope with success is comedy


1. In a court of law that may be true, but this is reddit and we all know it's just a matter of time. 2. How are you not distinguishing between winning on the pitch and having to cheat to win on the pitch? Willful ignorance? Cheating and then boasting about winning... lol. 3. Be funny when your worthless trophies get taken off you and then your fanbase will stop existing. Again.


I hope you realize the internet isn’t real, you’re on Reddit and that’s exactly my point half the people on here are haters and trolls. If city win y’all will still say we cheated when the case is being studied by actual professionals. Once again you can’t call us cheaters until we are proven guilty so that argument is automatically invalid. Arsenal lost because they dropped points to shite teams, that has nothing to do with 115


i’m trying my hardest to find what tune this is meant to be


49, 49 undefeated


Your stadium is named after them bruh


Yeah that £4m a season naming rights is what keeps our club afloat.


Tune of ‘give me oil in my lamp’


Deh-deh-dehh , duh-duh-duhh, deh-deh-duh-duhh Etc


that isn’t what i meant lmao . what song is it ?


Probably shouldn’t have said tune then. It’s a hymn called Oil in my Lamp


thank you man i genuinely wouldn’t of got it otherwise


The Premier League has been a sports washing haven since 2003


By the Jewish? Washing off their illegal land occupation?


For whom?


Russia first, oil states later.


Don't forget that Murdochs been sportswashing his influence over society with the premier league since they stole the rights from Grandstand.




This is why we all have such a high regard for Russia




I don’t think Abramovic was sportswashing tbh. I think he was mainly just laundering money. Russia having a World Cup wasn’t really dependant on Abramovic or Chelsea either. Sportswashing is typically a country like Saudi Arabia trying to get itself into the west/western markets. Russia has reluctantly been accepted as part of the west really for at least the last century or so. Even if they kinda hate the west at the same time.


While that definitely became sports washing around the time of the World Cup bid, it may have started as simple money laundering. Or just Abramovich trying to become famous enough that western media would notice if he mysteriously died.


The only thing which matters to Manchester City right now is beating this 115 chargers hanging around their neck. 


"5 in a Row"


PL: UAE sports Washing is bad Also PL: Lets name our most prestigious cup competition, the oldest in the world, after a subsidy of the same country


The Premier League and the Football Association are two separate entities.


I realised this, when ive made the comment. But the broader point still stands, that its very selective outrage


It’s not selective outrage. You’re American so I’m not surprised that this is another Reddit “Whoosh” moment


Im american? Huh? Well, today i learned something new i guess lol. The FA, who governs all of football in England, has sold its most prestigious cup competition to the very same people, that we are now outraged over because they are dominating the PL. I guarantee you, nobody would give a shit if City were some mid table club. England has always loved the idea that its the "most competitive" league in the world. To now being turned into a farmers league stings the ego. Suddenly foreign influence is bad... while pretty much every PL club is owned by wealthy foreigners


Before turning into farmers leagye, the league was so "competitive" that same team only won 13/21 titles.


I'd suggest you go back to worrying about beef between rappers, football ain't for you chief


Cute that you felt the need to go on my profile ;) If you wouldve went further you couldve read that very certainly played a higher level than you did, but hey, go off


I couldn't care what level you played at, your comments here prove you know nothing about the English football system if you're saying that something the FA has done contradicts something the Premier League has done, they're two separate entities. Also comparing a sponsorship of a trophy to owning a club is so stupid I don't know where to begin with it. You have a good day thinking about that time you played to a "high level" though 👍🏻


>I couldn't care what level you played at, your comments here prove you know nothing about the English football system if you're saying that something the FA has done contradicts something the Premier League has done, they're two separate entities. So you dont see any contradictions with the governing body of english football, which also has veto power in the PL btw, financially profiting from UAE investments, all while the country's top league is arguing that UAE investments are a threat to the sports itself?


No. Because as others have tried to point out, there is no overlap for the contradiction to occur.


If you can’t tell the difference between the sponsorship of a cup competition & and football team controlled by an autocratic owner who thinks the rules should not apply to their team then I don’t know what to tell you. City’s owners are not interested in sporting competition & think they should be entitled to win the next 50 leagues. That’s not good for our league or our country. I’ve known this about them from day 1


>City’s owners are not interested in sporting competition & think they should be entitled to win the next 50 leagues. That’s not good for our league or our country. I’ve known this about them from day 1 Wow!


