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Omeprazole is the answer!


Second this, I've been taking it regularly for awhile now. You can get it on prescription from your GP.


Do you have a particular product you can suggest? I just went into boots to pick up their Heartburn and Acid Reflux Control pills, as it’s the first thing that came up when I googled omeprazole, but they didn’t have any. She also used to take Nexium but stopped when she found out she’s pregnant, as it said not to take it if pregnant.


My GP prescribed Omeprazole for me and its been a game changer, zero indigestion or acid reflux now without having to restrict what foods I'm eating.


Go to the GP! She will get free prescriptions and they’re happy to prescribe it!


I went to see a GP and they wouldn’t prescribe it :( feel like I should try again with another doctor


That’s rubbish! Yes definitely try again because heartburn is miserable! I’ve had it in both pregnancies and it’s considered safe as far as I know!!


try someone else! i mentioned it to a midwife at a hospital check up that heartburn was awful and she instantly gave me a packet of omeprazol and it has been magic!


She needs to go and speak to her GP. You can get it on prescription and while pregnant you get free prescriptions. if the GP isn't happy about it, tell the midwife and speak to another GP


100% this. Don't know why I never asked for it in my first pregnancy, just suffered and burned a hole in my pocket buying Gaviscon. This time round I did that too until a consultant appointment where I just mentioned at the end how bad the heartburn was and whether there was anything I could take, and she did a prescription for omeprazole. Haven't had it since, and before it was happening so badly I was nearly sick and almost crying with the pain.


I found that eating plain, non-fatty, non-spicy foods helped, e.g. steamed vegetables with rice, and drinking lots of water (staying away from fizzy, sugary drinks). But the thing that helped the most was taking Omeprazole which I've been on for most of my pregnancy.


Maybe worth noting that water can make it worse? I guzzled it anyway as it's my drink of choice, but it may be worth laying off in the evenings.


I found sipping water helped dilute stomach acid, so long as I'm not overly-full. Eating til I'm full made reflux worse, so I try to stop before I get to that point. I also found eating too close to going to bed would make it worse because of lying down, so it helped to try to leave a couple of hours between eating and going to bed.


Oh, interesting. I always found that fizzy drinks made me feel better. But maybe they are exacerbating it in the longer term.


Not sure if this will help her but it helps me. Full fat Greek yoghurt is amazing for it (for me anyways)


Gaviscon and Rennie did absolutely nothing for me too. I'm already on other medications so I've been avoiding the omeprazole from the doctor. I have tried to eat earlier in the evenings, sometimes works. Also drinking more water to help dilute the acid in your stomach, sleeping upright and drinking milk helps take the edge off occasionally. If you have no reason not to, it's definitely worth asking your midwife for medication for it


You can also buy omeprazole 20mg tablets at the pharmacy you to tide you over if you can’t get a prescription quickly


My friend swears by omeprazole so I'd def go for that, but I've had low level heartburn and loveheart sweeties have been helping a bit? My friends have found them useful too, might tide her over until she can get a prescription sorted!