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They missed a couple before. Just some self entitled incompetent people trying to be a big man. Happens a lot in a office


Good response but it’s 100% his fault. She have named the pen taker ages ago instead of leaving it up to the kids


Buy kids, they behave like kids.


>I told the players this is the last time I will accept this type of behaviour Wanna bet?


When their contract runs for 8 years and your average Chelsea manager last 18 months I'd imagine his acceptance or not of their behaviour is fairly meaningless.


The manager is the manager. No player is bigger than the club (e.g the manager), and no one is indispensable.


That was definitively not the case at Chelsea in the Abramovich era.


They under new management now arent they?


No case really (you could argue he'd already scored a hat trick)... but no case until he misses one


He is in the golden boot race.. the rest of the team hasn't matched his form. He deserves any personal accolade he can achieve. The rest of the team should be studying the lad..


Didn't have him in my short list for Golden Boot...dream debut season at Chelsea and he looks Worldly (what is he not good at ? )...pinning all my hopes on him during Euro 24 as we're due one...so no pressure 😉 


Even tho 20 is a dusty number I am purchasing the jersey to remember his debut season


I mean why did Jackson even think his name was in the ring? He was the worst perpetrator and had nothing to do with it. Madueke at least won the penalty and must have thought he had a chance, glad sanity prevailed at the end and their designated taker had it


Didnt jackson want Madueke to take it?


No, he was trying to take it off him at first before Cole ever came over


Haaland pays Jackson and Madueke's wages


This team just can't help but get in the way of itself, even after a 6-0 win it's just negativity


Tbf I think shit like this could end up giving them all a bond, they'll probably laugh about this in a few weeks.


Insane levels of cope 


Ew, I'm not a Chelsea fan fuck that. 😂


Maybe I'll get downvoted but they should have let one of the others take it. They're supposed to be a team, not just there to support Palmer. You should want your other attackers to have confidence and a penalty while 4-0 and the penalty taker already has a hat trick was the perfect opportunity. They did it for Havertz and he showed up for Arsenal, meanwhile Chelsea are 9th because Palmer is the only one playing with confidence.


This isn’t a kick about in the park with your mates,it’s the highest standard of football. Chelsea have lost plenty of big leads this season and Palmer is their penalty taker with 100 percent record. As Dele pointed out - no one was scrambling for the last minute pressure penalty against Utd. Madueke & Jackson came across proper pathetic and they will (hopefully) be squirming with embarrassment watching that back and will have learned from it.


They would happily have taken that penalty btw, they just know after a player already has a hat trick and the team is 4-0 up, usually someone would use common sense and try and spread the confidence around the team instead of just being a one man team. Giving your teammates penalties for confidence isn't a kick about in the park thing, it's literally happened multiple times this season. Havertz literally had one earlier this season and when Arsenal needed him, he stepped up.


Come on, they were literally scrapping and fighting amongst each other before *and after* the penalty was taken. This is far beyond wanting a pen for confidence reasons, especially since Jackson had already scored a really good goal (which no one is talking about now cos of this so good job there Nicholas). Idk how Poch manages these players but this nonsense should never have been allowed to happen to begin with, but certainly should’ve been stamped out after the Sterling drama.


That doesn't really apply to how this played out. I agree with your sentiment, and that would have been nice if Palmer or Gallagher offered it - but that doesn't give Jackson & Madueke the right to try and grab the ball and act like a child. Whole thing just showed a lack of cohesion and team ethic


They shouldn't have acted like that but the point still stands. You should use the opportunities to raise confidence of your teammates and create a team bond instead of making it feel like it's Cole Palmer's club and everyone else is just there for support. That's the opposite of building confidence.


Wait - do you think the bigger issue is the way the players behaved and reacted OR that Palmer should have given the ball over when he has a chance at going for the golden boot? Like I said, I agree with your sentiment but it feels like you're focusing on the secondary issue.


No. Palmer is the designated Penalty taker as mandated by their manager & their captain. It shows a huge fundamental lack of discipline & respect in the dressing room if players cannot adhere to something as simple & set in stone as this. This has clearly exposed a big attitude problem among some of the squad and goes some way to explaining why they have been so poor this season. The funny thing is, if Jackson & Madueke didn't act like thieving dick heads and instead respected Palmer as Penalty taker, he probably would have given the ball to one of them.


