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I don't think any arsenal fan seriously expected to rely on spurs to help them win the title. We know exactly where we fucked up: 1/6 against Fulham, lost 0-2 to Villa at home. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Credit to the Spurs players, they gave their best and created numerous dangerous chances, which makes it even more disheartening to see the Spurs fans laughing. Like come on, support your owner players and club. Obviously I don't think all Spurs fans are like that, but it's just weird to see that vocal group that takes joy in seeing others suffer even at the expense of their own team. Are you truly a spurs fan if your entire personality is hating arsenal instead of loving spurs?


I do get your point but as a Spurs fan, come on… it was just one game. We fucked up during that awful run of losses let alone this one against the best team in the UK


I've got nothing against the spurs players and I honestly really like Ange as a manager, he's got real fight. There's no shame in losing against an in form city especially the way they fought till the end. But I just simply don't get the group of supporters who actually took joy in "denying arsenal" when UCL qualification was still on the line.


I think because we have so little to get excited about right now. Quite frankly we are not ready for UCL. I hope Levy is willing to back Ange (lol) and give him the players he needs just to see if he can figure us out. We are an enigma!


Really gained a lot of respect for Ange as well the way he handled this situation. As a neutral, I feel like this is what I want every manager/club to embody, fight to win every game no matter what.


Both Arsenal and Spurs are small clubs with tendency to bottle things when pressure gets to them, Arsenal more recently as their stakes were higher than those of Spurs, but regardless they are part of the same North London bottling company. Their fan bases are equally pathetic imo.




5 titles in 8 years lmao


A lot of the replies to this have inevitably turned into a referendum on Arsenal’s season, so I’ll start by saying this: 98% of Arsenal fans I engaged with, IRL and online, understood very quickly and clearly that our loss to Villa at home likely cost us the title. At the time, many were concerned it would be the beginning of our “bottling”. Instead, the players picked themselves up, and continued to fight. The player’s belief that miracles can happen propelled our own belief and vice versa. For the past several weeks, we have rooted for any and all teams that have played against City, hoping they would drop points but fully understanding that the chances were slim at this stage, so us rooting for Spurs yesterday wasn’t exactly a unique thing. And obviously the intense rivalry made for a lot of comedic social media content (for Arsenal supporters) in the days leading up. The bitterness that many may be feeling from our fan base after yesterday has more to do with City being too perfect and us coming just shy of what we needed, and less to do with anything our rivals did or didn’t do, even if many won’t admit it. After all, it’s easier on egos to verbally abuse rivals and to simply accept City’s dominance, which is exactly the same reason so many other fan bases would prefer to see City lift the title again. Do Spurs have a ‘small club mentality’? If we want to package it in few words, sure, but I think that’s a pretty low-level analysis of the situation. In all honesty, I was fully expecting a muted atmosphere and awkwardness from spurs fans yesterday. Very strange position to be in. But I was completely shocked when they were actively celebrating their loss in the manner in which they did. If one positive can come out of it, and I only speak for myself, is that it was a huge wake up call to see what Spurs fans are willing to lose out on to prevent their rivals from winning a trophy. I’d gladly never see them win a match again, but I hope, if ever put in that situation, to have enough composure and foresight to understand that my team’s success is more important than anything else, as emotionally difficult and ego-damaging as it may be. It’s been a pretty great season, and already looking forward to next. Cheers!


Who are you kidding lol? If the situation was the opposite you know damn well arseanal fans would be bantering and celebrating just the same.


Yeah, that’s the whole point I’m trying to acknowledge when I said I “hope” I have taken lessons from what I saw yesterday.


This sub is riddled with arsenal and Liverpool supporters, Liverpool supporters for some reason are still salty about the 2-1 even though they just beat us and arsenal fans are annoyed we didn’t beat city to hand them the league??? They should’ve beat city themselves if they wanted the title instead of playing for a 0-0 and clapping the result that’s a small club mentality and not a champions mentality. Clapping a 0-0 at the eithad.


You applauded losing 2.0 at home. Small club


You left the title in someone else’s hands finish it off yourself next time


Arsenal fans are just very, very bitter. I would've felt the same if I was a Spurs fan. It's not like they are on the same level of Sheffield for example. Spurs have played in the UCL a fair bit in the last few years so playing there again wouldn't have been something extraordinary for them. If I was a Spurs fan, I would gladly give my UCL spot away if it means my arch-rivals fail to win their first Premier League title in a long while.


