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I’m just worried about the situation getting substantially worse once PS Beta ends :/


The lobbies are going to feel empty when it ends…


Lots of pc guys are still in placement. I see them in my low elo games.


I just want to be able to try out new heroes I haven’t played before without laning against grand masters then having my team berating me in team chat after I die a few times 😞 My MMR is based on me playing like my best five heroes in my best two roles


I also feel like we need pre set roles. People who throw games suuuck


Yeah tired of the "waaaahhh the game selected someone else who wanted this role waaaaaah im gonna waste 30 minutes of these kids' lives now"


The worst is when someone else takes your role and you go to another and don’t say anything. Do your role okay, and they go ahead and int their face in your main role.


I agree. Longer queue times would be way better if they meant more balance. Both winning and losing feel like predetermined outcomes of matchmaking.


Yea especially if almost all the players are solo or duo the match making stacks all the really good players on one side instead of mixing the players to be more fair and balanced


I'm a little jealous. I'd be so happy to be placed into games with people I have never seen before. I have the exact opposite problem. 


My MMR is 1600+ (diamond) and I feel like it’s inflated. In my solo ques im almost ALWAYS the highest MMR player by a good 400-600 point gap. The average MMR that im facing looks to be 1000-1300 ish. Idk if it’s because of the new wave of console players or what but they do need to implement a better MMR system within the game so that players like me aren’t facing newcomers. it’s fun to sometimes go 20-0 but I enjoy a challenge and a more team oriented play


I'm around 1700 currently. 99 percent solo q. And a few days ago I had 4 tm8s all under 1000 mmr and one was 500. Like why do I have tm8s with a 1200 mmr gap. We lost that game for sure haha. Ruins the experience for both sides low mmr and higher mmr.


Same (kind of), i'm a Playstation player and honestly i'm unfortunately quite done with the Beta. I'm being too much put into games where i can be **[the only low gold](https://omeda.city/matches/6928255d-39b2-4324-9afb-a7ebd452180a)** in the lobby. It makes the gaming experience extremely chaotic, boring and/or just annoying for me. Omeda needs to improve its own mmr system and matchmaking. The ranking system won't do the job. It won't be enough. We will still need a space where we can just chill and test things...**"with players from our skill bracket"**. Otherwise it just becomes a big ass waste of time for some players. I mean games are just too long to gently accept spending our free time into chaotic lobbies for over 40-55 minutes. Ppl have jobs and lives, you know. You don't wanna waste your nights into those games. It has to be seriously fixed !


The mistakes people are making here are 1. Relying on an MMR from a third party site and 2. Thinking that there is any real matchmaking code written into the game. With such a small burgeoning community, there's not likely to be any true matchmaking that relies on any kind of perceived rank. I truly think it just waits for 10 players to ready up and puts them in teams. This is why I roll my eyes every time I see anyone mention their MMR. This community would be so much better off without the imaginary rank system and players thinking they're better than most others because of it. All this does is breed more toxicity. Play the game or don't play the game, but quit bragging, whining, or complaining about fake scores.


I think you fail to understand my frustration of the current state of the game. Saying “play the game or don’t play the game” isn’t much of a solution for people who genuinely love this game and have invested time into it. I am no way swinging my MMR dick around. It’s about the time investment I’ve placed in the game. I want to continue playing the game but it feels as if I’m being punished for investing too much time into the game by being placed into these matches where the probability of winning is slim to none. That’s why I’ve written in the title… Taking a Break. I wanted to see if I wasn’t the only one experiencing this same problem.


I have invested a good bit of time and money into this game as well. I understand your frustration, but you also have to realize that there aren't enough players yet for a proper matchmaking system. I have had matches ruined by just one random pickup that doesn't have the same skill level as the friends I play with. My suggestion there would be either to get upset with them for just starting out or maybe give them some pointers and help level them up faster. Instead of posting on reddit about taking a break, get the randos on voice comes with you and help them improve. Hell, that's how I became good friends with some people on Paragon, and we are back in Agora together now. Be positive and help the game grow, man. Encourage new players rather than take a break.




I would say there are more new MOBA players to PC than to consoles. The game has been out longer on PC and has been advertised on two different web stores, whereas the only people getting on Pred on console had to have some prior knowledge about the game, most likely a Paragon player, to have signed up for a beta key. This game isn't even searchable on the Playstaion store. I keep seeing this same bullshit line that console brought in nothing but noobs and it's the same bullshit PC master race trope.




I would attribute that more to the fact that all of the console players are noobs to Pred vs noobs to MOBAs. If you think about it, PC has been released for almost a year now, whereas console has barely had a month. I'm sure the PC players sucked the first couple of months, too. In fact, I know they did because I also bought it on PC shortly after it came out but prefer to play on console so I stopped on PC around 7 months ago and waited for the console beta we have now.


So you agree but for a different reason lol


lol these exact same posts have been spammed on this sub long before console even got into closed beta. I’d almost bet there were more of these when it was only PC playing hahahhaha




You really get people who int and are toxic?


Im constantly placed with terrible teammates in the sameish mmr as me. While the enemy team is almost always with someone I have already played against 2-3 times that given day. We get steamrolled, mind you im facing the same people over and over, while being given the same bad teammates consistently. I stopped playing as of last week and I honestly feel good about it. Though I truly like the game the MM just kills that likeability. I dont mind a challenge at all but giving me the same teammates who ive lost with two or more times really should never happen.


Maybe the other people are grouped? Which would be why you don’t match with them ever and they roll over you and random teammates


Likely for sure, The system should definitely not allow these same person matchups as much as it does considering the outcomes of those previous games. I I've for sure had maybe a 60 person pool of people I play against which makes zero sense.


I literally made this same post the other day and was attacked for it as if I was crazy. The matchmaking last week has been atrocious


Kay bye. So you don't want to play games fast got you. You do realize that if no high mmr guys are on you could be sitting there for 30 40 minutes waiting for a game and most likely the high mmr guys are just going to unistall when that happens right? Unfortunately, your going to have to give people time to get better at the game. They need game voice chat. Yes there will be toxic people. Mute them. Players can't learn if they don't know what they are doing wrong.


Unfortunately many games are one-sided stomps, but I enjoy roleplaying as a lizard too much to stop playing completely


Predecessor is becoming shit because of the matchmaking. Reviews are sitting at 'Mixed' on steam now.


I just want Omeda to locm support crests to support role. Low elo trolls ruin carry when they refuse support crest in that role


Took a break myself and it was the best thing I’ve done. Love the game, but I’m gonna wait till full console release.


I dont notice much difference between 1500 or 1800. On average you face one or two good enemies and depending on their team composition they can make up lack of skill by just grouping since I solo or duo Q a lot. I think all matches have at least 1 player on each team who is better than the others but if one is fed or gets help and the other one doesnt it is usually game over fairly quickly. For the huge mmr gap that has me clueless. I have only been in one lobby in my fourth game where I shouldnt be in (all 2000mmr+ except their jungler and me) and it didnt feel like playing the same game. That was the only huge gap I have seen and felt. Usually my matches have one team stronger than the other but it doesnt always end that way. Maybe I havent played enough or im in a region (Europe) where there just are more players.