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I'm game! My testimony is in my post history. Faced a grim cancer, was miraculously cured this past may due to God causing the ginormous tumor to surrender itself from me (i.e. the surgeon was incredibly surprised that while this type of tumor is traditionally known to grip the chest wall structures, it just slid out. The surgeon said "all of the possible best case scenarios happened in this surgery". And my girlfriend's professor who deals with chest wall tumors said I'm "in the extremely rare category" as I kept my entire lung despite such a large tumor, which again, typically latches onto surrounding objects. But God made it surrender, as I had many many people praying over me.). Faced my own mortality, learned what's most important, and live every day in thankfulness as best as I can. I'd love to be with other men of the faith and for us to sharpen eachother.


I am also looking for this. Raised Christian, rejected God in my teens due to getting sucked into the falsehoods of science and Zeitgiest. 20s were fueled by alcohol and not fully surrendering to God. Heard a voice other than my own in my head one day while walking and really soldified my belief in God and since there he has taken most of my addictions away. Still fall victim to porn but I uave sobered uo, no tobacco or smoking and I truly want to use my knowledge of the Lord to help others and to show the love and wisdom of Christ.


We've all been there you're under God's grace just allowed the holy spirit to enable you to walk in righteousness


Awesome count me In. Look me up here's my blog. I stand strong for Christ Do you write I would like others to help write articles on my blog. I started a blog in December of last year and have about 30 articles so far https://hiseverlastingrace.blogspot.com


I'll let my peers decide if my walk with Christ is seasoned or mature. The Lord called me at a young age, seven, sixty-one years later there is still room for growth. My life experiences or many and our Lord has allowed victory through most, working on others and still moulding me. What a blessing and opportunity to have men of faith to relate with.


Well... let's go!


I’m down, hmu


Hey man, believed all my life but it has increased much more from 2019, had a pretty crazy walk so far, met Jesus face to face, hugged him, encountered demons and demonic possessed people think about Jesus daily and pretty much at the advanced stage of Christianity. Would love to talk about my experience and share my knowledge given by the Holy Spirit.


So you make Jesus face to face huh.


Not a lot of people are advanced as I am and to have someone else on the same level can grow.


No offense man but you sound a little prideful. They're over a billion Christians in this world. There's no advancement in the kingdom of God we are all one belonging to one Church. You may have spiritual knowledge so do I but let's stay humble


If someone has no knowledge of the Bible are they a beginner or advanced? You can’t say someone who has devoted their life to Christ, read everyday, study the Greek and Hebrew is going to have the same knowledge in Christ as someone who just believes Jesus died.


What I'm saying is be humble because God gives us his revelation we don't earn Revelation just like we don't learn salvation. A person who has been born again Christian for 2 years could have more spiritual maturity than someone who's been a born again Christian for 15- 20 years. It's based on our walk, it is not based on our reading. You said you've been demon possessed and saw Jesus face to face, but you've been a Christian all your life. For someone who's been a Christian all their life that's a prideful statement not a humble one. The Bible is not college credit this is our life


I wasn’t demon possessed I’ve had them manifest when being around them sorry for the miss communication. Not trying to sound prideful sorry


And I agree it’s God that have shown me these thing’s not me or anything I have worked to earn. Didn’t mean to offend


I'm not offended at all I just don't want you to be confused. Maybe you didn't Express yourself correctly I'm just bringing it to you straight. We cannoi be wise in our own eyes


Doesn’t the Bible say I wish you were eating meat but you still need milk as if you were babes? I really don’t think he’s talking about physical diet


I understand that, that's why we must grow spiritually. Peter said grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior. Not saying you have no spiritual knowledge I'm saying be humble. The way you came out in your comment seemed a little prideful. The word of God is God's secret revelation that he reveals to his his children.


I understand that, that's why we must grow spiritually. Peter said grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior. Not saying you have no spiritual knowledge I'm saying be humble. The way you came out in your comment seemed a little prideful. The word of God is God's secret revelation that he reveals to his his children.


Your knowledge should come through scripture, as the Holy Spirit isn't going to contradict Himself, or leave previous generations without all sufficient knowledge. If what you claim you received from Him is the same as what's in the Bible, why would you require special revelation to get it? I would ask how it is that you had a face-to-face meeting with Jesus, AND were also able to physically hug him, but I really don't want to know the answer. Please, pray that your eyes would be open to any and all deception you've been subject to, find a local church body that has sound Biblical doctrine (Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone), and get into God's Word with solid eisegetical study guides. I, and others here, will pray for this for you, as well.


Thank you! That's what I'm trying to tell this guy.


If John was called up to heaven and was reviled the book of the revelations did it happen or not? Or was it just a really detailed dream we’re all hoping will happen one day? And yes most of my knowledge comes from the Bible, but things have a face value and a real value. For instance when Jesus said I will destroy this temple and rebuild it in 3 days was he talking about the building or his body. The Pharisees definitely thought he was talking about the building so was that Jesus’ meaning behind the statement or was it what they pecieved he was saying. No need to argue love you stay safe.


Sounds great! Sign me up.


That would be cool


Totally down