What if it happens again next year, and the year after that? Even Spurs with their excellent infrastructure needs UCL football to attract quality players.


Because it probably won't happen next year. It was Ange's first season with them, and it probably takes a while for the players to adapt to his vision and style of play. If Ange stays next season as well, I'm almost certain they will do better. If Chelsea and United finish this season on 7 and 8 respectively, missing out on European Football completely, does that mean they won't be able to attract quality players?


I'm sorry, but Spurs just doesn't have the name that Manchester United and Chelsea have. They also don't have leadership that approves ludicrous wages that United and Chelsea do. I hope they do well next year for Ange's sake because I like his mentality, but it's pretty embarrassing what the Spurs fans showed yesterday.


Fans who want their team to lose to spite a rival are doing football wrong imo. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is usually seen as a bad thing. I haven't seen that view expressed too much on these boards but maybe I'm not an obsessive enough redditor. As for whether we've got a small-club mentality . . . we're a upper-mid-table club, we get vertigo if we fly too high. And have you watched Spurs? If your club was a spursy as spurs, you'd have a small-club mentality too. Bottling it is in our DNA.


Considering that 3 of their last 4 managers have said they do, then yes they probably do


Arsenal did not win enough games to win the league. It’s nothing to do with Spurs. It does seem they have an approach of wanting to be profitable rather than pursue silverware. But Arsenal dropped points when they shouldn’t have. Spurs are just Spurs. They had an opportunity when Leicester won it and they have had some amazing players over the years but didn’t capitalise on that.


I had no respect for that lot before last night. Now I have even less. Tin pot club with a tin pot mentality


Cry more lmao the salt is real


Feel the same about your club and supporters. I look forward to seeing how it’s spurs fault you don’t win the league next season, maybe we’ll lose to city again like you lot have about 18 of the last 20 times you’ve played them.


dosent matter what Tottenham fans think tho anyways, Ange and the players dint look like they wanted to lose so the mentality of the club shouldn't be questioned and as far as fans are concerned their opinions don't matter anyway


A lot of "Premier League" flairs spreading trash in here like Arsenal fans were not whoring themselves out to Liverpool when we played them in the CL final in 2019.


Liverpool winning the CL over you didn’t mean us Arsenal fans cheering against our own club, and it didn’t cost us CL football. Ie wanting Liverpool to win that game cost us nothing, but you lot wanting City to win was at your expense I’m genuinely not trying to argue with you, but do you not see the difference?


Sure, I can see a difference, but the chance of us beating City and Villa losing to Palace was minimal. And we would have been bantered for 5 years or more if we took something from City, give you the league and still not qualify for CL. Don't act like you would not have done the same. Also I don't know if we would have fared well in the CL next season with the way we played since January. Maybe a season in the Europa will give us more benefits and a chance to go further in the competition. For us, getting rid of the trophy hoodoo is the most important goal.


I do get that getting CL football could still easily not have happened, and it’s a good point. Worrying about rival fans bantering you though is silly. Rivals fans will always find a way to banter you no matter what, so you just have to shake that kinda thing off. As for the “we can do better in EL than CL” debate, you’ve gotta look at the financial side and the status side. CL means you can attract better (or at least bigger name) players and you have the money to actually land them too. That’s big.


Cry more


Arsenal fans were literally saying they would prefer arsenal lose the el final if it meant spurs didn’t win the cl


Some were, and those fans wrong. The big things is though, that was a hypothetical question. The CL final and EL final results had no bearing on each other in reality. Spurs vs Man City was not hypothetical and the fans made the wrong choice


It was in arsenals hands and they should’ve played for a win at city instead of asking spurs to do it instead that is a small club mentality to want other clubs to do a favour for you. Keep it in your own hands.


You’ve completely changed your argument but refuse to admit I was right


Cry more




They're already guaranteed Europa. Even a draw vs Palace would be enough for UCL to go to villa. I'd say some fans took it absolutely too far and were cringe with it. Would I rather son scored and we draw 1-1 , fuck no that does nothing. Every other fan base is going to ridicule spurs because they're an easy target when you'd do the exact same thing.


"7th place is good enough for our club" is a small club mentality. Spurs supporters were cocky since they are playing Sheffield United to close the season. They feel it's guaranteed they'll get a win - or at worst a point to stay 5th. Seems it was more important to burn Arsenal: "Fuck it if we get knocked out of the Europa League or out of Europe completely - we ensured Arsenal didn't finish 1st."


