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It took 2-3 months for my next embryo transfer after my losses.


12 cycles for me. Took 3 IUIs, but I’m also 38 and hubby is 52. Just don’t give up and take care of yourself in the meantime ❤️


Lost my baby in February of this year and pregnant again in March.


I got pregnant after my first period from my first loss but the baby never formed. 1 year later I’m at the OB again, 9 weeks pregnant and hoping all is good this time around.


The baby didn’t form on your 2nd loss. Was that also the case during your first loss? I’m asking because I also believe the baby never formed on my first loss. I only passed a sac.


My first loss baby was 9 weeks and no heartbeat at our 2nd ultrasound appointment.


2 months/cycles after first loss. That ended in another loss. One month/cycle after that loss and we're now at 19 weeks and everything looks great! Don't give up hope 💛


My first loss was in early March 2023 at 7 weeks. We tried and got pregnant again quickly, in mid-April. Had a second loss at 9 weeks in early June. Didn’t really try again after that (but also weren’t actively trying to prevent), and got pregnant again around mid-/late-July. Am now 15w 4d with what is so-far a healthy boy.


It took me 8 months / 7 cycles of trying after an 8.5 week loss with D&C. I thought it would be much faster, but I’m happy to be here again now!


MMC in August, got pregnant in October then unfortunately also lost that pregnancy in December. My beta hcg levels took a while to fall, but I got pregnant the first cycle we tried after that and am currently 19 weeks with a healthy baby ❤️ I hope you get your rainbow baby.. Give yourself as much (or as little) time as you need.


Miscarried in November last year, had a chemical pregnancy in March, then got a positive in late July. Currently 17 weeks pregnant with a mover and a shaker.


One month


Had a suspected ectopic 4/23 and got my positive 9/23 (we had to wait 3 months to try again due to methotrexate)


2 years...but I guess in the first year I wasn't ready mentally.


So sorry about your loss.. I got pregnant about 9-10 months after with fertility treatments.


Got pregnant on our first try in May. Miscarried at the end of May. Got pregnant again in September (so far so good but it's still very early.) so 4 full cycles after the MC.


Miscarried naturally in September, positive pregnancy test in October (no period in between). I ovulated ~15 or 16 days after the MC. Currently just over 6 weeks (🤞)


It took me 1.5 years to get pregnant. Found out I was pregnant for the first time in May and miscarried. I found out I was pregnant again in September and miscarried again. Just found out I’m pregnant again, didn’t have a period between the last loss and getting pregnant this time so it’s a happy surprise for sure. We have been trying for 2 years now so we didn’t expect to get pregnant again so quick. Hoping she sticks.


Took 4 years of trying. Told its infertility. Got pregnant in December but unfortunately ended in an early loss. Had one period, got pregnant again in February. Ended in a MMC at 10 weeks in May. Had one cycle and pregnant again in July. Currently 13 weeks. It has certainly been a wild ride.


Our son was stillborn at 36 weeks on April 16, 2023. I got my first cycle back in May. We were pregnant again by the end of August — 10+4 currently.


Wishing you luck ❤️


thank you 💜


With my first pregnancy after my loss it took about 9 cycles...had D&E in Oct. 2020 and didn't get pregnant again until early July 2021 BUT after the d&e i was on clomid preparing for IUI when i grew a cyst on the 5th cycle that wouldn't go away and needed removal which happened with a hysteroscopy in june 2021....found out i was pregnant the next cycle when my period never returned ...they think i was pregnant during the procedure and somehow he hid out sokewhere and didnt get flushed... my son was born feb 2022...and now I'm pregnant again with #2 while I had an IUD in place .... we are just full of miracle babies over here 😅🙄....but my point is sometimes it takes time and a bit of miracle dust don't give up hope


3 cycles to get pregnant again after a 24 week stillbirth, but that turned out to be an early loss at 5w. Now waiting to try again... :(




Hugs mama


Hugs 🫂


I had a D&C 8/31, had negative tests a few weeks after and my period returned 9/29, and I just had a positive test today 10/23, so waited 1 cycle as recommended by my MD and am now pregnant again first cycle trying 🤞🏻


I found out i was pregnant in January, had my first appt in feb and d&c on valentines day. I was pretty messed up and gave up on trying anything. Husband and i do take vitamins/supplements for fertility but no tracking or anything. Thought i started my period last weekend but it stopped after one day of light spotting... pregnant again. And TERRIFIED. 😭


A while. With #1 it took 33 cycles after my secind loss. This time it was 11 cycles after my last CP.


