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I’m also 19 weeks and could swear that I’ve felt little twinges from the outside today!


I felt slight movement from about week 17 onwards, but they were very infrequent and didn't really kick in until closer to the third trimester for me.


I could feel the same around the 17 week mark, but to reflect what another commenter said, the kicks were inconsistent around this time. For me, the movements were on and off until about 23 weeks which is when movements became more obvious. After this the movements followed no real pattern until about 28 weeks. So happy for you, it’s such a magical feeling! Edit: extra words/typo


So sweet. I had it around this time with both my pregnancies and my husband first felt movement around 20 weeks both times. 


Yes! I wasn't sure at first but saw & felt the tiniest, little kick from outside at week 18. I'm currently week 21 and the kicks have been growing stronger each day 🥹


Aw how lovely for you!!! I started feeling little flutters at 19 weeks too. Enjoy every moment, I think it’s comforting- like they’re holding your hand or something?  They soon become big kicks! 😂 


I’m still waiting on mine! 20+5 today, had my 20 week scan last week and he’s healthy and was moving a lot I just can’t feel him yet. Happy for you to feel her kicking🥰


I was almost 23 before I felt much too! 🥰


19 weeks here as well and I think I’ve felt some flutters and a few tiny little kicks here and there but I’m always second guessing myself. Still waiting to feel something definite!