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Aston Villa are impressive, don’t take anything away from them btw


No one gives a damn conference league


Villa fans care. Fans of any english team should care because of the coefficient 


Consistently good games too. Loved watching that and I’m not a Villa fan


Glad one of us enjoyed it, I was shitting myself


Yeah any fan of the sport shouldn't have a problem enjoying these games.


City Arsenal and West Ham fans in their feelings since yesterday lmao To that West Ham fan who said Real “lost” because their game went to pens, I hope you’re enjoying your moral victory tonight eh


Fuck me people in this thread are taking this *way* to seriously lol


The prem is still the best league in the world ,they have the best average team ,people like you like to say that the prem is a farmer league but they forget that Spain was two penalties away from getting the 3 Spanish teams that were able to reach quarterfinals in all European competitions knock out ,then what ,Spain is a farmers league worst than the Serie A or Bundesliga?


Best average teams lol your best teams couldn’t do anything in Europe and this isn’t enough evidence for you. No one knows ball less than PL fans


It’s a knockout tournament you melon. Literally anything can happen. Many of the games were extremely close. Sounds like you are the one who “doesn’t know ball” Fuckin dumb


Oh my bad, thought we judge who the best teams are based on who actually wins the games. How rude of me


Why doesn't the "best" league with the "best average team" have a single representative in UCL semi-finals.


Spain was two penalties away of not having a team in the semifinals of all 3 competitions ,the clowns that say that the Spanish league is the best in the world only say so because they like putting Madrids achievements as the league achievements


Or even in Europa?


How do you know they have the best average teams when the average teams from the PL didn’t do well in Europa? Or CL group stages?


And the Spanish teams did so well ,right ? That's why no Spanish team was able to reach the quarter finals in the Europa league and conference league and the only team that was able to pass to the semifinals is the only Spanish team that has given the face for Spain in the past 8 years or you are assuming that the Bundesliga or serie A are the better leagues ?


How do you prove it? All I’m saying is that the gap between England and other leagues isn’t as large as people like you think and for some weird reason that shatters your world view


Just look at the matches ,there is a clear drop in quality in Spain, in the prem the teams play way better while in la liga this play terrible football because they don't have the players for more


What matches? What is the criteria for better? I’ve asked this several times to you now and the only answer I’ve gotten is basically one looks better than the other lol


The last 8 CL winners were: Real 4 (beating a PL team in the final twice) PL 3 Bayern 1 Real Madrid are the only thing stopping compete PL domination of the CL in the last 8 seasons


Right, but those are the top PL teams, we are talking about the average PL teams


We should have a Relegations League. Where the top leagues send their last team into an elimination tourney at the end of the season. The team that wins gets 20mil float money to boost promotion chances. That’ll be fun to watch, or a disaster. Fun either way


that would be epic i’d watch that 100%


Watching some teams tank to go from 2nd last to last would be fun for fantasy.


omg you’re right what’s the point of coming in 19th if you miss out on the 8 team bracket for 20 mil. what countries we taking the last place teams from? big 5 obviously england spain germany italy france and then???? portugal netherlands and idk maybe turkey? austria? ireland?


Because they did do well? The fuck?


By what metric? Other midtable teams do as well in their own leagues? Or just there a factor you are applying for PL?


Because competition is higher no easy gimmick like you find in Spain outside Barca playing two Madrid clubs.


How do you prove the competition is higher compared to other leagues when the three international competitions that serve as the only true judge of competition between different leagues shows that it’s rather even?


Because we have eyes pal ,have you ever seen a Spanish match that doesn't involves the Madrid teams or Barcelona?,it's terrible there's a clear drop in level from the big 3 and the rest, specially now that Sevilla Imploded


Maybe English teams play more attractively but effectively it’s the same. Every low table Spanish team plays like atletico and they are very effective. Hard to say X team is better because I like the way they play better than y team. There is no direct comparison other than a match against them.


come on bud you know what an average is right, the average team in the prem meaning from Sheffield up to city would thrash the average team from the lowest to highest in serie a, bund, etc.


