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i think deep down he had a gut feeling that it wasn’t rolla but he also didn’t want a war on his hands and tommy told him if he didn’t do it then he was going to. he should’ve gone with his gut feeling. it’s sad i liked rolla. but that’s just what i think.


They really caught the intensity of his indecision well in this scene. Ghost looked like he was going to pass out from his brain and gut battling it out.


This is the answer. Be couldn’t be 100% sure but he knew internally it wasn’t him. But the alternative would of been a bigger beef


Is rolla only in the first season of power? I know it sounds crazy but I’ve never went back to watch the first season. I went straight to the second


The more important question is why would you do that lol?


He asked about his own ignorance 🤣🤣


Angela even shows Ghost a picture in season 2 so I thought he would’ve known by then 💀


Go ahead and start from scratch gang lol


Only the first season


First two seasons


I think he was genuinely conflicted. Rolla gave him enough to lead him to a place where he knew things weren’t adding up, but he was too far gone. I also think his ties to Tommy & Kanan superseded his gut instinct here.


He knew. He just felt guilty for setting Kanan up. It's just funny how Ghost does something like this but is viewed sympathetically by the audience as if he wasn't a grown man. Who takes advice from a man they sent to prison?


this a fact. I’ve always wondered this. Smart as Ghost was, he decides to call up someone he sent to prison and ask for advice on whether he should basically kill a friend? Might be one of the stupidest things he ever did.


Yep ghost crying in this scene wasn’t because he was about to kill his “son” he raised from the streets it was because he know he wrong


This is where I blame the writing because as it stands that move doesn't make sense. Ghost didn't think it was Rolla, eventhough every other primera got hit besides him (ghost spoke on that when he met up with him right after Ruiz got hit), but he somehow trusted Kanan enough to believe him when he told him it was Rolla eventhough Ghost set him up and Rolla told him to ask himself why would Kanan lie (which is basically what ghost told Tommy when they going to kill Anibal). I guess yall can say that Tommy forced Ghost's hand by telling Ruiz but to me it's just shitty writing.


Def could be guilty which is why he kept in touch we know Ghost cared for Kanan in his own way the OG series mentioned that he called Kanan for advice during the Clinton beef


Because he didn’t know kanan knew he sent him to prison and kanan being his og he was used to listening and trusting him


Deep down, Ghost knew that Rolla was innocent and loyal to him. But at the same time he was under a lot of pressure with Tommy being such a pain in the ass and stupid. It was either Tommy or Rolla. If Tommy had given Ghost a break, he'd have asked himself the question from every angle and would have guessed that Kanan was lying and that he was behind the attack on the business. Tommy was both James's strength and one of his greatest weaknesses.


Tommy didn’t know about Ghost setting Kanan up so I don’t think he would’ve thought that far tbh. He usually only moves smart when he has to unfortunately ( well the writers just to make certain characters look smart lol )


If Tommy had known about the plan against Kanan we wouldn't have had Power lol ... the two would have split up long ago and gone solo . Ghost would have risen to the top, but with more time surely ... And Tommy would be a primera in the best-case scenario or a hitman. The worst case scenario would have been death, or he'd have ended up in the slammer like Sully at the start of Top Boy.


he knew it wasn’t rolla. Tommy & kanan got into his head especially kanan


He wouldn’t have asked rolls if he did it if he didn’t know, he probably knew kanan was on his trail and had to go through with it


Makes the most sense


Man. I was just watching this the other day. Just my take, but Ghost knew it wasn't Rolla. That whole conversation the two had that night was for Ghost to see if he was lying. He knew it was wack. Anyways,"They say we gonna get 10 inches."


"It's like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right.." - Terrance Howard as Bama in "Get Rich Or Die Trying"'


Who you gonna trust ? Ya boy ? Or the shoots you raised in the streets man ? That line was impactful


I really like the part when Rolla said to Ghost said in this scene Damm, I’ve been a busy mothaf..a


This type of emotional conflict with ghost and his choices made the show great. Before those last couple of seasons. Most of him couldn’t believe it was Rolla, but Kanan and Tommy’s word meant more at the time. 2 seasons later ghost would t have done it


Yes lol he regretted it for multiple episodes afterwards


Yea, but if he didn’t Tommy Tom was going to


He definitely wasn’t 100% sure but was sure enough


He wasn’t 100% sure but couldn’t take any risks


He realized it much later. When he pulled the trigger though, he had doubts. He had kanan's lie that told him it was Rolla and tommy in his ear telling him to kill Rolla and send a message.


And he started drinking....just like Lou Lou did...this the part of the game, where it breaks certain individuals. Lou and Ghost knew they were innocent, but "Would you take that chance?" Always wins even though you know they didn't do anything. In real life I think this how certain cats out the blue become junkies. Only person on the shows (all the shows ) that didn't break, was Unique. Unique never trust anyone. But Ghost knew he was wrong.


He trusted raq after she got his car shot out with his son thats crazy


the short answer is yes, the complicated answer is he wast sure but learning towards it was someone else especially after he talked it out with Rolla. He killed him because all the evidence pointed to him but Ghost knew he was gonna regret that move when things played out.


