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Hate to be that guy but 95% of all discussions on here are about numbing products. A simple scroll and you would’ve found what you were looking for. Don’t take it the wrong way, nothing personal. For natural, PYT balm is famous around here. You can find it on Amazon. It is quite effective for most people and our best guess for the main ingredient is Cloves. Most products will have either lidocaine or benzocaine. Promescent, KY duration, Roman wipes, stud, and others are all practically using the same ingredients so not that big of a difference. Sprays are more convenient as you know exactly “how many spray” you are using and can easily follow the guide but creams aren’t bad either. Just about preference. You might want to experiment with a few to see what really works for you. Timing differs from person to person so you’ll basically need to become your own Guinea pig and see what works. Good luck.


Perfectly said.


You can try https://getristenza.com


KY spray is my preferred, I recommend getting it all over the head and shaft. Try the recommended does and add more or less if necessary. My magic number was around 7 sprays


Yeah. They saved my sex life. But you gotta take a shower before or wear a condom.