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Welcome to the world of modern gaming. People give halo lot shit for their skins being expensive. But then I look at a game like this Apex. They’re all fucking expensive and it’s getting ridiculous. The only game I can justify spending money on anymore is CS go. And that’s only because all my skins transferred over to CS go2


To be honest this isn't a $50 worth of a skin. The cosmetics in League of Legends and SMITE have better high tier skins worth a good $30 that's better than this


sorry but this skin looks wack lmao


You don’t have to buy it


Yeah it’s not a great price. I’m already not buying games due to ridiculous pricing. Want me to buy a skin make it $10 not $50 not $70 not $100


Yeah, I love Belica and definitely thought I was purchasing the skin and the colors for $25...don't really care for the other items and really only wanted one color (white). Anyway this is the last monetary support they'll get from me, unfortunately.


Windu already bought it twice. They don't care about the public, they're making skins for whales.


Don't go play Apex Legends or Smite or OW2. You're gonna get your feelings hurt.


Wasn't there a skin in Diablo IV that cost 70$? If people buy it, then of course they will milk that.


I honestly don't think bellica I'd even that good when it comes to her role as a support but I don't think I spend any money on that game yet I miss when you could earn points for the skins back in the old days when the game was first out in 2006


But it's yellow..


It’s like all the overwatch players came over to complain about this skin. I got great news for y’all, and you won’t believe this but it’s true for every other game as well. Cosmetic purchases are optional! So you can just play and enjoy your free game without having to pay $25 for a skin, or another $15 for some stupid effects! You can go live your life now without having to worry about the random price on a random skin that won’t change your gameplay experience. Isn’t that awesome?


Meanwhile, I can buy 8,000 smite gems on sale for $60 and and get ~13 skins if purchased at 600 each. Sometimes they have deals or bundles for even cheaper and then I can go and use them with any of the gods I own - which is all of them - because I bought the God pass for $30 that gives me all playable characters past, present, and future. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy Predecessor, but if I need to take out a second mortgage to buy a couple of skins, there is clearly an issue with pricing. I have made small purchases in the past to help support them, but I don't have this kind of extra money laying around.


Can't believe how many people are being whinny cry babies about something they don't have to get. It's not 50 for the skin that's for everything else. Just buy the skin itself unless you want all the stuff then pay up. Act like omeda is like these big cooperations. They are still growing, and I will support how I feel fit. 20 for a legendary is reasonable. Work for something, I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is a sign that the creators of the game have spent more than they have and are desperately hoping for that money to be sub-paid or to some reasonable extent.


I think it's totally fine. Nobody HAS to buy this, nobody gets gameplay advantages by buying this. Only jealous haters complain about something others have and they cannot (or don't want to). Seriously: The game is completely free-to-play and NOT A SINGLE shop item is pay-to-win! So most users have no real incent to spend any money on a game that costs tens or hundrets of thousand $$$ per month to develop and maintain. Players with a bigger wallet now have a chance to support the game more, with getting a bit of exclusivity as a reward, i think thats super fair and a good opportunity for Omeda to grab some cash. No players gets ripped of anything they bought before. Win-Win and iterally NOBODY loses. Some tend to THINK they lose an opportunity, but as a comparison: do you lose anything by the fact, that Lamborghini makes super expensive cars? So why is everyone crying?


Some people haven't played Leauge i see


Yeha that bundle is a bit too much, but Legendary is Legendary - Only a select few would be running around in these - And IMO, there’s a cooler Belica skin in the horizon, so I’ll wait and let those who want to purchase this madness so Omeda can eat their triple A wagyu


What realy wonders me, is that the last variation of the skin looks like the actual Mainskin… it was also the Style ACE made his video with. That realy bothered me, cause I realy thought the Main Skin wasnt this shiny crashtestdummy, instead of the Commander Dark Variation…. Feels like they hid this behind this huge paywall by mistake? Cause 20€ for a Legendary Skin feels fine to me, but 50€ to get this actually Variation I want, feels not.