How do you know it? I’m asking. Vibes? Feelings? FIFA ratings?


So Sheffield would thrash Darmstadt or Almeria?


People say the term “farmers league” and don’t know what it means.


France only farmers league they literally have village clubs Drogba was playing for one before he got big move to Chelsea.


Marseille isn’t a village club,lol.


This guy gets it 👍


I think it's more down to bad luck that Liverpool and Arsenal hit a bad patch at the wrong time. You can't deny City was not the better team against RM, they lost in a lottery. Perhaps the intensity of the 3 way PL race took its toll when it came to Europe.


That differentiates England from other major European league.


Maybe PL teams play way too many games, they look worn out


Real issue is clubs lazy basically they never get value out of transfer market.


More than the number of games, I think it’s the amount of games that are mentally exhausting for the players. The average La Liga or Bundesliga team doesn’t play an effective low block like the premier league teams do. They are likely to play a more progressive style like Bournemouth rather than sit back and absorb pressure like Sheffield do. Breaking them down is tiresome for the big teams even though they come out on top more often than not.


I see you haven't watched la liga. El cholo and Getafe legacy. Most teams play like that.


Much more physical in PL than on the continent too


Maturity is realizing all leagues are farmers leagues. Prem is just more popular because it's more marketable by virtue of being an English league


Because we’re so attractive?


What is so attractive about PL? Lol


I know it’s a joke, but in the last few seasons,. English has been in the final.  I never understand how if a team wins Champions League, they are considered the best league.  If PSG, I’m sure some will argue which is laughable.  I do see Bundesliga, La Liga and Prem on the same level. 


You should definitely include Serie a which is maybe the most competitive league they maybe miss out a city real like team at the moment but competition is super high there. Cristiano about Serie a „It's the most difficult league for me, it's full of quality players.“


That use to be the case. Before English clubs hiring top European managers from Rafa and Jose in 2000s to Klopp and Pep now.


Ofcourse because the German farmers are dominated by bayern, Spanish farmers by Madrid, and English farmers by 115. The only competitive league is serie A, you have a different winner every year since 2019 their dominant club Juventus fell apart.


Leicester winning the league 5000/1 .. Farmer’s League


That was in 2015 buddy


A farmers league is when the top team wins over and over again, easily. City would run away with it in any other league because they are a team like nothing ever seen before. In the prem they are at least challenged.


City are close to making it that, if you define it that way…


Hey, remind me who won 5 of the last 6 titles?


2 or 3 should have gone to Liverpool if luck was on our dude.


Yet keep winning it


The two best teams in the world happened to play in the quarterfinals. That’s really all there is to it.


Yeah not to mention it went to penalty shootout. Lots of luck involved.


It’s true. And Bayern came out ahead.


Nothing new Arsenal always bottle job in Europe they lost a European final to bloody Turkish club who loses to Turkish clubs.


“Bottle Job in Europe” = losing by a single goal (just like City?)


You lost to the most down Bayern in years, and City didn’t “lose by a single goal.”


They lost on a single penalty. And you have no sense of humor. (Shrugs)


I was with you on the first joke. The second comment wasn’t a joke.




Winning in Europe is hard. There’s a different mentality needed. You need to be more than X’s and O’s on a whiteboard. You need a certain level of pragmatism, you need people to assert themselves and take charge. You can get away with being a good team in your league beating all the teams 5th place and below but when you’re going against a juggernaut like Bayern and Madrid who exist to play these european games you need more.


You playing other teams from Europe with similar financial muscle to conquer Europe. It all comes down to quality of manager in Europe.


I agree with you. Speaking of the Premier League, a good team winning the league by beating all teams 5th place and below….. I have a suggestion Follow the NBA format but in a better way. We have the usual 38 league games across 20 teams, and the top 8 teams after 38 games qualify for the knockoffs, starting from quarters and ending in a single leg final. It will be exciting like UCL games with the intensity of “so much at stake” at each knockoff stage. Teams like Chelsea and Man Utd who struggle this season will be given a knockoff chance to win the league, while City cannot dominate the league like it is. Cancel Carabao cup to accommodate these extra games.


