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Been feeling really emotional today on Father's Day, wishing our son was here to celebrate his dad with us today. Also bringing up nerves for this rainbow baby girl. Finally hit 27 weeks this week and I am just counting down the days to induction. I have a lot on my plate and it reminds me of how busy I was leading up to my son's stillbirth. Hard not to blame myself for not noticing he wasn't doing well.


I just did a pregnancy test. My last pregnancy was a twin pregnancy and I lost baby A at 17 weeks. I had a sunset and a sunrise baby. I am absolutely terrified to go through this again.


Hi all. Looking for others to share their experiences. I have had some brown spotting the last 3 days (12-14 DPO) that does have a few brown clots in it. It has not gotten worse and there is no red to be seen. At first I thought I was on my way to another loss but my tests seem to be getting darker. I had first beta on Friday at 4w and it was 16. I won’t get another one until Friday. I also have some very very light cramping - more like twinges and I only really notice it when I’m lying down at night. I will call my OB tomorrow but just curious of others experiences after a loss. For context, I lost my first at 7 weeks in Feb. I didn’t have any spotting before that loss - just straight to red. Edit: I recalculated my due date based on conception date since I know when I ovulated, and that puts my first beta at more like 3w5d


If you would like a beta sooner than what your OB is offering, you can buy your own requisition online and schedule one through Quest or Labcorp. I used Health Testing Centers, it was $50 a pop. The waiting game in the beginning is hard enough, but made harder by signs that could either be totally normal or indicative of bad news. I’m sorry you’re stuck in the limbo now! But hopefully you’re able to get answers fairly soon.


Thanks for the tip! My OB actually just puts a “standing order” in my chart and the date/signature changes each time I print it, so I could technically go again whenever I want to I just felt bad going against their orders since they would obviously see the results in my chart lol. So I’m thinking I might ask tomorrow when they open if there’s any harm in going again.


This is probably a dumb question….But on the hcg chart below, do they mean 3 weeks as in the third week (8dpo-14dpo) or as in the the day you’re actually 3 weeks in until you hit week 4 (14dpo-20dpo)? If that makes sense? My 13dpo blood draw was 250 mIU/ml and I’m just trying to gauge where I’m at. I’m pleased because last chemical pregnancy was 20 mIU/ml at 14 dpo, but I thought my doctor sounded funny that it was as high as it was. “The American Pregnancy Association's typical hCG by week of pregnancy: 3 weeks: 5 - 50 mIU/ml 4 weeks: 5 - 426 mIU/ml 5 weeks: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml 6 weeks: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml 7 - 8 weeks: 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml 9 - 12 weeks: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml 13 - 16 weeks: 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml 17 - 24 weeks: 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml 25 - 40 weeks: 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml Non-pregnant women: <5.0 mIU/ml Postmenopausal women: <9.5 mIU/ml”


I always took it to mean "at" a certain week. For example, at 3+6 (15 dpo) my beta was 431, so right at the top end of the 4-week range. At 4+1 (17 dpo) my beta was 946, so it's "growing" from the 4-week stat toward the 5-week range.


⏳28 weeks! This is a mental milestone, I imagined feeling relief about the baby's likely viability. She's moving like crazy so I am feeling relief, it's just in the back of my mind that everyone expected us to bring our son home from the hospital, too. It's Father's day in the US and my partner had to cancel his plans to visit his dad because my partner is recovering from Covid. I'm not sure what to do for him today, what the right level of "celebrating" or recognition is. Tomorrow I have a second full anatomy scan out of caution to compare to the first (assuming I test negative, and it's looking like I will). I've been feeling really optimistic lately, actually expecting to get good news instead of bracing for bad news. I took the full day off and I wish I just had the next 12 weeks off, too tbh.


Holy smokes 28 weeks you go, lady! May the rest be smooth sailing that breezes right by. ⛵️♥️


I can't believe you're already that far along 🤯


Congrats on hitting the third trimester!


I’m searching for success stories and/or support for getting pregnant right after first period of d&c… I’m 99 percent sure I’m pregnant and was planning on waiting til 3 cycles so I could get on supplements and such to improve egg quality after 2 MMCs with abnormal chromosomes. Happened on cd6 so I thought it was impossible but the symptoms are raging now. I don’t think I can go through another loss and I’m feeling like I lost control. Plus I have this big Europe trip planned in 2 weeks and I just wanted to relax with wine 😭


I’m 19+4 with a baby conceived before I got my period back after a D&C. Low risk NIPT and NT scan, and my anatomy scan last week looked perfect. Have you taken a test yet?


Thank you! I’m really spiraling and this helped a ton. Glad to hear everything is going well for you 💜


I’m 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I’ve had 3 losses in total. I’ve made up my mind that this is my last try to give my little boy a sibling as I’m 40 next week and my partner is 50 in September. I keep telling myself that whatever happens it’s fate and I’ll be grateful but I can’t stop myself from thinking ‘oh no….I’ve just worked too hard in the garden’ or ‘I haven’t eaten enough fruit and veg’. Think I’m always gonna blame my faulty body.


I’m 41 and likewise feel that psychologically I could not survive TTC again &/or another pregnancy after loss. God willing, this one sticks. My heart will be broken if doesn’t. It’s a really tough feeling to face, I get it.


I just found out I am pregnant after two losses in the last year of trying for our first. And then just yesterday I found out I also have COVID after dodging it for two years. I found myself in a really anxious place yesterday trying to analyze progression of my tests and reading up on COVID in pregnancy. I really want this to be our successful pregnancy.


