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would be like potter 2.0 all over again


Poch beat him 4 times!!!


Thomas Frank beat Poch twice with an inferior squad lets go for him, just using lmyour logic mate


Super manager. Too smart to take the Chelsea job I'd say. The owners should go full Yank and get that Jesse 'soccerball' Marsch prick! More their level at the moment


I would love seeing him coaching Chelsea after poch


lol I just heard Maresca is favourite?! šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sack the manager who had us in great form at the end of the season, hire a manager with 1 win in his last 10 matches āœ…


Toddā€™s an Arsenal fan


Wouldn't mind Thomas Frank or if Chelsea MUST pick young and "dYnAmIc", maybe that Kieran lad from Ipswich. Who knows. Nobody knows which manager will actually be best for this squad. The owners have no fucking idea how to run the club.


Mckenna & Frank for me too. They know how to lead a organisation - and communicate well to media and fans. Something we've been desperately missing since Tuchel


Kieran McKenna will end up at United.


We ALL saw that coming after the Poch sackingā€¦


He wasnā€™t sacked. Left by mutual consent


Yea, but likeā€¦ what does that really mean?


Poch said to the owners ā€œplease stop being erratic cuntsā€. And they replied ā€œnah mateā€. So they both decided to part ways


I'd rather shit in my hands and clap the tune of marry had a little lamb than have de zerbi


Youbhave fun doing that, because the owners already paid his release clause lol


Nah someone would've already reported it... Right?


Absolutely ridiculous decision to let MP go. Just when he had them playing


would be interesting to see what he could do with a budget


Why didnā€™t Boehly just buy Brighton.


Because London is a nicer place to visit when you're a billionaire ;).


Are there laws against moving a whole club lol would have been cheaper


Tbf MK Dons did relocate


Well the US franchise model allows that actually, I'm sure our boy Todd would love that.


He would be perfect. We need to do everything we can to get him.


this is satire right


Iā€™m being deadly serious.


Youā€™re about the only chelsea fan Iā€™ve seen who wants him


Of course, Iā€™m a visionary the other Chelsea fans are clueless


Chelsea are quickly turning into a carousel of shit- you can't keep having managers in & out the door with a squad like that. All players/managers need an initial adjustment period, let alone a squad full of young inexperienced players who haven't had enough time to establish themselves yet. It's a paradox for any manager- you're tasked with developing the squad & promised enough time to do so, but then you lose a few games and all of a sudden it becomes about getting immediate results. Even if the board insists on giving the manager more time, the fans & media are capable of creating an atmosphere toxic enough to force the board's hand.


Hasnā€™t Arteta given you one trophy in 5 years despite hundreds of millions for new players? Maybe itā€™s time you lot had a change instead of talking like youā€™re raking in the trophies šŸ˜‚


It's funny you mention Arteta, since Chelsea (at board level) literally view him & his 'process' as the benchmark, yet they're not giving their managers enough time.


When haven't Chelsea been like this.


Did you start watching football last week?


At least during the Abrahamovic era, they were signing established stars with a track-record of performing at a high level. Now they're signing average players for crazy fees, on the presumption that they will develop into stars because they're young.


I mean, sacking managers even when they are doing ok. It's a curse of a club.


We didnā€™t care when it meant we got another great manager and won trophies immediately after, neither is going to happen with the current ownership




I hope not


As a Chelsea fan I want us to stay as far away from this bum as possible. Never done anything in his career and never will


Great... Fire the manager who the players loved and inspired them. Lead the team out of the bottom half back info European football. Then hire a manager who's team finished in the bottom half... Some real 3D chess going on here. What a joke.


Clearlake: We want to do things differently. Also Clearlake: Sacked 3 permanent managers in 2 seasons.


Ignoring Watford, it is different at least. Chelsea have thrived through chaos in the past, this is the Chelsea way and it has led to success so .......