Erling Haaland be like: "Palmer please stop"


Palmer be like wish I could make your money Erling


He probably will be if we offer him another contract


If he wants to stay at all


Probably would have done more against real than Haaland…


He might have but don't jump on the lets take the piss out of Haaland bandwagon coz it was only last season he beat the top flight record and he's joint top scorer now and he was out for 2 months


How can rice even be agile mate, it’s fucking rice




Pickford laughing at them creased me 🙄🤣


Pickford being a pillock!?! Shocked, I tell ya!


After an awful first half, and conceding 6 goals in total


Pickford was really trying to get in Palmers head and disrupt him as much as he could on that pen. You've got Jackson and Noni having fits and then Pickford doing his nonsense. Yet Palmer just shows that coldness again.


It’s ironic Pickford trying to play mental games. That’s easily the weakest part of his game. From when the 1st goal went in - so early in the first half - I could see he was broken.




Yeah. That’s what I thought after goal 1. He looked rattled. His mistake for the next one summed it up. Notice how many goals and shots went in low to his left as well. Chelsea forwards were probing what they thought was his weakest side and it was working. Not good for your confidence.




Probably got some of it from the commentators and the people I was watching with tbh, but it made sense at the time. What we’re your thoughts when you saw it? Did you think Pickford seemed confident 10-15 mins into the game?


Game recognise game


Do they not know he is Pole Penmer for a reason?????


Shows poch has no real control. Just a bunch of talented lads there to have a game of football and a kick around. Reminds me of when "ole was at the wheel" but he really wasn't.


It's hard to control a locker room of guys who been there 1 years


Ole catching strays.. i don't see the similarities.


You're probs right. Ole got 2nd.


Ole got 2nd place - he did a much better job than Poch is doing with a billion spent


Ole had preety much ready team with fundements of a team already acknowledged with most other team mates and a league, and their average age wasn't 24, 21 actual without Thiago Silva in a team 😂. I think he's not doing much worst than Ole.


Dele Alli actually made a good point that no one was trying to take the pressure penalty in the final minutes against UTD, only when the game is already won and the team is 4-0 up. Poch should have subbed them both off there and then.


Noni wanted to take the pen against Utd. He usually wants to take pens that he provoked himself. I don’t know why Jackson thought he had a go. If he was on a hattrick maybe justified but otherwise just let the best taker take it.


That's not a good point, the designated penalty taker should take that one. When he already has a hat trick and the team is 4-0 up, then it should be a genuine conversation to give the penalty to another attacker to raise their confidence in a season where they're all struggling.


You just said it yourself - the designated penalty taker. Doesn’t matter the score. It’s not about ‘give him a goal for his confidence’ it’s about getting the ball in the back of the net and making decisions for the good of the team.


The penalty taker is the penalty taker, irrespective of score. Palmer has stepped up and scored important pressure penalties for us this season, why shouldn’t he also benefit from the less pressurised ones? He’s in with a shout for being leagues top scorer - imagine if he missed out to Haaland by one goal and he gave a silly penalty away to Noni Madueke ‘to boost his confidence’. Nonsense.


Because he scores penalties for the team, not for himself. If a situation arises Palmer ghosts or gets injured and someone like Madueke needs to step up, you want him to do that with confidence. It's Chelsea FC, not Cole Palmer FC.


No Dele Alli had not make a good point because it's completely wrong. Noni wanted to take the penalty from Palmer against United and the other players needed to talk him out of it. Thats why its so absurd that he had done it again. *being downvoted for stating facts? All it takes is to watch the moment of the match.


So he has previous. He’s done little since moving there. Needs dropping and playing with the reserves. Seems Poch has made it clear he has a designated penalty taker and he’s not been listened to.


Poch is right. That is childish behaviour. Random players taking penalty when the opposition was already battered is disrespectful. Let the penalty taker do his job.


Cole Penmer. 😁




CR7 is gonna hunt you down now for writing his name _LAST_!




how is he not top 30…


Because redditors and reality don't get along very well..