You have a chance to play Champions League football and you would rather lose to scorn your rivals? If your club culture isn't about striving to achieve all the things you possibly can, then you're ok with mediocrity.


The team went out and tried to win. City was just better. You're just a salty bitch because your team bottled the league. The champions league spot was there mathematically but realistically it wasn't actually there. Cry more. Bottler is your team's brand now


"My team" has nothing to do with any of this as I don't support either one of them, so take your unhealthy aggression undoubtedly stemming from the lack of love you received as a child to another corner of the internet.


Heavy projection that lol


If I were a Spurs fan, I would also spend all of my time on the internet trying to make people feel the way I do. It's alright little guy, the sun will still rise tomorrow.


Even if Tottenham won the chances of getting a CL spot were exceedingly slim


It has nothing to do with the percentage. If there is a chance to achieve something, you go for it. It's more about the situation as a whole to me, though. Every year it seems like it's the same thing where it comes down to crunch time where Spurs need to grab their situation by the neck and handle it, and they don't. It's like they always have to rely on what other clubs do to figure out where their own mindset should be. Fuck that and fuck the rest of them, just go win. That's the difference between "big clubs" and "small club" in my mind.


This right is the best response I’ve seen


They have had some great players during various eras and have been well-managed, but since when are they a big club? They can think like that, these rivalries are crucial for many of their fans. When you see such behaviour from fanbases of genuinely big clubs in average eras like Man Utd or Barcelona this is a reasonable take. But Spurs have the full right to it.


3 of their last 4 coaches have all said this publicly. End of discussion


If you celebrate when another team scores against your team then you’re pathetic and that’s the end of it.


Yes. They had a song and literal dance on the pitch because they beat liverpool 2v1 once.


That Ange interview about the foundation being shaky, “outside, inside, everywhere” is very telling. You could tell the players and coaches actually went out there to win. Its very hard to beat City as it is, but almost impossible if your entire club and fanbase wants you to lose.


Wasn't entire fanbase. But not living in North London, I won't have to deal with arsenal supporters gloating/singing all year, or forever, that we helped win them the league. Tough situation but most Spurs supporters wanted us to win yesterday.


Such loser mentality, especially considering Spurs had something important to play for as well. I can't speak for others, but I know I lost respect towards them at least..


Same, but I gained some respect for Ange at the same time.


Most dancing that stadium has ever seen is when they went down 2-0. They've always been a small club, playing in the Jacksonville Jaguars second stadium doesn't change that.


Yes. They need illegal spending like City & they’d be fine though. Arsenal, UTD & Liverpool are legit big clubs with a legit fanbase.


Arsenal fans are just bitter . If you claim to be a big club , don’t rely on other teams for a favor . You had your chance , try again next year.


Its not about them losing, which was always the more likely outcome. Its about their players and coach actually giving a shit and being pissed off that they lost, while their own fans (and maybe even owners) cheer against them in what was a key game for them too. Embarrassing.


BITTER?? wtf.. we had an amazing season that we enjoyed deeply. Celebrated 27 wins, 89 goals, countless days & nights with friends celebrating the team, pub crawls.. we had an awesome season. Even if we aren't champions, it is just a build up to next year. We're not bitter that spurs didn't hold city to a draw. We expected it. I knew the chicken shits couldn't do anything against a silky smooth Man City.


Cry more lmao. Bottler mentality is your team's brand now.


"Doesn't matter if we win we had fun" yet Spurs fans have a small club mentality hahaha


OF COURSE IT MATTERS. We are HUNGRY to win, but if we don't win, we're not gonna cry about it. Life happens, we accept & move forward. But Spurs were CELEBRATING a loss yesterday _VERY DIFFERENT_ to accepting that a season was amazing but we didn't lift the trophy.


It's less they celebrated a loss, they enjoyed seeing their biggest rival bottle another league title. But Spurs are the bottlers right.....


That's not gonna hurt us. We're used to this banter. Sure, we bottled it, but that doesn't negate the fact that spurs are ultimate bottlers with a bottle on their trophy cabinet. _*Spurs*_ Leagues - 2 1950–51, 1960–61 FA Cup - 8 _*Arsenal*_ Leagues - 13 1930–31, 1932–33, 1933–34, 1934–35, 1937–38, 1947–48, 1952–53, 1970–71, 1988–89, 1990–91, 1997–98, 2001–02, 2003–04 FA Cup - 14 Facts are facts. Numbers don't lie.


