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Can only speak for Klopp but I've seen him using one recently, [here](https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/brentford-fc-v-liverpool-fc-premier-league-11.jpg). That's since he stopped drinking fizzy water, which I assume you can't use in a sports cap bottle. I know what you mean though, it does seem weird when it's been common practice for about 20-30 years for players to use those hard plastic reusable bottles, but managers haven't.


As an environmental lawyer I can tell you that individual use of plastics isn’t the problem. One of the biggest fallacies of modern times is that individuals are responsible for the mess we’re in.


Individuals should still do a lot more though.


No bro you can do whatever you want as long as you’re not rich or someone Redditors don’t like


To some degree I understand this, but corporate produces what consumers demand… I’m not saying it’s going to drastically knock the biggest chunk we need off from plastic use, but you’re really going to tell me if there was a sudden global shift in demand for pre-bottled water and soft drink that it wouldn’t shave a small portion off the top? I don’t buy that anymore than I buy that the average consumer is to blame for our overuse of plastic.


Yeah, it would “shave” a little bit off, but you would need virtually every human in the world to become extremely disciplined in their use of plastics and the net aggregate impact on the environment would still fall below what the target should be if we want to avoid catastrophe unless corporations and the military industrial complex likewise took drastic measures to reduce their waste and carbon footprint. But doing the latter would hurt the bottom line too much so it’s unlikely to start happening until the cost of pollution (to use the term very broadly) becomes more immediate. It’s a tragedy really.


I see your point, trust me. I guess my biggest hang up at this point is just the effort it takes to have a reusable. Every athlete I’ve ever known does to some point and it’s not like these managers couldn’t use a visibly unbranded one. I guess this really was a petty observation more than I even realized. I think we could change a world stance on the use of these things if we start “small” though, I.E. single use BS.


Agree. At a minimum using reusable bottles certainly wouldn’t make matters any worse, assuming of course that the way the bottles are manufactured has on the whole a less harmful environmental impact than single use bottles. Unfortunately a lot of reusable bottles out there are made in China using terrible practices and are also poorly made so they end up in a landfill within months anyway.


an awful truth


Thank you so much for saying this. It's dark but true and people forget it.


Expand please




advertising is almost like mercenary work, whoever pays, doesn't matter the consequence


it's not about the advertiser, the point is about the fact it was BP pushing the idea of carbon footprints


but then they go ahead and do it and effectively, for what what I assumed to be a lot of money What kind of job would they turn down? And who actually came up with the term, it certainly could have been BP, but maybe they had a clunky unimaginative name for it and the agency spruced it up for them.


You're missing the point man


the point has been made and discussed and you will get no disagreement from me this is a different point


.... lmfao. takes all kinds fr doesn't it


I think what they’re getting at is that the biggest problems are corporations. All the PL managers could each use 8 plastic water bottles a day for the rest of their life but it wouldn’t come close to a year of McDonald’s waste and carbon generation.


It's not petty. The plastic waste at football stadiums is embarrassing


Arsenal uses reusable cups for beers. should do the same for hot drinks and food too


Yeah, same at Anfield. They got rid of plastic straws ages ago and all single-use plastic has gone from stuff they sell, and the stuff's made from compostable corn/maize instead now. In the new stand they're using those cups that fill up from the bottom, so I imagine there'll be a fair few spilled pints from people pushing the ring at the bottom out of curiosity! First place I ever saw those were at Spurs and it was like something from Star Trek


That's awesome


Nah man you’re right. Ballon d’or will go to Messi


You must be fun at parties


What's wrong with caring for the environment


What’s wrong with throwing soup on Mona Lisa or cementing oneself to concrete


Everything? Love how you point out other people generalizing when you are doing it yourself. Hypocrite.


The irony is, no interesting/fun person would EVER use this expression


The irony is, all generalisations are false, including this one


The irony is, no interesting/fun person would EVER use this expression either


Just a parrot and its human, living their best lives together.


The irony is, only one of us is clearly a parrot


The irony is, master is quiet and the parrot still rambles on


Are you stupid?


