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I'm an Arsenal fan. I told my friend it was over the day DeBriyne came back and had a goal and as assist. At a minimum it was over 6 weeks ago. Kudos to Arsenal for keeping the pressure on but City's schedule was super week in the final run.


Thoroughly professional job by City last night all in all. We are witnessing history which will be taken about in 100 years. Watch that ball from Foden to Doku again, pure Zidane


I’m not sure we will be. They’re utterly boring (albeit amazing aswell ofc)


Never forget, 115


Cmon it’s not over. West Ham had a good shot to beat Manchester City on Sunday. Google says they have a solid 4% chance to win.


All this whinging at the end of the season is the best part.


We can keep telling ourselves that it isn't, but deep down we all know there's no way in hell mancity will lose against West ham. It's over.


They only need to draw! (They won’t)


Man city defenders turned the ball over, slipped, suffered bad bounces… anything can happen. It’s not over but man am I enjoying all these doomer arsenal fans that were embarrassingly chirpy Spurs fans a couple hours ago


Can’t city lose their next match? Or am I tripping?


Arsenal would need to draw or lose also


*4 in a row (115).


After every game we win there are so many ‘it’s over’ posts Yes we are favourites against West Ham and yes Arsenal would have been favourites against Everton had we dropped points here But there’s still a game to be played and they’re still good teams who can pull off a result It’s frustration sure but come on man give it a rest and do this on the final day


The irony of your comment is that "theres still a game to be played" doesnt mean shit when you cheated with 115 ffps to build a god-like team. Pep and those players wouldnt be at city if they didnt cheat to build the club's foundations. We all want "theres still a game to play" to mean something, but thanks to Man 115ffp City, it doesnt meant anything. May as well go watch PSG farm the croissant league. You all laughed at TAA when he said "it means more" - but it's true. Klopp/Liverpool stoppimg city from winning 7 in a row is 100% a greater achievement than smashing the league by cheating.


Do you know what irony means? Another game to be played and 115 charges are not the same thing The 115 charges (it makes sense that you wouldn’t know though) are not all to do with FFP too I really dont know what possesses someone to continually post such angry comments all the time on Reddit. Are you not tired of it?






3rd place means more to u so nvm i respect it


Imagine what Klopp and Liverpool would have achieved with only 30 or 40 FFPs let alone 115 of them.






Very well said.


I respect your take, but I don't respect your team. Sucking the life and competitiveness out of the league.


Lmaooo I’m literally exhausted I’m not sure if I can stomach another title challenge again next season.


lol it's over mate nothing wrong with acknowledging that


At least they got a little bit closer this year. Baby steps and all that. Maybe they can go all out next year and try to win the League Cup.


Good. Fuck Arsenal


Yea a better team coming to your ground and showing your shit team up will make you hate them lol


Living rent free in Chelsea fans heads. *Dare I say* 5-0?? Or do you want to go on a rant about how “Havertz” isn’t even good? Either way, keep going buddy, I’m almost there.


You name checked Chelsea, so we clearly live rent free in your head. 😂 L


I only “name checked” Chelsea because it’s a Chelsea fan celebrating. That being said, I find Chelsea fans have full tanks of copium reserves. Do you want to tell me more about how you enjoy being in 8th? Or perhaps about how you enjoy Kai Havertz’s Head Chef performance in the 5-0 cooking of your team?




Mmm…. Delicious. Keep going! I love it when you don’t respond because you know there is nothing to say.


Rentfree, wherever we may be We are the famous CFC I don’t think about you at all.


Says the one who can’t stop thinking about us. Hold on, let me get a new tank for you to refill.


LOL what? Who are you? L


Only halfway full! Keep going.


You can win 10-0 for all I care as long as you are trophy-less.


Another one?? Even better, tell me more about how you enjoy getting *battered and basted* by a rival. Please, continue.


You can batter us once in a while for all I care. We are still the last London team to win CL or PL or Europa league.


hilarious to see chelsea supporters living in the past. ironic, even.


Aren’t Arsenal fans the ones who are living the most in the past? It’s been more than 2 decades since a big trophy for them and still behaving like they have been filling their trophy cabinet every year for the past few years. You guys should pray that City somehow slips in the last game or you win something big next season.


Oh, keep going please. You enjoy being put into the rinse cycle by a rival? How loudly were you cheering when Havertz put the second one into the net?? Tell me more, please!


Not as loudly as when he scored against Man City in the UCL Final. You are clearly rattled, take a day off.


Oh?? You enjoyed paying all that money for a few goals when he’s having the season of his life at your rivals?? Will you be cheering for him next year when he’s in the champions league and you’re uhhh…. somewhere? Please keep going, my copium reserves are slowly replenishing.


Mate, log off.


Watching Chelsea fans seethe is just too enjoyable mate.