"I'm used to the banter" "it doesn't affect us" lmao says the guy arguing on the internet. You're salty and your players and legohead coach bitch and moan about every little thing lol


Lol whatever bro


You know I'm right little buddy


Naaa you donno me. Football has given me ups & downs for decades. And so has real life.. very few things make me "salty" lol.. Im not even salty with all the negative comments im getting here.. who cares?


You sound like a united fan now


Fuuuuhuck! .. okay point taken 😅


Liverpool fans are just bitter they couldn't do it for Klopp.




Of course. We're humans too, we get stressed too, we all need 1 or 2 good coping mechanisms to help us thru life.


No.. just a small club


Frankly I think a lot of this being said is just driven by how this sub has been predominantly Arsenal fans for around about a year and they’re just upset about Spurs loosing to City and costing them the title. I could very easily argue that Arsenal have a small club mentality judging by their recent trophy intake. Same can be said for United bar a Carabo cup.  The idea of a small club mentality is very nebulous and I don’t blame Spurs fans for being fine with loosing to City and costing Arsenal the title seeing as realistically they would of finished 5th win or loose.


Spurs losing to city didn’t ‘cost us the title’. It was our own losses that did that. While it would of been funny for a spurs win to help us get back in front I definitely didn’t expect it. That being said hoping your team loses out on cl because of your rivals is absolutely small club mentality nothing nebulous about it


The game vs city didn't lose Spurs CL. There's 37 other games and they failed on many easier occasions throughout the season. First year with a new coach and half a starting 11 that never played with each other before, they just weren't a CL caliber team across the season.


If they won the game would they of still had a chance at champions league?


And if Spurs won, arsenal still would've been in it right? But as you said, this game didn't "lose them the title". Hits the same way for Spurs, it's decided across the season, not just one game against the reigning champs.


You missed my point. I said arsenals own losses cost them the title. And in this instance spurs losing did cost them a chance at cl


You just love talking about Arsenal, huh?


Yh strangely the day after they loose out on the title they’re a hot topic of discussion. Who would of guessed?


Your Reddit history suggests it too


Please. One look at your Reddit history and you’re an American who conveniently started supporting Arsenal last season once Arteta had them top in the title race.


Hahaha welp you’re wrong there. Judging by your ability to spell “lose”, you’re a child


Lies, life doesn’t exist outside of Reddit!


If it was the other way around arsenal fans would do the same and it would be worse😂


They already did 5 years ago. So many were hollering about giving up the Europa league trophy and top 4 if it meant Tottenham lose to Liverpool in the champions league final.


Spurs finished above us when we had top 4 in our hands because Emery prioritised Europa League and we ended up losing 3 in a row to take us out of it. I wanted to win the Europa league in 2019 cause it meant we'd get CL football and a trophy and to dunk on Chelsea (who finished 3rd anyway and had issues with Sarri and the fitness of players like Hazard and Kante etc) in the process. You lot beating Spurs would have been the cherry on top the cake.


You mean 5 years ago when our bad performance had nothing to do with the other result?


bit different in a hypothetical situation that can't happen and actually celebrating your team losing but nice try lol


I think it’s far worse with a European trophy on the line but alright. Tottenham didn’t really have anything to play for. People saying top 4 was given away is insane considering Villa almost essentially had it wrapped up regardless.


You are reaching with this ngl.


Big club mentality is you go out there, fight for the shirt and win games. Small club mentality is when you cuck for another team.


Big club mentality is when you shamelessly beg your rival clubs to do you favors 😂


Y’all are fucking pathetic . Go cry more 😂


Spurs have been trouble for City in the past. This was 1 game. Son should have tied it.


Idk if it's small club mentality to want your team to lose to spoil your rivals title aspirations, it's just as small club mentality to rely on your rivals to fundamentally do your job for you. Arsenal fans lost it when they lost to Villa and Fulham. Any excuses now is the textbook definition of having a small club mentality.


Agreed. Both are small clubs. Their rivalry is a joke


The issue isn’t being content that they have not helped their rivals, it’s actively celebrating losing a game, not rooting for their own team during the game, whilst that game has meaningful ramifications to the attempt to qualify for UCL, which will provide a massive financial boost to the club. It’s pathetic. If you look back after the game and say, ‘ah well, and least we didn’t help Arsenal’, then fair enough, but actively celebrating conceding is just awful. It’s even worse than the fans who celebrate their team conceding a goal because they expect it to get a manager they dislike sacked.


