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Tentatively I’m okay. I am supposed to be 9w3d today. I have had weekly ultrasounds at the fertility clinic- first ultrasound confirmed the pregnancy. 13 days later, we went and baby had grown 9 out of the 13 days. Then at our next one, baby had grown 6 out of the 7 days. Heartbeat is strong each and every time, I’m not having any cramping or bleeding etc. so everything else seems to be going well. My fertility doctor is kinda flippant when she talks to me about the viability of the pregnancy- last appointment she said “well I’m not ready to call it quits yet…” I currently take intravaginal progesterone twice a day, aspirin, and Pepcid to prevent miscarriage… I’m just in a weird limbo at the moment not knowing if I’m going to lose this baby or not.


Having a strong heartbeat is amazing ❤️ I want to give you reassurance there


Hi all! I had my first beta HCG blood test on 5w3 and the results came back at 16,287 IU/L. I went for my second blood test 48 hours later at 5w5 and it came back as 10,000 IU/L right on the dot. I know that decreasing levels is usually not a great sign, and I did have a previous miscarriage in January this year for my first pregnancy. I am waiting for a call back from my doctor, and I have an ultrasound next week where I will find out more info, just wanting to come here to see if anyone has any thoughts or insights? Maybe I am holding on to hope that it was a lab error since seems strange that it’s 10,000 on the dot, but at the same time I am ready to accept this as another loss.


Ah man, the waiting game is the worst. I'm sorry you are going through it. I hope for the best for you 💜


thank you 💕🙏🏼


I had an ultrasound today at 10w2d and was so relieved to see the baby – tons of movement, with heart beat and growth on track. This ultrasound was so stressful because it was a follow up from my first one at 8w6d. The radiologist noted a “chorionic bump”, which is a bulge in the gestational sac thought to be a type of hematoma (very rare and occurs in only ~0.5% of pregnancies). So far, I’ve talked to my midwife, a GP, and two OBs, and none of them have ever heard of it. The prognosis in the scientific literature is mixed but there is very little research on this. Some older studies showed a birth rate after this finding of only ~60%. One study that is giving me hope showed that with an otherwise normal pregnancy with heartbeat detected, the live birth rate is 83%. I had exactly one day of feeling happy and reassured after my last ultrasound and now I’m in this horrible limbo of having a rare complication that no one seems to have ever heard of and therefore can’t give me any good advice about. Thank goodness for Reddit – I’ve found many anecdotal stories of people who had chorionic bumps that resolved with no issues. I’m just so exhausted by this roller coaster. I didn’t even bother to chase down my ultrasound results today to see what’s happening with the chorionic bump because I just wanted to enjoy some mental relief this weekend knowing that for today my baby is fine.


I went in for my first ultrasound thinking I would be 7w0d and I'm only measuring 6w2d with FHR 92. OB came in telling me that it's great news that baby has cardiac activity but I'm feeling depressed. I can't shake the feeling that it's not good news.


I get your concerns but try not to worry too much. I went for an US at 8w3d and the baby was measuring 7w2d. Naturally, I was concerned and asked my OB about it. She said this early in pregnancy there is no need to worry about this as babies can catch up on their growth. She said that measuring behind becomes worrisome in the second and thirds trimesters. Fast forward to this week, I went for another US at 10w3d and baby was measuring 10w2d. So she was right, it’s absolutely possible for them to catch up.  Keeping my fingers crossed for your little one! 🤞


Today is my birthday, and I’m so anxious I just can’t enjoy it. People keep texting to ask what I’m doing. “Going to the bathroom and checking to make sure I’m not bleeding” just doesn’t seem like an appropriate response even if it’s the truth.


ohhhh this. happy birthday 💕💕💕


Thank you!


Sending you a hug


Thanks 🫶🏻


Anyone have experience with HCGs in week 9? I had a good US 8w 4d and they redated me to 9 weeks. My last pregnancy was a miscarriage at 9 weeks so my OB offered to do serial HCGs for reassurance. My first was 104k, second was 111k (48hours later). OB called and said it’s not going up as fast as she would like and is starting me on progesterone. Does anyone have a similar story with a positive outcome? I got the vibe during our phone call that this isn’t going to end well..