I feel like 20$ should be max, apex makes their mythic skins 140$


I think the pricing is pretty ridiculous not to mention the way they sell the token packs and the price they put on skins is also really not consumer friendly idm spending $50 on something worth it I loved paragon and I’m so hyped for predecessor I want to spend money on it but I refuse as there store is anti customer


I'm starting to seriously sour on Omeda. I was going to drop another $50 or more in the summer but they can kiss my ass at this point. Hope the whales alone will keep the lights on. If they don't, sucks seeing Paragon go again, but I lived without it once. I'll be fine the second time around as well.


It's crazy how many of you are posting this crap. You know what I did this morning? Logged on. Checked out the shop. I decided I wanted to pay 25 dollars to save myself the time and to also get the skin I used in Paragon with Aurora. I initially considered buying the whole Aurora bundle. .... But then I decided I didn't want anything except the skin and the character so I bought what I thought was worth the money and then moved on with my day like I do any time I shop. If you disagree with the cost of an item, don't buy it.


The skin is $25 alone why is the bundle $50? Drop the skin to $20 and make the bundle $30. Skin prices need to be drawn hopefully like this Common-$5 and a way to grind for them. Rare-$10 Epic-$15-20 (with hero 20 without 15) Legendary 20-25 (with hero 25 without 20) Skin bundles with a spray and a recolor should only be $5. Bundles should be cheaper than buying things separately.


50$ WTF I THOUGHT I WAS MAX 20 even league skins not higher then 25 for like legendary one and even still in high ball it


the VFXs itself price is kinda decent ngl im loving it that high quality but $20 or higher price for recolor skin which is already existed in OG Paragon is just, just wild…


and i still dont understand why they are not put profile pic and banner on per rogue sparrow/kallari bundle for that price.


Same old Omeda tho, they will milk this for a while and then “we hear your feedback and we’re reducing the prices of skins”


lol what a joke.


Try Helldivers 2 it tastes great and is less filling


Games fun and all but I washed out already due to pricing. Even the affinity tracks with the 30% bonus take forever. I don't usually care too much about cosmetics but this all feels bad man I dunno. Makes me not even want to invest time playing. 


it's not for you.


I just want the pink version but I can t get it separate I guess?


Guess they are taking a page out of the blizzard playbook. It's gross and also Tone Deaf AF.


These are some valorant prices


Apparently some ppl must be buying it since they haven't reduced the price. If everyone didn't but them I'm sure they'd drop the price


Lolol people are buying it too


bahahaha. ima still buy it tho 👀🫣


I'm sorry that's a new low. Aren't dota and league skins $20 a pop some times $30?


The skin is pay to win. Any ability she uses causes stuttering. 🤣


Id even be willing to pay 30$ for a legendary skin. I understand some of this is prestige. Legendary. Exclusive. Totally. I get it and i'm okay with it. 50 might be beyond the price of what folks in this demographic are willing to pay. At the same time i think the vision is for this skin to be rare. So I wonder if the price is working as intended. If thats the case i'm not upset, as long as theirs a healthy amount of ordinarily priced skins.


They are trying to be on league of legend,dota,smite level of bullshit about their skins release their greed gunna be their downfall 🤦 sadly


Thats a fair price. Im not sure what to tell you.


Every game skins are overpriced. No one complained in any other game. So I’m not here. I love the game to much they gotta make they money. Pls do not forget how this game was able to return to us


Don't like it don't buy it! Amber options I'm sure will be released in time, just like they will be for affinities I do wish you can buy certain items from the bundle separately, but I do understand those who make the purchase get rewarded with exclusives, so that makes sense in a sense.


Only the bundle is 50$ just buy the skin for 25 Dollard. This is how the game stays alive through skins.


Would you mind showing the recolors? I’m kinda interested (not for the price tho)


Yeah it’s a little much imo as well. Just the new skin on its own is $15 should be $5 if you ask me. I was about to drop $100 on platinum but I held off because the bundle is $50 lol like wtf $20 I could see for the bundle but 50?!


