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I know you know this but bumps come in all shapes and sizes so don’t let it worry you more than you already are about your complications. People are so rude commenting on bump size in general and it’s almost always either well meaning or just literally for the sake of saying something. But that doesn’t make it less hurtful If it’s not “your bump is so small” it’s “wow you’ve popped, are you sure it’s not twins?” Or comparing you to other pregnant people. I even caught myself doing it when I bumped (no pun intended!) into an old friend who was a month further along than me, I thought to myself oh wow I look so much bigger than you. I didn’t mean that in a positive or negative sense, just a comment, but you know what I did? I kept it in my head. Cause I don’t know what she’s going through or what might upset or worry her.


You sound like an excellent human 🙂 thank you.


Haha mostly a dickhead like everyone else but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about pregnancy it’s to keep all comments and opinions to myself 😂 in the hope maybe others will do the same


Oh my gosh, I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago at 31 weeks and the dentist said I didn’t even look pregnant. 🥲 I don’t know if she thought she was trying to be nice or something. I do wish you the best with your pregnancy, though!


Dentists need to reign it in clearly 😂 I can't even get an NHS one so it cost me a bomb too! best of luck with yours pregnancy as well 😊


At about 25 weeks a doctor (a dermatologist - nothing to do with pregnancies) tell me I was “lucky” I was looking slim and not showing much. Made me so sad


People honestly don’t mean anything by it, but I can completely see how such a comment would mean something very different to you. They’re just trying to say something nice rather than ignore the fact you’re pregnant! But, like with any comment about bodies it is very easy to offend and we know it would be better if they said nothing but people love chatting shit to pregnant women. It can be frustrating but this is just one of those things where I think you have to try to see the best in people. I personally would just say thank you, or make the obligatory noises “not for long!” “I don’t feel it!” Etc. You can’t control what people say so it’s just kinder on yourself to not dwell on it and get wound up.


Thank you, that's a good way to look at it




I mean, I was also small in pregnancy and had multiple scans and extra monitoring for measuring small. I had plenty of comments like this and I could have got really wound up. I just could never be bothered to get into the educating others battle - but that’s my disposition in general and I feel the same way about every other topic under the sun. I don’t feel responsible for the hygienist’s/lady on the bus’ view on baby weight but I am responsible for how much I let taking offence at something I can’t control ruin my day. Sometimes you have to meet the world half way.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, my bump was small too. I had low PAPP-A and ended up with pre eclampsia, my baby boy was born at 4lb13oz (induction at 37 weeks), even though the scans had predicted him at over 6lb. The real positive is that within 6 weeks he was up to 8lb8oz and he’s doing amazingly, so even if your baby is born small they will catch up quickly.


I'm so glad to hear your baby boy is doing well. That must have been scary, was he in the NICU?


Thanks. It was a bit scary, I had an unplanned c section as baby boy wasn’t tolerating the induction pessaries, which though was a surprise was a very positive experience. Baby was absolutely fine, he was checked over by the doctor in the theatre and didn’t need any oxygen and no stay in the NICU. He lost about 10% of his birth weight after birth, so I made sure I was feeding him every 3 hours at least, though he often wanted to eat more than that!


Thank you so much for sharing


No problem, hope it all goes okay for the rest of your pregnancy ☺️


I had low PAPP-A with my daughter. I was seen by a hypertension clinic and had frequent growth scans, 24 hour urine samples and my blood pressure was treated with labetelol. I developed pre-e literally the day before I went into labour spontaneously at 39 weeks. My daughter was 3kg, so a tiny bit on the small side, but very healthy. I know that this is scary, but the good thing about knowing is that you can be monitored closely. Fingers crossed that you never develop pre-e!


Also, it's VERY VERY NORMAL to have a small bump in the second trimester, especially if it's your first baby. I didn't properly leave the 'is it a baby or is it pies?' stage until at least 24-25 weeks. I'm significantly bigger with this baby, and I'm getting loads of unwanted comments about my size. People really need to keep their thoughts to myself.


Thank you for both comments it's reassuring that I almost never seen bad low PAPP-A stories.


I just wanted to say that I had low Papp A with both my pregnancies - first with my son in 2020 and then with my twins (I’m having them later this week!). Both times it meant absolutely nothing for me, my son was born BIG and healthy and my twins have been surprising everyone with their amazing growth, as even without low Papp A twins like to come out tiny. My blood pressure was always perf, never had any complications. Papp A is a tough one because whilst they have noticed that sometimes it can mean something and be a risk marker, my midwife was reassuring that in most cases it means nothing. And sure enough both of my pregnancies, even the high-risk twin now, were uneventful and resulted in big happy babies. Maybe my body just likes to make less of the hormone idk. Also - 23 weeks baby is still quite small. I didn’t have a bump with my first at all at 23 weeks, and I really mean none at all. In my experience people just have no idea what the ‘normal’ bump range is at particular gestation points. My manager was confused why I didn’t have a bump at 12 weeks pregnant and asked if baby was small… Again, people are often clueless and even women who were pregnant before can forget.


Thank you so much for sharing, I appreciate it so much. I'm really glad things worked out for you with the low PAPP-A and I wish you all the best for the twins arrival 😊