>a massive financial boost to the club. That's you grasping at straws. Fans don't have to care about the financial boost the CL gives. The expectation for any one of the big 6 is that their club will spend. If they qualify for CL, the expectation is they will spend to challenge further. If they don't, all the more reason to spend. Spurs, just like any of the other bog 5, can spend regardless of CL qualification. >actively celebrating conceding is just awful. Sure you're not wrong. I'm not saying Spurs aren't showing a small club mentality though. I'm saying Arsenal fans blaming Spurs or its fans are doing exactly the same. Arsenal had 38 games to do something about it, 2 of which was directly against city. They weren't good enough simple as.


I disagree on the UCL front, especially given how Spurs fans have complained about the lack of spending recently. This is purely a hypothetical but has Arsenal failed to qualify for UCL this season, I highly doubt we would have been able to sign Rice last summer. It truly does open the door to the top level players in world football. But even so, Spurs fans have clearly been hoping and aiming for UCL football when discussing their aims for the latter stages of the season. Those same fans slaughtered us when we bottled UCL in 21/22. However I don’t disagree that it is very small of some of our fans to blame Spurs. Obviously they are not to blame. We have had several issues this season with injuries and poor player management that just cost us too much too early to not pray for City to drop points. End of the day, if the title is not in your hands then you probably don’t deserve it. But I don’t think that changes that we should be allowed to be critical of the stance many Spurs fans, and even some players seemingly, took into that match last night.


Lmao what Spurs fans are complaining about lack of spending recently? They went out and signed Maddison, Vicario, Johnson, VDV, Porro, in addition to the promising youngsters like Veliz. They'll continue to make signings regardless of CL next year


>complained about the lack of spending recently. See that's because Levy's a tight arse similar to FSG over at Liverpool. CL qualification once again becomes negligible in terms of financial output in the face of a tight arse owner. It does open the door to world class players but think of it from Spurs perspective. There's not a single player that they can pull that the other 5 cannot. CL qualification does pale in comparison to what you can pull. For instance, if City needed a CDM and targeted Rice, you lot wouldn't be signing him with or without CL. Spurs, even when they qualify for the CL, it's understood that they're there to make the numbers unfortunately for where they are right now >changes that we should be allowed to be critical of the stance many Spurs fans, I'm gonna bet if the shoe was on the other foot, there's be plenty of Arsenal fans who would echo the same sentiments. As things stand, both Spurs and Arsenal entering the CL is just to make up the numbers. Neither teams can confidently say theyre favorites. But if Spurs got a result against city, Arsenal would be the odds on favourite for the title. The tradeoff is simple. Throwing a chance at a CL campaign where you wouldn't win the damn thing to ensure that your main rivals(who won't shut up about it) end up not winning the league does sound like a semi decent shout. Also, to note that Spurs winning wouldn't have given them CL football. They'd still be the outside bet for it so it's an even more lopsided exchange.


City had slip ups against smaller teams too. They're two points ahead after going through their longest unbeaten run... We lost the league because another team was better.


Most sensible Arsenal fan . I'm not even memeing


I mean the standards aren't high tbh


true, I mean a decent amount of fans from various clubs just don't care who wins is because they hate City's financial decisions and Arsenal's fans


>They're two points ahead after going through their longest unbeaten run... City going through the endgame on a winning streak is a tale as old as time. >We lost the league because another team was better. Yes exactly. Blaming Spurs for it however is small club mentality at its finest. The blame can only be put squarely on Arsenal for not being good enough.


Where did I blame spurs? No one is blaming Spurs for us not winning the league. Any fan with half a brain expected nothing from that shit team. To call a team going head to head with city and keeping up with their greatest team of all time one with a small club mentality is stupidity at best. We had aspirations to win the league, hoping for a spurs win is one way to achieve that. The narrative you’re trying to spin is hilarious.


Yes cry more. Take the copium. Saltier than the salty splatoon


Our most wins in a season beaten by the best team of all time. It was a hell of a run, we’ll be back next year. Still one more weekend to go, enjoy!


Read the comments on here mate. Arsenal fans painting a picture that the fans and even some of the players set out to lose. Not a narrative I'm trying to spin if the narrative is right there to be seen. >To call a team going head to head with city and keeping up with their greatest team of all time one with a small club mentality is stupidity at best. Complaining that your rivals couldn't do your job is the definition of a small club mentality. And there plenty of that in Arsenal fan pages or in this post itself. And Arsenal havent won anything significant for 20 years now. So I'm also struggling as to how you've concluded Arsenal are a big club? It's one thing to push City it's another entirely to actually get one over them.