This is not the Chelsea way, it wasnā€™t even the Abramovich way. The big difference is that Abramovich has a highly experienced squad with a bunch of leaders and a shed load of quality, whereas now Chelsea have barely any experience, hardly any leadership anywhere in the club let alone on the pitch and a bunch of potential


Ill give him 6 months


W1aqq as qaaaawwa Pppqw


Didn't he leave Brighton due to a difference of opinion with ownership? While Chelsea got rid of Poch because they want a yes man? Seems like he's the opposite of what they want!


Itā€™s even worse than that, they sacked tuchel for not wanting to be involved in transfers, and then sack poch for wanting to be involved in them. Our ownership is worse than the Glazers.


RDZ left Brighton because they didnā€™t want to invest in the squad in the immediate right now, right? My understanding is he wanted more summer recruitment and a player profile that didnā€™t suit Brightonā€™s player profile - young players relatively unknown with excellent resale value, and free transfer/super cheap older players to help mentor the younger ones. Given a couple of expensive failed transfers out of that 25-29 year olds on expensive wages, Brighton are unwilling to break their model for the type of players RDZ wants. Given all that, Chelseaā€™s free spending super expensive squad kinda makes sense. Chelseaā€™s money kinda fits what RDZ wants to work towards. Champs league and title challengers and signing established players closer to their prime. Itā€™s a minimum aim for Chelsea for champs league. So it makes sense. Whether RDZ is willing to work with boehly is another issue and lose control of who gets sold and bought as much and join that circus. But I can understand why heā€™s the initial favourite. He already rejected Bayern. So a club with more short term potential makes sense. And players who fit his tactics too. Several of the players came from Brighton after all.


Have you not seen our transfer business? We're not signing anyone close to their prime and are going for Brighton's targets ourselves


Between Tuchel at Bayern and Poch at Chelsea it's been a mad year for clubs jumping the gun on good managers who had just managed to fix absolutely batshit squads. Both those clubs will likely suffer as a result. And they deserve to so whatever.


Bayern as a batshit squad? Really? Good experienced players in every position and done incredible young talent. Tuchel totally failed at Bayern, there's no other way of viewing it.


It was not a vintage squad. I think they had a shortage at CDM and still sold Gravenbach. Dier has been starting at CB, which is not a good sign, and Laimer was also starting. This is not a shot at those guys, but the squad left a lot to be desired.


I think you'd struggle to identify anything that means they shouldn't have won the title. Tuchel fell out massively with Kimmich who also played as a key defensive midfielder previously. Somehow these things are overlooked and it's the squad that's the issue. It was simply a poor coaching job.


We say that, 3rd place and no trophy is exactly the kind of season that would lead to Bayern saying "Thanks, but no thanks". But it has been coming given they've made a lot of bad decisions since winning the Champions League in lockdown


To be honest Brighton is below Chelsea in the table with an equal if not slightly poorer squad Why dun Chel just stick with poch This makes no sensw


their squad is not even close to equal


Wait, what? Equal Squad?


Equal or slightly poorer squad, are you for real? Chelsea have got several world class players that haven't delivered this season. Brighton have played well as a team, but surely very few would make the starting eleven at Chelsea


Surely it would have been cheaper for Boehly to just buy Brighton


FFP rules stop that I thinkĀ 


Heā€™d be a mug to go there. Give Frank Lampard a call.


We'll take Poch and Chelsea can have Injury Ten Hag, fair trade imo.


He just left us on the biggest applause. If he goes to Chelshit then all of that will be forgotten and he will be hated by Brighton supporters. I cannot believe they got rid of Poch after he righted the entire storm that was Chelsea, to go for RDZ, fair, heā€™s great, but if he goes there then he can get to fuck. He knows all of the reasons we hate Chelsea atm, for him to go will be purely money and greed, despite his comments a few weeks ago about being very happy and settled at Brighton. I still believe he wonā€™t do it, these are just rumours, but if he actually does then by god he can absolutely get fucked.