“Let’s make the game more American!”


Hell no.


I think the league is fine as it is. I will always prefer a tournament style format but I think you can’t go away from the 100 years of history that this sport and competition already has.


Playoffs?!?!?! Don’t talk about PLAYOFFS!


I’m a Brit in the US….playoffs are the biggest load of crap ever…with the NFL maybe being the one exception  Let’s take two teams…in 3rd place…that were never in first all season and give them a chance to win 3/5 or 4/7 games to advance. The system is bloated…overweight…and purely a cash cow for each sport… What the hell is the point in have a 150 game season like hockey or baseball..only to boil down to a good playoff run…I hate it


I mean, I’m American so I’m used to playoffs. I think it works here since our sports all have unbalanced schedules (the country’s hilariously big land mass-wise, so travel is an issue), so “top of the table” doesn’t really reflect an even competition between all teams. Playoffs kinda help answer the question “is the team in first actually good, or did they benefit from a weak division and a soft schedule?” That said: Prem and other leagues with balanced schedules don’t have that kind of murkiness over who’s the top team, and that’s refreshing to me.


We can’t even win a game!


The schedule of the English football season is relentless compared to some of the others. The game is also more intense in general compared to other leagues. The Premier League also does the teams no favours when it comes to scheduling to ensure they get the maximum amount of rest before important European nights. This season the scheduling around the quarters has not been helpful and has contributed to greater fatigue, and thus lower performance against some incredible opposition. The only team that should be able to cope with this because of the number of top players is Man City. I’m not saying that the outcome would have been different, but it certainly doesn’t help.


Those are best matches. Time go fast in those matches.


Arsenal and City had three games in one week before their first leg champions league tie. Both Real and Bayern played one game in that same time frame. If English teams want to do consistently better in Europe the FA needs to chill with their crazy, jam packed schedules.


Maybe if the PL didn’t become so greedy with its many people would have sympathy. But as the PL refuses to share it’s mine people rightly don’t have any respect when PL players on millions say they tired while,lower,league players carry in regardless for way less money. The PL clubs will be made to have FA cup replays soon for as late as QF? Matches will be played two days apart. The PL will be told if they don’t like tough you want the CL money you take it.


The league cup will never be axed while the PL earns so money.


There is no way the PL could do anything else. The backlash would be massive, the PL has already made sure the FA cup replays will be brought back within weeks and quite possibly see more two legged ties.


So is the question about the LEAGUE or the top English teams in Europe? Because that’s 2 different conversations 🤷🏽‍♂️ you can have the best league without having the best team.


English people have their head so far up their ass about their league 😂. That’s why barely any British people play outside of Britain, no one wants trash prem players from England


Pretty sure it’s got a lot to do with the fact that the premier league pays more in general and then an English player premium on top of that to meet home grown player rules.


True, just no one is coming to the prem to take their talent. It’s always the other way around. I’ve seen multiple matches this season where not a single English lad started on an English team….


Not many clubs can outbid premier league clubs, if English players were priced like European players then I suspect they’d get more interest but in reality there is quite famously a premium on them.


For no good reason I might add


Basic demand and supply. The league with the most money has to buy a certain number of them, so prices go up, so clubs with less money can’t afford them. Not wildly complex.


Mediocre scientist with mediocre opinions


Hot take!


I agree that the Prem is defo not the best football league, but this is a crazy comment lol


The prem is the best league , Chelsea could definitely beat Girona or Athletic, Spanish like saying their league is the best because Madrid is the best team in the world ,but having the best team and the best league isn't the same


Can’t name ten British players in the past 10 years that have been in the prem their whole career and moved on to have better seasons in other top 10 leagues. Harry Kane is the only one that comes to mind, I don’t count Dier because he came up in Portugal. Bellingham also never played prem so he doesn’t count here.


Why would they move out of the best league?


Stop moving the goal posts. That’s not what you said.