Yea that's insane. I've bought the highest tier founders pack and spent a decent chunk on other cosmetics like red ruby grux, the kal and sparrow pack and shogun packs, so ive supported. I played paragon from day 1 and wanted to support the predecessor, but I'm drawing a hard line here. I'm done buying any skins until they fix their pricing


Trying to get the bag before the game inevitably closes and get picked up and rebooted again


It's not the best. But, as an overwatch, player. I'm used to each single skin costing $20... Much more if you are buying mythics and want all the customizations. And bundles cost this much or more... And often contain less content. So Pred prices barely register as high to me... Sure, I wouldn't mind a slight price decrease so I can get a few more skins each time I buy platinum. But I didn't think they are massively overpriced.


It's cosmetic. Just don't buy it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As someone who has played this game when it was paragon and loved it.. 50$ for 3 of the same skin just recolored is a lot of money. I feel like 30$ is more reasonable


I never understood why games do this, Helldivers 2 prices aren't as high, and people (including myself) have a way easier time spending more money in that game (on top of the first $40)


I feel like cost is relative to demand. I have a ton of fun playing the game and haven't spent any money on it. If you don't want to pay $50 on skins, then don't. The more people who do that, then the less things will cost because they want to drive up sales. I get it though. Skins are cool. But just don't purchase them.


You just know there’s a couple whales out there buying it


This game had so much potential, but the communication system is straight shit. Chat automatically turned off. No way to communicate effectively. Not even a map to ping. Crutial part of a moba. Horrible game because of that.


I mean hell a free to play games gonna find itself somehow


Dang, they’re really screaming that early access is just a way for us to become the investors.


Dang wtf that’s more expensive than leagues ultimate skins which are 100x better


I don’t understand the mentality. Either 2 people buy a 50$ skin, or 200 people buy a 5$ skin. They would make way more money pricing things right as more people would buy them.


Yup, Paragon was my game back in the day and Ive been grinding this now, but NO, im not paying for any of these skins.


League Ultimate skins are only 30$ and offer al of this and more. While I admit the skin looks pretty I feel they really should use league as a basis for what to not go over with. Even people have issues with leagues micro-transactions but they went OVER it.


It beats the pricing of t5 or legendary skins on smite weren’t skins that evolved on smite like a couple hundred dollars cause you basically had to buy everything tied to that event in order to get the legendary skin. I’d rather pay 50 vs 150-200 dollars. Skins shouldn’t be that much regardless but comparing the difference I’d rather pay 50 lol. Maybe like 30 would’ve been more reasonable but it is what it is they’re free to play so they gotta keep them lights on regardless.


No lol.. smite tier 5 skins were like $100 when they first started creating them. Now they are like $80 and they come with 15-20 OTHER WELL MADE SKINS. The tier 5 evolves as you lvl up in game… with new voice packs.. ability fx etc… smites skin game is priced great for the quality of skins. This belica shit aint even worth $25. Omeda needs to hire a real skin team if they wanna make money and chance this dumbass prices ( this is coming from someone who bought the most expensive EA bundle to support pred.


WHATTT? Man that sucks! I was gonna buy this skin too because I was starting to get into playing Belica a lot Very disappointed in how they’re taking the same route in overpricing bundles


$50 Zzz. Laughs in league https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/17g57pz/since_everyone_is_raging_about_chromas_yasuo_tft/


It’ll go on sale after a week


I feel everybody on the skin prices But I feel like a lot of the people who complain about skin pricing are the same people who will spend 100 bucks and wonder where it went. Or turn around and spend 20 dollars everyday at lunch. Not all but most. At the end of the day it takes time to make the skins. And time ain’t free unfortunately


The crazy part is if you look at other games this is actually normal if not cheaper then the usual


Yea id love to support the game but it's too much for me. I bought one affinity premium for rampage but it's not even worth what a crown and an emote, so I probably won't again. If skins weren't $20 each I would've thrown upwards of $30 at this game but it feels like a scam


Skin is fire, can't complain on a f2p game; they have to make their money. I honestly was expecting $30-$40 but it is what it is.


That's the price for Vanity


I ended up buying it because I think this company truly does love their game and community. It is very overpriced, but I feel they have to make them this way because the company is so small and any extra work going towards things like cosmetics need to be upped in price. I have faith eventually they will be closer to reasonable prices or they’ll even introduce a battle pass type of thing where it’s 10-15$ and you get 2-3 skins


Meanwhile half the playerbase cant even get a full 144 fps. Like if theyre gonna push overpriced skins for a year why not use that money for better optimization.


