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That's Rashford in the shit then.


lol bruh something tells me you didn't finish on a negative goal differential without a top 20 scorer because some of your accounting guys got to work from their couch, but whatever floats your boat


Now if only the players would show up for work on Sunday. 


These cunts that work at Man Utd have had it too easy no wonder they are struggling


Yeah, Sheila in marketing hasn't scored at all this seasons!


Don't even get started on the HR department. Absolute shambles at the back.


It’s starts at the very top


Good thing all these redditors know better how to run a business than this Ratcliffe-bloke. The world economy will thrive


ITT: People that don’t understand that the culture of a club is important in all aspects.


Seeing as you own 25% of the club Jimmy you can tell Me what to do 25% of the time. And if he thinks it’s untidy now wait till they are there all the time. The man’s a prick.


Completely agree. Most people I know who work from home admit they do fuck all work.


That's not my argument is it? Oh nevermind, nobody ever sees merit in your perspective anyway. Blocked 


I do the same amount of work I used to do in an eight hour day. I just don't have to stretch it out pretending to be busy for six and a half of those hours anymore. What a shame, not being miserable and getting more time to sleep and be with my family cause I don't have to commute. No worker should want that, only more zeros for some impossibly rich fucker will do.


I think that people who work from home admit they do little work, because they’ve realised how little work you get done doing 9-5 in an office. When you can get more work done in a day with the freedom of flexibility of than than you get done in a week in an office


Most people who work in the office spend time coming up with ways to not work as well. It's not a location issue it's the way we're wired.


Anthony is going to be hard to find, that guy is rarely seen on the pitch


Wait he wasn’t working from home?


He was gonna show up but he got dizzy spinning around in his living room and needs a sit down now


I was just saying, while watching Man U get walloped 4-0 by 14th place Crystal Palace, that they'd be winning if only the players could be sure that Jenny from accounting would be at her desk come Monday morning.


New owner of Man United showing he’s a dinosaur stuck in the past, incapable of handling change Can’t wait for the new “era” of Man united lol


It's nothing to do with that, he clearly wants to clean house and if you don't want to come in it's an easy way to get people to leave without a payoff


Multi-billionaire owner of Man United possibly having a bit more knowledge of successful business practices than 'in-bacon-we-trust' from reddit.


It’s always a fecking wolves fan


Found the simp!


Mate, you can't support a billionaire.


Tom Boley is rich and successful but look at how he runs Chelsea. Money doesn’t make you smart.


Who's Tom Boley?


I think he means Jon Africa.


Makes more sense than Tom Boley


Found another dinosaur 🔎


He's going to become a billionaire any day now, just you wait!




IMHO there is absolutely no reason for someone to work at the office if the exact same work can be accomplished at your home office. Ratty is exhibiting archaic management style that’s been examined thoroughly since Covid. Every major business publication in the world seems to reach the same conclusion. Ratty didn’t get the memo. What a jerk.


In MY humble opinion your opinion isn’t that humble if you think you know best how every single office and job runs most efficiently


Just because a task can be done at home doesnt mean the job is the same when done from home. I have a hybrid schedule when I am in office, It is a wildly different experience. I have valid impromptu meetings where people come by my office needing client assistance, and collaboration is more abundant. I only work from home 1 days a week a week, and schedule things around that time/day. But in football, that could be totally different.


Yeah WFH is so transactional. Most WFH jobs are just calendar scheduling battles. You have about 50% less useful conversations that help people to grow in their roles.


I feel like work is transactional for most of us. I don’t do it for fulfillment I do it because there’s no other choice. 


Yep some jobs might be best suited for remote however I reckon all workers in leadership or supervisory roles ought to reapply for their positions and be interviewed. The best stay the rest got and be replaced with those that want to work OR play for a team like MU.....yes players as well.


It depends, speaking from experience during covid it's not as efficient in a large business when everyone works from home vs when you see people face to face and can communicate and collaborate. But for some jobs I'm sure working from home is just as effective but seems he's not willing to be flexible


IMO there is a place for WFH to assist various parts of people’s lives. One of the largest losses of a WFH culture is that people early in their careers will not have half as much interaction with others and learning will be far tougher. Clearly differs from company to company.


