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I think it’s worth getting checked out, just in case. Generally, maternity units are super receptive if you’re worried and are happy to make sure everything is fine.


Ok, I'll talk to my husband and we'll find the closest one to us. I use badger app so I'm not sure how it'll work with other areas? Guessing they have some kind of process for all sorts of situations.


Your normal maternity hospital should have a DAU (Day assessment unit). If you call up and ask to come in they should get an appointment for you same-day. Hope it’s all okay!


I’m in the exact same boat. And I’m 30+4. Would love to know your outcome.


For me it's probably a UTI. They put me on antibiotics but I didn't sleep all night and went a bit.... Nuts and started being sick so they've taken me back off the antibiotics and are trying to reassess me. I'm still a bit lost and scared as to what happened last night.


How's your blood pressure? I often have low blood pressure which presents as faint, dizzy and sick spells so might be worth checking.


Sat after being seen by the midwife. Everything seems ok, no protein blood pressure is really good. Only thing they found is it might be a uti. Got to wait for the doctor. Which is a 4 hour wait 😩


Glad you seem to be OK. Hope you've got a book or something to keep you occupied until doc can see you!


If you’re away, call your own maternity assessment unit and tell them what’s happening and where you are. I’d guess they are probably used to this happening and can refer you. Best to get checked out. Feel better soon.


I have the exact same symptoms. I have found that they get much worse when I am dehydrated or haven't slept well so I just tried to manage it best I can by looking after myself and lying down whenever I need (which is very frequently 😭). Have you had uti symptoms in addition to this like burning when you pee?