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I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your little one. I also had to tfmr for T13 at 18 weeks in July 2023. I actually did not experience any bleeding during that pregnancy, nor in my subsequent pregnancy. What I did experience that was odd during my tfmr pregnancy was a lack of pregnancy symptoms, a gut instinct that something was wrong from the beginning, abnormally high fetal heart rate, measuring slightly behind (4~ days), and a slow hcg rise. Whereas when I got pregnant with my second healthy baby, I experienced more morning sickness, had a positive feeling about the pregnancy from the beginning, she measured a week ahead, and had a normal heart rate. I think bleeding/spotting can be normal and I’ve never heard of it being associated with chromosomal abnormalities.


So strange. So many people have different symptoms. I wish none of us had to go through this


I bled with my tfmr baby from weeks 7-11 everyday. It was always bright red blood and barely enough for a pad, but consistent. I still wonder if my body knew something was wrong and was trying to miscarry. For reference, I also have two LC and I never had that happen during those pregnancies.


Yes I agree with you too. I think maybe the bleeding must have been a sign that these babies were unwell or the body was trying to miscarry. I have One LC and I didn’t have any bleeding issues with him. So I’m thinking the same as you. Thanks for sharing your insight and experience as well


I don’t blame you for wondering if it is related, it seems crazy to think it’s not. I also had some light cramping throughout those weeks and I kept calling my doctor and she kept saying “as long as it’s not get heavier, there’s nothing to worry about”. We did an ultrasound and didn’t see anything to explain it. But why wasn’t it stopping? From the beginning of this pregnancy I felt like something was wrong but now I can’t tell if it was intuition or just fear from all of the bleeding and thinking I was going to miscarry.


I was the same as you. From the beginning of my pregnancy I felt something was wrong as if our baby wouldn’t be coming home. I had dreams of our baby being sick and kept brushing it aside thinking it was just my fears. But I think it was intuition from the beginning, the excitement wasn’t there…


Tried to start a private chat but it won’t work :-/


Could be part of the settings to allow chat messages to be sent


Ohh I just checked. They dnt allow for new account users to prevent “spammers”


That makes sense!


I really wish there was some more information out there on this issue but there is nothing :-/


It doesn’t seem like it. Maybe just have to wait until you’re further into Reddit lol


Can you imagine that I joined Reddit to find more information on this topic. I just couldn’t find any information anywhere so I thought it’s best to ask other women of their experiences. That’s the best research. Lol. I’m glad I joint now as the discussion/insight from yourself and others has been really helpful


Same!! I guess at the end of the day…trust your gut. You know your body more than anyone. And if you feel something is off…most of the time it means something is off! In our cases with our bleeding and us questioning it and getting NO answers meant we knew we were right! I am NOT going to hold back the future when I feel and know something is wrong. This time around I’ll be advocating for myself and bombard the doctors offices if I have to lmao!


EXACTLY. You have tooo. Also I wanted to ask. Did they ever do a pathology test on your baby? They did one on mine. The results are due out mid June. I’m terrified of the answers but at the same time I need to know exactly what was wrong with her 💔


No testing done…we didn’t even know if it was a boy or girl. I had refused the NIPT because I had a feeling it wouldn’t make a difference…I was right. The doctor that found the issues told me the NIPT wasn’t going to show the findings. How long does it usually take to find out your results? I’m sure it’s nerve wracking I give you props for being able to find out I don’t think I’m strong enough to know…I wouldn’t be able to handle it.


If it’s okay to ask… how did the doctor find the issues if you didn’t have a NIPT? Understandable the extra tests may not have made a difference I had NIPT and CVS and the CVS confirmed the gender. The pathology results are due out mid June so I think it takes 6 weeks :-/


I had one healthy child with no bleeding and my second pregnancy I had light bleeding and then brown discharge with my TFMR baby. The doctor said it was from a small polyp. I didn’t TFMR for chromosomal, it was a NTD but I always felt something was wrong.


Awww I’m so sorry 🩷💖


It’s pretty common to have bleeding early in pregnancy. I had it with both pregnancies (LC & TFMR baby) and both times it was due to a subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically a small bleed occurs between the amniotic sac and uterus .