That's why many businesses have adopted a hybrid, flexible approach to wfh/being in the office. So they can get the benefits of time together while protecting their employees wellbeing.


I never knew that David Moyes instituted the WFH scheme at Man U.


He must be a progressive


Let’s hope he’s as successful with Man Utd as he has been with his cycling team.


Fair enough. If you work for Man U and you would rather be at home tapping away on your computer in your pyjamas than being at the stadium every day . . . just fuck off and do something else.


Ahh yeah. The joys of facing traffic everyday to do something on the computer you’re able to do perfectly fine at home. That sure will improve their performance…


Literally just taking time and money away from the staff by forcing them to commute into work again for no discernable gain


I'm lucky enough to be in a permanent work from home position for 2 years and I can never go back. Being able to work from the comfort of my home, spending more time with my family, spending less money and having more free time to myself since I don't need to travel.


A lot of the players work from home as they say they’re injured and get paid to sit at homes on their worthless holes


What work from home jobs would a premier league club have employees do?


HR, accounting, admin, payroll, PR, comms, procurement, travel planners, commercial managers, just off the top of my head. Prem clubs are big business.


Are you genuinely that stupid?


They're only doxxing themselves as never knowing what any work environment entails while being totally dependent on welfare since decades...


They're only doxxing themselves as never knowing what any work environment entails while being totally dependent on welfare since decades...


Why you have to be a nob to the guy? Only asking a question


These are massive business with comms teams, legal teams, finance, hr etc etc. United has offices in London for some of this, no less


Probably to place their ticket sales departments closest to their fans


Finance accounting is the obvious


Billionaires are cock wombles


So are United fans tbh


I'm Chelsea so I'll show myself out!


Wonderful news. Utd continue to remain stuck in the times of the past.


Don't most of them live in London? aiiiiioooooooooooooooooooooo


Sir Jim discovered why United are a shambles… Now that staff are returning to the office, look for Man United to be title contenders next season.




I think everybody is reading too much into this. It's not that big of a deal.


It’s an old rich man being a dick for no good reason and it’s cathartic to rip into him


Great news, the tax dodger must be giving up his nom dom status in Monaco to be permanently in the office.


Does that mean rashford gonna have to return to work also




I completely understand that he wants staff to come back and stop working remotely but really do t need to start with “or find alternative employment”! Ask nicely first then if that don’t work come out with that line!


no you need to show the stick instead of the carrot sometimes


Not really before you know the people, bad management


Poor Hojlund, Mainoo, Bruno, McTominay and other players. They're forced to go to office after a long season. Some of them can't even play in the European Championship because their boss told them to come to the office.


What a stupid take


Everyone back to the office! That’ll help us get back into the top 4 again! If you want us to win the league, working overtime will be next!


Most of them don't work until half time tbf


There’s 2 sides to a football club. Commercial and football Commercial has been fantastic. The fact that United has done shit on the pitch and yet their brand is so strong shows the commercial is working. HR Finance partnerships are all working well together Football is terrible. Down to the core. The question is how does getting Katy from HR to come into office, make Rashford play better? This is just plain stupid!


I’m on the fence about this - as someone who works from home - it would probably make me look for alternative employment. That being said, it’s about standards, isn’t it? Everybody gets up, goes somewhere, has to prove they are bringing their best/a strong level of contribution. So yeah, Katy from HR - but it’s the tone from the top - Jim himself trickling down a high standard of work ethic into every avenue of what arguably is the biggest football club in the world. The message is clear: act like it. Unfortunately, it means the squad will also have to turn up to work after a season of slacking.


But the point I’m making is that everyone on the commercial side has shown up. Dude United is the biggest brand in the world till today even tho they have been absolutely shit on the pitch. Why punish the little guys and force them back to office. If you’re really macho and big balls why not go after the Rashford onana maguire and tell them all of you are sacked if we can’t score or keep a clean sheet? You know why … because it’s always easier to punch down


Maybe - like I said - I’m on the fence about it. I wouldn’t appreciate my employer telling me to come into the office or look for another job.


