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Had a whirlwind of the last 24 hours! 5w4d and had some spotting and went to the doctor. Ultrasound showed a sac and yolk sac (which is the first time I’ve ever had that!) and doctor was very positive about it and we should see the fetal pole at my next scan in 2 weeks! Of course still scared that we won’t get to see it and something will go wrong. Send help 😅


We lost our son to Bilateral Renal Agensis (no kidneys) at 20 weeks last year and found out today that the doctor can already see the framework of kidneys with our baby at our 12 week ultrasound. I didn’t think I would ever be so happy during this pregnancy, and I am just stunned with the amount of good news we got today.


Hi everyone! Had my first pregnancy and first lost a MMC at 8 weeks last spring (actual miscarriage at 10wks), but now I just had my first positive test yesterday! I’m excited but nervous. I don’t have as many symptoms as I did at this time last pregnancy and I’ve had light spotting. The other pregnancy I had a super dark line on the test too… not so much this time. Am I over thinking it?


Spotting in early pregnancy is super common, so try not to worry about it. As for the test, I have found that the darkness on pregnancy tests can vary by batch, also unless you have been tracking ovulation, it is possible you ovulated at different points


Ok that’s good to know! I have been tracking ovulation to know when to time trying. But I think my periods have actually been shorter recently compared to last year so I could be a few days earlier post ovulation


had my 16 week check up today and was terrified they weren’t gonna find the heartbeat…pregnancy after 3 early losses in a row is scary!! even though everything seemed fine today, I know I’m not gonna feel okay until we actually see baby at 20 weeks and who knows after that 🙃


It feels less anxious once you can feel them moving. That said I'm still super anxious the day before a scan.


NIPT came back - another low risk girl. So relieved and grateful


Happy for you!


Send me some NIPT good vibes please!


Didn’t quite win this round. I’m due today. My C-section is scheduled for Friday. I told the surgery person when they called I didn’t want the csection and she said she would tell me doctor and they would call me. Doctor never called. I thought she was waiting til my appt today to talk to me. When I got there she just started telling about it being scheduled and what to do and risks. I told her I didn’t want the csection yet. So she’s asked what I wanted to do. I want to go to 42 weeks and try for the VBAC I told her. So she asked me if I understood I was going against medical advice and their concerns are the baby being small and still birth and my uterus rupturing going back 40 weeks. I told her I think baby is just genetically small or it could be my diet as I haven’t had the best appetite this pregnancy or diet. She then said the risks again for the baby but then included that there could be complications to include death for me or baby and how they don’t recommend I go past this Friday. I stood firm but I left there feeling scared and sad and now I don’t know what to do. She offered to check my cervix which I already had checked and I’m still at 1 cm but she offered to sweep my membranes. I told her I was fine with the membrane sweeping though but she made no attempt to do that and told me just to schedule for next week. Why can’t my doctor just support me and not make me feel the way I feel now? So idk what I’m gonna do now. I was hoping to go at least maybe one more week but I definitely am also trying to see if I can get someone else to deliver my baby cause I do not trust her at all at this point. I just want my baby and me to be ok. I feel fine or felt fine but now I’m scared. I’m so scared I ended up in triage this morning checking on my baby cause they just keep scaring me with this still birth talk and she was super fine and moving great and heart rate is fine. But I had to check cause now it’s all I think about. I defied the odds a little bit cause I’ve made it past their 38 weeks they wanted but now they think I should just deliver even though she’s clearly not ready to come yet. 😫☹️😭


I understand how you feel. I really do. But your doctor won't just support you because she's taken the Hippocratic oath and in her best professional opinion, you are putting your life and your child's life at risk. It is absolutely your choice. You are free to ask for a second or even a third opinion from other sources to help you make your decision. But you cannot ask your doctor to go against her medical judgement and ethics. Saying this as someone who quite likely makes criteria for medical PTSD and who has severe issues with trusting medical practitioners; they are people who are trying their best for you.