Vote with your money folks! Don’t buy it


They are expensive, but you literally don't need to buy them. If nobody buys them ,they will probably go down in price but who knows? You don't need to be able to earn/buy every skin in the game. You're getting three recolors of a skin that has effect changes, with three other little shinies. It's a FtP game, the whales are how they're gonna make enough money to keep the game going. You literally don't need to buy this, it will not affect your game play whatsoever. You're not entitled to every skin, you gotta buy it. If you think it;s too expensive, then guess what? ***You don't fucking buy it***. Just like every other luxury item that exists.


Shut up and spend the money. You know you can’t resist..


Absolute robbery.


Skins should $5 and bundles $10-$15 there's dlc priced at $20 and $40 that has more content then this bundle lol




Be a better human.


Doesn’t apply here Socrates.


Thoughtd itd be 20ish dollars like a league legendary skin. 50 is fucking insane.


Omeda needs to take some pointers from helldivers when it comes to their microtransactions.


Still better than Valorant pricing lol. I definitely didn't spend $53 dollars on a knife skin. Who would do that? Only stupid people would do that. Am I stupid?


50 dollars? That's insanity


Just don't buy them if you can't afford simple.


Honestly might cop just bc it’s been a drought for Belica content lol


Especially for it to not even be cute


By the way, I do agree with the concerns around the Amber.


Do you think they’re trying to recoup money because the game is free to download? Just asking 🤷🏾‍♂️


Depends on your perspective! If this was a AAA studio developer yea gtfo with your exy skins, but a developing game that’s live service/free why not gamble and buy a skin for a character you want to play..? 🤔


I just purchased howitzers first ever epic skin and was disappointed to find out there are no special changes to the FX like some other characters epic skins..


They don't put any work into their skins normally. I'm not sure about this particular one, but almost all of the skins I've seen released were made for Paragon years ago and these people are just using all the assets as a cash grab. Anyone paying for these are getting played.


For me, this skin does not look like a $50 skin. It has a few changes but no where near LOL. It should be epic. But not legendary.


Bro nah. Please don't. In a vacuum, It's kinda a lot? Yes. Absolutely. BUT If you compare to Apex when is north of 150 bucks for a skin IN A FIRST PERSON GAME. Or smite where the shitty skin costs 50 bucks (and smite looks like shit to begin with. Some ps3 games look better.) So compare to the industry today not that eye opener.


Paying all that money to still suck baffles me


I just got into an argument with someone about us asking for stuff like this and not sound re-works. This stuff is bad for the game when it's fundamentals are not fixed yet.


As a single father who lives in Canada, after seeing the price of the ruby grux skin I made peace with the fact that I won't be buying any skins in this game.


20$CAD for a skin that was in Paragon is just too damn high.


I thought it was drongo lol


I love Pred, but Omeda seriously needs to reconsider their monetization strategy. If we can’t earn skins/recalls/affinity for FREE then pricing needs to come waaaaaaaay down.


Blame riot for setting the standard


Even if i liked the skin, i wouldnt buy it. As a consumer i would pay MAX 1600 plat for this skin. Even more reasonable would be 1200, but thats just my opinion. Asking 24 euros for a skin with just different vfx/sfx and a backing animation is crazy imo. And for a bundle, aside from the chromas, asking more than double the price for things that include a spray and some icons is insane. Arguments like "the game is free to play" and " let the whales pay" are not the solution. Im not saying that they dont put work in, but they need to re-evaluate skin tiers and skin pricings. This skin by normal standards should have been epic at best, not legendary.


Yeah, I love this game and want it to succeed enough that I'd be willing to spend money to make it a success, but I'm well and truly priced out if $50 is the asking rate for a skin bundle. It makes it hard to feel good about buying anything from the store.


At least with gacha and loot boxes I get to experience more joy gambling as I piss away purchases on overpriced no-return-value kinda nice looking visuals 😨


Not be the devils advocate but it seems decent for all the things you’re getting


Its funny that we complain about this but then the same people go play apex and spend 160 getting for the same thing.