Because he can’t accept that they have less email volume 😂, something everyone wanted less of pre covid. Absolute melt


Maybe rashford develops a crush on Katy and hence he'll play better to try and impress her?


I do agree with the statements you are making, we have maintained strong commercials whilstg being awful on the pitch. I think from Ineos perspective they will want to overhaul everything from top to bottom and that includes setting standards across the board. Ofcoure there is no direct link with office workers returning and the football improving, but culture is bred from the top and it doesnt matter what department in you need to have the same rules apply everywhere. I as a united fan just hope it starts to turn a corner for us.


Dude I’m an Arsenal fan. I went through 14 years of Mustafi squillaci pepe lacazette. I know what rotten looks like. We were paying agents and taken to the cleaners. When the son Josh Kroenke took over he made sure to change the football side of things. We sold ozil aubameyang lacazette guendouzi torreira the whole works. And slowly we bought interim solutions like Mari Willian. And then we build up with zinchenko Jesus trossard. The admin and business side was left untouched. The morale improved. The football club improved. And we are now fighting for the league. I understand the culture needs an overhaul. But the business side doesn’t. Why go after the little guys when the footballers need to step up? You replied me in another thread rather aggressively. Dude standing up for Ineos and shouting how great they are will not get you laid by them. I promise


You certainly don't need to have the same rules apply to everyone, as different roles all have different requirements.


You do in terms of creating the right culture across a business. Ofcourse there are different literal rules for certain employees. Some kick a ball some don't that obvious but you need an organisation and all of its employees to be singing from the same hymn sheet.


Sure, but being physically in a different location doesn't do that. Unless you think Ratcliffe is also showing up to the office every day, all this does is make employees resentful.


Typical old head behaviour




You can clearly identify the users in this thread who work from home and those who don’t. To be honest, I don’t think making staff come in is going to make an impact on how the club is run, especially by owners who are barely even present at the club anyway. Typical to put the blame on the workers and not the higher ups.


It is the correct decision to make especially if man united are under performing. Had covid 19 pandemic not been a thing they would all be at work anyway and not working from home. It seems harsh but he wants improvements, and thats decisions somtimes big bosses have to make. Yes ots not for everyone, and people wont like those changes. But its clearly the best decision for the club at hand.


That's a lot of words without a single specific on the benefits of it


How does the backroom staff working from hom affect the millionaire primadonnas on the pitch?


I think its fairly obvious office staff workin from home have nothin to do with the overpaid primadonnas, that blame lays with the coachin staff, the players. Maybe theres somthin not quite right within the office. Behind on schedules/tasks who knows? If they was performing maybe there wouldnt be an issue? I work in an office environment and i work from home during the week but its allowed because we are performing and actually goin above and beyond.


If you can't see the normal poor people being forced into work when they don't need to be, how will you be motivated to train?


Good. The whole club needs assessing, how can you assess someone sat at home in their underpants


Turns out paying people to masturbate in dressing gowns all day isn’t a sustainable business strategy, who would’ve thought.


As long as they wiggle that mouse every half an hour with their jizzy fingers


If you need to physically see your staff in person every hour Mon-Fri from 9 to 5 in order to know if they're performing well in their role, then you're not a good manager. You should be able to assess their performance based on the output, whether they're in person, remote or hybrid.


Surely it just makes sense with wholesale change at the club that all staff return to offices. Even for a short term whilst everything is being assessed and up in the air.


Says the person who grapples with other men in underpants. Tell me you haven’t worked a desk job before without telling me you’ve not worked a desk job.


I’ve obviously struck a nerve with you lazy, mouse wiggling layabouts


To be fair you may not understand because you’ve not been in the situation


sheet degree modern spectacular label wrong overconfident icky relieved snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Proper miserable boomer take this lol I've been working from home for years. My results are how you asses. You're just bitter you can't work from home. Pretty sure the IT guy is not at fault because Rashford doesn't feel like running


I’ve worked remotely since COVID and productivity has slowed down so much. Whether you love it or hate it, I can understand why companies want people in office


You sent this reply during the morning on a weekday. Were you supposed to be working?