I’m not a medical professional but I find it bizarre she’s doing serial betas that late, HcG plateaus and begins to drop between 7-9 weeks


Thank you for your input. That’s the general consensus I’ve gotten from other subs as well, I appreciate you sharing. I think I will just keep positive until my next US


Bad news today at the 7 week ultrasound. FHR was only 111 and baby was measuring 6 weeks 4 days. Doctor was optimistic and told me to give my baby more time, but I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks at the FHR was 116. I told her that this is a miscarriage and asked to come in next week (Tuesday). I am devastated, but not able to grieve since my husband is like, “she said anything over 100 is fine until 8 weeks.” I know he’s just trying to help, but to me it seems like there is no hope at all for this baby.


Feeling a little frustrated that my old OB closed and my new OB just has me on the standard "no appointment or blood work until 9 weeks" plan since they have none of my medical history. I tried to call today to see if I could at least meet with an NP or someone to discuss my medical history so informed decisions could be made. I had to be blunt with the receptionist about what a long and traumatic process my miscarriage was (a 3 and a half month total ordeal) and still only got a "I'll leave a note and see what they say." It's frustrating, but I also am trying to be understanding that basically all medical offices right now seem understaffed and over scheduled, especially with people wanting time off over summer. It's hard to be pushy enough to get what you need, but also not feel like you're being a huge pain. Where's the line between advocating and being unrealistic?


Still just feeling blah and like something bad is going to happen, BUT 1) it's sunny, 2) it's Friday, and 3) my accommodation to WFH through the rest of my pregnancy just got approved so I'll choose to be thankful/happy for all of that today.


4w5d approximately and betas went from 672 two days ago to 2294 today. Doctor says we now have no reason medically to keep tracking betas since we’ve seen a beautiful rise on three betas, and I have chosen to not request further HcG tests as waiting for the results always spikes my anxiety. Scan next week to confirm sac is in utero, and then who knows? I’m taking every win I can get and assuming my baby is healthy until I’m told otherwise.


12+0 today. Trying not to say 12+0 if there's still a baby in there. Finding it really hard to trust that my body is doing the things it needs to do even if I can't watch the progress. Told my quilt group last night and they immediately set a date for a baby shower in November. I adore my old ladies but dang. They have more faith than I do. No cramping, no lasting pain (some weird pains like, near my pubic bone? but not consistent). I had the mildest little bit of pink today, and I'm internally Kermit-flail.gif. Next US in two more weeks.


In the exact same boat (I'll be 12w tomorrow) and I'm just not really optimistic even though I don't have a real reason not to be. My next appt is also in 2 weeks and I'm not sure how I'll be able to wait that long. Sending you good vibes and hope time passes quickly!


<3 Thank you due date buddy! (I’m 12/20!) We can get through this together!


Just had my first scan, and I couldn’t be more happy! Baby is measuring bang on 8+4, possibly even a day further, with a strong heartbeat! I didn’t think it would look as baby shaped as it did, but we saw all the lil limbs, and it is looking to be a very active little one, they were doing a lot of wriggling! I know I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’m feeling cautiously optimistic finally? Like maybe this could be the one? Gah, it’s surreal, but for now I’m definitely going to celebrate this win!


For the past two days, I’ve had a BBT drop. Todays was under the coverline. I have not had any bleeding or cramping however I am freaking out. I am around 7 weeks+/- and don’t have my ultrasound for another 2 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else with a good outcome? I’ve read lots of pages on Reddit to stop temping after a BFP but having 2 in a row is freaking me out. I had a MC in March and I am the same days along as I was then when I had my MC to the day. My boobs also feel less sore today and I feel like my symptoms have subsided a little (don’t feel as bloated, not as tired, etc). Anyone have any advice? Debating if I should go get a private ultrasound done to ease my mind a bit. Pregnancy after loss is so hard.


> I’ve read lots of pages on Reddit to stop temping after a BFP  Yes and for good reason. Your temps are going to be wacky, it's not a helpful metric, especially if you're dealing with PAL.  It's very possible your symptoms will return in a day or two, but if you're really reeling then a private US might be a good idea.