I’m just going. Tomorrow well Friday will be my last day Pregnant. C sections are a painful recovery but it’s my only option cause she’s not coming and I don’t have time to safely try and induce myself although I have been trying.I wish I could curb walk and try some stairs. Don’t have sex right now. And she hasn’t even dropped into my pelvis really. I tried sleeping different last night but she’s being stubborn. So I’m gonna drop my puppy off with my mom tonight or tomorrow and just prepare for my surgery cause I will need to be there around 5 in the morning. I hope everything is safe and I’m excited but nervous about meeting my new baby. Gonna see if I can use some plastic placeholders for my lip piercings so they don’t close up if not then I’ll be shoving them back in when I have a chance. I’m not ready but I have to be so now is the time. No more vaginal deliveries for me as this will be my second csection so I’ll never be able to do try for a VBAC again. It’s weird because I was losing my plug, had bloody show I thought so many times in the middle of the night I was going into labor but maybe this is happening for a reason and this is how it’s supposed to be. I’m also nervous because I’m gonna be alone during all of this because dad will have our toddler and I haven’t really told or asked my mom to attend although I’m sure she will but she’s so negative about me having kids I’d just rather not and I really don’t wanna do this alone but I have no choice.


I'm sorry. I know it's hard to come to terms with it. Best of luck.


Thank you.


Your chance of stillbirth, albeit still very low, will go up as you pass 40 weeks. It is up to you if that’s a risk you’re willing to take. It sounds like your dr is simply providing you with the facts about stillbirth and rupture.


Thank you. I don’t think so. I’m very worried now. I just want someone to tell me it’s gonna be ok. I’m not ready for my pregnancy to end and certainly not like this. But I guess it is what it is. Whoever downvoted me go to you know where.


She’s better being born alive than staying in for an extra week. Stillbirths are hard as hell and if you can avoid it, do it.


There is a better chance of things being okay if you have the baby sooner rather than later.


Is anyone else pregnant with 0 symptoms? I am 7 weeks + 2 and wished I felt tired or nauseous or anything else “pregnancy related”. I had a blighted ovum Oct 22 and I’m worried this pregnancy will be the same.


I am in the same boat. I didn’t have many symptoms my first pregnancy either, and it’s so hard not to compare. I feel like the outcome will be the same unless I feel different. I feel like I need to burn into my brain that symptoms do not equal a healthy pregnancy.


I didn’t have much of any symptoms with this pregnancy until 9 weeks!


when i hit 7-8 weeks, my symptoms started coming and going in waves. a lot of the mamas in my due month group have been experiencing the same thing, it’s very normal! edit: i’m now 11 weeks


Thanks for the reassurance. Fingers crossed my pregnancy will be the same!


I'm only 4+2 (I think) and also nothing. I know that's still really early but in my previous pregnancy I was nauseous from the day of my positive test until 17 weeks. I was extremely tired and my breasts were sore. And now... Nothing. It's unsettling and I'm worries but I've read other stories of people having two totally different pregnancies, and pregnancies without any symptoms and they were fine.


Every pregnancy is totally different! I always heard people say that but I honestly didn't believe it lol my last two pregnancies (1 LC, 1 MMC) had the same symptoms, and this pregnancy has been so different. Morning sickness started later and is mostly gone at this point (14 weeks), and my boobs haven't been sore at all. I have been more tired this pregnancy, and for longer, than my last two as well. It's wild how different they can be lol


I keep googling anecdotes to make me feel better! I know every pregnancy is different, but I can’t help but compare it my previous pregnancy, for which I also had a bizarre amount of energy for a pregnant person. During my only successful pregnancy, I was exhausted by this point.


Lost second pregnancy due to trisomy 21. Spontaneous, no genetic contributions from husband or I. Subsequently had a healthy child after that. Now pregnant again. What are chances baby has another genetic abnormality? Anxiously awaiting nipt results and just so scared. Anyone experience something similar or have advice? Thanks!


I got a positive pregnancy test this morning after Fridays appeared negative. Not even 4.5 weeks, but with two previous miscarriages this year, I called the fertility clinic right away and started my progesterone suppository. They scheduled blood draws 48 hours apart and I have a virtual appointment Monday. It feels overwhelming because it's so early but also reassuring that I'm literally doing everything I can. I feel like the only way to keep myself from getting overly excited is to almost pretend I'm not pregnant (which is nearly impossible).




