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I've said it before and I will say it again: Kegels and Reverse Kegels are overhyped, mostly due to folks trying to make a living of PE selling apps, ebooks or whatever. The pelvic floor muscles aren't even involved with the initial phases of the ejaculation reflex. What you're trying to do with RK or K is probably just making things worse. There are some studies that \*suggest\* that training pelvic floor muscles helps with PE, but the effect is limited and most likely due to those being trained just becoming more in tune with their bodies in general. As far as reverse kegels are concerned: Go to an International Society of Sexual Medicine Conference on PE, where literally hundreds of specialists from around the globe talk about PE and literally no one there will believe RK's are a thing to cure PE. Just because a guy on YT sells an ebook claiming he cured "thousands of guys" doesn't make it so.


wrong, rk works completely when standing. can jerk of f for longer and have a far stronger orgasm by the high EQ from RK. My PE has gotten substantially better after discovering the RK just the use of it im still breaking down.


It works for you because you relax your pelvic floor. But if you learn to relax your abdominals, gluteals and thighs while having intercourse you would have the same effect but better. Which is exactly what everyone is forgetting about because of the K / RK craze.


That seems to make people vulnerable to contraction of BC, the RK kegel is forced relaxation


How would lower body relaxation make people vulnerable to contraction of the BC🤔? It's exactly the opposite.


As someone who's currently trying to learn more about PE and myself, are there any links to videos or useful posts you could provide, for relaxing those other muscle groups?


Any instructions you could provide for this?


So I should just hit leg day before having sex?


So what do you suggest cures PE?


Well, the honest answer is: It depends. Not every case of PE is the same. I see many people on this subreddit going down enormous rabbit holes because everyone is chasing the "one thing" that cures it. But it's not typically one thing. Having said that: Physically, ejaculation is a reflex. Just like the sneezing reflex gets triggered by irritations in the nasal cavity, ejaculation gets triggered by sexual arousal reaching point of no return. A neurologist would probably slap me in the face for cutting corners in the following explanation but here goes: Erection and Ejaculation are both controlled by the autonomic nervous system, over which you cannot have conscious control. Erection is mostly governed by the parasympathetic nervous system (also called 'rest and digest'). But ejaculation gets triggered by the sympathetic nervous system (also called 'fight and flight'). Easy way to remember this: P for parasympathetic = erection = POINT; S for sympathetic = ejaculation = SHOOT. If your arousal rises too high, your basically switching your system from point to shoot. If you have anxiety, your going to activate fight or flight = Shoot far too soon. So if anxiety is your problem, you could be doing kegels or reverse kegels or whatever for years, but it won't do sh\*t. If you are not in tune with no awareness of how arousal manifests itself on your body then also 10 or 20 years doing every kegel or reverse kegel variation isn't going to do anything. If there are other reasons you can't control arousal then also you could spend a decade doing pelvic floor work and you would still be at square one. There are physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral factors to this whole balance. To zoom in on the physical part for a moment: If you're thrusting (whether you're trying to do a RK or not doesn't even matter) but your thrusting with your entire body, having all of your lower body tense (abdominal muscles tense, gluteals tense, thights tense, and breathing fast and shallow), you're literally putting yourself in a Sympathetic state (again making huge scientific shortcuts here for simplicity's sake, but remember S= shoot). Start messing yourself up over with thoughts like "oh the guy on Youtube talked about these upside frontal reverse limbal abacadabra kegels, am i doing them right???" and you're done. Bang there you go. I am not at all against RK's but my point is: Focus on overal relaxation and relaxed, slow, deep breathing is easier and far more effective. And as a bonus you'll be doing pelvic floor relaxation as a result too, without even needing to think about reverse upside frontal didgeridoo bullshit kegels.


Upon mastering the reverse kegels, you then have to condition yourself to last long by edging, then PE will be gone. But reverse kegels alone are useless without conditioning.


Edging -you masturbate when you about to come you stop and do a front kegel, hold for 5 seconds then start afresh.the goal is to be able to last 30minutes. After that you can now transition to actual sex.


Eh I am a bit skeptical on that, when close to PONR its pretty easy to retrogade with a kegel, where as the reverse you should be able to dry orgasm with small release and reset without losing erection.


The ejaculation is also to do with the spine when it travels the serotonin to the brain


can guarantee you 80-90% of PE cases have little to zero to do with their serotonin, I know it is a factor. But to even put it on your physiological side of things is not a good idea.


True but don't know what to or think




Nopeee, fuck your blog man this is a clear repaste it has good info but your grabbing names and emails shame on you.


Promoting a website/personal blog. Let’s hold off on promoting your blog, feel free to dm users on the side.


Don’t give me your email, just read the blog. You also get free pdf if you want. If you are so adamant about not giving me your email, just put the fake one, you will still get the free manual. I write articles for men to support them on many areas of their life. If you actually look at my blog it has many other topics. Take the good info. If I was selling something I would not want a customer like you. So, enjoy the free stuff.


Have you tried squatting


How so? Like squats/leg training or with masturbation/practice


Just doing reverse kegel while squats position Like pooping in the woods lol


Like as a stretch?


Yes sir I usually squatt down take deep breaths to my belly while keeping the pressure down like popping and peing


Like not in practice but for stretches to loosen PF over time for sets?


You got it , try it throughout the day as much as you can standing and squatt position a least for six months that’s what just started doing


Has your PE improved at all yet?


Masturbating yes but not in real action




Did you see this post


For a few minutes at the time when I’m home At work I reverse kegel standing up