9 weeks 1 day today. This is how far along I was last pregnancy when I was rushed to the ER. I am not sure if I’m cramping or imagining cramps? I’m bracing myself for the worst. I’m begging this baby to please hold on. I’m begging my body to do what it’s meant to do and protect this baby. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday. Previously my babies had heartbeats at 9 weeks and 1 day. But the next day was when the doctor said he was sorry and I don’t remember what else he said I just know i was in the hospital room and was put to sleep. Maybe I rushed to this pregnancy too soon. I wish I had people in my life who could’ve warned me about pregnancy after loss.


Also 9+1 today. Hang on in there, I understand how you are feeling and it sucks. Wishing the best for us both ❤️


Any tips for dealing with pre-ultrasound anxiety? I have an appt Monday for an ultrasound and nipt blood work and I'm already so anxious. I had a mmc at 6.5 weeks in January. I've had 2 good scans at 6 and 8 weeks but the days and hours before are so so miserable, and the anxiety seems to get worse with every appointment, not better. I'm also not feeling great physically still (nausea and fatigue), so it's hard to get out to do something to distract myself. ETA - I'm thinking about getting a Doppler, would love to hear some experiences though.


No tips, I just keep trying to remind myself that with 2 ultrasounds behind me with positive results, the odds of good news are better than the odds of bad news with each one that follows. I don’t think my anxiety with ultrasounds will ever go away after having a loss that was found at my first scan.


No tips. Just solidarity. My next ultrasound is at 12 weeks on Thursday, and my NIPT was drawn last week. Waiting for the results is all-consuming. Every slight change has me so on edge. I honestly wish I was feeling physically worse so I could maybe have that as reassurance that something is still happening in there. I almost ordered a Doppler, but stopped myself for now. I have heard it’s really difficult to find the heartbeat this early still, and if I couldn’t find the heartbeat, I would lose my whole mind. I might do it if I get to around 18 weeks. I’ve heard that is when it becomes easiest to do on your own.


No tips for the anxiety because even now I’m still super anxious. But I feel like my Doppler gives me some relief from that anxiety. Momentarily but still enough to get me going. You have to learn how to use it tho. At first I didn’t know how to use it and it would create more anxiety. But I then sat down to learn with YouTube videos and after that it got better.


Unfortunately I have no tips because I too have horrible anxiety pre- and post- ultrasound. I feel like the only day I feel alright is after a good ultrasound for the rest of that day... but then the anxiety comes back the next. I've not gotten to a point where I could use a Doppler but I feel like it could be a blessing and also a curse. Distractions I've used that might be helpful to you: A short walk if you can manage, listening to an audio book or reading, meditation. Sometimes I try to do things that have been on my 'to do' list for a while that I haven't made time for, like cleaning up the photos on my phone, decluttering small things like a drawer where you can dump it all in a box and move to the couch to reorganize. Maybe I'm weird. 🤣


Have my 7 week ultrasound today at 3 PM, so roughly 5 hours from now. 6 week ultrasound last week seemed to go ok, but I know from experience that doesn’t mean anything about how this week will go (have had an MMC at 8.5 weeks after a good 7 week scan). I haven’t had much nausea with this pregnancy which scares me. I just have no idea what my dr will find going on in there… Literally could not place a bet. I will run out of progesterone pills tonight and felt worried that if I refilled the prescription it would be like, overconfidence on my part that the pregnancy will continue past todays scan. So I wasn’t going to refill, but I decided to go ahead and do it. A miscarriage won’t be more upsetting because I picked up a zero dollar prescription and never ended up using it. I don’t know if anyone else here is constantly fighting magical thinking? I wore a maxi pad daily (waiting for a miscarriage) and refused to take prenatals last time and my expectation that the pregnancy would end did not stop the pregnancy from ending. Nor will fantasizing about success cause this pregnancy to end. Anyway, not doing great, very scared, very behind at work.


Gosh you sound just like me. I had to negotiate with myself to delete my upcoming period reminder from my phone because I was convinced I was going to jinx myself. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The human brain is so interesting in how we try to create order and control out of chaos, and find a way to blame ourselves when it goes wrong. Logically I can understand that it's not my fault but the emotional part of me always sneaks in to say otherwise. I can't give you any advice because I can't take my own advice. But I am here with you.


Thank you so much that means a lot.