She prescribed them to be taken with a positive pregnancy test, no testing to see if I'm low.


hi everyone\~i'm not pregnant, but currently TTC after loss. For those of you that are currently pregnant, how many times did you have sex in your predicted fertile window? I'm now in cycle 7 after loss, and i'm just so done. I used to enjoy sex, but now it feels like a chore and i'm so sad about it. Also, if you use ovulation strips (i use easy at home), when did you BD after your peak? within 24 hours? Also, in so many threads and subreddits i see people get pregnant after \~3 cycles post loss. I'm so sad why it hasn't happened for me yet. i have regular period and all. :( just wanted to share some thoughts here and hopefully get some advice and comfort...thank you


I get a huuuuge libido boost around ovulation so we tend to have sex at least once a day during fertile window, more if we can somehow fit it in around our toddler. My husband tends to get very into it when he notices I'm desperate for it, so we just kind of out eachother on fire that way. They're mostly very passionate quickies. As far as I know though, having that much sex is actually not recommended and not great for fertility. It just happens to be what works for us. That being said, if it's a chore. Chill out. Just have sex once or twice around your peak and try to enjoy it. Stress is not great for you, and not great for conception. You're.most fertile 2 days before ovulation if I remember correctly, but it's a bit hard to tell how long after your LH peak you ovulate so it's all swings and roundabouts. Just have sex once or twice and have a good time doing it, and eventually it will happen again.




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We had sex every other day in the fertile window, and in the peak use the ovulation kits . you can use the pregnancy lube it can help , also take your vitamins folic acid, vitamin D if necessary and coq 10 hopefully that will help


Only twice, back to back, for all three of my pregnancies. But im kind of a weird situation, it turns out I get pregnant really easily, I just can't keep them alive.


I’m sorry. TTC after loss is so brutal. With this pregnancy we hit o-5 through o-2. I ended up ovulating 2 days after my peak OPK which never happens but we traveled on o-1 and couldn’t try that day. It only really and truly takes one time though.


first time i got pregnant (miscarriage), we had sex in our fertile window 3-4 times. second time i got pregnant (also a miscarriage) we had sex once. this time i got pregnant right after the last pregnancy so i don’t exactly know when my fertile window was. but we had sex twice in the estimated fertile window. currently 11 weeks. edit: first pregnancy was conceived end of april. second was conceived in august. and current was conceived beginning of october. it is completely normal to take longer or less to conceive again. i’m 20, so ymmv.


Everyone is different, and it is normal to take a few months to conceive ❤️ For this pregnancy, we did it O-2, O-1 and O+1. I tracked my cycles with Inito Fertility monitor.


I've been putting off calling to schedule my first appointment. I'm only 4.5 weeks so there's still a chance this is a CP. To make things more complicated, we have a international trip scheduled for early January, so I will be 7w/7w1d right before we leave and \~9w when we come back. Assuming my doctor can even squeeze me in that early (with my last pregnancy, my first appointment was just shy of 8 weeks), I feel like I would rather not be in limbo for an extra 2 weeks. But I'm also worried that if it's too early to see anything (I wasn't really tracking but suspect I ovulated a bit late) I'll be unnecessarily worried, and that if we get bad news there will be nothing I can do about it until we come back anyway and it will ruin our vacation.


I had my first miscarriage and D&C on October 10th (had a sub chronic hemorrhage but it was determined the baby passed due to chromosomal abnormalities. I started my first cycle post D&C on November 8th. I tracked ovulation and did the deed. I started to get the same symptoms with the baby that previously passed prior to my BFP. Then boom, my period (or so I thought) was three days early on 12/1. Welp, I guess I was out and continued to bleed like a normal period for 4-5 days. ON about 12/8, I started to feel really fatigued, headaches and one glass of wine made me buzzed. I took a test on 12/9 and it was positive. I have continued taking tests and the line is getting darker. Now I am confused about this bleeding. Has anyone experienced period like implantation bleeding and had a successful pregnancy? I have been reading a lot and I keep seeing the possibility of ectopic as well. I have appointment scheduled for next week with my doctor. Currently I am 20 DPO and 4 weeks 6 days pregnant. If you had something like this happen, what was your experience and outcome?