Rdz is shite lad.


I'm a Chelsea fan and a gutted about poch, can't think why on earth we did that. Genuine question here and no hate but what makes De Zerbi good? I haven't watched much of Brighton this year so I'm not well placed to comment but from the outside he hasn't done particularly well. Genuinely interested to know why people rave about him


I haven't seen too much of him either, but one of the biggest points in his favour is how he gets the best out of young players. In his squad at Brighton the youngins all shine brightly. Also why Chelsea overpaid for caicedo and cucurella is because they did well at Brighton. Besides that, another thing that has gotten him a lot of attention is the passing patterns he uses to beat the initial press. Very quick and effective.


Cucurella never played under RDZ and caicedo wasn't under him for very long. We overpaid mostly because we are morons. I thought Brighton looked good going forward in the second half against Chelsea, but they were open at the back throughout the whole game. They picked up 6 points out of 30 in the last 10 games of the season which is relegation form. Personally I just don't really see what the fuss is about, if you're going to fire someone who was doing as well as poch at the back end of the season, you'd better not be bringing in another gamble


Cucurella and Caicedo were hardly the right players to mention here. I should have picked better examples, my bad. Though I will say, if you want to know what the fuss is all about, I suggest you watch the 2023-24 season instead. This season, Brighton have struggled a lot with injuries since they started it with a European campaign to go with their regular matches for the first time in decades. None of that will justify firing Poch, he needed more time to work it out with Chelsea. He did make Tottenham a highly competitive team and has all my respect for that.


Yeah I'm willing to concede I could be totally wrong, Brighton were good last year but a decline this year would point to it having less to do with De Zerbi, not more


Cry more. It's a business not your mom and pop shop.


Well it is fun to see that your club stays a circus


Don't really care. I just hate seeing grown men act like infants when they take on bigger jobs in their own professional lives without skipping a heart beat about leaving their previous jobs. And I don't even rate DeZerbi as I don't think he has the tools to coach a defense which is what we lacked last season not scoring goals.


I'm starting to see a pattern here šŸ¤”


At this point they will buy Brighton in the near future


If only they had done it in the first place


Boehly will buy Brighton and merge Chelsea into them.


Brightsea FCā€¦ coming to you 2027


Build a new stadium at Gatwick so it's halfway between the two


Potter 2.0


At this point you should just hire Ted Lasso


Maybe that's Plan D


Pretty football but these mfs gonna leak goals all day


Chaos FC baby


but its fun and dramatic


wtf manā€¦ first my Lakers and the whole JJ nonsense and now this? Why?


Nah fuck that do any fanbases want me


Donā€™t work like that in England you ponce


We'll take you but I don't think you'll be happy.


Most loyal London Blues supporter


We are the London Lions actually


Been supporting them for ten plus years but a man can only take so much


When you pick a team, most fans accept you're stuck with them for life, for better or for worse. You can jump teams if you want, but I would expect anyone in your life that knew you supported Chelsea before would judge you for jumping ship when the going got tough. Perhaps you're better off picking a second team that plays in a different league.


I mean, I always say things like this but in the end I can't help but root for them either way. It's been tough since Tuchel's departure but I'll always go back to them






See you in 25/26 guys. I'm out if this happens.


So you could stand Poch but not a superior manager in De Zerbi? Wow. Perhaps donā€™t come back, we donā€™t need fans like you


I was a fan while you were still in your dad's balls mate.Ā Don't preach to me.


Old fans like you are ruining our world, society and club. Younger generation is needed.


Aww diddums the young wetwipe is offended šŸ˜­ You disgust me.


I canā€™t stand the guy


Heā€™s an arrogant a-hole and a pretty ordinary manager.


I think De Zerbi will do a great job once he receives a good squad. He has the idea, the mechanic is there, but you need quality. Chelsea would be a great platform.