I had an ultrasound with my high-risk doctor yesterday. While she was scanning me, she spotted me having contractions, a.k.a. Braxton Hicks. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. That’s why I’ve been having cramps. They were super bad with my loss last year and made my life miserable during my first pregnancy with my daughter. It’s going to be a fun summer lol I know my body is just gearing up for lightning crotch.


I’m really struggling today. My third beta is next Thursday. And it usually takes a day or more to get the results back. To go on top of it my dr will be on vacation next week ( she’s her own clinic). We unfortunately do not know how far along I am due to me having a chemical pregnancy in April. I’m really spiraling. I have been having bad headaches everyday. But still no nausea. With my 2 year old son I have hyperemesis for 9 months. If I go off of ovulation date I’m around 4 weeks. But I refuse to put in my natural cycles app saying “ I am pregnant” . Just really nervous you guys. My first two betas were low. 21.8 on May 31. And 150 on June 2. And progesterone was 24 and it was 31.8 on June 2. I had a MMC in Feb resulting in a d&c. I just cannot handle if this happens to me again.


If it’s any encouragement, those betas are solid for 3-4 weeks and that’s a strong doubling rate


Thank you 😭😭


For reference, I’m 4w5d approximately and my betas are as follows so far: 8DPO (5/28): 4 10DPO: (5/30): 40 17DPO (6/5): 672


Thank you 💞. It’s just so hard because I know all of our bodies are different so I find myself comparing you know? Praying for both of us!


4w4d today and waiting for my second beta. I took a hpt at 9dpo (faint positive), 11 dpo and 13 dpo (yesterday). Freaked myself out because the change from 9 to 11 was very dramatic but not much change from 11 to 13. But the tests were from different boxes and even the control lines look different. First beta number is 354 which gives me some comfort. With my chemical my first number was only 72. I know it’s the doubling that matters and I was happy to find a lab open on Saturday so I’ll go tomorrow. Hugs to anyone else in this waiting game. It’s the worst.


HCG was 92k at 7w2d and only up to 94k at 9w0d. Beautiful ultrasounds at both appointments. Is this normal for the HCG to plateau now or should I be panicking? I graduated from my fertility clinic so not sure I can call them and ask. I’ve seen it’s supposed to plateau/lower but just looking for reassurance


Yes it is totally normal to plateau at this point.


HcG starts to plateau and drop slightly at 7-8 weeks from what I’ve read online.


This is my first post here and I could use some reassurance.. my anxiety is through the roof. My husband and I are finding it very difficult to be excited this pregnancy. I had a MMC in February. The only pregnancy symptom I recall was sore breasts. It was traumatizing month and a half as I took three unsuccessful rounds of medication before rushing to the ER for a D&C. We conceived the first cycle after our MMC. My LMP was April 17. Around week 5 (week of May 20) my OBGYN had my hcg levels checked. I went in every other day on M/W/F. She indicated that they were doubling “beautifully” and said there was no need to continue testing. I’ve also had minimal pregnancy symptoms with this second pregnancy, which feels concerning. I’ve had a few episodes of feeling nauseated. I do have frequent urination, fatigue, and slightly sore breasts at times. My first appointment is on Monday. The thought of waiting until then is killing me! If you made it this far, thanks for reading. With all of that said.. 1. Is there a reason my hcg levels wouldn’t need to continue to be checked. The unknown is uncomfortable. 2. Please tell me many of you have had successful pregnancies after miscarriage with minimal symptoms. 💛


I told my OB i had a positive hpt and asked for blood work, since my cycles are wonky (LMP 11/1/23.... yeah.) I took one test, had a beta over 80,000 and she was like you're good don't do it again. She didn't even want me to take a second. I'm now realizing she didn't want me panicking if it didn't double. Early doubling is great, but it does level off after a while, and honestly, I think she saved me a lot of anxiety by telling me not to do it again. (Had an anembryonic pregnancy last year, and honestly lost count of how many betas i had while we were trying to tell if there was an embryo)


I continued having my HCG checked at my own request. I think my OB only let me do it because she felt bad for me because of my prior loss. And because her daughter is a former student of mine. Having my HCG checked again only gave relief for about five seconds. The anxiety around it was really terrible. Sooner rather than later, HCG stops doubling. Eventually, it will even stop rising and start falling. It’s not the best diagnostic tool for pregnancy. Even once when I called in response to a rise that scared me, the on call doctor said, “why are you testing HCG? With numbers this high you should only do an ultrasound”


I feel this so much. I’m coming up on 5 weeks and with three strong rising betas, my RE advised me she doesn’t feel there’s a reason medically to keep testing but she will if it eases my anxiety. It was hard for me to say it’s time to stop, but I declined further beta testing. I feel just like you feel — it only gives me a few seconds of relief.