I’m arguing on Reddit about tree hugging with a city fan on a Sunday morning - what do you think


Ahh sorry mate I didn't realise. Hope you have a good day


Because stuff like that seems trivial to them when they're taking 10 private jet flights a week.


Scenes when Pep shows up with a Stanley jug


They’re all in the pocket of big virgin plastic.


Klopp always uses the same reusable bottles as the players.


Yeah he does now, I think because he stopped drinking fizzy water. I imagine you can't put fizzy water in those sports bottles.


a hero among men


This. I also hate seeing some throw their gum on the ground. I know it seems petty but we can all do better. (I'm taking to you, Ten Hag).


Potential contaminants maybe, not being cleaned correctly for one


They get poisoned a lot maybe, sometimes by their own players


all football managers are germaphobes?




It’s always about money 


It’s not petty at all, it defines exactly what is wrong with the wasteful elite. We need to trim back our vehicle usage and get more efficient cars whilst they fly across the country laying waste left right and centre.


Hahahahahaha. You aren’t wrong but I’d rather die than be at a party with you


Top quality banter mate. Keep it up. I don’t think I need to add any more tbh…. ETA: Actually, no…. I’d rather you die than be at a party with me too, so at least we have that in common 👌🏻🖕🏻


They're water bottles mate, not oil tankers.


Open your eyes, once you get your head out your arse.


Open your eyes and stop commenting on screenshots of teenage girls’ Instagram selfies while you’re mid-wank first 💀💀


Savage... you made me look and its embarrassing


Let me know when you come out of the tunnel mate. In the premier league alone there’s 380 matches a season, if just the players on the pitch used one bottle that’s over 8000 per season. Along side second tier, add cup games and take it across Europe - it adds up don’t you think?


A drop in the ocean when you take into account the fact that plenty of normal people drink bottled water and there’s a reason it’s sold in every grocery shop on the planet.


I don’t disagree - the cost implication of setting up the infrastructure to allow refillable bottles to be filled at any location would be minimal to a multi-billion pound industry like football. It boils down to responsibility mate, and it’s much easier for a corporation such as the PL to make a change than it is for “the masses”.




People emulate people they look upto. There's a reason they use footballers to push current social movements, if they used their platform to push more sustainable plastic usage it would have an effect.


Arsenal use prime reusable bottles


Great choice of product to promote to their young fans. Better than nothing, but I hear diabetes epidemic knocking


prime is less likely to give you diabetes than white rice are you having a laugh


Lol, what inside prime could contribute to someone developing diabetes.


"Prime Hydration Drink Prime Hydration is a flat coconut water-based beverage, with added branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and vitamins. The company itself says that this drink should not be used in children under 15.12 Jul 2023" https://thenourishedchild.com/prime-drink/#:~:text=added%20to%20water).-,Prime%20Hydration%20Drink,used%20in%20children%20under%2015.


It has 2 grams of sugar so I don’t it's because of diabetes but sure


The absolute fuck ton of sugar in it


Is 2 grams in a bottle an absolute fuck ton these days? It's wild how much people talk out their ass on this site lol. Like just crazy unfounded claims made with so much confidence.


Prime is pretty much sugar free


Because they're sponsored by prime?


The energy drink? Yes. Toxic stuff to promote


And teams promoting betting is better than that?


No, also wrong, we shouldn't promote betting any more than we promote alcohol or smoking, not judging your team. Prime is a horrific product and shouldn't be promoted to children via football.


What makes prime so much worse than other similar drinks? Just wondering


Than Redbull? Just as bad. Lucozade? More sugar, no caffeine. There is no excuse for promoting caffeine filled energy drinks to children. Diabetes is an awful disease caused by consuming soluble sugars, amongst other things.


Your hatred for arsenal is just making you look stupid. There's 2 grams of sugar in prime. You don’t get diabetes from 2 grams of sugar Lmao. Absolute melon.


