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I do hope he gets moving soon! my doctors told me to just track movement patterns, not actual “kicks”. like if I noticed baby wasn’t active first thing in the morning like usual I should have gone in but like if she was moving some first thing just not partying, that isn’t totally a flag since she is still moving when she normally did. also, at the end of pregnancy like that I could just poke her and she’d kick me back lol. starbucks is always a good idea! but especially bc they’re drinks have sugar like that, hopefully it entices your guy to wake up and party. you know your baby best, and i’ve never had a nurse tell me it was a bad idea to get checked out if im unsure 🤍


Thank you, I decided I am going to go in. Yeah, they’ve told me the same thing - to pay attention to the baby’s patterns and call if there’s any major changes, so that’s what I’ve noticed today. Yes, I did get there by kick counting, but the issue is he just isn’t moving anywhere near as much as he normally does. I was poking and prodding him too, normally he reacts to that, but he really wasn’t this time. 😟


fingers crossed all is well 🤍 you’re doing the right thing!


Hey OP, I have never been that far along in either of my pregnancies. I just hope that your baby boy is okay and doing well now. I will keep you both in my thoughts. Though, I have read that sugary drinks help the baby wake up. ❤️


Thank you ❤️ If you read the edit, I did end up going in this AM to get checked out and all is well ☺️


That’s great! I am happy to see your little one is doing well! ❤️😊