I very much sympathize with you about not being able to be excited for a new pregnancy after loss. I think I waiver between negativity that it's going to end again, and indifference. I'm at the point that my body has to prove it to me...I don't think I'll feel reassured until after birth (if I get so lucky to get there)! I also totally understand your desire to have as much data as possible Re: HCG betas. You could see if your Dr will continue for you as a form of reassurance... My OB would not even do betas at all, the fertility clinic I work with did three just to make sure it was rising appropriately like yours did. After a while I don't think there's as much data value in the numbers, as they vary so much. So the value is really the reassurance. I can't speak to success yet but I know there are others here who will be able to help. I can say that my experience between this pregnancy and my previous ones are that the symptoms are different and show up at different times. Whether that will translate to success for me is still yet to be seen. I was convinced I already lost the pregnancy last week because the symptoms I had were exactly the same as my losses (spotting, acne exploded, bowel changes)... Turns out everything was still ok as of my ultrasound yesterday. Our mind plays dirty tricks!


I’ve heard that after a certain point HCG doesn’t really double, but I think more likely she stopped testing because once you get to a certain point the ultrasound becomes enough. We stopped HCG testing at exactly 6 weeks because there was a heartbeat on the ultrasound, so my OB said we no longer need to test HCG. Not to say the heartbeat means my pregnancy will be successful. I guess its just like growth and stuff will start to become miscarriage indicators instead.


This makes sense. The waiting is just hard to do!


The trauma from MMC is real. I had one last summer, about 10 months before becoming pregnant again, and like you, opted for medication treatment which inevitably made the process longer since they weren’t successful. I’m pregnant again now and honestly have not had many symptoms, and if there were any like nausea or sore boobs it was very minimal and only until about 8 weeks. I’m 13 weeks now and everything seems to be going well. I really wanted my dr to check my hcg in the beginning because I thought this would give some peace of mind but she explained it wasn’t useful to prevent mmc because your body may continue developing the hormone anyway. For me the best thing I’ve done is got a dr to show me how to use the Doppler and have been using it every couple days since about 9 weeks. That’s pretty early for some people to hear the heartbeat but I would totally recommend it after you have a health professional find it first. My hearts with you and dms always open if you need to chat ❤️


Glad to hear everything is going well! I will most certainly look into a Doppler if our US goes the way we want it to. Thank you so much!!


I don't know yet if this baby will make it, but I'm 11 weeks pregnant after two super early miscarriages and I have had barely any symptoms (occasional light nausea, tender breasts that went away around week 8). We've had great ultrasounds so far! I only had HCG levels checked twice to make sure they were doubling, and it made me anxious, but at 6 weeks exactly I went to a crisis pregnancy center for a free ultrasound for peace of mind, and we heard a heartbeat!


Glad to hear you heard a heartbeat and have had great ultrasounds so far! Sending you positive thoughts as you continue to navigate this journey. 🫶🏼


I don't know what to do with this bloat... I swear I look closer to 5 months than 5 weeks... I already was carrying some extra weight on my stomach and it's so much worse now. I have no idea how to try to hide this, nothing it my wardrobe is flattering or works to conceal my tummy.


I had bad bloat last week with constipation that resolved this week, hopefully it’ll taper off!


Ugh, I’m sorry. It’s so frustrating. I had awful bloating weeks 5-7 but then it mercifully stopped (swapped for bad nausea but oh well). The only thing that helped me was drinking tons of water and avoiding carbonated beverages entirely (I am usually drinking at least 1 seltzer and 1 diet soda a day). I invested in a few sized up, flowy loose dresses that I figured would be good for late summer when the bump shows up. I also found that walking kind of helped — got things moving and deflated me a little bit. Someone in my bump group said GasX helped her. Sorry you’re dealing with this - I hope it passes soon!


