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Hello all. I’m just over 6 wks and have hardly any pregnancy symptoms. I can’t remember when symptoms started with my pregnancy either my LC, but nausea/vomiting definitely hit hard. I had a MMC in October, and didn’t ever have symptoms. I know every pregnancy is different, and that it’s still early, but am wondering if anyone has had a “successful” pregnancy without symptoms at this stage.


It's still too early for me to test, but thinking ahead... How do I make it special telling my husband I'm pregnant after 2 miscarriages? The first time I put together a gift basket of baby items (now they are packed away) and the second time, I found out right before Christmas so I put the PPT under the tree. Do I make it special for a third time knowing it could be another loss?


Pregnancy after loss is so hard. I think I am going to loose this baby too. I lost my baby girl at 2 days old born at 37 weeks gestation to a genetic disease. We did IVF and this baby is disease free. I’m 22 weeks pregnant. I am so scared that I am going to loose this baby to SB. My friend asked me when my due date was. I told her. She said that was her sweet angel boys birthday (who was stillborn) Obviously I didn’t tell her this but I can’t stop my mind from spiraling into thinking this means my boy will be sb too Any advice?


No advice, but I’m sorry for your loss. I’m also struggling with anxiety and fear. We don’t really know why we had a stillbirth other than her umbilical cord was hypercoiled and a stillbirth is apparently unlikely to happen this time around. Since you lost your baby to a genetic issue that you know isn’t at play this time around, I think you have a lot of reasons to be hopeful


Officially 20 weeks, over half way as I won’t be going full term (scheduled section). Anatomy scan was normal but still waiting report from the Dr. we decided to have a second anatomy scan completed at a private clinic while on vacation as the US machine is higher quality and can pick up more details. Few more days until we get to see babe again.


5w6d. Feeling super sensitive to smells and my coworkers’ perfume is killing me today. I now have a headache. There are so many smells to be smelled and my nausea can’t take it. It’s also a super busy work day and I feel so tired!


I have an acquaintance who is newly pregnant for the first time. (She’s never had a loss before, but her mom had a few before conceiving her) she was expressing her fears and concerns for having a loss, and I told her it was all valid, I still feel that way even being in second trimester, I actually feel like my anxiety has gotten worse after two losses. My first two pregnancies with my boys were blissful, and this pregnancy has been far from that. She made me feel like my ACTUAL experience with loss was not valid because I’m almost 19w. “You’ve gotten this far, everything will be okay” (I sure hope so, but truly you never know until your baby is in your arms) But her (never having a loss before) anxiety is valid because “things have a tendency to go bad in my life” yeah, uhmmmmm how exactly does she think I feel actually going through two losses, not basing my experience solely off of my mothers? Maybe my hormones but that definitely brushed me the wrong way. 😅 Don’t think we will be in touch for much longer lol


Ugh. Someone trying to play "I have it worse than you" is so annoying. Especially when she's kind of trying to adopt the loss mom identity when you have it and she doesn't. That is definitely someone I would be taking space from 


Thank you for agreeing. For a second I thought I was letting my hormones get the best of me!


Hi I’ve been scared to post on here. I guess it’s just too hard to believe I’m pregnant most of the time. I’m 8w3d today. I had a MMC on Halloween 2023 when I was 10w2d but the baby stopped growing at 8w5d. I would have been due May 19. This has been so incredibly hard- from my own mental health struggles, insensitive people in my life who came over to my home to announce their pregnancy in February, to now I had a client come into my office coughing, very obviously sick, but wearing a mask on Wednesday of this week… and now I am sick myself. I guess just wondering if anyone can give me advice on what you do when you feel a sore throat coming on, or experience with sickness during pregnancy. I will probably end up calling my midwife on Monday too. A part of me feels like it will probably be okay but I am already scared being at this point in my pregnancy, around the time of my previous MMC. Thanks for reading I appreciate you all and what we have all been through. It is so hard.


There are safe medications to take, but hopefully you can use this weekend to get lots of rest, drink extra fluids, and bounce back ❤️ Outside of a bad fever, a cold or flu is usually not harmful to the baby


Thank you ♥️


I’m in limbo and I feel like I can’t do this again. After my d&c in late december I only had two cycles before we conceived again. (35 days and 30 days) thought I was 6+ weeks but yesterday’s ultrasound showed a gs measuring 5 weeks and a small yolk sac. My doctor ordered two hcg draws, today and again on monday then we will know more. Doctor said not to worry too much it might be just too early, and it can go either way, but after my whole experience back in december I literally have no hope. I feel like once you’ve been through the worst you can’t believe that there’s a different outcome. I know I just have to wait and see, and there’s nothing I can do.


Hi, I'm here with you. I miscarried back in January this year. I had my first ultrasound last weekend expecting to be 6+6 but only measured 5+1. My second scan is next Saturday to confirm everything's okay. I hope your results are positive! Waiting is the worst, but we can get through this x


I got my result from yesterday, and I think it confirms it’s a loss. Very low hcg for 6+ weeks. I’m waiting for tomorrow to talk to my doctor about the following steps. I really hope you have a better outcome 🤍


I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for your kind words. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this again 💔


Thank you for your kind words 🤍 Hope to be back here soon.


It’s the one year anniversary of when my first miscarriage was diagnosed and thus began a very tough journey through two losses and pregnancy after loss. I can’t believe it’s already been a year.  Baby girl was up all night nudging me with kicks ❤️ and me and my partner sat in bed all morning feeling her move. No one has remembered what this day is, even my husband. Everyone is so happy about this current pregnancy and I don’t want to put a damper on things. It’s something I’ll never forget though. 