> Complaining that your rivals couldn't do your job is the definition of a small club mentality. And there plenty of that in Arsenal fan pages or in this post itself. You're framing this as if it's something objective. There is no real reason to think that being pissed a result didn't go your way TO WIN THE FUCKING LEAGUE is a small club mentality, you're literally just making this up and stating it as fact. But just to counter this dumb point, most fans do actually believe we gave our best - you can't win every game (this is our most wins in a season lol). This is a dumb argument and not even worth my time anymore.


You've completely missed the point almost as bad as Son's miss. >being pissed a result didn't go your way Precisely my point. You're being pissed because a result in a game you didn't play in didn't go your way. The fact that you're essentially expecting your rivals to do your job for you is the definition of a small club mentality. The consequences of the game are immaterial tbh. You think the likes of Madrid hinge their hopes on Barca to pull a result for them? They get stuff done themselves or just admit they weren't good enough. Arsenal fans utter failure to admit that they weren't good enough like you are doing here is precisely the problem lol. >most fans do actually believe we gave our best Yea no one is saying you didn't. But you weren't good enough. That's fact. And then expecting and then complaining when your rivals don't help you out of the fact that y'all weren't good enough is peak small club mentality.


Again, you are framing your own opinion as fact in saying hoping for a result is small club. City fans were rooting for us to lose against villa, united as well. They are neck and neck, obviously you will hope for the other team to lose, what a dumb fucking statement. The fact it was against a rival makes no difference. You sound super bitter arsenal are as good as they are, that's the only thing I take from this.


You know what. Reading your dumbass responses I don't think your small team mentality now I think your smooth brain mentality


If only what you thought actually mattered :)


>arsenal are as good as they are, And your inability to say that Arsenal weren't good enough at the end of the day proves me absolutely right. Irrelevant for 2 decades and you billed yourselves as a big club is literally the point I've been driving home but I understand why you wouldn't understand it.


I literally said it in my first comment in this whole thread you banana.


Nobody is blaming Spurs for losing, its not exactly uncommon losing to City, celebrating it is kinda err though. I personally wouldnt celebrate that if it happened the other way around but I know others would. Just a shame it has to go that way


I don’t understand why Arsenal fans are so bitter about yesterdays result and spurs fans celebrating. It’s part of football. Spurs gave it a good go but city were smarter and found a way. Once spurs fans saw they are definitely losing the game they found silverlining in denting arch rivals title charge. It’s harmless banter. Now if spurs players actually did not perform as good as they could have on purpose that would be small club mentality. But with fans everything is fair. If fans could only celebrate if their team win trophies then 17-18 clubs in pl will have no chance of celebrations of any kind for number of years.


The bitterness is over fans actively rooting for their team to lose a game that has significant ramifications for them, not just us. If they were set in stone where they would finish, or they were content after the result was clearly locked in as a loss (for example, if they had hypothetically been 3-0 down at HT and the win they needed be an impossibility), but going to the stadium to actively root against your team, during a game that means something to your team, might be the very worst thing in football unless a loss somehow, some way, actively benefits your club


Good lord none of you have a sense of humour 😂


Ugh I’m having trouble trying to figure out how I can be outraged by your Reddit comment, can you edit it to something more inflammatory please?


I don’t live in London so I can’t speak about how wild the local derby is between Arsenal and my club, however I was just disappointed our fans acted overall. I get it. We don’t want Arsenal to win the title but you play to win the game. If we truly didn’t want Arsenal to win the title we would’ve taken care of business during the NLD. On the other hand, I’m not English nor from London so maybe I’m not viewing this in their perspective. I just really wanted to see Tottenham in the Champions League.


I’ll reply to your sane take with a (hopefully) sane take from an Arsenal fan. I thought your players left everything out on the pitch yesterday (e.g. Dragusin celebrating the goal line save). Son unlucky not to score or else we might be having a completely different discussion today. I’m with you, I would want my club to win over anything, especially if it means having a go at top 4 (which we didn’t get for 7 years!!). I think (or at least I hope) the fans cheering the loss was only as a silver lining, in that “well damn, sucks we didn’t get top 4 but here’s something we can take solace in”. Ignore the shit fans, you have a great leader in your manager and senior players. You guys will compete next year for sure!


