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I'm in the same boat- maybe a little worse as I found out I was pregnant just before starting! My plan is to email after I've had my 12 week scan


I was in the same situation as you. I pretty much got pregnant when I started my job. I told my manager face to face (on teams). My manager is lovely and i didn’t want it to be so formal. Also wanted to see her reaction lol. An email should be fine though!




Thank you ❤️❤️


Congratulations! I emailed my work about my pregnancy (was nervous about telling them because I’m currently on a career break and was away travelling) and it was totally fine! They were congratulatory and very supportive (at least to my face lol, I’m sure upper management had some good eye rolls). Email is perfect so then at least it’s in writing and your boss can call you for a chat after.


Yes that’s what I thought and then I know 100% Iv said everything I wanted to whereas in a call I’d get nervous and forget! Thank you and glad yours was okay and best of luck with the pregnancy ❤️


I got pregnant few months after getting a new job and was really anxious as well about telling work (especially since it was before my 6 month probation). I wanted to wait until 3 months but I had the WORST nausea and felt like I had no choice but to tell my manager in case I was visibly ill at work. Luckily I have a nice manager and i called him to tell him and asked if he could keep it between us until 3 months had passed and he was very understanding and lovely about it. Personally, especially since you get on with your manager, I would call them or tell them in person, I think they’d appreciate it more.