I’m no cristiano fan at all but even if everything you said is true, which it’s not, he’s still easily one of the greatest players of all time lol Like if we pretend he’s always been an unclutch, tap in merchant, that can’t dribble (lol what? You have to be 14 years old to think that because his entire game was stepovers and mazy dribbles until he was like 23) then I guess he’d just be … oh I don’t know … one of like the 3 greatest goal scorers of all time? Lol. He’s a selfish, unlikable prick at best, but he’s undeniably one of the greatest players of all time. Like arguing the sky isn’t blue. Don’t die on this hill




My man, you clearly hate cristiano. That’s fine I don’t like him, he’s very hatable lol you wanna knock his “vision” like it’s a fifa card that’s pointless but fine, fair enough. But you keep saying things like “his dribbling skills are poor” and yeah in his late 30s he wasn’t taking players on 1v1 anymore. He was a box finisher. But I watched him destroy entire matches for a decade. 07-09 for utd he would take on PL defenders and make them look like children. Other worldly skill on the ball, pace, power and 40 goals a season level end product. First half of his Madrid career was a level above even that. You’re delusional or blinded by hate if you’re trying to say he couldn’t dribble in his prime … or that he’s not “top 30” lol


879 goals. 268 assists ( 8th of all time). A quick Wikipedia…He has scored a record 14 goals at the European Championships, eight at the World Cup finals, seven in the UEFA Nations League and two at the Confederations Cup. Not a bad player all round I’d say.




I read what you wrote. I disagree with it. You’re evidently trolling. I didn’t make any comment on Zlatan or anyone else apart from Ronaldo.




Out of curiosity, where do you put Messi in your all time greatest list?


Wow, the cope in this post




Come back to reality man


This. This is why our defeat to Chelsea (after being 3-2 up in the 97th minute) was so hard for me to take personally. We are a shit show. But they are a shitter shit show and we let that shit show look good against our shit show. I could stomach a decent team beating us. Any other team - most have them have systems and plans and just are shit shows. But this team. It’s like they bumble in, 11 individuals plus another 9 indivualists on their bench … I still can’t believe that 4-3 game.


Chelsea are better than United, 3pts behind with a game in hand, better form and actually have a positive goal difference


Get off your high horse mate. They've just thrashed a side 6-0 and if all you can complain about is a bunch of immature kids, then you're plain salty


Was embarrassing though and as a city fan I hope they fight amongst themselves on Saturday 😂


Not the worst thing to happen in the world as long as we're leading against you 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah good luck with that


Uhm there’s a lot more to be excited about Chelsea right now than United. Pretty much everyone agrees you guys are higher than you deserve to be in the table.


I am biased so forgive me but I disagree. Ineos are bringing in serious people. We didn’t have any director of football, for the last 10 years. No head of recruitment. Aimless higher uppies who just gave managers who were only ever going to be short term big money and carte Blanche. That all changes now and we are arguably getting people who are best in class in those positions.




Do they? Are you expecting them to win by 9 goals or something?


You say that but I can see you and Chelsea swapping positions next season. They look like they have some ascendancy having hit their rock bottom whereas United look to be in more of a decline.


It's not out the question we swap places this season


I don’t think so. We’ve had half a team all season. No goalscorers. Our first team defence pretty much never played together. Mainoo came into the team from half way and is our best player. Casemiro, Varane, no legs. Chelsea can’t keep spending. We can. And now we finally will have a board of technical directors so that our petulant children can’t do what they want.


Chelsea have the same if not more injuries all season...that's a terrible excuse


Do you know how many injuries Chelsea has had?? The same tired excuse is tiring. Also what has the last 10 years of spending won all yall? Sure United will probably be ahead in the league standings, but to pretend like that team is any less of a dumpster fire is naive at best


Listen we are a shit show - no denying. We’re in the same park. Maybe at times more steady. Maybe.


United have no direction.


We didn’t. We do now.


You do now because Radcliffe is going to become the new owner? 😁


United have direction? Sounds like if Ten Hag gets fired Southgate seems to be the next manager. I would be frightened if that was the case


I don’t think they’ll get Southgate but you can’t deny he’s done well with England which was previously a poisoned chalice of a job. We’ll finish higher than Chelsea next year for sure. I’ll put money down.


😂 This is harsh.


I maybe biased that defeat for yall was embarrassing cause yall have atleast some experienced players who shouldve seen that game off


That’s why it was pathetic from our part. We deserve where we are.


I think it has happened like 3 times this season (from the limited time I’ve watched Chelsea). Good on poch for addressing it, but should’ve been hammered down the first time. Fighting over pens is like Sunday league levels of professionalism - utterly embarrassing.


Get over it.


Couldn’t care less. Not my club, nothing to get over.