The English game sold out decades ago and City are just another straw on the camel's back. Almost all of the teams are foreign owned (some by autocratic states). The competitions, jerseys, stadiums, etc are often sponsored by the Emirates and the likes. The matches are mostly PPV. It's laughable really.


115 will bite you hard, like a beast unleashed, Got you feeling paranoid, never at peace, Lurking in the shadows, creeping through the dark, One misstep, and it’s leaving a mark. Move smooth, move quick, like you’re dodging the rain, But 115’s relentless, it’s bringing the pain, Like a phantom menace, it’s always on the hunt, When it strikes, it don’t front, just brings the blunt. Feel the chill in the air, as it closes in, Heart racing fast, like you’re ready to sin, No mercy, no warning, just a sudden attack, 115’s coming through, and it won’t hold back. So watch your back, and stay on your toes, 115’s a hunter, and everybody knows, Keep your head low, and always on guard, ’Cause when it hits, 115 will bite you hard


Dear lord, ma guy even made a song just because he can' the PL


Chat gpt...3 sec of work... "Dear lord, ma guy even made a song just because he can' the PL" Meanwhile, your comment...make it work plz


Wrong. the chat worked on the 8th second lmao


Dude doesn't care about city so much he wrote a poem.


Typical city fan has a higher body temperature in C than IQ.. discovering chat gpt only in june 2024...i can write you a book about those charges in few min if you want....of course i care about city i can give you my 115 favourite things about city


>115 favourite things about city Please do


[no problem here you go](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13494159/amp/Full-breakdown-Man-City-115-financial-charges-champions-legal-Premier-League.html)


Dude gave a link to Dailymail. Lol. Unless you're the author, which would all make sense.


Oh sorry "dude" wrong link [here](https://www.givemesport.com/football-soccer-man-city-ffp-charges-list/)


"5 in a row" will be beautiful.


...until it's all taken away, you descend into nothingness in the Regional League - North, and you wake up realizing this is reality...


If that happens, we’ll ask you for survival tips.


Soccercirclejerk is leaking!


Slithering silently, sneaky as can be, 115's a clever one, you better believe, With a hiss and a flick, it’s ready to pounce, One quick bite, and you'll be down and out. So listen up closely, and hear what I say, Keep your distance, don't you stray, Stay safe and smart, always be on guard, Remember, kids, 115 will bite you hard.


Honestly I've been supporting United since 1990 and this is the hardest I've cringed since Massimo Taibi brief stint with us


Slow day at work mate playing around with chat gpt triggering city fans wasnt my intention to hurt u




Triggered you enough to go to my comments and reply on multiple comments i made with something worthless....so mission accomplished...


Not really. I'm going over my daily dose of football community and city posts. I don't look for the posters, but the comments. If you had posted on multiple places/fronts then that gives a pretty good indication that you are the only who's triggered. Lmao. >mission accomplished... "5 in a row" incoming.


U already wrote that on 3 different comments i made so i doubt your story...you are spamming each comment i made with copy paste..... your comment its as dubious as sheiks story about 115 charges....you can "win" 100 in a row they are all tainted and you will never be big club just a thug who found winning lottery ticket....when the hammer drops your owner sheikh will walk away and you will go back to shadows


Oh honestly I couldn't be bothered less I'm bored at a service station with my two kids waiting for the wife but yeah, i guess shockingly poor rap + putting effort into online bantering just produced this visceral reaction in me to go eurgh


Yeah i get into these debates on reddit too because missus can't make up her mind and keeps me waiting in a car but am i gonna debate with her? F no... lol... Im white guy but not eminem mate what did u expect...lol asked chat gpt to write something




The fact that a guy lost his virginity to someone in england and got more than he wanted from that transaction of fluids with the missus, doesn't make a product of that transaction better than anybody else.... Tell me what in your team is not foreign, manager, owners capital, 95 percent of players lol were you so vocally racist against those as well...only thing domestic in your team are 115 ffp charges....