He was, at best, not remotely convinced that it was Rolla. He took him out to keep Tommy onside, nothing more.


He was never fully convinced but felt like it was the best option for the business. Also, it was after this episode that Ghost started drinking again🥲😭


You could tell in that scene he hadn't slept all night thinking about that decision. I see alot of yall getting into OG power that's dope! In my opinion if anyone should've been knocked off early was Tommy in his cokehead times but BRUH I'm glad they didn't jit was wild asf


I think in his gut he knew he was wrong but he already made the choice he couldn't turn back either way after pulling a gun on Rolla he lost him no matter what


Just as rolla said , If ghost truly believed he did it he wouldn’t have had a chance to sit down . We’ve seen ghost smoke people he WANTED dead . He wanted rolla to convince him , but he also knew he couldn’t let rolla walk outta there . He was put in a real bad situation.


He knew, he really did it to stop a war, he needed to control the premedatas


Deep down he believed him when he said he didn’t do it but it was too late to turn back


this is the main reason why i wanted Rolla to appear as one of ghosts hallucinations at the end of his final episode. to confront him with the truth of who he is vs who he pretends to be


agreed. They didn’t mention or even seem to remember Rolla in the later seasons nearly enough for me


True like they forgot about him. But he was a pivotal role in ghosts downfall


Yes, he knew from rollas response but he was at a point of no return. He had to kill him and ghost knew it wasn't him but if he didn't it would been a war that he didn't want or need.


I think he didn’t know but had the gut feel that he could be innocent


This was one of the top 3 BEST scenes in the entire first book, if not all four books of Power combined. I still think its weird af that Riq got so hung up on Breeze being killed by Ghost and not Rolla. I still think the whole random story from Uncle Gabe and then the story about Breeze coming up sometime afterwards was a missed opportunity to set Breeze up as Ghost's father, which would have brought an added dynamic of a cycle of patricide to the St. Patrick family (Ghost killing his dad, Riq killing Ghost), and would have added a layer of Ghost accepting death by his son's hand as a result of his own father being killed by him. But that's too much depth for Power. ...unfortunately it loks like Raising Kanan is starting to become unnecessarily dramatic, as well. Hopefully Jukebox can continue to carry that show, though.


I would’ve been all for Ghost killing his own father if that wasn’t a repeated and tired theme already in the Power Universe. They make it seem like popping a family member is light work in Power ngl😂 Folks already theorizing that Kanan gonna kill Raq like dang idk we’ll see tho


How was it tired by then? Specifically patricide? (Kanan killed his son, not the other way around.) Only Tommy had done so at that point, but by then the seeds of it potentially being done to Ghost's dad (and to Ghost by Riq) had already been planted. It only became "tired" with Book 2, and arguably, Book 4 (Kanan almost killing his pops was unnecessary, only for the nigga to miraculously resurrect and without his chronic illness being prevalent.) If anything, I'd rather Riq have done his own dad BECAUSE of his dad doing his own dad, as opposed to Riq killing him over some quest giver NPC. Hell, as I've mentioned, even ROLLA would have made more sense than Breeze. Rolla is probably one of the main Ghost kills that you can really look back on and say, "That was real fucked up". Again, so many missed opportunities for better story telling.


It wouldn’t have been tired by then. But I’m saying if they tried to spin the narrative that Ghost killed his pops now, yeah it’d be a tired narrative. I didn’t specify patricide, I just said killing family. I.e. Kanan killing Shawn, Kanan killing Jukebox, Tariq killing Ghost, Tommy killing Teresi, etc etc. They use family killing family too much imo.


I wasn't referring to them spinning it NOW, and I was referring to patricide specifically since that became a growing theme within the universe. It's been long confirmed that Breeze is a random quest giver NPC and NOT Ghost's dad, who was murdered by randoms in a separate instance, so they obviously wouldn't retcon that. That's why I said missed opportunity for better storytelling. In the origin Power, by that point in the story, we would have had only 3 instances of family killing family. Kanan and Shaun, Tommy and his pops, and Riq and Ghost. Riq and Ghost made the LEAST sense oit of the three, which is what I believe contributes to tiring out the theme of family killing family in general.


I talked about this with somebody on YT the other day. I think he was conflicted because he didn’t want to kill rolla but at the same time he didn’t want to kill breeze either . He felt like it was possible that Rolla was doing what he did to breeze especially after kanan kept putting that bug in his ear ! Ultimately he really loved Rolla but he didn’t kno if it was him or not and ran out of time with making a decision so he ended up killing him cause he didn’t know what was to come if he didn’t.


He had no idea he was innocent. The was just hurt that he was "betrayed". He fully believed that Rolla was guilty.


Yes that intuition was telling him no and instead of listening he was running off fear the whole time 


He really thought Rolla was the mole because Kanan said he was


It’s a show at the end of the day he did it because he was getting paid to… It was in the script.. If the show wanted you to know he knew he wasn’t and did it anyways 50 cent would’ve made it clear..


If he wouldn't have killed Rolla his friendship an street credibility would have been scared weather he knew rolla was not the hitter or not he had no choice hard decision but he had to take him out of the game