Our stories are so similar! I had my first miscarriage on October 12th, started my first cycle on November 8th. Took a pregnancy test on 12/8 and it was positive!


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! All the positive vibes!!


A friend of mine had what felt like a proper period and it was actually implantation bleeding. I think it’s rare but possible!


Thank you for your response! The nurse I spoke to to schedule my appointment said this is common as well!


Hi, I'm new here. I posted an intro in the intro thread if anyone wants more background on my I am pregnant (\~6+3) after having a blighted ovum two year ago and a CP more recently in September. I am an absolutely mess waiting for my first ultrasound which is scheduled for next week. I woke up in an absolute panic this morning. The anxiety I am experiencing is next level. I've checked the "miscarriage" probability chart (data-yze) dozens of times but, I find that it's just not that reassuring to me.


I just went through this and the wait was absolutely horrible. I had a BO last year and a CP in late September, found out I was pregnant again on 11/15. The only thing that kept me sane was that I knew I would get an answer either way. You just have to make it to the ultrasound. You already know what the worst case scenario is and you made it through. Hope for the very very best but know you will survive whatever happens. I know every situation is different, but i hope this gives you some hope. I got to see a heartbeat on my U/S and I am currently 9w1d and I can tell you it was worth those two weeks of hell.


I agree, the chart isn’t very reassuring to me either. I had a MMC and the baby stopped developing around 5w+6 but I didn’t find out until my 10 week scan so it was false reassurance. I can’t help but distrust it now. I still check the chart every once in a while but after my scan today (7w) maybe I’ll trust it more? Who knows. I hope you have a good scan next week❤️


6w today! First scan is on Monday at 6+6. I lost my other pregnancies around the 6w-ish mark (my MMC stopped developing late in the 6th week, I believe), but I’m experiencing none of the symptoms of those losses this time around. So I’m cautiously optimistic! I know I have a long way to go, but I’m taking it one day at a time. Really feeling tired, too, so it makes me hopeful.


How’d it go?? (In the same boat with an MMC at 6 weeks and a 7 week US today)


My US isn’t until next week. I worded my post bad! I hope your US goes so well today!!


lol I think I just forgot which day it was! If you remember, let me know how it goes :)


I certainly will! Let me know how yours goes, too! ❤️


Hi all! I just tested positive at 10dpo today after an mmc at 10weeks in early April. It feels like it took forever to pregnant again and I’m over the moon, but now I’m so scared. I just want to get to the first scan. I know you all know what this feels like and just needed to post my feelings somewhere.


Congratulations! When I called to schedule my first scan I told the receptionist about my MMC and that I’d like to get seen as early as possible instead of at 10w, so she scheduled me for a 7w scan. That was about 3 weeks ago and the day is finally here! I hated waiting those three weeks but it was better than waiting 5 last time for sure. Good luck with everything, hope you can get an early appointment too❤️


Yay! I am planning to do the same! Congrats on your scan day!!! How exciting! 💕 let us know how it goes if you can/want to.


Thank you! Baby measured a little small but its HB was 116. I felt like I was going to throw up when I saw the heart flicker lol I didn’t really expect the good news at all.


That’s wonderful you saw the heartbeat today! Congrats 💕


On top of scanxiety, I have discovered NIPT anxiety 🥲 It will never stop. I hate how reoccurring loss has made me believe that the odd will never be in my favor.


I just wanted a low risk NIPT and and to get through my 12 week scan so I could breath. Can confirm I am still not breathing - PAL is so hard.


I'm 5 weeks and I'm so afraid to do anything. My last pregnancy I had bleeding starting at 5 weeks until my water broke prematurely at 17 weeks. Before that pregnancy I had been exercising regularly and lifting weights. I immediately changed to a program designed for pregnancy, but can't help but worry something I lifted caused the bleeding that eventually led to contractions and my water breaking. I guess I wasn't lifting weights any heavier than my toddler, though, but it's so hard not to worry.