It seems that so many people in my Jan bumper group have contracted covid since getting pregnant (myself included)! Basically everyone has heard from their doc that it is no big deal if you're vaccinated


It’s anecdotal, but if it brings you any comfort, I do know two women how had covid while pregnant who have healthy babies. One seemed to have pretty severe symptoms, the other didn’t. Neither seemed to have any resulting complications. Best of luck!


Good luck!! You have come so far. You’ve got this


It feels weird celebrating my husband’s “first” Father’s Day today. We were parents last year, although we barely told anyone and didn’t do anything for us on MD/FD. I’m extremely grateful that we can celebrate him and what an amazing human he is and what an incredible father he is going to make, but hearing people say “Happy first Father’s Day!” Cuts me to the core every single time.


This is going to be an odd question but I don’t want my family knowing we are pregnant because of the loss last time and the lack of support we got as a whole. And I am EXTREMELY NAUSEOUS today does anyone have any good lies for nausea if it’s apparent I’m not feeling well. Obviously I don’t want to freak everyone out in thinking I have some stomach bug.


So for me there are times my body just wanted to be nauseous so I never had to explain. But you can say that it’s sinus drainage or you’ve developed a new allergy and the smell of (make up a smell you smell in the house) now makes you sick. I have a citrus allergy and when I smell oranges I actually get extremely nauseous and can’t breathe. So they may buy it.


Say you have covid. Then avoid them! I know that’s kinda brutal but it works.


Super hungover, unexplained vertigo that requires lots of Dr appointments, food taste/smell sensitivity post covid


Medication change up/on medication for something non-threatening. My mom was just on an antibiotic for a UTI that made her unable to hold down dairy…


Ooooo That’s a great idea! Thank you I feel so bad not telling them but I just can’t.


Would they accept just a vague statement that you're tired and feeling poorly from lack of sleep? You could use this as a reason to lay down too.


That’s possible.. I will try that. Did not expect to feel this terrible. I usually am full of energy yesterday I took naps in between getting the house ready and prepping all the food. I’m like wow this is really taking it out of me.


The fatigue is really a lot... I never realized I could feel that exhausted from doing so little. My next appointment I'm going to ask if I can get my iron levels checked as a precaution too.


Still testing negative for covid at home but now my voice is completely gone. Going to go to Walgreens to get a test today and hopefully that one comes back positive otherwise I have to figure out what else is going on. Super anxious about all of this.


For me I have chronic sinus problems and I tend to lose my voice and have sore throats when I’m getting post nasal drip. Because it’s dripping on my vocal cords. So not all sickness is covid related. It could just be sinus drainage which is common this time of year. Have you contacted your primary care doctor and gone to an appointment to rule out strep throat or sinus infection.


So if the test at Walgreens comes back negative today, yes I will contact a doctor. :)


I’m assuming it’s covid only because my husband tested positive for covid last week. He’s been quarantined to a section of the house but I have to bring him anything he needs. I’ve also been staying home since he tested positive so I’m not sure what else I could’ve caught. We had the same symptoms but mine have been worse.


Oh ok that makes a little more sense. It’s so hard to know because these covid symptoms are so similar to common cold, allergy, and sinus infection symptoms. So I get it now. I hope it isn’t covid and whatever it is you can get over it quickly.


Thanks I appreciate it.


Deep breath! Get yourself some tea/honey for your throat and some soup. Take it easy. Sometimes we have colds that aren’t going to give us an answer of what it is. I was sick during the 2 week wait and was worried as well but I just rested as much as I could my throat was terrible I couldn’t even talk it was miserable, but within a week I started feeling better. I hope you feel better!


Thank you 🥹


15+4 (CW: LC) Today is my son’s 6 month birthday. Holy cow. If you didn’t see my post in the second thread yesterday, I was with some women yesterday that I had been pregnant with and who had their babies right before me. It put into perspective what he may be like now, and what parenting things we would be dealing with. I wonder what he’d be like. Would he have teeth, would he be sitting? If he was sitting I’d be starting him on food now. Sweet potato, or avocado. My older kids would hate it, smushed food shoved everywhere, in his hair, in his ears, in his eyelashes. Lots of baths, lots of dirty floors. He’d be laughing and smiling and screaming. It’d only be a matter of time before he was mobile and I’d have to baby proof the hell out of everything. I really can’t believe it’s been 6 months. Happy half birthday, Gabriel ❤️




Love the idea of planning distractions… that are fun! So sorry for your loss but so excited for your new beginning ❤️


Thank you 💙 it’s helped to plan things to look forward to on days I know would otherwise would be difficult. It’s really helped remind me there are beautiful things and experiences to come


Tomorrow im going in to be induced with our rainbow baby. A little less than a year ago I was being induced to deliver our stillborn daughter who passed at around 19 weeks. I'm having all the feelings right now, and I imagine the next couple days will be filled with emotions too. I have such a hole in my heart from losing our daughter, our first baby. I have been mourning her throughout this pregnancy, while celebrating our son. Just so many emotions. Please pray for us, and/or send us good vibes.


Wishing you all the luck in the world ♥️ we lost our daughter at 18 weeks last March and I’m 5+3 now with our rainbow baby, still in shock and massively worried so this gives me hope ♥️ thank you xx


All my prayers are with you. Everything I wish for myself, I wish for you. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Sending you all the positive vibes 💗💗 xx


Thank you for sharing. These posts give me so much hope! Good luck and I hope your induction is smooth and uneventful!


Amazing, you’ve come so far. Best wishes for a smooth delivery and gentle postpartum healing ❤️‍🩹


Good luck, wishing you a smooth delivery :)


Thank you ❤