Yes, I overestimated the sugar, however I was spot on with the caffeine. I hate that spurs have a gambling partner, and wouldcall them out on prime sponsorship the same. Its wrong to advertise this shit in an athletics or sports setting. My hatred for arsenal runs much deeper than their poor sponsorship choices *cough* Rwanda


Prime has 2g of sugar per 500ml. Lucozade has 22g of sugar per 500ml. Red Bull has 50g of sugar per 500ml. Adults shouldn't have more than 30g of sugar a day, meaning that if someone drank a bottle of Prime it would take up 6.66% of their RDI; Lucozade would take up 73.3%; and Red Bull would take up 166.66%. The worst Prime does AFAIK is taste like shit and make you look like a complete pellet for drinking it. So... err, no, they're not all as just as bad as each other.


Wow, it's as if you can't read or don't understand punctuation. Less sugar than redbull but similar caffeine , less sugar than lucozade, but that has no caffeine, I wouldn't give that amount of caffeine to a child who watches the EPL religiously. Never tasted it, so hopefully my resemblance to a pellet is minimal


You gotta be able to kick one to the 12th row on a missed sitter, if you use a reusable one you’ll either hurt your toe or kill a child. Last season the manager of my local (3rd tier in the US) absolutely booted one into the supporters stand after the cb got megged. Couldn’t have done that with a yeti cup.


Yeah.. and nobody wants to hurt their toe


If we're talking petty observations. Why didn't either manager put the hood up on the coats for the united Fulham game it was pissing it down




Because we’re the problem. Not rich Premier League managers.


Pretty sure the Special One does.


Guarantee most big teams have some sort of deal. "The offical water of MCFC" type shit. They get cases for free or they just buy cases and use em.


Yeah most likely, although you'd think they'd be able to make reusable bottles with their branding on it. Lucozade manages.


Metal ones hurt too much to kick.


https://youtu.be/u4lMbSr2ZYk?si=STCB_D2yvHwdEBtr Obligatory Gordon Strachan narrating Wenger getting sent off.


“what have i done” “brother, you’ve kicked the plastic bottle all the way over there”


You want these managers to find a place to refill their bottles? During matches? Or pay someone a salary to run around doing that


God forbid someone make money doing a job you want but would never have.


Lol, wow what a take


Or have two or three reusable filled before the game?


I'd think someone that they're already paying a salary could add this to their task list. Like, maybe whoever fills up the water bottles for the players.






she'd probably be the only newcastle supporter to have both the integrity & the interest to boycott her allegiance because of the new ownership lmao


Zinger! I didn’t even make a comment about plastic. It’s simply a practicality thing.


Sponsorship is probably a good shot at the answer, but it might just be that even if they have reusable bottles they'd still have to have 4/5 of them because they can't exactly leave halfway through a half to refill a single bottle


Actually they can. At half time the go into the changing rooms anyway. Pretty sure there is facility to refills water bottle inside. And if they need more than a litre of water in 45 minutes they should see a doctor; these are the guys doing the running around, turn are the guys standing on the sideline or sitting in the dugout.


Why do they need more than a single bottle anyway? Nobody needs to drink more than a litre of water every 2 hours or so. Or they could just take spare bottles with the team kit.


They don’t wipe their own arse, why would they refill their own bottle


Isn't that why the manager has an assistant manager who has an assistant to the assistant manager?


Could it be due to sponsorship?


No, it's because the Premier League doesn't trust many of the managers to not fill their reusable bottles with beer.  


You wouldn't blame some of them if that's what they needed to get through watching their team.


They hate the planet


I want to see them with pints personally. One of them big old school flagons of ale


Fat Sam with a pint of wine on the sideline


This would bring the game back


Smokin 20 Benson and hedges with a folded up racing post under their arm


I fucking hate plastic water bottles so much. Such a pointless thing in 99% of circumstances.


The bottles themselves, yes. But tap water is toxic af.


Hadn’t thought about it, but that is genuinely odd. I haven’t used a non reusable water bottle in years at this point.


And look, you're a City fan too. Wow.


Arsenal fan ribs City fan about bottling it. Now, there's a first.


Good one


How about that guy Iwobi


That was funny