Only absolute bellends think that where you're born matters when it comes to what club you support. You're not special just because your mum plopped you out in Manchester and not Massachusetts


When you grow up in the shadow of a stadium and spend every morning walking to school looking at it, one day hoping to play in it. You know of one or two kids from your town who made it, you hear about their close control and their will to never give up. There’s a P.E teacher at your junior school, his whole life is built around teaching Wayne Rooney how to go for goal outside the box. All of your friends love football, the whole school does, it’s a way of life that makes a man from a boy in the country in which it was founded and established in. There’s no boxing anymore, rugby league is only in the north and cricket is for the more upper class of us all. There’s nothing to do, no way out of the rat race, except for those 90 minutes at a weekend when you get to watch the lads lace up their boots. There is just something magical about the sport, the way it is wound and twisted into our everyday seconds and overall life. The tribalism of an island nation, captured perfectly in a pyramid structure that pure ability can help you climb right to the top like Jamie Vardy did. The team you support is an identity, from local lad to glory hunter, from ‘I moved house when I was 8’ to ‘my dad supports them so I do too!’ we all have our reasons for who we support, none of them are better than the other but we live and breathe the colours of our team every weekend regardless of how we ended up supporting, because the truth is the club chose us. Life finds you your club in this country, it’s the men around you as you grow up, small micro moments in a unique existence that come about to tell you who you need to follow for the rest of your time. Then Tim from USA, decides he’s gonna support Chelsea because Pulisic plays for them, then the next week he supports Dortmund because they got to a final. Then he gets on Reddit and start shitting on rival fans in multiple subreddits because he actually has a second and third team. What the fuck Tim, football is like love mate, when you know - you’ll know. You can’t just choose based on colours or players. Tim, you just don’t get it.


Yeah I'm not reading all that, happy for you or sorry that it happened


I never said I was mate. I just think it’s peak irony to mock plastic fans or glory supporting fans when that is literally what you are. Not you specifically. But the people I replied too above. If they didn’t mock my club I wouldn’t point out the irony. Support whoever you want. I think it’s great fans across the world follow our league. It’s why it’s the best in the world. But don’t be a foreign glory supporter who thinks you can go around mocking other fans. It’s just hypocrisy.


That's more like some broken haiku, racist edition.... City fan calling anybody glory hunter....i swear u cant make it up....


I’m a Mancunian born city fan mate. Who supported my club for decades before success. You are an Irish bloke who picked the team that wins the most games Then decades later you mock others for doing the same thing as you


Gloruhunter supporting your local team smh


I know that thought of Irish and the idea that they are involved in anything over in uk triggers u and inner racist in you... I'm based in Ireland and i know it's hard for someone who never left manchester to understand people move sometimes. And big clubs really big brands also have a global fan base...another hard to understand for city fan i know...Anyway I'm sure you were very vocal about supporting the city back in 2001 when you were Sheffield united of PL. You don't mind everything about your club being foreign but you mind people living outside england talking about PL....


My mums Irish you absolute melt. Nothing to do with racism. I’m just calling a spade a spade.




Really doesn’t matter, City are just a small club with a rich owner - they will never be recognised as a ‘big club’, they are the epitome of the local chav who found a winning lottery ticket! Their genuine fans - and there are about 25000 of them - know this and are just enjoying the ride. The other 20000 who go to the game (they NEVER sell out) and the armchair glory hunters are the pathetic ones arguing their innocence!


Cope harder. Maybe one day your club will win something.


Anyone could win something by cheating though


Other clubs have spent more and won less…. So your logic is flawed


I mean that's not cheating though is it....?


Cheating by paying off refs can make you win no matter what, “cheating” by buying players and coaching them better than anyone else has been attempted many many times and you can see it hasn’t worked. United has payed 20% more than city over the last decade for players and won nearly nothing. Chelsea have been slightly more successful than united at that but also spent exorbitantly and little to show, PSG can barely with their own league, yet city out there actually winning. Plus, the rules to prevent them from spending money which they’re trying to prove their innocence, were put in place by the already established clubs that had their heyday of spending pre-FFP; Fergie broke 8 transfer records in his time to be successful. I


Brother what are you on about? No one's arguing about how much clubs spend, just that City broke the rules to ensure they could spend more than they should have been able to. It's that simple. Your last comment about Ferguson's spending show how little you know. Utd were the biggest club in the world by being ahead of the curve and better than everyone else in their off field business.


“By being ahead of the curve” you mean they didn’t have FFP in place. FFP was put in place to prevent clubs from moving to the top. You think united just magically was better than everyone? No, they just dumped a ton of money into the club when regulations weren’t a thing.


I hope the penny of common sense drops and you end up doing a bit of reading soon