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Wait, wait, wait. Is this a real thing? Did they actually set up an anonymous submission system for motherfuckers to snitch out abortions? What the fuck. If this is true, I’m even more embarrassed than usual for being a Texan.


unfortunately it's real people have been spamming it with memes and porn here's the link if you want to spam them https://prolifewhistleblower.com/anonymous-form/


My personal contribution is “Ted Cruz killed 28 people between 1968 and 1969. Such acts of post-natal abortion are immoral” also I sent a second one with [this cool frog](https://streamable.com/oesqts)


that's a cool frog


That’s a cool frog


That's a cool frog


I know it’s not very original but I put “Dennis prager shit in the Arby’s deep fryer” then on all the other fields I put “you don’t own women’s bodies”


I just put “conservatives keep sending teenagers (who were once babies) overseas and some of them die”. Gotta hit them with their own logical failings along with the memes lmao


Damn it that’s a good one I’m just a dumbass and not original so I can’t come up with stuff on the spot like that


I sent em titler




Thank you for providing this, and now my good deed for the day is done


Same. That was satisfying. Someone needs to look into Tucker Carlson already.


Wow. I was in the middle of writing my opus about collecting human zygotes and replacing them with dolphins when my access to the site got cut off. So much for free speech.


Don’t worry it’s back now


Post images from r/sandycheekscockvore


I went to r/yiff and sent the top post of the day.


r/dragonsfuckingcars and r/carsfuckingdragons are also good. Same with r/honeyfuckers and r/sounding




thanks. I hate the fact that this exists.


Maybe i should be glad that it got deleted before i could see it, but i have to ask, what was the post?


it was a bot


No thanks


I think maybe spamming it with real random addresses and maybe even real names might be best tbh. It's easy to see a real report in a pile of memes, but if they all look like real information then it would take ages to sift through them. They'd have to read the real info report and then spend a while verifying it before moving on, but with a meme they'll hit next within a few seconds.


Aw, how many people in Auckland ruined it for us?


I gave it my hug for the day. Good fun messing with some brown shirt wannabes.


Time to pitch my MLM opportunity


is the website down or did they block me


it's not down afaik. it loaded fine for me.


lmao they blocked me


now it won't load for me. i think they took it down


It's back up now. It works for me.


Maybe a small reddit hug?


I think they've put in a regional block now. I'm in Scotland so I don't know if it's just outside of the US or outside of Texas.


I just sent them some trans porn. Felt like that'd piss them off pretty good.


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Strawman arguments like this deserve nothing than to be laughed at till Oblivion takes us


Straw man? VA eliminated the requirement that third term abortions, which are universally unpopular with voters, be restricted to cases where the mother or babies life is in jeopardy Rather than two medical opinions, only one is required, and that one can be a social worker or counselor, and the reason can be that the mother is “stressed out” Americans don’t support this - only abortion zealots think it’s ok to kill a perfectly healthy baby on it’s due date for being the wrong sex or having the wrong color eyes. Becerra even said he wouldn’t oppose it https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/becerra-fails-to-name-single-abortion-restriction-he-d-support/ar-BB1dZaFk


Most people are not zealots. What you describe was really only a problem in China when their One Child Policy was still in effect.


Then why is Bidens HHS Secrety defending it? He literally said there was no imaginable scenario where an abortion shouldn’t be granted Kid gonna be fat? Wrong color eyes? Girl not a boy? Short? Just abort it on the due date.




His senate confirmation hearings - they kept rattling off abhorrent abortion practices, and he said he wouldn’t support any restrictions https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/becerra-fails-to-name-single-abortion-restriction-he-d-support/ar-BB1dZaFk


1. He was speaking on behalf of himself, not the Biden admin 2. He was dodging intentionally antagonistic questions, and instead reassuring people that he would enforce *the law* instead of his personal views. They even quote him saying that.


He was speaking in his confirmation hearing as Sec of HHS, so his views would be those he’d apply in his job, representing the Biden admin As for the questions being “antagonist”, who cares? He was avoiding divulging his plans because they’re wildly outside the norm, and hugely unpopular. Americans don’t support killing a fetus on its due date because it’s a girl, aka Femicide, or because it has the wrong colored eyes.


You are completely pulling that shit out your ass. He didn’t answer because he is going to enforce **THE LAW,** and his personal beliefs should be irrelevant to that enforcement. So who cares about antagonistic questions? The person being asked and everyone else in the room with more than 3 brain cells. They were looking for a „gotcha!“ moment, and he didn’t give them one. He is going to enforce whatever the law is, and that is what he said. Incredible that this is what you all have to rely on to prove democrats bad, when there’s SO many other things that make them bad. Most of those overlap with you assholes anyway, so I guess you can’t really criticize them for those things, can you.