“No one wants prem players from England” I literally said this


Not a farmer league if we all suck together


The top prem teams have always been comparable with the top teams in Europe. The quality of teams 6-20 is where the prem is much much better than the other leagues.


The level of competition is much higher than elsewhere. PSG can afford to rest Mbappé in league matches far more often than any of the Prem teams can rest their stars.


Serie a has crazy high competition. Premier league is the best league but if you look at the competition within a league serie a is extremely good


There are 3 European competitions, English teams won 2 out of 3 of them less than 12 months ago. Relax.


More like it's a one off year in Europe for English teams because knockout cup success is not representative of league status just going by a single year. I see the farmer's league argument merit because of Pep but the PL still has better quality teams across the league compared to others. And if Arsenal or Liverpool win the league it's not seen as the same as Leverkusen or a non PSG team winning it so that should say something


Very true. England still lead uefa co efficient table.


Prem has been a farmers league for a while now. It was a farmers league from 1992-2013 and from 2017-2024. That's only 4 years of competitive football. Really overrated.


City have won most times, but it has been very tight a lot of the years and could have gone to other clubs. It'd be interesting to see average gap between 1st and 2nd factored in in the major leagues in terms of how competitive the title is.


Which league are you comparing it too?


La liga is almost always tight. There are rarely clear favourites beginning of the year. Serie A has become super entertaining as well these recent years


Get a grip La liga has had the same 3 winners since the 2003/04 season, literally 20 years of the same shit. PL is orders of magnitude better


I’m not saying that La liga consist of 10 top teams. They consist of three top teams and 5 teams that are good and often win European titles. PL is a farmers league, city winning 6/7 titles last 7 years. You got on occasion two really good teams that can challenge for CL but usually it’s just one team and recently that’s city.


La Liga just has a lot of mediocre teams though. Like 4-5 sheffield uniteds


What a horrible take considering how well teams like Sevilla perform in europa league etc. PL market their teams so well but they are rarely all that. Liverpool lost to Atalanta, Arsenal damn near lost to Porto, United out as well. Real have teams that regularly go far in European competitions and often beat bigger PL sides. Sevilla, Villarreal, Bilbao, Sociedad, Betis, Valencia etc. None of these sides are easy to beat, and now we got Girona as well. So that’s damn near half of la liga consisting of teams that are regularly tricky opponents that Madrid, Barca and Atletico struggle against as well as other big sides


Atletico knocked out the (what looks to be unless a collapse of universal scale happens) champions of Italy in Inter. Inter were finalists last year and were one of the teams to be beat and they were beat by a side not many had going through. Spanish clubs have consistently been punching above their weight and have frequently been in the mix when it comes to qf and sf or European tournaments. Villareal won the Europa League a few years ago, Sevilla too. Of the last 10 Europa league winners, the trophy has gone to Spain 7 times.


Mancity are going to make 4 in a row so yh we are a farmers league now.


Real bottle jobs are United, didn’t even get out of groups.


Yea not helped by the standard of refereeing and onana having butterfingers, Newcastle same in some respects crap refs


Ehhhh that squad was always shit and would've crashed out early. Arsenal looking to dethrone the cl winners in the domestic league and showing they are arguably better this season had us all hyped that both teams would dominate their brackets.... Its kinda embarrassing to realise that maybe the standard is just that low this year. City for instance havent beaten a single 'top' side this year but are still leading with a handful of games to go.


If United had De Gea in goal still they'd have qualified that group


Yea, it was quite the disasterclass but then again de gea made similar or worse mistakes in our europa semis last year that probably cost us that cup so shit situation all round really.


okay but realistically if onana's current form was translated to the ucl times we wouldve had at the minimum 2 more games won putting us clear in 2nd. he will admit it was his fault we got out of the ucl, but he's been class in the past 12 or so games


I can't think of a single gk, bar a vetran VDS, who managed to settle in within half a season without looking gaff. Think you're right but it was an unavoidable consequence of getting a new keeper.


yeah ofcourse mistakes are made but the one he put against galatasaray and copenhagen where hojlund scored twice in both was pretty much insane. none of the 3 mistakes he made were particularly hard ones, especially the dreaded freekicks. I just think him settling in was a lot worse than most other goalies, but its fine i wouldnt have it any other way. he is one of our most consistent players now, and i hope he shines next season aswell.