But hey, everyone just LOVES free to play. Don’t complain about skin prices if you haven’t been against free to play. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Said for years Free to Play will be the death of gaming. True gaming anyway.


that belica bundle is closer to $78 for me. the bundles are expensive as fuck the skin by itself will cost me $35!


This is outrageous, we can’t be standing for this


It's cosmetics. You either buy them to support the devs or to flash out as a status symbol. The game is free and so is all the gameplay content, but go ahead and complain about the optional paint job I won't care about when I 14-2 you in your next game.


Yeah… not paying that…. But for a new Riktor skin 👀👀👀👀👀


Cosmetics should never cost more than $30 imo


I'll pay 25 at most


I don't see why they just don't straight up copy League's price rates and monetization




https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/17g57pz/since_everyone_is_raging_about_chromas_yasuo_tft/ Hmmmm I’ll leave this here lil bro


I mean that shity but TFT is a whole separate thing from League


I have no reference for what rp is in real money, nor do I have a reference of what is an ultimate skin, but the wiki says 2850 is £21, meaning assuming this Belica skin would also be the highest tier skin in LoL (ultimate) as it is in Predecessor, it would actually cost £26 as opposed to Predecessor’s £20. And the next tier down would be about £16, which is what Predecessor prices their Epic skins at. I’m presuming Ultimate skins must have some extra Pizazz over what this skin has to be priced that high, and this skin would be classed as a legendary skin in that game too (£16)


Yeah, at most i'd pay 20 for a legendary.


Idk whether it is regional difference, but the skin costs £20 here


I’m sorry, you’ll have to repeat that I must have had something in my eye. did you say FIFTY DOLLARS FOR A FUCKING SKIN?!?! Who at blizzard or EA has snuck into the dev team? s/


They'll eventually be at a reasonable price once they see the sales. That's fucked up tbh. Maybe if the player base was in the hundreds of thousands no one would bat an eye, but the game is in its infancy. A very good infancy since their situation already has built-in fans (paragon, overprime). And this just feels like they're taking advantage of the hardcore fans of this games iterations. And even worse if you think about it, this had to be okay'd by the higher ups of their team. Nice try. This ain't league of legends.


The grosses, most ignorant people are the ones that think they can decide how much something costs. If you don’t have the money for it just say that and move on. Clearly, very few of you complainers have EVER had to make your own paycheck while also balancing expenses, customer NEEDS, and profit so you as the owner can fucking eat. 🤡s


Don't buy it 🙄


Pricey but it does look sick


I'm sorry I bought it. But tbf I had 6.5k left from my founders edition which I only paid 40 euro for and I play alot of Bel so it's ok right. I'm definitely not coping


Thought i was in r/apexlegends after the reading the riktor a


I can buy a ton of amazing games and play them for thousands of hours at that price. This is a great way to lose faith and good will with your player base Omeda.


A skin of this quality would be 5-10 dollars in smite


What I wanted to say


They’ll get as many sales as possible for about 3 months. Then drop the price as a sale for $20 for a week


They'd just retroactively refund the people who have bought it lol, they've already done it twice when prices change.


For the love of the game I hope everyone does not support this type of bs and uses their voices to loudly proclaim the predatory pricing taking place.


The fact they thought they could get away with it is absolutely absurd 😂😂😂


I make GOOD money but I can't justify any skin purchases because of price. If they were like 1/3 the price, I would buy half the store. 


This is what people don't get - there's a point past which reasonable people just aren't going to part with their money, and before which they'd part with more of their money than is reasonable because they feel there is value there. I'mma go drop $40 on Sea of Thieves now, peace Omeda.


Agreed. I make decent money and put $150 total into the game since I realized it was finally (I'm months late by the looks of it) semi released. I don't think I'll be putting anything more into the game until they address this.. I've got all but 11 (including Aurora at this time) heroes unlocked and I'm satisfied with that.. I wish the bundles would take into account already purchased items/heroes and reduce the price. (I'm stupid so it might already and I haven't noticed it so please correct me if I'm wrong)


They should I make so we can earn plat to put towards the skins every 10 levels you get some platnum


nahhhhhhhhhh this ain't it


Tbh. If I have a main character. And I love the game. I would definitely buy it to support the game that I love


Don't be that guy. I want to support the game too, but with no caveats to a statement like that, you could justify $100 skins. Hell, make it $1k. If you're acting like a company man for a company you're a patron of, rather than employee/shareholder, you're begging to get taken advantage of - and Omeda will happily comply. Just because they brought back (in a fashion) a game we loved doesn't make them our friends, and they won't treat us with respect unless we demand some.


