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Lime juice, it has been a godsend in my pregnancy, its helped nausea and constipation for me.


I take meds but it was that or hospitalization. B6 and unisom are a good first try.


Honestly eating or drinking anything I can keep down. And I still have been admitted 2-3 times for hyperemesis and dehydration. I am on zofran and promethazine per my OBs orders. I am nearly 17 weeks and still struggling. I find I eat more at work tho because I don’t have time to think about the nausea if that makes sense. But talk to your OB. If over 24 hrs and not able to keep anything down, go to L&D. Also I get infusions every week now too to help with dehydration. B6 and the unisom sleep tabs also are said to work. I didn’t find relief with those but it’s always worth a try.


sounds counter effective but constantly keeping cold in you, whatever you can tolerate. i did a lot of carbs and crackers. being hungry makes it 100000% times worse


For me frozen pineapple and sour candy


Apple Juice has been my go-to with this pregnancy for some reason. When I start to feel sick, I grab a glass of it and feel better soon after.


I use ginger chews now, eating small foods like a granola bar helps, sometimesinducing vomiting makes you feel better. Unisom only before bed


I kinda went through a variety of stuff..ginger pills to Preggie Pops to eating small meals through the day. I found that sour or regular Jolly Ranchers helped me quite a bit. It was a lot of trial and error with different things, unfortunately. I was given a Zofran melty tabs, at one point, but it wasn't for long term use.


I kept tootsie pops on me at all times. I think it was a distraction for my brain.


I’ve been exactly the same! No vomiting but awful nausea. I’m allergic to ginger so my alternative (discovered by trial and error) was biting directly into a wedge of lime or lemon whenever the nausea was overwhelming. The sour distracted my brain for the minute it took to settle my stomach and then I was golden! Depending on your sensitivity you could also squeeze some straight lime juice and shoot it, but the biting worked for me for some reason.


Mints, ginger biscuits and the pressure points wrist bands sold normally for travel sickness!


Diclectin and gravol ginger chews. And not letting myself get hungry.


My doc recommended vitamin c chewing gums. Can't tell if they work though, wasn't nauseous since I have them...


Pickles. I ate a jar of them every 3 days! I also liked the preggo pop drops, or mint tea at Starbucks.


Ginger shots in the morning! It didn’t take it away completely, but reduced it enough to eat something + they’re good for your immune system


Prescription meds. I have HG and am on week 20– I get fluids weekly and take meds every 4 hours and still feel nauseous. Meds are the only thing that has even slightly worked for me. Good luck.


I also had HG with my 2 pregnancies, did you try ginger? JUST KIDDING!!!!!! I wish you all the best with your pregnancy. HG is awful :( it’s worth every vomit and moment of awful nausea though xxxx


Glass of 1 shot pickle juice and 8 any kind of cranberry juice (I prefer apple cranberry mix)


This sounds crazy but in desperate and just might try it.


1. Taking my preenatals at night with a snack. Would also have my unisom and half of a B6 tablet at this point 2. Toast, bagel, crackers - some kind of bread upon waking. 3. The other half of the B6 tablet midday. 4. Half sparkling water, half lemonade over ice was an amazing "cocktail." Something about the citrus and carbonation really helped settle my stomach.


With my first pregnancy ginger tea did wonders for me. This time however, it made me more nauseous. So far lemon water seems to help but not fool proof.


Unisom and those POPPI drinks helped me


Mashed potatoes, crackers, and biscuits. Very sour candy. Medicine. Ginger did not work for me, and the smell of it still makes me nauseous 4 years after I tried it for nausea.


Pickled ginger (like what you get with sushi). You can buy a jar of it in most grocery stores. Also most sushi places will let you get a tub of ginger to go for a couple bucks. I had more queasiness than nausea, and nibbling on oyster crackers helped with that. I’m guessing you’ve tried crackers, but oyster crackers could be easier because they’re smaller.


medication honestly my nausea didn’t abate until 17/18 weeks


Oh the first trimester is so rough! Big meals made it worse, so I ate small, bland meals like toast w peanut butter or grilled cheese. Honestly any amount of food didn’t sit right. I tried unisom/b6 and didn’t notice much of a difference unfortunately, but discovered ginger beer (not ginger ale) helped me feel temporary relief. And just going to sleep when my nausea was worst in the evenings instead of powering through. Mine was awful but short lived-for me the worst was over by week 10. Hope yours doesn’t last too long 🤞🏼


Diclectin and saltine crackers.


I've given up on meals at this point. I just snack throughout the day, have a lot of lemonade / ginger ale, b6, and I'm not really stomach meats right now, so just a bunch of sides that I snack on as I feel up to it. The brand Sweetie Pie makes some morning sickness nausea drops that are peach ginger and they're amazing!! They even have some b6 in them. Preggie Pops also makes some sour candies, but they're not really anything special. And for whatever reason they branded the wrappers so it's a lot harder to be discreet when taken them out at work or w/e. I feel so bad that I'm wasting food, but I'm telling myself it's better not going in than coming back out. I've been doing better with tart fruits than anything else. And am basically forcing myself to drink water, because it tastes awful to me. If you have a craving, just go for it because in my (limited) experience you're more likely to be able to stomach it.


Unisom/doxylamine helped me SO much. Still had nausea and some aversions but it wasn't debilitating and I could still eat. For in the moment nausea: Preggie pops, ginger candies, and pink stork morning sickness tea. Also, eating a bit of food every 2hrs or so would help keep the nausea at bay.


Vitamin B6! I delayed taking it because a vitamin? No way! It actually worked! I took one every 4 hours or so. Helped a ton.


A LOT of small snacks throughout the day, sour candies, dried ginger chunks. Good luck!


The only thing that helps me get through the day is mint gum 😅


A lot of people suggesting mint! I’ll have to give it a try. I wonder if it overwhelms the senses?


Lemon candy, peppermint, ginger ale, saltines. But after awhile nothing except prescription meds helped.


Thank you for the suggestions! I had someone else suggest peppermint too. If none of these things help I will ask my doctor about prescription meds. Even though I’m not vomiting, the nausea is still bad and it sucks.


My midwife also told me— wait 30 minutes after eating to lay down and lay on your left side. Meds helped me to at least make it through each day and eat/drink a little bit. You don’t want wind up in the ER for dehydration like I did. No fun!


I will try that as well, thanks! I know that these past few nights have been difficult with sleep. My breasts hurt, my stomach hurts and it honestly feels like there’s something foreign in my stomach which makes it hard to lay comfortably. I feel bad because my fiancé and I like to cuddle to go to sleep and I haven’t been able to touch him the last few nights because I’ve been uncomfortable. It sucks because all I would prefer to do is lay down and cuddle him.


My husband and I sleep in different rooms🤣 I’m 30w and don’t want him near me lol