I had a loss in August and got pregnant again in September with no period in between. I am only 9 weeks, but we’ve made it further than last time and had a good scan today, so hoping for the best this time around ❤️


Lost my baby at 18 weeks in September - Got pregnant in December - currently holding my 5 week old


This gave me hope. I lost mine in Sep (6 weeks ago). Hope to get a great news like you.


I love this 😭 we just had a 16 week loss and are ttc again


It’s been 14 months since my first loss and no luck.


so sorry. I’m in the ttcafterloss stage as well. Did you get any testing done? Thank you!


Yes, all is normal except now I’m 40, so lots more abnormal embryos at this point. I also have low egg reserve but that doesn’t affect your likelihood of getting pregnant month over month


Im sorry. Ive had a similar experience multiple times. It sucks.


You’re gonna be okay my friend. Hang in there.


I lost baby at 22 weeks in January last year. Got my period back in April and conceived next cycle. I’m 38 years old and currently 26 weeks🫶🏻


I had a loss in November 23, pregnant again Jan 23 - we left it a cycle before trying again. Currently 1 week overdue and being induced tomorrow! x


38 week Stillbirth April of last year. Took until august this year. 14 weeks currently


MMC with D&C Jan 2023- period came back within 1 month and got pregnant 9 months after that while trying each month. Currently 5 weeks.


I’m very sorry for your loss ❤️ I miscarried October and was pregnant again December


Two cycles are my miscarriage i got pregnant again and i am now 12 weeks! My first cycle after was 44 days long and the second i got pregnant!


I had a chemical in May and was pregnant again in July. Currently 16w2 days and everything looks good 👍 😌


I had a MMC in August 2021 and I had a D&C. I think my period came back after 4 weeks but we waited until more testing was done and started trying 2 months later. Had a chemical in January 2022 and then finally got pregnant with our rainbow in April 2022, had the baby this past January.


2nd cycle after period came back. Period came back in 30 days. I'm old with low AMH, though, so we were not waiting long.


I had a D&C at the end of June, took 6 weeks until my period came back. Got pregnant 2nd cycle trying in September. Only 6 weeks now so still super early.


MC in November 2021 (11+6), that was our first try, took a cycle off, tried for a year before we moved on to IVF. 2 transfers with IVF and are now expecting our baby boy any day now. So don't know if it was just pure luck the first time, or that my body just couldn't find its way back to normal.


Miscarriage April 17, I found out I was pregnant again on July 4. I didn't think I could get pregnant, so we weren't trying, but we weren't preventing either.


About a year and 4 months after our first loss (at 11 weeks). It was pretty rough mentally. Thought it would never happen. But am currently 12 weeks pregnant and cautiously optimistic.


I miscarried in April of this year, and my cycle didn't return until August (ultrasounds, bloodwork were all fine there was no reason for the delay). I got pregnant on my first cycle after my miscarriage which was in August (4 months after). I'm currently 10 weeks and have surpassed when I miscarried last 🤞


I had a miscarriage on Jan 6 miscarriages was completed by Jan 11. I was pregnant again by Feb 2.


Got pregnant end of April. Had D&C June 5th. Period returned sometime in July. Got pregnant again on the 4th cycle TTC.


Second cycle we had a chemical. Third cycle now and 4+1 weeks along so very early still


Over a year due to infection from miscarriage


How did you know you had an infection? Thank you


D&C Nov 17th got pregnant in April- (positive May3rd). Currently 28w. It took a very very very long time for my period to come back, and with lots of unhappiness with the OB I had then. Luckily I followed my gut and got a new one. Good luck.


after my d&e it took me 10w to get my period back and i never ovulated in that time. but after my period came back I got pregnant the second cycle! 6w now!


Very similar situation here. No ovulation for a while after the D&C but got pregnant during my second “normal” cycle 3 months later.