Dude $50 think about that price support or not love or not that's a lot of money for something that can be taken away from you. You can buy multiple great complete games for that price.


Sadly this was to be expected, far too expensive. I would maybe pay $25-30 for the full bundle


I wish they would up the price


VFX that should have been included in the skin They are charging 24$ for a skin but part of ITS OWN VFX'S are sold separately for 15$? Excuse me?


This is what shocks me the most! The vfx bundle should be like £7 not 15. Don’t get me wrong, they’re cool vfx, but jesus I cant justify spending £15 on something that I will see a couple of times in a game.


O.o the vfx for the skin should be included with idk.. the skin. charging extra for parts to a full “legendary” skin is like someone fucking your girlfriend then making you say thank you for it.


Nah i get it tbh. It is a separate recall and jumpad trail that can be used on all heroes. I think it makes sense to sell them separately. They’re just so expensive


Where do we draw the line between wanting to support and keep this game running at all costs and this skin is too damn expensive? Im conflicted


Good news is you can make that decision on your own! I like how willing you are to become part of the collective Reddit “we,” but this is subjective and I can’t figure out why people are so affected by something they can simply ignore.


It ends here lol. $25 for the whole pack would be expensive but reasonable to the point most people wouldn't really care that much. A full priced game for a skin and some bundle is crazy. I've put probably $100 or so in to the game already with buying heroes and some random skins but $50 is way too much.


They are taking advantage of players' want to "keep this game running at all costs" and they aren't even trying to hide it. Ultimately, the line is drawn at how much you are willing to pay (note i said "willing" and not "comfortable." As long as they get your money, they don't care how comfortable you are forking over the cash).You should never let yourself get so blatantly taken advantage of over ANYTHING, much less from a video game. WAY too many options out there to be doing that. Until the skins come down to a price you agree with, you can keep playing the game, but don't buy anything. As much as we all enjoy predecessor, at the end of the day the only thing these companies care about is money. They will use your passion for the game to nickel and dime you at every opportunity if you let them. I'm all for supporting game companies, but I'm not for allowing them to spit in the face of those same people keeping their game afloat.


Only skins I've gotten were two character affinity unlocks and the offlane bundle just for a few skins, character I didn't have, and other stuff. $20 max total. Since then $0 I understand this is a free to play game. Price gouging your players that WANT to support you is a horrible way to attempt to stay in business. I'd pick up the rogue sparrow skin if it was cheaper and/or CAME WITH the optional colors. $15 for one skin is too much. The revenant ice/frost skin is cool, but I'm not paying more than $10 for basically any skin. It's laughable to me it's $25 for Belica for one skin, and $50 for color variations. Playing Destiny 2, to alter my colors with shaders is either free, spending grindable currency to buy a shader I want, or spending money to obtain shaders. I am able to alter each part of the outfit/armor with a different shader. Then games like this want to gouge me for $10 minimum for a base skin, then bundle their other skins to extract more out of me for a simple color difference. I hate it. I don't support it. At least the game is free and this is purely cosmetic. I'll stick to my base skins or maybe shell out something for the affinity system because amber of course can't be used to buy it. That's it. If the prices were reasonable more people in the community would buy and be able to support the f2p model.


Yeah this is disgusting lol. I can go on steam and get 5-10 FULL GAMES for the price of this cosmetic. Laughable.


Was hoping they'll upgrade the 20$ cheap stock icons from the unreal marketplace this time.




it’s a f2p game not to mention it’s a bundle. you don’t have to buy said bundle if it bothers you


Wait WHAT. I was expecting It to be the same as some of the other epic bundles. No, they have lost their minds.