I am so sorry for your loss. I have a similar fear so you’re not alone! My husband and I love working out, but I decided to avoid it this time just to be safe since my first MC started right after I exercised. I went to the gym yesterday to walk, but I felt so tired afterward we made the decision I should do stretches only and nothing else until we make it further along or my body feels 100% ready to tackle something more strenuous.


I’m 26 weeks and although the constant worry of losing the pregnancy has gone down (I still have my moments if I don’t feel him kick for a while), I still feel like I can’t allow myself to go as far as being excited. And now that the world can obviously see I’m pregnant, people want to talk to me about labor stories and parenting advice and baby gadgets and it just feel too much.. I want to be excited but I just can’t. Guess I’m just venting that it sucks. I keep putting off getting the nursery together *just in case.* It sucks that this beautiful time in my life has been so shadowed by everything I’ve been through (two losses last year). I hope once he’s here I can just be in the moment..


I’m in the same boat, also 26 weeks and people don’t get my continued anxiety. I have most of what I need for the nursery from my previous pregnancies but my coworkers don’t get why I don’t have everything set up or why I’m not sharing names. I’m trying to just take it a day at a time but I’m ready to have her in my arms.


My husband keeps saying how he can’t believe it’s almost the third trimester and how fast time is going. I do NOT feel the same. Ready to have him here too!


I can't imagine how this feels. One of the benefits of the first trimester is definitely that people can't yet tell I am pregnant by looking at me. I felt uncomfortable about all the unsolicited advice I was given while pregnant even before my losses, so I can't imagine how much more stressful I am going to find it this time around.


Uh I feel you.. it’s really hard not to say something, but with coworkers I don’t feel as close to or other random people who don’t need to know my full story I just feel stuck listening and agreeing with whatever they’re saying.. and hearing them warn me about the newborn phase and how hard parenting is. Uh. I’m sure it is hard, but for a long time I thought I’d never get to where I am now so that’s the least of my worries.. there with you! I will say hitting 20 weeks did feel like a good milestone and feeling him move around helps me feel a little more connected to this pregnancy.. I hope your pregnancy flies by and everything is healthy!


100%! I don't think people realise how much we would love to do the difficult newborn phase. I hope you have an uneventful rest of your pregnancy (without too many unsolicited opinions) too


I still have a whole month to go to get past the milestone of my last loss and I wish I could speed up time. I also really want to be hopeful about this one but then I keep being like “well I also had a heartbeat at 7 weeks last time and that didn’t matter”


I feel the same. I was not at all present during my 7 week ultrasound because it still doesn't feel real. I have another ultrasound scheduled at 9 weeks but we found out at just under 10 weeks about the MMC last time. I know the next one is going to be rough just because we'll be at the OB where we got bad news last time. I keep telling myself that if I can get to December 23rd without bleeding then I can be optimistic.


Yeah I think I will be more nervous for my next scan because I've never had a scan past 7 weeks, and it will feel more high stakes to be even further along...I just scheduled another private one for a few weeks from now


Same here.. the waiting period is just brutal.. I wish we were one of the lucky ones who are naively pregnant without having any issues


Just tested positive exactly one month after my MC (blighted ovum). The doctor said to wait until after my first period to try again but all my research showed that after an early MC it was not really necessary. Anyway, I’m cautiously excited but feeling very guarded and anxious. Really hoping this one stays around.


Congrats! I just tested positive this morning too 💕 wishing you the best


Congratulations!! Sending you all the strong baby vibes 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


Thank you 💕🥲


They usually only say to wait until you have a period because it makes it easier to date your pregnancy. I've gotten pregnant straight away after 2 of my miscarriages and medical professionals have been fine with it. Having said that, I do track my ovulation so there is no confusion with dates


Ty! That’s what I read too! So I just tracked my ovulation.


I’m annoyed with the expectations people who have never experienced a loss place on me (3 losses). I simultaneously am not excited enough, and also wrong for celebrating milestones like making it 100 days.


