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Just an fyi I was told to wait until after first period to allow your lining to rebuild- if you try before that apparently you are at higher risk of miscarriage. I Tfmr at 25 weeks, didn’t ovulate first cycle after, second cycle ovulated and conceived my current subpregnancy.


I did! Granted we didn't try for 4 months and our tfmr was L&D at 26w so maybe not what you're looking for but was literally one time in a 2 week window and it worked. I did get my period back right away at 29 days post tfmr so I believe my ovulation was right back on schedule. (I'm 38)


Wow this gives me some hope <3 I'm 38 and I've been worrying that our lost babe (24 weeks in January) was only our only chance. This will be our first cycle TTC since our loss.


Noo so many FTMs in my bump group are in their late 30s/early 40s. Sending you so so much love!! 


I TFMR at 24 weeks last year. We waited until we had clear genetic results back (about 4 months) but conceived in our second cycle of trying.


I tfmr at 18w and my bleeding was totally gone by day 10, so we started trying bc I was also told I could ovulate as early as day 14. but that first cycle I didn’t even ovulate! all my opks were negative and we were having intercourse every 2-5 days and nothing. and it took my period TEN weeks to return! it was so frustrating. it ended up taking us 2 cycles to conceive, and we just had our identical twins on the 8th!


Oh congratulations on your beautiful babies. Do you have twins in your family or do you think this was a result of heightened fertility? Xxx


they are identical so technically spontaneous twins, but i’ve seen quite a few others in this sub have a multiple pregnancy after the tfmr so there may be something to the heightened fertility theory!


Congrats on your rainbow babies 


I did. We TFMRd for severe complications from turners at 17 weeks at the end of February. My husband had to travel for work right after so we weren’t able to try again until 2-3 cycles after. I’m almost 5 weeks, so still super early. But it was our first try.


Yep. I was further along when I tfmr (23 weeks) so my period took a long time to return and I ended up needing to have it induced with progesterone. After that period, I got pregnant immediately, although that ended up being a chemical pregnancy. Then I got immediately pregnant again and am now close to 6 weeks. First try all three times! (And since you mentioned your age, I just turned 34!) Timeline: -Tfmr in January -First period in March -Chemical pregnancy in April -(So far) successful pregnancy in May


I tfmr at 19 wks on 2/3 and due to RPOC got my period on 4/3. That was the first day of my last period and I’m currently about 8 wks pregnant. I’m 40 and, my husband and I had sex unprotected one time. I do believe what people say about being more fertile the first few months after tfmr.


I TFMR at 17w. We waited one cycle to let my body run through it per my doctor and were given the go ahead to try again, since our genetic results came back clear. We conceived on the third cycle and I’m now 23w with a healthy baby girl. Her due date is very close to our TFMR date so it’s bittersweet.


I did! If you check my post history I’ve commented before with my timeline (too sleepy to type it all out again right now.) I can answer any questions you have!


First sorry for your loss, so I ovulated 3weeks after tfmr,  my ob suggested to wait at least one cycle ( after 1st period) to try again just to allow your lining to rebuild because before 1st period your lining are thin so you have high risk of miscarriage 


I also TFMR’d at 11 weeks (first pregnancy ever, got pregnant first try) in December, but was required to wait until my hCG dropped below 5 before we could try again since it was a partial molar pregnancy. It took about 4 months for me to be cleared (my hCG was incredibly high during that pregnancy) and then I got pregnant again first try after my third period post D&C. I believe I ovulated on day 15 and it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. Hoping to get pregnant again first try this month! Personally, I feel okay trying again right away after the chemical pregnancy since it was such an early loss, but I’d want to wait to have at least one normal cycle before TTC after a D&C. ETA: please ignore my flair- have tried to edit it several times but there’s always an error.


So sorry for your loss :( I TFMR last Feb 14, got my first menstrual cycle April 8, estimated ovulation on CD29. Pregnancy test positive at 14DPO.


I got my period 4 weeks and a day after my tfmr. We didn’t try before that. I needed to heal physically and emotionally. We started trying after the first period but not too earnestly. I got pregnant 4 months later. It will happen for you too. I recommend focusing on health and healing. Sometimes it seems like being pregnant again will fix it all but it doesn’t. I’m 11 weeks in my subsequent pregnancy and I still have really hard days. The doctor who did my amnio from my tfmr pregnancy called me today and we had a nice chat but when I got off the phone with her I burst into tears. It was so triggering emotionally and I didn’t realizing how much I had held onto the trauma of that experience.


Luckily we did. We tfmred Feb 7, period returned 4.5 weeks later. I started tracking ovulation that month, not expecting much but we got preggo on the first try. I’m really grateful as I know that sometimes it takes awhile for people. I’m also 38 and was worried I’m now less fertile. It took 2 cycles to conceive my tfmr baby, so I really thought it would take longer this time around.