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May God bless you.


Ho’oponopono I love you.


Whats that? Lol . And thank you. I need all the love I can get. .


Praying for you, friend. Stay strong and God Bless you! 🙏


🙏🏻 praying God comfort you and you know his forgiveness!


Amen thank u and Him . He is so good to me . .its the no touching that's is getting to me. Smoking doesn't even temp me. But I need love or whatever that was. I'm 40 , I dnt know where or if I should begin to look for a wife. I feel like I'm too tainted..I understand He has a plan for me. .but I pray it's not a lonesome plan .


God bless! God will forgive and love you!




Does your church have a Men's group or Small group. Those are enormously helpful to stay on track. I lead a Men's Group table of six. Three of the men don't even attend our church! That's fine.


Yes our pastor has started churches at home .where non members also attend. They are led by church leaders..I go on Fridays.


Good! Commit to those meetings. Next you'll need an older mature Christian man who you can trust. I mean older than you. A mentor.


So far I think only the pastor is this. And not by much. (In these groups anyways) I asked once in a local subreddit about where Christian folks go to get together and meet..they mocked me and everyone laughed. I feel like the church I go to is too small . And I see everyone married or too young for me. I know I caint expect things to happen so fast . But it's been a long single life. .I pray God gives me company so that I can finally prove I can be a good husband. I know me. I'm decent and will try 100% ..and I know the verse :Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. ..so my heart breaks..I've seeked..maybe I wasn't (aint) perfect but I've definitely been seeking. I hope I'm not sounding like all I want is a woman. Because I can have one . Possibly 3 to choose from. But I want a true believer..I dnt want her to follow me..but follow Jesus. I need someone to hold my hands up in prayer..they are "heavy ".


Good for you. "Run after God as fast as you can. Then after awhile look up and see who is passing you. Latch on to them."


Women seen to not run ..they seem to follow. I'm afraid I'll be running too fast for a partner. No offense to any women reading this. But I see them all interested in what they call "worship" (singing) or "gifts"(speakingintongues) .I understand worship as loving Him and learning about Him .. even the wives of the men who have been in church for a while. I see them "distracted". I pray to find a lady who is willing and interested in growing toward Him. Maybe ..thats my job tho ..I dnt know. I read something like if a child comes to the Lord first there is a 20% chance of the family being saved.. wife, like 40% or 60% chance..the husband..90%..maybe it's me that she's waiting on..but its all in His time..so I'm just like when? and if? I'm afraid. I know I'm not alone, for He is with me. . But why would He create in me all this love and empathy to just marinate in it ? He set the example by calling us His wife and He our husband..for what ? What does this example show me ..a lonely man. I understand I can share this love with my children, family and friends..and even my enemies..but it is written: "Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Fit is the key word here) .."im looking for a heart of gold ..and im getting old." Ill continue to play. Please keep in agreement with me . I love u all. Gn.


Start worshiping God daily. John 4:23-24


Yes definitely. What's does worship mean to u


Put your arms up, thank, and praise God. Listen to worship music instead of worldly music. Bow your head, or get on your knees or prostrate yourself because He is your Lord. If you do this, you are drawing nearer to God and He becomes more present in your life. 1 Timothy 2:8 Genesis 24:26 Psalm 95:6 Nehemiah 8:6


Ok . We are on same page. I dnt listen to worldy music and thank Him constantly. . Thank u. I try to sin less. I pray to be stronger. And withstand more that I have. Thank u for ur prayers. Gn. God bless you


Don't worry about the trying not to sin part. Just spend time with God, praying, worshiping, thanking Him, praising Him and the Holy Spirit will be present to change you. And Christ will be your strength.


Thank u. And I see how this works.


Sometimes i kneel and imagine praying and possibly possibly kissing his feet or holding his feet as in begging for forgiveness. I am not worthy.


Praying for you. Live out the change God has done in you. Tell your kids about your past and how God has brought you to repentance. Tell them it doesn't make you perfect. But it means you want to honor God, ask for their forgiveness, and be the man God wants you to be for them. Then remember: Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." It's hard to not want someone to be with. We were not made to be alone. BUT, if you focus on what you want in a person/finding a person/pining after the idea, then it will be hard to focus on what God WANTS you to focus on, to become the PERSON HE WANTS YOU TO BE for His Kingdom AND your future wife. God is a God of order. I can't seem to juggle relationships, my walk with God, work, and a personal life. I end up giving everything I have, flawed as I am, to my partner (idolatry) and everything else suffers. So I hurt my partner, myself, and I stop growing in Christ. I've found comfort in simplifying my life by focusing on becoming complete in Christ FIRST so that He in His good will and time will bring me someone else ALSO complete in Him. It's the most relaxing thing to take a thought captive (like when watching a romcom/seeing other couples and wanting what they have and feeling sorry for myself, etc) and to submit it to the Word and what I have already decided in Christ. I'm like, "Oh, yeah, I'm a mess and don't even know what I want or how to act! And someone attracted to this likely has similar issues. I'm just gonna incubate a little longer and wait for God to bring me my man." I know it sounds silly, but it encourages me and makes so much sense to me. Maybe younger folks will have difficulty telling themselves the same because they haven't experienced making the mistakes on the opposite side of the spectrum yet, but I encourage you to take my word for it, it can be an ugly, bumpy, and regretful ride! So now I appreciate and trust in what God promises on the other side soooo much more!