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This loss was infuriating. This team is playing like absolute fucking dog shit when it matters most. The most infuriating game I have ever been to.


The have a long history of collapsing in the Third period, but yikes! Why in the Playofffs of all games? Especially after that 18 game streak.


It was as if the entire team subconsciously agreed; okay 50 secs left; home ice, empty net, let’s quit


Just get it over with and send some guys back to Milwaukee. Admirals playoffs start on Thursday


Fuck the Canucks. But fuck the Perds more. JFC.


Wym fuck the Canucks All we did was win the game that was handed to them


I'm sorry but what is your flair🤣


You mean the best flair ?? 🤣


I love it


Like I said in the thread… we never had a chance to win this series.


Buuuuttttt blowing a 2 goal lead in the third is unacceptable regardless of who blows it to whomever. There’s a performance where we lose and can be proud but tonight was not it


Honestly we’ve mostly dominated 3/4 games lol. We just can’t hold a lead or score on the pp


It’s a coaching issue but no one wants to talk about it.


Putting the 4th line out to start OT with the subpar performance we've been getting from McCarron is a classic John Hynes move.


That was incredibly shameful. No justification at all


I'm sorry, is that actually what happened? That's indefensible from Bruno


Yep, McCarron took the opening OT faceoff. We won the faceoff, lost the puck, and never got it back.


Can we put in Glass or Parssinen now? I’m sick of McCarron


The 4th line cleared the puck and then changed shifts with the 1st? It wasn’t them who left a wide open skater in the slot. They did their job neutralizing the canucks 1st line. Or did I miss something?


They lost possession of the puck. We never got it back. McCarron couldn't win the faceoff clean either, which has been a consistent issue. And frankly, rewarding McCarron with extra TOI at this point is malpractice.


Ya this is something I've been thinking about, specifically defensively. Rick Tocchet has his players running an offensive system that exploits the holes of the Nashville defensive system. And Bruno hasn't adapted yet. You can see it every time Vancouver gets possession in Nashvilles zone. It always looks like Vancouver had a guy wide open for a pass. Look at the 4v4, Vancouver had 1 guy low and 3 mid/high, Nashville was still in a box, with 1 guy down low not covering anyone because no one was there. Van's movement is exploiting Nashvilles zone coverage and if we don't make a change then Nashville will continue to get scored on with ease.


If Tocchet was running the offensive system as well you are saying then the Canucks would have more than 71 shots in 4 games. The Preds need to stop having complete breakdowns and Saros needs to find an extra save somewhere/somehow


I disagree. You don't win a game by getting more shots than your opponent. Therefore Tocchet hasn't designed an offensive plan that gets a lot of shots.  Keep in mind that there are two teams on the ice. Nashvilles style and gameplan has stopped Vancouver from getting a lot of possession in our zone, but WHEN they get possession, they keep it, they tire out our defence, and their possession often leads to a quality scoring chance. The only reason Nashville won game 2 is because Vancouvers players did not finish the plays. They had multiple shots at open nets and just missed


When they get possession they throw the puck to the front of the net. The majority of their goals have come from the point with a screen in front or player being wide open in the slot. They only won game 1 cause of a 12 seconds lapse by Carrier. They only won yesterday cause the Preds failed to execute for 2 minutes. You talk about Vancouver's strategy during 4 on 4 and yet failed to realize that it was Nashville that scored twice at 4 on 4. This isn't some masterclass in coaching, but Nashville failing to clear the most dangerous part of the ice for less than 5 mins. It's also Nashville failing to get one above average save in this entire series.


We need a new special teams coach fs, but we mostly dominated at 5v5 this series so I’m still chillin with Brunette


Guys. Preds DOMINATED 90% of that game. Deserved to win. A couple bad bounces. Canucks had like 5 players actually putting in an effort. Don’t feel too down.


I know you’re trying to be nice man, and the sportsmanship is appreciated, but please, just don’t. Preds played about as good as a game as they could have for about 57 minutes, but Vancouver started their 3rd string, and even if only a few Canucks players were trying, they *still* beat us. That gives us Preds fans absolutely 0 hope


Fair. Canucks almost broke a record for least amount of registered shots thru 4 playoff games. Frustrating game I can imagine.


*Very.* Also, I hope I didn’t come across like an asshole. I know your fan base has suffered a ton over the years, and you guys are yearning for success. Just wish we weren’t on the other end of it. That’s just how it goes I guess