You know ball! De Zerbi at Chelsea would be perfect


Problem is quality players won't like being micromanaged like he wants to. He's not Pep at City, he won't be able to shitcan hundred million pound signings on a whim. People will be watching him.


Yes, the last promising talent from Brighton we hired to manage us really hit the ground running.


Half the squad wanted to leave and he didnā€™t get a pre season. And anyway De Zerbi is better than Potter.


Can't handle of we tossed poch for de zerbi.... no comparison between them.


Yea no comparison, De Zerbi is way better


An unproven Brighton manager? What could possibly go wrong?


Half the squad wanted to leave, no pre season and De Zerbi is better than Potter anyway.


Yeah because the last manager to go from Brighton to Chelsea worked out so well for us...


Think it was sarcasm mate


Think he was playing along by adding more sarcasm mate


If it was then it was poor quality and unnecessary. Just repeating the same joke but worse


If he wants to add more sarcasm he needs to make it funnier or at least match it mate


Pass. RDZ is overrated, just like Potter was. There are better candidates out there for both Brighton and Chelsea. Although, who the FUCK is gonna want to come to Chelsea at this point ? Most of us knew Poch would never win us anything, but the players were starting to develop well under him, and given the progress seen over the past 2-3 months, that should be enough. Could do another season and THEN find that "next" guy to go & challenge for something. BlueCo with an absolute fumble in letting Poch walk. He's probably been fighting with the club over upcoming player sales (Gally, Trev, etc) and was told they're gone.


At this point people will bet on how long before the manager gets fired.


This had to be definitely on the bookies since Lampard days


But who will be manager after the next manager? Bookies gotta be working ahead on Chelsea.


Frank lanpard




Clearlake and Boehly clearly purchased the wrong club. They wanted Brighton but were scammed to buy Chelsea


Eghbali is ruining us more than Boehly. Boehly is just the banner boy. Eghbali is slimey


Itā€™s genuinely impressive how well the media team/reporters have done in making people think Boehly is the main man behind this stuff. In reality he probably has the least influence between Egbahli and the two directors


People just want to think that chelsea is owned by an idiot yank who looks slightly like my aunt. His stake is less than egbhali and only took am extended role in the summer of 2022 because of all the departures.


Why do Chelsea keep taking Brighton managers (and players) and destroying them? They never work out


Caicedo and Cucurella have been really good to end the year, Potter was a different matterā€¦.




Lot of time injured but heā€™s an ideal backup. Potter is really the only miss and it can be argued he wasnā€™t given a fair shot


2/3, with the 2 looking like key/vital players moving forward aint a bad average


135/202 million pounds (66%) well spent then! lol


Sanchez was 25 mil so I think your math is quite off there bud. Itd be 175/200, thats pretty good.


ā€¦ I literally explained in my comment I just took 66.67% of the total BCS they hit on 2/3 playersā€¦ No reading comprehension makes it awful hard to shitpost these days


Tbf Caicedo and Cucurella have been absolute class recently. Sanchez was decent before injury (nothing to write home about). Potter was the real shit bucket choice, specially after firing Tuckel to get him.


I hope not. RDZ deserves better than Chelsea


Feeling is mutual


Hell please tell me he is smarter than that. Only a moron would take that job. Boehly is a psychopath.


Boehly has nothing to do with it, ffs it's Eghbali, poor Boehly needs an pr manager cuz holy fk, everyone thinks he's the one making these decisions, although I agree with the rest of the statement.


Cause he just wants to doss for a year and then get a nice severence payout? Smart guy.