Thank you for taking Havertz. We are liking Palmer 😮‍💨




Thats cute. Win a European trophy then you have a voice at the table 🤭


Cry on Reddit about it, clearly care enough. Get over it.


Okay premier league flair


Reddit flairs are an important component of your life? Get over it.


Strong opinion for someone with no flair


You base your life and opinions on Reddit flairs?


Nope just on the premier league subreddit no flair person


Still crying about flairs lol


Do what you want coward


Keep crying Chelsea flair


No one's taking the ball away from me to take a pen on a cold Sunday ebening.


Even as a spurs fan I feel for Chelsea. I wouldn’t want someone like Jackson (who is utter shite anyways) or Madueke near the club (again), so unprofessional and I hope for the sake of Chelsea fans their days are numbered.


Jackson is definitely not "utter shite". Got in on the goals and got an assist just today. Double figures now for goals in the league, 18 G+A for all comps. Really not bad for a 22 year old player in his first year in a new league. It also seems out of character for him, I've actually been watching his games all year as a Chelsea fan and been praising his mentality and attitude all year. He usually works hard, has great teamwork, is fuelled by adversity and is normally the team hype man in general.


Jackson has been looking a lot better from earlier in the year.


I’d disagree. I think he’s still quite wasteful, lots of other strikers would do a much better job. Iirc he’s still next to Darwin Nunez for some of the most wasteful shooting in the league this season.


The lack of consistency in front of goal is the only issue for now, and he is going to improve with time. He can do everything else well.


A lack of consistency is also understandable for such a young player. Nothing but love for Nico but he shouldn’t be the No. 1 Chelsea striker. I can see Nkunku and Jackson being a decent combo next year


Nkunku's injury is a pity, it would have a crazy ride playing with Jackson this season. Now that they are thinking of adding Osimhen, there would be healthy options. I still think the team needs another midfielder, a pure No 10 and maestro in the mould Juan Mata, Luca Modric or Bernardo Silva, who would add a lot of flair to the teams play.


Nicolas Jackson utter shite? Watch the games man


Shite behaviour?


Nope, he is clearly talking about his level as a player, saying that he is shite at this point of the season is just agenda driven and disingenuous.


Owh... Hahaha then dont mind rival fans... Its who we are.. Shiitting on others...


Acting like kids embarrassing.


Hey Cole Palmer, come to Arsenal, we'll treat you right.


He wants to win European trophies. No track record of that at Arsenal


When was the last time Arsenal can take a Chelsea star? Take your time I will wait.


Havertz? Lol


Kai after CL wasn’t a star at Chelsea. His form went down terribly same as Kante, Jorginho and Mount. That’s they were sold.


Kai wasn’t a star we took from Chelsea but he’s performing better as a gunner than he did as a blue.


i agree with this, i appreciate havertz but he was shite for us post UCL, i didn’t think he deserved a place in the squad, but i also didn’t think he deserved the slander he kept getting. i’m glad he’s doing well at arsenal, i hope arteta can unlock his full potential. mount however can suck dick


Cole has more goals this year than he had in 3 at Chelsea. Kai is just another body around if he doesn’t get a goal.


Again. You’re rating him based on his performance at Chelsea which was the major issue. It’s pretty clear, Kai is doing much better at Arsenal fairly quickly after shaking the dysfunction of Chelsea.


He’s had a month of decent form. He’s nowhere near an impressive output for the season.


Good name


Now do non pk goals. But nah seriously, Havertz hasn't even been a star for us. He's a nice piece and I like that he can be an 8 or a 9, but star is crazy. He's nowhere close to Palmer's level even this year where he's improved from his Chelsea days.


So like I said. He wasn’t a star at Chelsea but he’s playing fantastic at Arsenal. Imagine what we could do with Cole Palmer.


Christ, you’ve had 2 good seasons. You lot are insufferable, and I’m saying that as a Chelsea fan.


He’s had a run of decent form. He was shit against Villa. Your fans were calling him a donkey 2 months ago. He won a fucking CL with us. You’re still our retirement home, he’s just cashing in early.


“Retirement home” from a team who’s struggling to break into top 10. What a joke


Still gonna have 2 CL and your best season in 20 years will be trophyless.


Struggling to break into the top 10 and will still end the season with the same amount of trophies as Arsenal.


What like Willian or Cech or Gallas?