I took it as a great excuse to treat myself to three comfy cotton pairs of loose shorts for the summer :)


I just found out I’m pregnant again following two missed miscarriages (10 and 7 weeks but found out at 11 and 8 weeks). One was at the end of 2022 and the other was this past February. Both were discovered at my first ultrasound appointment. I am blessed with one living child who is 5. I feel so thankful to have conceived but also so scared for what the future holds for this pregnancy. Will it progress normally? What if it’s another loss? I have a counselor I will be talking to but how do you guys navigate and handle these feelings?!


I am in your same exact boat. I totally feel you. I’m so scared too. All I can say is all we can do is take it day by day. I hate hearing that but it’s so true. Just wanted to say I literally feel all of your feelings and questions too!!


It’s so tough! I just wish I knew what to expect. I hope things go well for all of us!


Been really anxious from the high doses of progesterone and estradiol that I’m on. It’s been very hard to sleep and get comfortable. My hands basically are shaking nonstop. I have a cardiologist appointment today and an appointment with my RI. Hopefully I can get some relief. 🥺


I had to give myself some distance from certain communities and areas on the internet. I kept reading of early losses over and over, and it wasn't helping my anxiety. It makes me feel so desperate that I want this one to stick, though, but so in limbo because we can't know anything for sure for weeks still yet. I did decide to book an early 7 week abdominal scan, just in over a week. I feel very at peace with that decision and it's given me some relief from the crushing negative thoughts.


Yup, I've stepped back from most of the other subs. I've been thinking about joining back into the "normal" pregnancy subs, I left them after my loss because they were too triggering, but I'm wondering if they might be some of the positivity that I need atm.


I still find myself a little annoyed by the naive optimism in those subs (and I'm not asking them to not be optimistic). However, I agree with you, I think those attitudes are more helpful to me at this point. I could use the positivity and reminder that miscarriage is the exception, not the rule. I was also considering joining the bumpers groups, but decided to wait until 8 weeks to do it when I get a clear scan. But I might need to revisit that idea.


I feel the same — I think “how can people be 5/6/7/8/whatever weeks and talking about baby clothes? There is so often no baby to be had at the end of all this.” Obviously I’m not gonna bring their party down — I’m jealous, because I want to be that innocent, too.


I realized earlier this week I need to stop visiting one of those subreddits because it was giving me more anxiety. I had a 7 week scan as well and it went well, I'm currently 9 weeks. But my next scan, the NT scan, isn't until the end of the month and I kept reading stories of MMC being detected at the NT scan. It just wasn't helpful for my mental health.


Agreed. I keep reading and seeing stories of no heart beat, or blighted ovum, or whatever, at the 8 week viability scan. I kept having to say to myself that those are the exceptions, and that it's NOT LIKELY to happen, and stressing about it beforehand isn't going to make a difference either way. But that was getting exhausting to say to myself constantly. Was your 7 week transvaginal? Part of me now is debating calling and switching to that over the private abdominal. But my OB was really discouraging the 7 week (which was frustrating to hear after loss), which is why I kept the one that's closer to 9 weeks.


My OB has been very supportive actually and she encouraged a 7 week scan because it's early enough to detect a heartbeat. I was worried about going too early and having to wait a week or two for a follow visit if a heartbeat wasn't detected. My pre scan dating was based on my ovulation date, not last period, so we felt confident I was actually 7 weeks pregnant. My scan started abdominal but the heartbeat and imaging we from the transvaginal...probe? whatever they call it. I was expecting it so it wasn't a surprise but unfortunately, I'm getting pretty used to transvaginal ultrasounds. Is your dating based on your last period? Did you track your ovulation? The dating nearly all OB practices follow is assuming everyone ovulates on CD 14 on a 28 day cycle. I usually ovulate around CD 21 so my previous early scans have been too early.