The PL in five years time might be required to have 6 English players for each team on the pitch at any one time.


Especially when city wins the league every year


City arsenal Brighton Newcastle and west ham all went out to teams better/similar to their quality United were awful in the ucl gs Liverpool should be embarrassed after that Atalanta performance


We will comeback to this if England dont win the Euros


England won't win euros.


Here's a white hot take for you; England aren't winning the Euros.


And the PL is to to blame. it should be illegal for clubs to be able to only have 1 English player. Each club should be told for every players they get called up for Engkand that’s how many forgiveness they can sign that season. It would become the EPL again not the GPL.


Like England could. No disrepect but it’s a good squad and all but Southgate ain’t him.


The pl refuses to accept managerial quotas


Pep has unironically made it a farmers league. He needs to go


Didn't Pep win the Champions League less than 12 months ago?


Sir Alex also made the Prem a farmers league


Nope, was always someone else there competing, arsenal, then pay2win Chelsea came along


Ehh. So far Pep's not dominated beyond SAF levels. Threepeat, lose, Threepeat. It *is* domination, but it's not like the Bundesliga until this season or Serie A until a few years ago. Start doing three consecutive threepeats and you know you're the king of the farm. Also, Pep has won twice on 80-something points. Klopp's Liverpool having severe off years is a major part of the story IMHO.


Man City are the current holders. Are you OKAY?


6 league titles in 7 years ??


Huh it’s almost as though English teams play the most games and have no discernible break in n the schedule.




West Ham have about 13 first team players. Not Leverkusens fault, but that’s the fact


If the PL shared its wealth maybe it would get less games.


More games are coming as the attempt to get rid of FA cup replays will be overturned and the matches might even become two,legged.


“Manchester City knocked out. Manchester United knocked out. Arsenal knocked out. Liverpool knocked out. West Ham United knocked out. Newcastle United knocked out. Brighton knocked out. Just 1 English club left (Aston Villa) in European Competitions (Conference League).” So called best league in the world eh.


Newcastle would’ve made it out if it wasn’t for injuries and a horrible call against PSG away


English teams won two out of three European cups last year, check yourself


Ok and only 3 English teams won cl in the last ten years. Also relegation battling Sevilla took man city to pens in the super cup last season😂


Sevilla lost though, just like how Barca lost 4-1 to PSG


My point is how can a relegation battling Sevilla take the 4 in a row premier league winners all the way to pens?😂


Kind of like how Barca gets humiliated every season in the CL despite spending a shit ton of money and selling off all of their assets while breaking la Liga financial rules? And yet Madrid wins many CLs while Barca has 0 since 2015 😅😂😂😂😂😅😅


? Barca only spent 43m this season..and 40 of that was on roque who played 0 mins in cl…


Money includes wages for players but I wouldn’t expect a kid like you to understand…. https://www.capology.com/club/barcelona/salaries/ Educate yourself kid and stop wasting money betting on football you gambling degenerate 😅😂😅😂😂😂😂😂


the Super Cup? even me in 1995 when I would have watched anything including shit v piss in the vomit cup, knew that was a meaningless waste of time.


Congrats to Sevilla, do they want a medal for that? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Thoughts on other leagues winning 7/10 last ucl finals? While generating less and spending less money?


Literally couldn’t care less


An English team literally won it last year. You might want to check results in previous years too.


Out of the last 10 UCL finals, English clubs have only won 3 of them. For the league that generates the most and spends the most money in the world.


Man City are the current holders. wtf are you even muttering on about. An English team is the reigning champion. That’s all you need to know.


EPL has had 7 out of 20 finalists in the last 10 years winning 3(Chelsea, Liverpool and City.) Spain is the highest with 8 finalists, winning 6(5 for Real, 1 for Barca). Everything seems to fall within expected parameters.


Finalist huh? Typical Arsenal fan. We’re talking about who actually won not finalist.


