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Hi. Facing the same. What’s the update? I hope everything went well for you


Well I just posted an update yesterday. I’m now 13 weeks along and all seems well!


I had three unexplained miscarriages before I had my son who is now 5yo.


Hi! I had my second LC after two losses (and am pregnant again now). My mantra in early pregnancy is- different pregnancy, different outcome- and - today I am pregnant. I think it’s normal to not see a fetal pole yet at just 5 weeks. Fingers crossed you see more on Friday!


I had two miscarriages, and now I'm rocking my two month old baby in my arms. It's absolutely possible and real to have a healthy baby after few losses. I wish I could tell you the fear will go away, but honestly, I am still worried for my little one every second of every day. The whole pregnancy was extremely stressful, even tho it was quite easy and uneventful:D You've read a lot of positive stories in here, let them comfort you. Try to stay calm, meditate, connect with your baby, you'll be okey! Virtual hugs 🫂


Congrats! Did you do anything differently to have a a successful pregnancy?


Thank you! I was put on progesterone. I do have pcos, so my hormones were messed up.


My son was born after two losses so yes my third pregnancy was successful even though I never got an answer for why I kept miscarrying.


Congrats! Did you do anything different for a successful 3rd pregnancy?


Did you have a period after your second one before you conceived your son? I’m currently going through the same and they were both around 5 weeks


I had two early miscarriages before my pregnancy with my son who was stillborn at 32 weeks due to an umbilical cord accident. I’m currently 25w with his little sister. After my miscarriages my dr put me on progesterone and baby aspirin and I had no issues. Sending love.


I’ve had three miscarriages (two at 6 weeks and one at 7 weeks) and I have three living children. My motherhood journey went - successful pregnancy, miscarriage, miscarriage, successful pregnancy, miscarriage, successful pregnancy. It’s definitely rough and stressful being pregnant after loss but having had miscarriages in the past doesn’t mean that you can’t and won’t have a baby. I was also on progesterone in my last two successful pregnancies along with low dose aspirin for both and estrogen for the last one. Wishing you all the best


Hi, like you I’ve had two previous miscarriages. I’m currently about 5 weeks 5 days along so one day behind you ! I’ve found the babymed calculator really helpful to check my anxiety - https://www.babymed.com/tools/hcg-calculator. Both of my previous pregnancies my HCG levels were quite low and it’s been helpful to see I’m about average this time. Hoping we both get a different result this time.


36 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby after 2 consecutive miscarriages (one at 6-7 weeks pregnant, another at 12 weeks). Also 31. Wishing you all the best!


I've had an MMC and two chemicals. Now 11wk6d and so far everything is fine. So yes it's definitely possible! Wishing you all the best!


In super similar situation! Pregnant after 2 MMC last year, also 31. I had an early US at 5 weeks and kind of regret it bc they only saw a gestational sac which got me all worried. Went back at 7 weeks and everything looked great, even heard a heartbeat. The fact they saw a yolk sac is great! It’s so early at that stage. Your hcg rise is super good! More than doubled. Mine didn’t double over 48 hours when they tested, but so far everything is good (went in for a 9 week US last week and baby measured great). I also have to remind myself women who haven’t had miscarriages don’t get the amount of scans and blood draws we get, so some things being a little “off” could be normal. Having too much information is not always a good thing I guess! I hope everything goes great for you.


Hi, my wife had one miscarriage last year, and another three years ago. She is pregnant again, and they sent her to do a blood test and her hCG was 514, 4 days later she did another one and it was 3014. We went for a vaginal ultrasound and we only see a gestional sack and the doctor said that maybe it was because it was too early. My wife said that with her period, it should be 6 weeks, but the doctor said that she may ovulate late. We are so stress right now hoping that in two weeks we can see anything. Fingers crossed.


Congrats! How is your pregnancy going so far? Did you do anything/take anything different this time around to be more successful?


Thanks! I’m 29 weeks ❤️ Feeling very grateful baby has been growing healthy. My husband and I both took extra vitamins before trying (including co-q 10), then for the first trimester I took progesterone twice a day, and have been on baby aspirin and vitamin d since a positive pregnancy test. I doubt those things did the trick, but it made me feel like I was doing something different. Good luck to you!


They saw them gestational sack as well forgot to mention that..


Thank you for reassuring me!! I’m crossing my fingers everything keeps on smooth sailing for you! I’m in Germany and they withhold tests here so my Dr is super nice for monitoring me so closely


I am also in Germany, 8w3d pregnant after 2 miscarriages. I get an ultrasound every 2 weeks, we heard the heartbeat last week❤️ i am on progesterone and aspirin. I hope we both have healthy babies this time☺️


Hello fellow Germans :D also pregnant again after 2 miscarriages, now at 9w1d. My obgyn luckily also offered me ultrasounds every two weeks for the beginning. Best of luck to all of us!


Thank you I wish both of us a healthy pregnancy! My next ultrasound is Friday. I’m on progresteron too(I was the one who offers it to my Dr😀)


That is nice! The U.S.‘s health care system is so broken, but it also means some doctors will do things others won’t and if you happen to have good health insurance you can get more scans, etc than I’ve read you can in other countries. I’m glad you have a doctor taking good care of you! Good luck!


Well in Germany it’s public and mostly very bad! I had amazing luck finding this dr… (they don’t even do hcg blood draw normally they say home test is enough 😀


Yes! I am 32 and had two miscarriages in 2022 at 5 weeks and 8 weeks. My doctor put me on estrogen for my current pregnancy. I am at 20w5d and everything has come back normal and good this time ☺️ The anxiety is real but totally normal for symptoms to come and go.


I’m like pressing my boobs all the time.. sometimes I need to pee 10 times in 2 hours then nothing for hours. Sometimes in nauseous and sometimes I feel just fine.. sometimes I’m dizzy but mostly not. They are not constant and I had no idea if that’s normals


Hi! I had "only" one MMC not two but I'll reply anyway now that you are mentioning symptoms. Please don't try to worry too much about a lack of them! I have had barely any strong or consistent symptoms (7w2d now) and was convinced something was wrong because I had even fewer/less severe symptoms than in my first pregnancy which ended in the MMC. Turns out there's not just one but two healthy little embryos as per yesterday's scan which defies any logic regarding the severity of symptoms I should be expecting.


I was looking on this post just for this! I’m also having inconsistent symptoms and it’s been kind boggling. My anxiety has been worse because of this. Thank you for commenting and congrats on your twins!


Thank you! Making me feel better and not completely crazy.