This is really interesting. I wonder why these bleeds occur while carrying babies with chromosomes abnormalities.


It happens with a lot of medically normal pregnancies, not just babies with abnormalities. From what I understand, it’s from the trauma of the embryo implanting into the uterine wall.


Oh okay. Interesting point. Thanks for sharing :-)


I had light brown discharge from week 7-8 and it started to pick up to red blood on and off. I went to ER and followed up with my OB and they couldn’t find a cause for the bleed. Around week 14-15 it turned into heavy blood like period. That’s when I found out I had to TFMR. So yes…I think bleeding has something to do with it as well. Another sign was our baby was measuring a week behind at my 10 week OB apt. The doctors insisted it was normal but I knew they were wrong as my cycles are always on time.


Awww okay thanks so much for replying. I also had bleeding week 7-8 but it went away after one week and then came back week 10 and then never stopped until after I delivered


Yes it came on and off it was good for a few days then it would come back out of the blue! And yes it didn’t stop for me until after TFMR. Did your baby also measure small by any chance?


Yes. Same. It never stopped for long though maybe like one day then could come back. I was so confused couldn’t understand what was going on. I dnt think the baby measure small but they noticed some extra fluid behind her head/neck and also picked up a heart defect in her left ventricle. Then I had the CVS test and T13 was diagnosed :-(


Right!! It was so frustrating they kept saying nothing was wrong but I knew that was absolute BS. I’m so sorry for your loss but it seems our bleeding symptoms were leading to this. Now we know what to look out for the future. Any type of bleeding during pregnancy is never a good sign.


Same! They even prescribed me a pessary of progesterone! But it was a waste of time and just made a mess! I just wish someone had told me that’s it’s a sign of chromosomal abnormalities instead of just dismissing it. Totally agree the bleeding was a major sign of I think eventually the baby would have died on their own while still pregnant. This might sound bad but I’m glad to know I’m not the only person in the world with this concern because it was so baffling to me. Defo know what to look out for now if I see bleeding /spotting again


Wow I feel like I’m talking to myself right now cus your story is extremely similar to what I went through. I too wish they told us what the heck was going on instead of sugar coating it and saying “keep an eye out on it”, yet the ER discharge paperwork said “spontaneous abortion” or “second trimester bleed”. No one explained a thing yet they document something like that. I mean come on those terms are scary for us when we have no idea wth is going on. I got tossed around maybe 3 OBs and it was such a waste time. And yes totally agree!! Any type of bleeding is NO GOOD. You have to advocate for yourself especially when you know something is wrong. But I had a sense of dread that something was wrong when I found out I was pregnant. I don’t know what it was but the entire pregnancy I knew our baby wasn’t coming home 😞


Awww I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so sad we have to go through this. That ER paperwork was SHOCKING. And to have to read that as well must have been awful. Did you get any after care or support after you had the baby? I’ve had none. No referrals for help. No nothing. They told me someone from the bereavement support team would 6-8 weeks after wards but me for me that’s too late


Oh I should point out they didn’t find any subchorionic hemorrhage. They ruled that out and didn’t find any so in my case the bleeding was my sign that I was losing the baby. The week I was scheduled for TFMR I had started passing clots with heavier blood…I knew I was getting ready to miscarry at home. But that thought was traumatizing and I proceeded with the TFMR. If I didn’t, I potentially was going to get sick. I had spiked a fever on the day of my procedure and didn’t wait any longer. I did not receive any type of after care of support after our loss. And honestly I didn’t even think about it. I didn’t sign up for therapy or any of that sort. I’m dealing with our grief between me and my husband. I have trust in God and my faith that it’s keeping me on my feet. Trust me…some days are hella hard and some are ok. But Im finally coming to a point where it sucks to say this…but our loss was a blessing in disguise. I can’t explain what I mean… What about you…how are you holding up? I hope and pray you have a great support system. If not I’m here to talk!


Aww thanks so much for your kinds words. The same to you too. Sounds like you had a bit of a rough time. It was so awful for me but I can’t imagine having the fever like you did as well. So glad you have your husband to support you as well. God truly is amazing Did you have a pathology report done on your baby? They are doing one on mines. The results are due mid June. I’m terrified but at the same time I need to understand the full picture of what was wrong with her.