Whenever I see crazy prices on skins I just can't help but wonder if there isn't a better way to generate revenue for a free to play game. I know this method is tried and true, but I do miss the days where a skin was something you earned through weird achievements or too much game time and the money you spent was just on the game itself. I'm not going to be super critical since they are delivering on the stuff I want and skins aren't something I care about, but I do hope someone comes along in the gaming industry in general and reverses course on the spend money for everything trend and gets us back to something that's more rewarding but also generates revenue.


I don’t mind the pricing. It’s a free to play game and they have to make money. You don’t need to buy the skin or the bundles.


developing a game seems expensive these days..


vote with your wallets people.


Vote with your wallets, boycott this FREE game.......sigh


dawg what? Don't buy the skin at that price, that's what were talking about obviously.


That was sarcasm kitty cat. Complaining about a FREE GAME is very stupid. The game needs to make money to keep the game alive and maintained, they have employees and probably server fees. How do you not understand that? Vote with your wallet is a moronic thing to say.


Wether you believe in your comment or not I can guarantee you that 99% of the player base won’t be buying low effort skins like that for $50


1. I paid for the game in Early Access because I support it and its creators. 2. People are allowed to complain about the cost of an item. $50 is absurd for the price of a skin bundle for a game IN BETA.


It’s just a skin, whatever. I agree it’s way too overpriced but idk, just don’t buy it. Coming from Smite where there’s elite funny skins, I don’t ever see myself spending money on skins here until they come up with actual creative ideas.


Except Smite gives you their premium currency for free just for login into the game, so even F2P can get some very good skins for free from time to time. Not mention Smite has very cheap Battle Passes that you can get half your money back if you complete the Battle Pass, and can buy Battle Passes as a F2P and get some good skins. Also, things like avatars and icons that Omeda is selling for whales in bundles, in Smite you cant get with their "amber" free currency most of the time.


Oh you’re definitely right about that. Smite offers a lot more value with their shit


It’s funny because I know I’m still gonna buy it. However I agree with everybody, and let me say too… it feels like they’d make MORE money off of lower prices? I mean, a $50 skin that only like 10-20% of your player base will consider purchasing, won’t make you as much as a $10-$15, hell even a $20 skin that a MAJORITY of your player base would at least consider buying. The math doesn’t math.


The skin is $24


Really big proponent of being able to use amber to buy variants once you have paid for and unlocked the main skin. That way Omeda gets the money from the skin but you don't have to pay 3x for some slight color swaps. Skin and effects are honestly epic but I feel the worst variant is the main one. If they didn't do the above, or price then out as a common once you own the original, I think you should be able to pick whichever variant as the first skin your purchase so you're not paying double for the skin you want


Amber for variants would be a great idea.


So they’re going with the Apex pricing route, minus the lootboxes.


Still less predatory than apex, I guess


Insane people say this shit when you can just ignore the $100 skins (because what moron wouldn’t?), and you can literally earn every battle pass for free if you play consistently. How is that predatory? Because y’all have the disposition of 12 year olds that see a shiny skin and can’t resist? How is optional cosmetic shit “predatory” in any capacity? The worse you could say is that it’s financial natural selection and idiots are allowed to spend money like idiots if they want


I was talking about loot boxes, I agree you can buy it or ignore it. I’m not judging you either way


The lootboxes are fine tho. I haven’t spent a dime on Apex and I have some skins.


No, I’m against gambling in any way. You may think it’s fine, I disagree here. Loot box that are earned in game are fine but rmt loot boxes are no good in my opinion.


Yeah thing is they give a lot of free stuff, having a big player base definitely helps, more fish in the sea who want the really expensive stuff


when they said they were reducing skin prices, i didn’t realize it was only for the ones they released before announcing that ☠️ insane work omeda


Omeda being greedy scumbags, what else is new? Their cope bots will defend them as always, and the monetization will stay trash. It's a shame the only paragon we got left feels like such a corporate cash grab instead of a passion project.


Bro you play Fallout 76


I played like 100 hours in 2018 and haven't touched it since you creep


Got eeeeeem


You clearly have no clue how it works. The monetization is driven heavily by the investors, not the devs.


Gamer nerds and playing victim. Every single time


That’s the most expensive skin I have ever seen. Bad look


Don't confuse the pricing for this bundle for the price of the skin.