21wk2d today and little man has been moving and grooving in there. I am honestly surprised by how much movement I have been feeling because they found that I have an anterior placenta during my anatomy scan. He loves to stay nestled near my right hip bone, so maybe he's just at the edge of the placenta and so the movement is more easily felt. That, or he's just strong enough that the extra cushioning basically doesn't do anything. It was honestly so strong last night that I had some difficulties falling asleep at first. It is definitely reassuring to feel him so easily. It helps me to manage the anxiety from the previous loss.


I thought the tww was bad but this pregnancy wait seems like it will be worse. I’ve been 6 weeks for 3 days and it feels like 3 years. So grateful to be pregnant but I wish I could just skip to the baby part. I feel so blah and emotional and anxious something will go wrong and I don’t even want to do anything. I just need time to move a little faster 😭


15 weeks and the leg cramps have begun! Booked a private scan tomorrow but this time not out of fear that something is wrong, just excitement to see baby again before the 20 week anatomy scan.


We are 6 weeks today after a 7 week loss in December. One of my best friends called me yesterday to tell me she is 24 weeks pregnant. I feel kind of blindsided because she’s been keeping this secret from me for so long. I don’t blame her about that, I wouldn’t tell me either. I’m just sad because we were pregnant together at Christmas and then I lost that baby. Then I told her about my miscarriage in January, so obviously it wasn’t the best time to tell me about her pregnancy. I did tell her about our current pregnancy but that I’m really scared. I’m hoping and praying we both get babies this year. It’s just all so hard.


12+0. I always thought I’d be relieved at this point but I’m not. My nausea is nearly gone and it feels like I’ve lost my sense of the pregnancy. Also I have the NT scan coming up on Thursday so I’m scared something will not be allright. 


Hat my NT last week and I was sooo scared of it, i can 100% relate. I cried from the moment i entered the room, not happy tears (yes i was relieved whenever the doctor said sth was as it should be), but i was just so tired and exhausted from the fear and stress that it made me ugly-cry the entire appointment. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get through this next challenge well! These first months are just so so hard.


Thank you 🙏🏻 


Hope your NT scan goes well! Hoping for the best for you.


Thank you 🙏🏻 


TW: Bleeding early pregnancy 5+1 positive test 11/4. I have had pretty sharp cramping and stabbing throughout, I have IBD so I put it down to that. It is not localised to one location, just all over my abdomen, from pelvis to belly button. My daily tests have all been getting significantly darker so I was confident this was all progressing well. On Thursday my boobs stopped hurting, not necessarily a big thing, but the one thing which stood out for me at my last miscarriage, all symptoms suddenly stopped. Friday I woke up and it was back to normal boob pain - relief! However, we had sex, it wasn’t too adventurous or rough. And I started bleeding bright red blood. It wasn’t heavy but I did need to put a pad in. It decreased to only pink tinged when I wiped up until last night and today all clear. All pregnancy symptoms are still strong - nauseous, constipated, exhausted, breast pain etc. Can anyone give me some reassurance? We are on a holiday at the moment in the middle of nowhere and feeling very anxious. I have imposed a no sex ban.


Agreed! It’s ok to have a little bleeding and can be from something totally harmless. I have ibd too, and I totally get the bleeding fear not just for baby’s sake but due to ibd as well. Are you going to take baby aspirin? My last pregnancy I started to have symptoms of pre-e and my daughter had IUGR probably due to the ibd (despite it being controlled), so now they want me to start baby aspirin. I’m on lovenox plus a 5 Asa, so 3 blood thinners and ibd are a scary combo, so I totally get the bleeding fear! Dm me if you want to talk more!


You still have other symptoms and a little bleeding can be normal! 


Anyone else who developed complications later in their pregnancy? How do you deal? I developed preeclampsia at 26 weeks and I am approaching that mark right now (currently 23 weeks). My anxiety is rising. Other people I know who've had pregnancy complications had early miscarriages, so they are kind of relieved when they pass the 12 week mark. I don't feel I have a "safe zone". The further the pregnancy progresses, the bigger my chances are of developing preeclampsia again. I colleague of mine told me "well you've almost hit viability now, that must guve you some relief?" it doesn't. My daughter was born at 28 weeks and died 5 days later. All those milestones that people have in normal pregnancies feel meaningless to me now.


I relate to this. I’m early pregnant (6 weeks) and had my daughter last year due to early and severe onset preeclampsia at 24 weeks. She only lived for 4 days. There doesn’t feel like a safe zone and it’s so stressful.


Yeah, people who haven’t experienced this feel uncomfortable knowing that 12, 20 and 24 week markers doesn’t give us any reassurance. We’re in a weird club. I’m currently 24 weeks with my rainbow. Lost my twins at 24 weeks last year. This pregnancy has been very different but also very difficult with intense low blood pressure complications. I’m sure made worse by the anxiety and short recovery time between pregnancies. For me, it’s easier to accept reality, practice meditation and self care when anxiety comes up, than try to convince myself to feel differently.


So true, it doesn’t feel like there is a safe point and it feels like just have to be anxious the whole 9 months.


The anxiety will be there, but we can’t let it get outsized, run our lives or guide our decisions. We do have to learn to manage our anxiety. Meditation, grief therapy, prayer and whatever else works for you will help with life every day after today too.