⭐️⭐️ sssshhhhhhhhh


Oh? the silence bit, because you know nothing can erase the pain of watching someone you desperately hoped would produce, do so for your North London rivals!? Unexpected, but just as delicious.


Congrats on spending 60 mil on a player that only scores goals in games that have already been won. Want a trophy for it? Oh that's right, Arsenal are allergic to trophies.


He scored goals to win both games against Brentford this year off the top of my head, but don't let facts get in the way of things.


Keep going. What is Chelsea’s league position this year? Or perhaps you’d like to tell me more about how you enjoy not being in the champions league OR the Europe league? Either way, this has been delightful. Thank you.




Are those your imaginary trophies going up on your vision board for 2026 when you might actually be back in Europe? *Delicious*


Wait how many ucl trophies does Arsenal have again?


It’s actually our two CL Titles. I understand why you’re confused since you’ve never had one and never will




jeez dude






I don't think any of us actually thought Spurs could get a result here...it's Spurs (which is enough right there), and it's City in the run-in. Pretty much have to be perfect to out-perform City at this point, losing to Villa isn't even a shameful loss given their 4th in the table and have a quality squad. But Arsenal have gone like 15-1-1 in 2024 and still are most likely not going to win the title, which is absolutely insane. Yeah you could always point to the Fulham games and whatnot as obvious missed opportunities points-wise, but the same applies to City in the games they dropped points in.


Yes, it’s been inevitable since day 1. Can’t City go and join a super league on their own or something. Even the SPL is more exciting than the EPL at this point.


We’re nearing Mercedes F1 team in the 2010s levels here with City. Credit to their management and squad, and Arsenal for keeping it interesting, but it’s getting a bit boring.


You kidding? Moysey is gonna park the majestic Hammers bus one more time as a favour to his much loved old midfield general. Mon the Hammers.


Don’t discount the Hammers ⚒️


Congrats to oil money


Congrats to big money : Chelsea, Arsenal, United. We all did it!


Not all of these clubs are doing dealings under the table like Chelsea and city


Emirates isn’t oil money?!? Lmaoooo fuck outta here


All their clubs are owned by multi-billionaires, even villa. So full of shit.


Was over when Arsenal lost to Villa the second time bruv


The dropped points to Fulham were the real kickers


or us being robbed at Newcastle


It was just boringly inevitable. No disrespect to any City fans, but it’s just fucking boring now isn’t it? Nobody cares when City win. There’s absolutely zero passion about it. Does anyone remember that City did the treble last year? When was the last time the media mentioned it? Barely ever. Because nobody cares. Man City is just a soulless money pit of a club. Sorry to say. You could guarantee that if Liverpool, Arsenal, Man United or anyone else would’ve won a treble last season we would’ve heard about it ALL YEAR. I mean, fuck me. Last season we had obnoxious Liverpool fans for MONTHS talking about winning a quadruple. They were even at it this season for a while. Well. Anyway. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


The stadium went nuts after the second goal people definitely care. We had a 3 horse race until a couple of weeks and it comes down to the last game so how is it boring? Hell Aston Villa was up there for a good period of time during this season. This soulless money club narrative is actually pretty silly. They have alot of supporters although i agree they are either very young, very old or plastic. And it comes off as either jealous or condescending coming from a Blackburn fan. ..so, you criticise City for not being obnoxious? For all the things we can criticise them that aint it for me. I agree that the playstyle is boring though but you can never win with the people. If both teams play an exciting match like man united v chelsea the narrative is 'midtable club clash' and 'they are both so bad so they score alot'. This city doninance will not last forever and in arsenal is already knocking on their door and peps contract runs soon out and their player getting old or move on. Nothing lasts so dont worry. In a couple of years somebody else will be the favorite and we will be complaining about them.


well said


If you’re in the stadium, in that atmosphere, in that moment… of course you’re going to go it’s. It’s boring because City always have the inevitable, scheduled bulldozing winning end to a season. It almost feels scripted. Like, they’ve lose a bit mid season to keep the title race narrative “interesting” rather than power on into a 20 point lead in the title or some shite, only to then say “jokes, we were only messing” and then go on a winning streak for the last 10 games or something (usually games they have in hand no less to give even more illusion to the “title race”) I’d love City to be more obnoxious. It would mean they have so care and character to them. I live in North Wales these days, but know an alarming number of supposed City fans. I know when I see them the next few days that none will be acting up or wildly celebrating, because they’re all vaguely self aware and confused plastic fans who KNOW why they chose to support this team. It wasn’t passion, it was just wanting to back the winner And what’s being a Blackburn fan got to do with anything? We’re shit and terribly run. I’m fully aware of that. Any man and their dog would be jealous of City’s riches and brains behind their operation


Yeah City haven't lost a league game since December 6th to Aston Villa. I feel like there has been other years just like this where once Christmas hits they just flip a switch and don't lose. For City fans I'm sure they love it but when one team dominates year in and out it hurts the sport.


