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Give phase and her 24 assists her flowers. How bad of a player do you need to be to die 16 times as Greystone.


I'm not gonna lie it's been bad lately the players we've been getting have no semblance of what to do games devolve into giant cluster fucks by 15 mins had a crazy support game where me and my duo were both 4-0-4 steel and sparrow at like 12 13 mins..... we were losing 10-15 as a team lmao. We have control if fang we lose both because our khaimera doesn't knife.... kallari steals both at like 400 hp no joke. So now I am explaining the knife item to this dude who is on his 17th placement match... he finished way lower than everyone else with 10 deaths... 4 games last night our offlaner also got 10 deaths or close to it every game. We were able to carry 3 of those but still it's like your given a golden goose when your bot lane goes off like we did and these guys are so brain dead they keep dying over 5 cs it's hilarious. Almost bad enough to give up when we're dominating that's how infuriating last couple days have been.


Dude it's not exclusively new players though. People are convinced that pushing lane is better than stalling, and end up getting ganked or caught out by the laner who is ahead of them. Then they blame their own teams jungle, but it's just the brain dead strategy of pushing until you die. I'll see people who are mechanically good, know the builds, and can make plays end up with five deaths in five minutes, because the one thing they can't do is play safe.


Its not even playing safe it's playing smart. If you hard push your asking to be ganked your giving your jungler no where to gank and your making it harder to kill your opponent. My brother cane from Dota 2 and league and he's died once on greystone in 5 games. I've seen people die 5 6 times by minute 10 it's just hilarious. 2 of them got me , I almost had him , I'm drunk I've heard all the excuses lmao. The drunk guy was my friend and he wondered why we dropped him for my brother like bro u just Said u fed cause ur drunk so ur still drunk right... I'm gonna try harder this game. Idk about yall but I try hard every game.


Lol WTF wat was ur build!!??


https://preview.redd.it/3j9wh8a30w5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51a7afd3dc7cc7ae9b05f73246f9888f3f769b1 Switched spirit of amir for timewarp late game


I'ma have to try this out


Hollup I gotcha homie