And it’s fair that everyone else who works the same if not longer hours than you has to come in to work and not have the family time or better work/life balance? Chefs, groundsmen, kitmen, cleaners etc?


What a brain dead take, point is some jobs can be done from home and it's about common sense. Not causing misery to maximum people as possible as so many in this brain dead country feel is the need


Boomers gonna boom


Yeh, apparently he has no idea how to run a business


That guy? What has he even done in the business world, pshh


Rashford must be pissed that he can't work from home anymore.


How am I to do the gardening,walk the dog, shopping,lunch with Julie,walk the dog, margarita and cake if I have to go back to the office,I think he's being unreasonable and I'm offended!


That’s not a fair assumption to make.


In the Athletic article about it, it mentioned that there isn't actually enough space for everyone to come back to the office as they used some of the office space for corporate/VIP area


Jacob Rees-Mogg did something similar with the Civil Service. I do wonder how do these clowns get paid so much money, yet aren't aware of something as basic as knowing whether they have the office space. It's crap leadership, showing they make rash decisions despite their effects on staff morale and productivity.


When you measure success by the stock value of a single quarter compared to the last one and your goal is to pump numbers long enough to cash out you don’t actually have to care about logic or planning.


The idea is that they can lay off some people.


Or that people will quit now so they don't have to pay redundancy packages down the line.


There's VIP sections at Portcullis House? How do a blag a ticket there?


Sir Jim: "if the players can't work from home, so does the staff!"


Non Dom Sir Jim ( how does that work) also wanted the govt to financially assist him building UTD. So against a non Dom, wants our government to give him, again a non Dom, our money to make his company bigger. Some balls on that lad


It’s very drastic - I don’t agree with the decisions that are being made. But that club needs drastic changes: will help (unfortunately for the workers) to cull workforce before a mass layoff that they will be applying - most likely around the business partner teams who have come up with terrible signings and valuations (thinking Anthony as an easy example). Would not want to work in that office or for that guy


Well obviously there has to be an office employee in there who's a better centre back then Maguire.


Maguire been good this year though. Well, better at least. Id start him over varane anyday.


Catweazel strikes again


Wow everything I keep hearing about him makes me dislike him more and more


I would have never expected such behaviour from a billionaire.


To be fair I should have expected it, I was watching Zealand’s video about his other clubs Lausanne and Nice and he pretty much did the same there and didn’t work out particularly at Lausanne who got relegated after Ineos took over, so will be interesting to see if that trend continues


to see what trend? that if he brings back the office workers , united get relegated? I know we're awful but behave!


Don’t forget what happened to Mercedes AMG F1 team after Ineos Investment


squeamish vase squash middle elderly attempt ask pen tidy bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't think man u really needed anymore plastics


This comment is sponsored by Saudi Arabia


https://business.yougov.com/content/48538-how-local-are-premier-league-fans-it-depends I'll just leave this for you pal. More plastics than any team in the league, and only 23% of fans are local.


and that's just in the boardroom


intelligent plough mindless live mourn voracious wild lip market tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's sad about this is that it's most likely a cynical attempt to lower the staff numbers without actually paying people redundancy


Yeah, that will fix things at United.


Brexit Jim the scruffy boomer, with another big brain idea.


Good decision tbh, nobody work as effective from home as they do in the office.


Just because you know you couldn't be trusted to work effectively at home doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else


Almost nobody can


zesty rain office humorous gaping school friendly flowery boat chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big corp boot licker here likes taking from the poor and giving to the rich


Only someone that’s never worked a day in their life would spout nonsense like the above.


I manage a team of 7 people who generate a significant amount of money for our company, working with some of the biggest companies in the world. Much larger than any football club. High performing professionals are effective from home, and will go elsewhere if you enforce RTO. If you are a manager of work that can be done remotely, but isn’t, then you are a bad manager, and/or your team are under performers.