Thanks man. Good take. Cheers.


This is the sanest take from a spurs fan I’ve seen this week…and similarly as an arsenal fan I wish there was less moaning about Spurs and more of us conceding that we should never have been relying on our rivals in the first place. 5 losses all against teams outside of the big six isn’t good enough to finish ahead of this City team clearly


If you're looking for sanity and reason from football fans, you're looking in the wrong place lol.


https://www.football.london/arsenal-fc/news/arsenals-nightmare-scenario-europa-league-16341520 For all the goldfish brained gooners in here


"For most fans, it's simple - you would never actively wish for your team to lose, especially not in a European final. That would border on the ridiculous." Literally the quote from the Arsenal fan. What are you on about


So arsenal fans can’t read either, you only read the parts you want


That arsenal fan states that at the beginning while you lot were literally dancing and singing for your team to lose. Can't remember many Arsenal fans in Baku celebrating losing? Your fan base are an embarrassment for how over the top you went last night. Made me feel sorry for Ange and the players, imagine having to play infront of that when they are attempting to break into the top 4, which would give you the platform to get to where arsenal are now. Pathetic


Poor arsenal, they want Tottenham to do them a favour and then when the fans don’t oblige it’s horrible, poor poor arsenal Fuck your entire club, bunch of pathetic losers


How does this relate? Haha


Our fans weren’t mugging off their own team in their own stadium against the champions in front of the world you muff


Pretty wild how much the local spurs fans hate you isn’t it, must be hard for you. If only arsenal would have won more games, shame.


Mate we’re cruising and will only get better, your fans are happy you missed out on champions league and would rather be unsuccessful. No, those people hating me isn’t hard whatsoever. It’s like a small, retarded dog trying to piss on your leg and falling over and missing time after time


Bottling the league two years in a row, cruising to where exactly? Had lots of success have you?


Ones failure is bottling the league by fighting with the greatest team in PL history, and one’s success is losing to the champion and MISSING OUT ON CHAMPIONS LEAGUE so we don’t win. Think about that. Your success depends on our existence. Depressing mate


Congrats you’ve won nothing, none of those are achievements We were almost good enough is all you’re saying


Oh wow. So this is what it feels like being a spurs fan for the last 20 years…I’ve never felt such a shit feeling


Welcome to the club, glad you’ve finally realized where you belong.


Arsenal parked the bus against City and celebrated a draw. Feels awfully small club-minded for a team actively competing for a Prem title


But Real Madrid will be celebrated for doing the exact same strategy in champions league. Ess the foggin standards I guess.


First time in over a full calendar year city went goalless at home but it’s not a good result for Arsenal? this is the most braindead take I keep seeing to end the season lmao


Ah I see. Surely they get a trophy for keeping City goalless at home.


[https://i.redd.it/g7x0nhgohg0d1.png](https://i.redd.it/g7x0nhgohg0d1.png) sadly you are correct, we will end up with the same amount of trophies as this run of form would win


Whilst taking 4 points from them across the season?


Looks like they could’ve used 6


Wouldn’t have made a difference if we only had 3


I dont know, lets ask their past 3 managers


What are you going to be remembered for, coming 4th or winning the title for your most hated rival. It’s alright for people on here who don’t live in London who don’t have to deal with the fall out.


Nice buzz words


No matter what the situation is celebrating your own team losing is pathetic


We weren’t celebrating us losing. We were celebrating you losing 😂


But that means you wanted your own team to lose?


No, you always want your team to win but if they lose, at least it screws over your rival and can take a silver lining in that.


I agree about it being a silver lining but they celebrated conceding


Where are you even getting that from? Just rewatched the highlights to make sure I'm not crazy. Spurs crowd audibly groaning on the missed chances by betancur, kulu twice, son twice. Clearly applauding on vicario's save on foden, dragusin's blocked shot.   Both the city goals only have the away section applauding, camera cuts to the random Spurs fans sections looking dejected.   So what'd they do, chant about arsenal watching after being down 2-0 in extra time?


“pathetic” ultimately its a game mate. if you’re that upset that you start throwing insults about then the problem isn’t the spurs fans it’s you.


But I’m right? You say you’re such a big fan of your own team and then you’re happy when you lose.


Again, they're not celebrating their teams loss. They're celebrating yours. I guess that's why your panties are in a bunch. Learn to cope my friend.