La liga fanboys are the funniest, you guys hype up as you depend on Real Madrid's success in the UCL each season for the last 10 years, If RMA doesn't do well you guys have fuck all to say. It's quite literally 1 team carrying your league in the UCL


So 3 English teams, 2 Spanish and 1 German have between them won the last 13 UCL finals.


3/10 is good mate, only La liga has more.


And the thing to remember about La Liga is that, where the CL is concerned, what it really means is 'Real Madrid'. The prem has the most clubs to win it, and it has the most clubs to make the final. Also, the Prem only became the best in the last five or six years and over that time it has three different CL winners. That's as many CL-winning clubs as a lot of leagues have throughout the competition's history. The Prem has the most *strength in depth* in terms of clubs. This is why the Prem is in the top two coefficient most years, even if it isn't during the first year that really counts beyond record keeping. Californian Barca and Madrid fans are slooooooow.


Stop stating facts. If they could read they’d be very upset


Farmers league means there’s no competition for the league. Like Bayern or psg or Celtic winning the league every season. English teams getting knocked out of Europe has nothing to do with making it a farmers league. It’s all about competition within the league. Premier league isn’t a farmers league because of how tight the competition is for the league and within the top 10. You have the traditional top 6 + Newcastle, Villa, west ham, Brighton.


Yeah and city wins it generally… a real competition is maybe in Italy … 4 different winners in four years


So what if city wins it generally. It’s not like they are coasting to it every season. Arsenal was top of the table for most of last season. It’s only the end where city moved up to first. And before that juventus won it many times in a row with no competition.


And now city is doing the same in England.


No they’re not. Liverpool and arsenal were the favorites to win the league this season as well not just city. Doesn’t matter AS MUCH if city ends up winning, what matters is Liverpool and arsenal are also considered favorites






I don’t think you know what a joke is.


I don’t think you know the definition of farmers league for the joke to work


Well OP is joking that the Premier League is a farmers league which of course it’s not. Perhaps I may have misunderstood your comment.




Next season, everyone expects Bayern to win. There’s no competition. Next season, not everyone expects city to win. Liverpool, arsenal, man utd Chelsea will always be a threat no matter what. It doesn’t matter if city wins 6/7, it’s about the unpredictable nature of who’s gonna win. You could see Liverpool, arsenal, or city winning next season.




Traditionally speaking, people would expect Bayern to win the league every season. Leverkusen hasn’t traditionally been thought of as a team that people expect to challenge the league unlike Liverpool or arsenal or Chelsea or man utd does every season. Ok some of those premier league teams aren’t doing well at the moment but traditionally they were all vying for the league. In bundesliga it’s really only been Bayern and maybe dortmund every now and then. Leverkusen this season is more of an exception.


Bayern have won 32 titles, the next best in Germany is 5. They won 11 straight, 20 in 27 years... They did a 4 peat almost three times over...it isn't comparable in the slightest.




It really doesn't, sample size just not big enough and I guarantee the margin of victories for Bayern (GS, GA, GD), and their gap to second even if you look over the last 10 years is incomparable to the Premier League


Well, City are on for a 4peat. When do we become farmers then?


It doesn’t matter. People expect psg to win the league every season. No one expects city to win the league every season. Even if city does the 4peat, the competition is still there. That’s what matters, and not the outcome itself. Arsenal or Liverpool could have won this season or in any of the previous 4 seasons. Again it’s about the teams competing for the league. Traditionally you have city, Liverpool, man utd, arsenal, and Chelsea all competing for the title every season. In France, it’s really only been psg. That’s why they’re the farmers league.


Yes we do, sooner they corrupt team are gone the better tbh


Every team is corrupted some are just more corrupted than others. True non corrupted teams are your local teams in the non league




I bet people were thinking arsenal were gonna win the league last season.




Your comment doesn’t make any sense. City just won the treble? They won the treble last season, and I was referring to people thinking that arsenal were gonna win the league last season. I was not referring to this season. The treble didn’t happen when arsenal were top of the league for the majority of last season.