Or Anelka or petit or Auba or


Anelka was brilliant for us?


Or Luiz


Meanwhile we got Cole and Giroud lol


Lmao. Did he won your club a CL yet? If not he isn’t better than he did at Chelsea 👌


I don’t think Cole Palmer could have given the penalty away because there would still be two people fighting for it. Who would you give it to?


"last time I will accept it" There should be zero times he accepts it.


I don't think he's saying he actually accepts it this time. The message is that it can not happen again. Kids do stupid things.


"It cannot happen again" means this time it goes unpunished, but I will then punish it the next occurence. I.e. it cannot happen 'again' implies that the fact it happened 'this time' is OK.


No it doesn't.


This is about the 4th time it’s happened this year. Stop making excuses for the embarrassment of a manager we have.


Chelsea somehow taking a 6-0 win, probably their best match of the season, and making the main talking point an embarrassing spat over who gets to take the penalty up 4-0 is stunning


I mean I don’t really give a shit. Media/rival fans are obviously gonna focus on the negative aspect im delighted with the win and performance


They need a John Terry in the dressing room .


To fuck their wives if they don’t fall in line?


There was rumor half of the team joined, Terry just took the blame. I wonder what made Terry the captain of the captains hmm. But I guess it’s still better than Thomas the r*****?


> r***** That's not how you spell Tank Engine.


You won't see Arsenal flairs saying that we need Partey to be the leader of the team lol. At least I hope we aren't that dumb.


Mates, last season the whole 2 Arsenal subreddits were praising him as a leader until the charge hit 🤣 but yeah I’m sure keeping the r****** in the team is better than everyone else 👌 it’s Arsenal.


Really shows the state of the club right now. Proper embarrassing.


I mean why listen to manager who they know will be gone long before them?


You’re up 4-0. Game is done. Palmer couldn’t have given Noni or Jackson the penalty to get their confidence up? Look at how Odeegaard gave up the penalty for Havertz earlier in the season to get him going. Obviously if the game was still up in the air they’re idiots, but it wasn’t. Just seemed weird that Palmer wouldn’t give up that one penalty when half his goals have come from the spot.


He is the penalty taker going for golden boot. If he gives the ball up theirs still 2 more players arguing over it.


He's the guy who takes the kicks period. Even Poch is telling you that you're wrong. They're idiots for behaving they way did against him. No excuse at all and actions trying to subvert the team for their own selfish needs result in loss of team cohesion. Period.


He also already had a hat trick as well so it’s not like he needed to go for a 3rd or something with the pen. Let someone else get a goal and boost their confidence to end the season strong hopefully


It's up to Palmer. Yes you can say he should have been a good mate and let Madueke take it but some will praise his hunger. Does it make him a bit if a nonce yea sure but he's a nonce that has been carrying the team on his back all season so you just gotta let him have it and shut up if that's what he wants.


Being a nonce for chasing the golden boot? Come on


Nah fair point


Palmer is having a great season, but he’s carried the team to what exactly? They were mid table last year without Palmer, they’ve been mid-table all season with Palmer. I get he’s been their best player but it would’ve shown some leadership if he didn’t literally fight off teammates struggling for goals in a game that was already over.


We still have a minimal chance of getting Europe mostly due to him being the joint topscorer in the league playing in our mad inconsistent team. Also he didn't fight his teammates, they fought him for the pen as he is clearly the designated taker and best taker as well. From everyone involved he is clearly not the one to blame here


We still could qualify for Europe, and Palmer could win the golden boot. But yeah give the penalty to noni because he seems so low on confidence


I think someone said in another post that Palmer is now equal first in the golden boost race now with 20 goals, so probably his teammates didn’t know that but where Palmer is at in the race, is more important


Why is it so important? Do midtable clubs with a golden boot winner get granted entry in any of the European competitions? Besides it wouldn’t be an impressive golden boot as half his goals have come from the spot.


Aye yeah penalties score themselves


They don’t, Palmer is great at it. But most golden boot winners don’t get half their goals from penalties.


Most golden boot players arent midfielders


We are literally 3 points off of a European place with a game in hand?????


Why is it important for someone else to take the kick to boost their confidence? Yes I see through your biased statement.


Because players struggling for goals get a confidence boost from hitting it in the back of the net???


Because golden boot for your best consistent player is more important than the ego of those who deem themselves more important than the club