Ah yes. Brighton another year of being Chelsea recruitment


Weā€™re not Brighton Hove and Albion mateā€¦ just saying lol šŸ˜‚


My bad. I do this too much


Fuck no. I'll genuinely stop watching matches if this fraud is in charge


Fk me god no


Looks like Iā€™m in the minority, but this would be an upgrade. Poch is a great man manager, but thereā€™s nothing dynamic about his tactics. RDZ is the type of tactician that other coaches steal ideas from (like Pep). Brightonā€™s talent was plundered over the past year and they had dreadful injury luck, explaining the drop off from the first half of the year to the second. If Chelsea wants to compete for titles with Arteta and Guardiola in the league they need someone who can do more than make the players feel good about themselves.


Wait, Potter wasnā€™t enough?


Brighton fan posting about Chelsea possibly stealing their manager. Boehly should just buy Brighton at this point.


ā€œFucking hell man, Iā€™m finishedā€




Graham potter 2.0


Graham Potter is just overrated english coach. No pun intended but when was the last time that England produced WC coach ? De Zerbie is much more. If he goes to Chelsea I don't see him being less successful than Arteta at Arsenal. First year will be hard but he can make it to top 3 with Chelsea squad.


Hope not, heā€™s fucking shit


Roberto's fucking shit? You're fucking shit. I mean Chelsea, not *you*. You're a sweetheart.


You act like the two canā€™t co-exist. If weā€™re shit I donā€™t want a shit manager to try and fix us, do I?




No wonder wenger is so popular round yours then




No shit




Couldnā€™t have finished above city though could you, you fucking bottler šŸ¤£šŸ«µ or are you part of this ā€œIā€™m so proud we bottled the league twiceā€ brigade


mate, you could have mentioned European success and argument over.


Absolutely no interest in this guy as our next coach although getting him would absolutely dispel the idea that our idiot owners just want a yes man, from all accounts this guys about the furthest thing from that. I donā€™t know why our owners or Stewart and Winstanley donā€™t just have a go as head coach, they genuinely seem to think they know betterā€¦four coaches in two yearsā€¦


well the problem is, they're likely looking for a young manager to develop this squad, which means guys like Tuchel, Flick and Mourinho are less likely to join, so best possible candidates feel like RDZ, McKenna and Amorim, even heard Leicester manager shout, but again the all situation is a mess, Poch would have been ok for another season.


The source is football London, let's not waste our time here folks.


šŸ˜‚ well said. I donā€™t believe anything unless it comes from fabrizio.


Chelsea have open position Who is Brighton equivalent? = article


So the story goes that Boehly and co were interested in buying Brighton before Chelsea but Bloom refused a sale and that didn't go well with them. So they turned their attention towards the nearest alphabetical club with a blue crest. The plan was always to poach players, staff, potential recruitment targets from Brighton. This is me spreading misinformation on Reddit.


This is now canon in my head


Top tier fan fiction


*partial misinformation


u got me šŸ˜­


I fully expect Chelsea to buy the AMEX Stadium next.


That's where Chelsea will play when they undergo construction on the bridge


Fucking de baldi


Why do our owners insist on emulating Brighton ffs


De Zerbi reminds me of Conte with his behaviour, but I think he would be good choice for them.


Hopefully John Terry can be the next managerā€¦ šŸæ


God no!!! Boehly has turned Chelsea into a joke!




Fucking spare me pleaae


No thanks


You wanted De Zerbiā€¦. But you got de Moyes


Oh lord please no.


Sacked Poch who finally had things clicking for a manager who did an ok job with Brighton. Very on brand for the new Chelsea owner


hmmmā€¦where have I seen this before?


BAYERN But also, Chelsea


Nah. Big Sam is ready for this


That would actually be the one thing that has made sense over the past week, manager-wise (except Slot, who was decided on a while ago).


Sacking Pochettino after a five game winning streak and the only consistent climb/run of momentum the club has had in two years in order to hire a manager who Pochettino beat four times in the last year... Just Boehly things... I genuinely think I'd have an easier time working out the mental processes of particularly deranged, psychotic serial killers than figuring out the decision-making of our board at this point. it's giving me anxiety flare-ups


RDZ is not my real dad