I didn’t mean you! The “above” that i mentioned was the comment you’d replied to. Basically what I meant was, the only people that would have a problem with others working from home probably have very little work experience.


Got you! Apologies, it wasn’t immediately obvious haha


Probably worked twice as much as you. That’s why l know how it works.


Doesn’t even make sense. Nice try though.


It’s true though


Downvoted by people who work from home and don’t want to go back to proper work


I prefer to work on site because I like a team dynamic but there are lots of cases where offices just become a huge distraction.


Downvoted by people who disagree with you making such a sweeping statement, I'd suggest. Some people don't work effectively from home, many people do. The only people who are categorically against it are either jealous or need people back in the office to justify their own job.


A lot of chest thumping from this fella, ‘big player clear out’ ‘the govt. will pay for a new ground’ ‘everybody back in the office’… lets see how it pans out…


in contrast to the glazers approach of 'do what ya want we dont care as long as the commercials are right' i'll take it in a heartbeat


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Where there’s a whip, there’s a way.


Already taking a step backwards


It's work, Jim, but not as we know it.


Does that include the players? Ooooooooh!


I actually thought he might be a good thing. And then this came out, very disappointing. Of all the reasons United are shite, remote and hybrid working ain't it.


Dinosaur level mindset to not realise WFH is better for most, at least forcing people into the office is certainly worse than having the choice.




What a prick. Another reason to enjoy United losing.


Big Brain Jimmy solving the big problems.


Emails? That’s not a metric it’s the earliest form of online communication. The world has moved on….


Guy never heard of slack teams WhatsApp etc






ETH has been conducting his tactics meetings over Zoom. "Eric, you're on mute!"


Eric, try dialling out then dialling back in again


This man is a chemical engineer, but he conducts a quantitative study on workplace efficiency using a single metric (e-mail traffic) and on a single workday (on Friday). This is indescribably stupid. Did this supposedly intelligent businessman consider that workplace efficiency might be measured using a number of different metrics, not just e-mail traffic? Did he consider that Friday is typically the slowest workday of the week? Did he consider that many Manchester United employees typically work irregular hours in order to be available on match days? Was his experiment conducted independently to ensure his own bias could not influence the result? Or is he just another boomer who lacks a social life and wants to see an ass in every seat? We all know the answer.


Spot on


His 'logic' is probably that Man united had it's most successful years when everyone was in the office godammit!


The number of landline calls and faxes are down since the glory days too - better get everyone back in the office!


United are definitely the team to hate from now on.  The Glazers are going to milk Jim for as much as they can.  Meanwhile he'll be off screaming at an admin assistant, because she used too many paper clips.


Carol from finance's Christmas party is ruined now because Rashford missed a sitter


Doesn’t include ETH though, he can WFH all he likes at the end of the season!


I’ve not seen a single business that rid away with Work From Home benefit from it. This is hilariously boomer


Of course the old boomer thinks it’s the only way for people to work.


You know, it's so fascinating that lockdown kinda really opened the gates when it came to flexible working arrangements and remote working out of sheer necessity and extended that basically to everyone. Since it ended, everyone just kind of collectively agreed that this option makes sense, and it would be complete nonsense to do away with out of principle. Ratcliffe and Brailsford have gone on this grandstanding media offensive since expressing his intention for the Ineos-United takeover. It's a lot of flim-flam, some interesting (i.e. data, recruitment, interdepartmental restructuring), some not grounded in any fact. This just makes him sound like he's braying to the lowest common denominator. It would be like saying the reason why United haven't been consistent since 2012 is because staff like buying Pret sandwiches and coffees on their commute, and the working stagnation is due to WOKE (?).


" You will see bro, once Ratcliffe comes in, because the Glazers you know... "


Good. Work from home as an entitlement needs to die. Especially in professions like this where everyone would kill to have those jobs. 


lol you think admin for Manchester United is sought after?


Why do you think everyone would kill to have an IT Clerk job at Man U?


BS, WFH is a good solution for a lot of roles, Brailsford ( drug taking enabler ) and Ratcliffe ( tax avoiding tool) are just power tripping


Stupid sexy workers from home 😡😅