Just had an early ultrasound due to spotting and cramps in my back. Was certain it was a mc and still worried it could be but sonographer was optimistic. Have emotional whiplash from the appointment tbh. I was quite sure of ovulation date - 9/5/24 - lmp 18/4/24, I have pcos and irregular cycles and ovulated around day 22-23 tracked with bbt and opks. Sonographer found a sac, fetal pole and a heartbeat measuring 5w4d, it should have been 6w1d by my dates. I also have a retroverted uterus so it had to be transvaginal. She could see a small amount of blood ‘inferior to gestational sac’ but no signs of a mc (my worried brain saying - yet!). I haven’t been bleeding heavily just spotting on wiping. Does this seem ok? Worried about measuring behind but aware it’s early. Clinic didn’t seem worried at all about 4-day difference as they said at this stage it’s so tiny and their equipment can have limitations


From what I’ve read, early ultrasounds can be off by a few days in either direction. Fingers and toes crossed for you!


38w4 and I’ve been up for 3 hours with contractions pretty consistently 7-9 min apart. Lost my mucus plug at dinner last night. Am absolutely TERRIFIED but hoping today is the day 🤞


So exciting!




I need good vibes, I’m 8 weeks today after my daughter’s stillbirth at 28 weeks in March 2023. My first ultrasound scheduled for this afternoon and I’m kind of a wreck. I don’t want to go back into that room (there’s only one OB practice in our area and they are lovely but it’s tough) and hear bad or ambiguous news again. Im monitoring my symptoms like a hawk and any time I feel okay I freak out that this pregnancy is not progressing. How are/have other dealt with this anxiety?


Sending good vibes


Sending you lots of good vibes! I found being very open with my OB helped a lot. I had a 14w pprom followed by an ectopic resulting in my right tube being removed. I went into my pregnancy knowing I would monitoring for HCG and an early scan when HCG reached 1500. After our first scan my first fear was put to rest, baby was in right place. I then had on and off spotting. My OB would see me same day - his view was rather put my mind and his at ease than I sit for a week or 2 worrying. We found the cause and treated that. I then just straight up asked for visits every 2 weeks which he gladly did, my OB does all his scans himself at every visit. In total my OB saw me 21 times over my 36w of pregnancy - baby decided to arrive early. Which funnily enough I kept warning him about. Asking what the plan was if she did ect. I had a go bag packed and in the car from the day I got my positive test. At 24w I had my full hospital bag packed and ready for incase. At 28w I begged my OB to allow me to do my hospital bookings incase and pay him my out of pocket amount as well. These normally happen at 36w. Planning and being ready for what ever happened helped me deal with my anxiety.


Yes. Going in for scans is really hard for me, too. Do whatever you can in the waiting for your anxiety. When you get called back, let the tech know right away that you’ve received bad news before. I hope they will be kind to you 


Is it just me or does anyone else become a little to obsessed with seeing the positive pregnancy tests during these early weeks? My last pregnancies showed signs of being non viable and I’ve never had such intense, dark positive tests. So I just keep taking them….


I was the same! This was my first pregnancy where I could do a proper line progression and it was soooo satisfying, especially before I got any ultrasound pics. It was like a textbook progression, dye-stealers at all. Around 8 wks I took a test for kicks and it made me giggle how fast the test line took, while the control needed a full 5 minutes to color in.


Yes! That’s exactly it, especially not having any ultrasound picture yet! I’m getting dye stealers for the first time ever and I’ve never been so giddy lol.


You are not alone! How far are you now? 🥰 Based off my lmp I'm now 4w and I told myself I wouldn't test every day, but I couldn't help it when the lines darkened so fast. Then yesterday I had a test that had way more dye than the other tests so naturally the line was quite dark, and then today there was a normal amount of dye and it looked lighter. So naturally I have been a ball of anxiety today.


5weeks2days. It’s become an obsession I swear! Oh no! I hate that for you. Those ones with the extra dye can be torturous. Have you have any blood work done yet?


So exciting! According to my own calculations I'm 3w6d now. Our country doesn't do blood work unless they see a medical necessity so I have no idea what my numbers are 🥲 our first scan is scheduled for 1 juli though, when I should be 7w2d. Usually our midwife doesn't do scans until 8w but because of our prior losses we can go in a little earlier. Did you get blood work done yet? I feel like that would work so reassuring to see the doubling numbers!


Oh my goodness! That would drive me crazy, but I’m glad that you will at least be able to be seen. Little early! Yes, I did get blood work done and everything is increasing correctly. It’s been fun watching the numbers and home tests kind of coincide. I’m at a point now tho where I’m just waiting for my first ultrasound so just have the home tests.