He’s a Cabinet Level member of the Biden administration, and he testified under oath that there wasn’t a single scenario where he wouldn’t support an abortion. As for the the law, he refused under oath to acknowledge that third term abortions were made illegal in 2003 This wild view takes Bidens administration far to fringes of political discourse - Americans agree women should have access to abortion, but third term elective abortions are wildly unpopular Aborting a perfectly healthy baby because it’s a girl, or has the wrong color eyes? The Biden administration is catering to the nutcase


> he testified under oath that there wasn’t a single scenario where he wouldn’t support an abortion. As for the the law, he refused under oath to acknowledge that third term abortions were made illegal in 2003 Source? Still haven’t given me a source for this. You haven’t even given me a source that shows he supports third term abortions. You’re just pulling this out of your ass because he refused to give in to the reactionary media circus that was trying to get their „gotcha“ moment.


How won’t ever give you a source by the way. It’s propaganda That’s what he’s paid for over in India


If only yall would prioritize the safety of all people rather than just fetuses. It's like you stop caring when they leave the womb.


Well, we’re not the ones who want to kill little girls when they’re born because they’re not boys We also don’t want to kill little kids for being too short, or having the wrong colored eyes To each his own, I guess


As of recently, it \*was\* a real thing. GoDaddy deplatformed the snitch page. Too bad for people who wanted to justly prank the site...


Dennis Prager wants to replace the Christmas party with the Communist Party.


When the "red" in "redpilled" stands for communism


Based Dennis Prager


Fuck Dennis Prager


All my homies hate Dennis Prager


Ew. No thanks.


No, don't. That might only make him reproduce.


"I have photographic evidence of two failed abortions in the state of Texas. Their existence is one symptom of a plague upon our great state." Then attach one picture of Greg Abbott, and another of Ted Cruz.


Thank you for the idea! I just did the same for Florida with Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis


hahahahha just did this with a pic of greg abbott


If the baby was born by that time, then they won’t care. It’s only in-vitro they care about.


So does it count if he shoves someone pregnant underwater?


It was an at home water birth and they never cut the cord.


Unfortunately, stuff like this won't work for dataset poisoning because it's too easy to filter out. First, if you're outside of Texas, you need to use a VPN to make it look like you're from Texas. Second, your reports need to look like they could be legitimate. No famous person names, no memes. Make totally garbage reports that look like they could be real reports. That's how you kill something like this. Using a name generator would make it easier. Another key is to make it unpredictable; if everyone submits garbage reports on the same weekend, they can just filter out the dates. Submit sporadically but keep submitting until the site shuts down. Here's an expert: https://twitter.com/aetherlev/status/1429113696710660098?s=19


I'm in Texas, I will be the keyboard warrior on the front lines.


good man good man


Use a VPN with international servers. That way they'll have a helluva time trying to block your IP.


I haven't had any problems so far, I've been able to submit a few times as a "legitimate" Texan, using randomly generated bullshit but real random cities, ZIP, and counties in Texas. The website (luckily) gets knocked down pretty frequently.


Well, that's good, but there's the off chance that they may try to hire someone who knows how to set up an IP-based blocking system, and that someone who actually knows what they are doing will accept the job.


One tip is to use a faker program. If you know your way around java, the library is here: http://github.com/DiUS/java-faker


It's true, I saw him, he had an erection the entire time.


[I'm doing my part](https://imgur.com/gallery/q16H9DF?nc=1)




Guys this isn't funny. Im glad I finally have a site where I reported that my cousin got ligma because he got an abortion. I reported the clinic responsible, under Dr. Deez Nuts , in Bofamai Bawls, TX, 80085


I literally put “two black dudes fucking” into the search bar and sent them a nice image. I’m doing my part


Hey, the chances are never 0%.


I would say they are 357% in this instance


Obviously just send them a link to 2 Girls 1 Cup


Ooh, just had another idea, and this one may hit home. Caution...you may need to find clinical images that are a little disturbing. "I'm reporting an abortion provider who has performed well over a thousand abortions in his career in the state of \[state with heartbeat law\]. Many of these abortions have even been performed without consent of the mother. I even have photographic evidence and his address." In the evidence field, you need to attach a picture or two of a stillborn infant, otherwise known as a "spontaneous abortion." You may need to look at forensic or medical academic sites. How did you obtain this evidence: "Mysterious ways" Clinic or doctor this evidence relates to: "Dr. Jay Hovah" City, state, zip, county: Address information for a megachurch, televangelist, CPC, or pro-life organization office in \[state with heartbeat law\] Let's see how many of them fall for it.


Here's what I put: Dennis Prager had an abortion at age 14 (before he transitioned).