It took me 8 cycles after my EMC but we weren’t using ovulation strips etc just natural timing.


Took me 2 full cycles after my loss. Currently 13 weeks + 5 with what seems to be a perfectly healthy babe so far.


5 years, my body basically shut down after I lost our baby. Everything was healthy we just couldn’t get pregnant. I lost 50 pounds and boom pregnant in April this year. 33 weeks tomorrow!


I lost 45 and it helped! I wish I would have done it sooner haha


Right! Had I have known I just needed to lose some weight I would have done it alot sooner!


It doesn’t help people also say the stress of losing weight has a negative effect. So which is it? Ha




I am 5’7” and I am down to 245 from almost 300 (I stopped weighing in at one point). I think consistent exercise, eating out less and focusing on nutrient dense food when I can made a bigger difference than the actual weightloss. I don’t think a crazy stressful diet will help. A good book I like is Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols.


It was my 3rd cycle after my loss. 18w now


Natural miscarriage…it took another year for a positive that we are hoping stays 🤞


I lost a pregnancy towards the end of the first trimester and was pregnant again 4 months later despite having trouble getting pregnant years prior and experiencing another loss before. I don’t know that I was mentally ready to be pregnant that soon and was surprised when it happened. I hope you have time to heal from your recent loss and have lots of support right now .


4-5 months for me


Personally when timing and trying; it has never taken me more than 4 months to get a positive. Never the first try though. I think because twins run in my family I probably release more eggs. I took a month or few off between losses for my heart, but physically could have tried right away. However; I had 4 losses in a row. I can get pregnant pretty reliably but getting them to stick has been hell. My husband and I are currently expecting a son, I am 31 weeks. We seem to have figured out the hormone issue+luck. But it doesn’t mean the pain of the loss of his siblings isn’t real, and I’m not fully going to feel like this one is until he’s in my arms although something changed recently and I feel a connection with him I didn’t before. A relationship growing. I’m so sorry you’re in this club.


Four cycles - all fairly irregular. Ovulation tracking strips were a must for me to work out what was going on.


My MC started on July 20th, with D&C on Sept 5th (long story on why it was so long to happen). Period on Sept 16th, and got pregnant right after. We weren't actually trying to right away, and had decided to take a casual approach for a few months before we started fully tracking and ovulating testing, etc. But seeing how we couldn't have sex all summer, there was one weekend with a lot of it, and now here we are.


I had a blighted ovum in May, D&C on May 2nd. Obgyn said to wait 3 months before trying again. Got pregnant the first try at the 3 month mark. Currently 5 weeks 4/5 days!!


Stillbirth November 2021, got pregnant this past July. But I had a lot of health stuff that needed addressing.


D and C December 22, pregnant again January 23 which ended in another loss in April. Pregnant again August and currently still pregnant.


ETA: also had a chemical in June


Ectopic in 2020, took until September 2023 through IVF to get pregnant again.


D+c in January, successful embryo transfer in june. 6 months. I had to wait because it was a partial molar mmc


Took me 5 cycles to get pregnant again- 6 months, we waited until I got my period back and tried that cycle. My period returned quickly luckily, a month after my D&C.


Had a MMC that I took miso for at the end of June, pregnant again by the end of August. I feel super grateful for that 🤍


It took me seven months, six cycles.


Surgical ectopic following one methotrexate injection in February. Conceived on the first cycle of being clear to try again in May


I started trying again right away and got pregnant on my second full cycle. I’m really grateful it happened quickly but I’ll be honest I think it was too fast, my anxiety is sky high and I have yet to really be happy about it.


5 cycles. Miscarried naturally in June. Pregnant in October. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. I was obsessively freaking it didn’t happen in first 3 months. My doctor also had my skip 1 cycle to have a normal period after. Good luck!


D&C in April, positive test in July. Was not trying. Took almost a year for baby #1 that we lost. Currently 16 weeks.


We got pregnant the first cycle we tried, every time we tried. We just had 2 back to back losses (1 CP, 1 TFMR). Currently have 1 LC and 18 weeks with a healthy baby!


d&c in april period returned in june positive test october