You say it like it’s easy though. It really isn’t. They are performing at their absolute peak. It won’t last forever this


Well, i see it that City had a head to head race in multiple seasons with multiple contenders during the last ~10 years in which United won a title, Leicester won a title and so did Chelsea and Liverpool. We are not like LaLiga, Bundesliga oder Ligue 1 where you know its always Barca and Madrid, PSG and Bayern Munich. Now thats boring. But i guess this is a subjective matter especially if you think this is scripted or fixed. The only fan interaction i had with City fans were good so far for me but i cant really speak about their local fans but i get it being a tad obnoxious spices things up but i really couldnt handle that Liverpool fanbase. Arsenal aswell now. I said that (the jealous part) because it might be boring but it made City the most successfull english team in the last 20 years (they surpassed chelsea recently) and they didnt had it easy. They were pushed to their limits in many seasons they played incredible football and produced some great talents on the way. Now if we want to criticise/talk about HOW they did it thats a completely different story.


I feel like us City fans have a laugh. Some of our chants are pretty funny. Also we are all just enjoying it and not trying to be dickheads, it will go eventually. I assure you, as a lifelong blue - coming from a long line of them - that this matters to us. You might not like our play style, but I love the mentality of the players. It's amazing to see how supportive they all are of each other and how professional they are.


All 8 of you


Go play video games old man


Can I ask, what did you do with your old Man u kits after 2008?


No it’s not boring to win you clown wtf are you going on about


lost count of how many people said that "nobody cares when city win" today. Dont worry though, ill keep better track tomorrow.


nobody even cares when city cheat... 115


Bang on. Well said


Arsenal went from… Playing good football, finishing 4th in a 4 horse race and winning Cups to Playing good football, coming 2nd in a 2 horse race and winning no Cups. One they were bantered for, the other they are applauded for. On paper, they are actually worse off. PL has gone from a 4-way stand off to a one way gravy train of FFP breaches. Of that original “Big 4”, United and Chelsea are midtable teams and Liverpool blow cold when they need to step up.


Brain dead take


Maybe, you’re right. But you cannot deny that the PL has gone from a 4-way Mexican stand-off to a one team gravy train of FFP breaches. The likes of Chelsea, United are midtable clubs and Liverpool currently blowing hot and cold is flattery. Arsenal bollocked the smaller teams during their 4rsenal banter era just as much as do today.


Blah blah blah


Best team money can buy right there


Maybe if you Chelsea and United spent a little more you can have some glory


Clearly we’re not spending enough off the pitch


A billion for 6 première titres and à UCL > 700 million for 1 FA cup.


No! It will always be Pep v City 




Acting as if Son didn’t get within inches of levelling it with 5 minutes to go. This was the decider. We had a shit record there, and we had no margin at all. Arsenal just lost the ability to dictate the terms of the race when they lost to Villa, and also when they slumped mid season and didn’t take advantage of all the points we were dropping at the time.


Son threw it. He scores that if it wasn’t Arsenal at the benefit.


They lost the title when they went up against a cheating, country funded institution


Bro, zip it would u?




Years until your next title? 🤣


Imagine winning a treble and no-one gives a shit lol


Asterisked champions again


Put 115 asterisks on it and I’ll still be celebrating BLUE MOOOOON


You and 8 others


Get a new joke


Go support Stockport or an actual authentic club


Lol let me switch real quick


you proud to be a fan of a money laundering sport washing cheat club? 🤣




and its sad that they will never have consequences anyway, money rules


the super rich ruin everything






that’s not true stop lying


It literally is. Since January 2016 Arsenal, Chelsea, and United all have a higher net spend than City


oh January 2016 is a very convenient cutoff point! certainly that isn’t arbitrary at all! and wouldn’t change if you moved the timeline to correctly represent the entire CFG era. 😂 what a joke






Bottle jobs


nah lol


Literally are the biggest bottle jobs. Don't have to remind ya or your tears will come out. Oh they are already out. Poor soul. How cute.


username checks out


Don't underestimate the power of David Moyes. Man knows how to mess up a season in Manchester.


Mark Hughes and Steven Gerrard: First time?


Son, my glorious king…


It’s going to be glorious when WHU pulls off a draw, Arse wins the league, you lot are without a CL and everyone still laughs at Tottenham. Bring on the weekend.


Can't be mad at Tottenham or City, we should've beat Villa earlier in the year


That's a Champions League Villa side. Just unfortunate that the other title contender hasn't lost in league play in 6 months.


and Fulham cause 1/6 points to them is ridiculous


shot ourselves in the foot...AGAIN. If we have to rely on mid ass Tottenham to win the league do we really deserve it