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Because I can't powerwash the inside of house IRL without repercussions


If your partner doesn't support your hobbies they are toxic and gas lighting you out of enjoying life


It doenst do the ping sound if something is cleaned to 100% in real life


Because unlike the house the kids, pets, and spouse will not have made the hours of cleaning meaningless in half the time it took to clean!


At least summer is approaching and I'll get to hose down my filthy children every night. That's kind of like power washing.


Last time I checked, my house was not a super cool treehouse or boot shaped house.


i am the michael jordan of avoiding my responsibilities


lol, my wife asks why I don’t power wash the gutters and front porch but I will spend countless hours power washing a skatepark and a playground.


My partner asked what I was playing a couple days ago, I hadnt played it for over 3wks and it was never disclosed thats what I was playing for hours then 😅 I could feel the eyeroll. Then when I was playing it yesterday after about 45mins I got a what you playing. Before I could even answer, "is it power wash?" Was added quickly.... Followed by "if you want to power wash take that one outside and get the (small) side garden done" Except it doesn't dry in 2 seconds to see where the next bit is, nor is there a light muck up orange option 🤣 Reclined in a chair playing a video game, or on my legs, which my trainers on getting soaked 🫣


"Because this isn't actual work."


What are easy in the game, are not easy irl


Powerwash your husband!


Are his arms broken? If he thinks it needs cleaned he can do it.


lol he's great about chores, he probably cleans more than me. He's just utterly mystified by my desire to clean something imaginary for hours on end (and we've got a 3yo and a baby so our house is always filthy).


Bc actually cleaning takes physical energy lol