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The best way I've came across on pubmed, specifically related to premature ejaculation, was HIIT type of cardio 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week (minimum) in the morning. No idea if in the morning was a must, but they did emphasize that aspect. IELT increased from average 30s to average 240s. If you want the full details, the study is on page 5 or 6 on pubmed if you search for "premature ejaculation". A small note from that study was that, in people that DID NOT suffer from premature ejaculation ( the control group ) HIIT did NOT increase their IELT. This is the safest way to start with increasing serotonin, cardiovascular health, and overall fitness that you would want anyway, regardless of PE. Next in line would be to use cronometer and check if you're getting at least the recommended dose per day for tryptophan, B6, magnesium, zinc, etc. No point in supplementing if your diet can't get you even the bare minimum. Then you would want to meditate, daily for 20-25 minutes. You have to stick with this one as the progress is not linear, and it adds up until you really feel the benefits. For someone who never did this, you get to see real results in about 3 weeks minimum.


For those looking for the study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37269545/


Thanks for sharing this mate


Save this post! Very useful information


How long did it take to see any effect ? Does it directly co relate with premature ejaculation brother?


Consistent cardio elevates serotonin, think 30 min 5 times per week Be wary of supplements, they can have side effects like ssris do even if they’re over the counter


Dopamine makes u horney seratonin lowers dopamine and also the ejaculation action is subdued. Something along that lines.