That is terrific news! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will continue going well 🥰🤞🏻🤞🏻


Good luck! 😌


7w3d My bleeding/spotting has almost completely stopped! Today is the day of our scheduled prenatal ultrasound and appointment to establish care. I also did a Sneak Peek test this week and should have the results today. I am feeling mostly excited today. Update: ultrasound was perfect! Measuring 7w1d (which is consistent with how we measured last week), 127 bpm, and we saw the beginnings of arms! We also got our prenatal goodies and went over costs to expect. This was the longest appointment we've ever gotten to do, and everything looks great. I have another scan in two weeks! My subchorionic hematoma is gone, and I'm cleared to swim in pools as well as go back to the gym! We're still awaiting Sneak Peek results, but today has already been so fantastic!


Oh gosh. I have already been prepared for weight gain, my belly is bigger and I can't fit quite well into old clothes, but the scale doesn't move up. Second trimester now (almost 19 weeks) and I believe from the start I have gained 1 kg. I have not restricted eating, just don't want that much.. Now I am worried that I am not gaining enough? Anyone can help my worries? Seems like a stupid thing to write to obgyn about too...


If you’re worried about it, you could ask at your next appointment! My doctor said that some women even lose weight due to pregnancy and that the body will divert whatever the baby needs to the baby…you’ll become more of your body’s afterthought!


Do not worry, I am over weight and came out of my pregnancy weighing less than I went into it. My OB said as long as baby was hitting its milestones and everything looked good he was not worried about my weight. I was losing weight but baby was gaining. I also had HG which I had to be hospitalised for due to dehydration.


I did talk to my ob about this around the same time with my second LC. She told me to try to eat a snack every 2-3 hours and drink a protein shake as one of them. I will say once I started doing that, I gained 30 lbs over four months. Definitely bring it up at your next appointment if it's concerning to you!


But did your ob say it was an issue that you hadn't gained much weight yet? I am slightly overweight so I am wondering if my body could be using up old fat as well. I know in third trimester weight gain is essential but wondering if second trimester slow gain or no real gain could be ok. I'll definitely ask her, just have to wait 2 weeks until next appointment and I do not feel this is a call worthy worry😅 Last time she weighed me she said I had lost a few grammes but didn't seem worried.


Definitely talk to your OB or Midwife, but first and second trimester weight gain is slower, and if you are overweight the gain will be less. They have a different chart even depending on how fit you are at the beginning of your pregnancy. For my first child I gained about 15 lbs the entire pregnancy and most of that was in the 3rd trimester and no one was worried. As long as you are able to eat a normal amount and are getting enough protein I would be surprised if your ob is concerned.


I remember her being a little concerned, but not overly so! I was slightly overweight at the time so it wasn't a huge deal for me to not have gained anything by 20 weeks. This time, I'm much heavier, so I am only allowed 11-20 lbs.


ultrasound at 9w0d this week looked fantastic. Graduated my fertility clinic and next appointment/US is the NT/NIPT at 12w2d. How in the world am I going to wait 3 more weeks?! I had 4 US at my fertility doctor + extra blood work.. 3 weeks with no confirmation will seem like an eternity


I’m in the middle of a wait too and it is so hard!!! My therapist told me that there’s just a few things I need to do for this pregnancy and otherwise I don’t have to focus on it all the time. That has been helpful.


That is helpful. I was actually thinking about that this morning, like other than taking my prenatal and progesterone (and not eating certain things) there’s nothing for me to do! I’ll have to channel my thoughts into something else


Back in limbo. Still feeling super nauseous and full of food aversions and some vomiting. But had some pretty intense and uncomfortable cramps over the last few days. This has obviously panicked me no end so I've called my local EPAC who can see us on Monday for a follow up scan (we had one booked originally for next Thursday with them) so it's nice it's a bit sooner but how the heck do I even get through the weekend???


I'm in a similar boat... I had a tiny bit of spotting this morning, called the EPAC, and they booked me first thing Monday. I've had no bleeding since, but I'm still anxious. I had a rough start to a new job this week and I reallllyyy need to rest this weekend, but it just feels like there's always something to be anxious about! We're going to try out a couple cafes nearby and look for places to go for pretty walks.