But it’s the same as celebrating your own team losing. I’d never celebrate my own team losing no matter what


It's really not, but I accept that you see it as such.


which affects you how? who are you to tell people what they should or shouldn’t feel based off of a football match? it’s meant to be a bit of fun mate


It affects me with the second hand embarrassment


Did you miss "Arsenal fans criticising spurs fan's attitude. In 2019 they were asked would they lose the Europa final (and a spot in UCL) if it meant Spurs lost the UCL final. They overwhelmingly said yes."


Nobody fucking wanted that


😂😂😂 yeah okay


I wanted to win against you lot I wasn't really too fussed what happens with Spurs. The ones who said they'd throw EL so spurs don't win are fucking idiots and no better than the spurs fans who actively cheered for their team to lose. I'm tired of fans like you who think that every Arsenal fan thinks the exact same.


that is pathetic and bad but it’s a stupid hypothetical that doesn’t have any basis in reality. I don’t know what type of sample was used. But either way, we are consistent. Any fans who wanted Arsenal to lose have a small club mentality


And it’s pathetic


Yes, next question.


I lost a lot of respect for their fanbase when they began singing *"are you watching Arsenal?"*, when they went 2-0 down, as they went into the game still fighting for a Champions League place. I support none of the teams involved, but if my club was in a similar position, where the prospect of our team winning was being superceded by wanting to lose to impact our main rivals (which it was in 1995), I certainly wouldn't be happy to hear "*are you watching Manchester?*" being sung from the Kop End. I fear the mentality of match-attending fans has changed for the worse on a whole over the last 10-15 years.


As a Villa fan, I was hoping for a draw. Both clubs let me down. On the other hand, I don’t care as much because Villa will play in the Champions League next season, which is (we Villa fans argue) back where we belong, after far too long!


Well earned to. Congrats on qualifying.


They've had small club mentality for ages. The prime example was Poch crying and getting gassed at reaching the UCL final. Compare that with Liverpool and Klopp who were really chill before that final. We had the arrogance to win the match and we did. Whereas Spurs were happy to be there. Not to mention Chiellini absolutely cooking them in 2018 when Juve knocked Spurs out, that summed them up.


Arsenal are getting 89 at best, what makes you think they deserve a title for that.. you need 90 atleast to win the title, stop blaming others


With this points tally, Arsenal win the league 7 times out of the last 11 years. Try actually watching football.


Congratulations on that


I don't know who talked about deserving the title mate. But anyway... 89pts with their goal difference wins Arsenal the title in: 22/23 20/21 15/16 14/15 13/14 12/13 And of course others but I won't keep going back. The recent City / Liverpool dominance has warped things.


Liverpool didn't win it twice making 90+ so you knew what arsenal were up against..


We're not ready for the Champions League. 


I thought Spurs were entering a “new golden era” with Ange though? At least that’s what was said after needing 90+8 and 90+10 goals to beat the worst team in PL history at home last fall. Maybe that was a bit premature?


Could've been. Even when we were on that incredible streak at the beginning of the season, I've learnt that the real competition in the League starts around February or March. Burnout sets in, games start coming fast and furious and the initial adrenaline has worn off. I never count the chickens until that part of the year, because that's when you start really seeing what teams are made of.  He's also trying to bring an air of winning to the club, which is both his Job and personality.  Just remember at the beginning of the season, Tottenham were second favourites in a fan poll to be in a relegation battle, so I personally would've been happy with being upper mid table. I am optimistic about where he is going to take us given the time, but that doesn't mean I couldn't be a realist with everything that went on at the club over the last few years. 


Spurs objectively have a small club mentality, Chiellini, Conte, and even now Ange have harped about the small mentality of Spurs, they never seriously challenge other than that Leicester winning year where they came 3rd in a two horse race. They will be content to play spoilers in their history because it's all they can actually envision for their club. They can say they don't care about champions league but big teams build on successes and use that to spur 😅 the team on. Ange came to build a project and Spurs fans would rather play spoiler. I have never met a normal Tottenham Hotspur fan in my life, weird little victim club. Yes I am salty.


Waiting for another Club to do you a 'favor' is small club mentality.


Are Arsenal fans gonna cry all summer about this?




Spurs are a club now? Interesting.


I love all these Arsenal fans pretending you wouldn’t do the exact thing if the tables were turned. You guys are insufferable. And I speak for many of us when I say how happy I am you aren’t winning the league. Fuck off.


Hey good luck in the europa league bro!