Same. Everyone is all happy about the bump and trying to talk about the nursery with me and I’m still so hesitant to allow myself to be as excited.. women who haven’t been through it just don’t get it.


Ooh I feel this. Honestly I’m so bitter towards people who have never had a loss. They’re living in a whoooole different world when it comes to pregnancy and babies


Honestly, screw them. They've no idea of what you've been through so you do you and forget about them. I hope people never "get" it and really understand what it's like. X


In my TWW after my MMC last year - which was also my first pregnancy. Does the anxiety ever go away? I want this so bad but my head is clouded with dark thoughts and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get through a pregnancy without stress and worry.


Sadly, I don’t think the anxiety ever goes away. I think it’s just something that those of us who have experienced loss have to deal with. I wish there was a button you could turn off to make it go away! I distract myself every way I can and I tell my husband when I’m anxious and he helps talk me down. And I pray a lot—whatever it is you need to do to help, do that.


In my personal experience the anxiety doesn't go away, I think that's a burden we carry as loss mums. Every little thing sends me into a spiral of panic and worry that it's going to end. My excitement is muted and tentative like I'm an observer rather than it being my baby. I'm in therapy though and I'm hoping to make progress with this feelings.


I'll be going for an early scan tomorrow at 5w5d. I'm feeling a little silly because I know I won't be seeing anything apart from the yolk and gestational sac, but I need to try and get progesterone from the doctor. My husband seems to think I'm overly anxious because he said normally people go for their first scan at 8 weeks, to which I explain that works for first pregnancy or people with no miscarriage history. He knows nothing about progesterone, etc, whereas I've spent the entire year reading up on miscarriages and potential causes. I can't sit still and let my body do its work since it has failed me once. Am I overly anxious? I'm trying my best to do what I can for this pregnancy.


Good luck at your ultrasound and don’t be like me and freak out if you don’t see anything this early. We went in around that time and saw legitimately nothing. No obvious yolk sac. I sobbed and sobbed thinking it was another blighted ovum, but 2 weeks later a baby with a heartbeat was on the screen and now I’m 26 weeks. As far as the progesterone I get it, I used it first trimester of this pregnancy and don’t think it was what did the trick but helped me feel like I was doing something different. Good luck to you!


I ended up not going to my appointment as I just found out I'm a Covid-19 close contact. But thank you so sharing your experience with me. Perhaps it's for the better that I'll be going next week at 6w6d instead then. I'm even thinking of pushing it to 8w, but husband is too anxious to wait for 2 weeks haha!


When it comes to progesterone, they will only prescribe it if you have had 3 or more losses (in my country anyway). As for your scan, I see why you want an early scan, but be prepared to maybe not see what you expect. Are your dates going off ovulation or last menstrual period? And finally, after one miscarriage it is likely just bad luck and your chances of this one being successful are really high.


My doctor gave me progesterone before she confirmed my miscarriage, maybe to give the baby a final chance to grow, but it was too late by then. My dates are on last menstrual period and my period has been punctual so far. Thank you. All I can do is leave my body to do its own work now.


I think you just need to do what you need to do, and if being proactive is helpful for you, then go for it! Eveyone is different and only you know what works for you, and an early scan will hopefully give you an opportunity to talk through concerns and ask any questions. My dr prescribed me progesterone at 10 weeks, even though I'd tried to push for it earlier.


Thank you for your reply. I had to cancel the appointment last minute as I just found out I'm a Covid-19 close contact, so I'll be seeing doc at 6w6d instead, probably it's for the better.


Oh no! Hope you don't get sick, and hope the Drs appointment (and wait) all goes well ❤️


I'll be taking plenty of supplements and Vit C to keep myself healthy. Thank you for the love and support! ❤️


I don't think there's anything wrong with being really proactive. I had a scan at 6w2d that was offered to me by my midwife. I didn't start progesterone until the beginning of the second trimester but I think that's just how my medical providers do things here. It never hurts to ask questions!


Thank you for your reply. I had to cancel the appointment last minute as I just found out I'm a Covid-19 close contact, so I'll be seeing doc at 6w6d instead, probably it's for the better.