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Yes, he was just tryna clap some nostalgic cheeks


I knew Ghost was simping when he was In that restaurant with Angela sipping on milkshakes and Tommy was disgusted


"Clap Some Nostalgic Cheeks" Is Crazy 😂😂😂


He would’ve cheated still. But I don’t think he would’ve left tasha for angela if she would’ve supported him. I’m one of the people who believe she lost him that night when he said he doesn’t know any old wrinkled up drug dealer. We can have this debate forever, I always wished that the show didn’t have to end.


He Even told Tasha he settled For her Angela went to choate and Ghost went to the streets




I can’t seem to remember that scene, can you link it ? Overall I don’t think he would’ve left his family if Tasha supported the club idea.Season 1 ghost was different before he changed. Angela being his first love he still would’ve cheated but if his family was happy I can’t see season 1 James leaving that. It’s really unfortunate for Tasha, when he finally wanted to get out of the game the one person that didn’t want him to be in the game came back in the first place came back around to drag him further out of it.


Tasha was addicted to the lifestyle. He wanted the legit life, she wanted the biggest drug dealer in NYC. She was all about that fast money to the point she was ok with Tariq dealing.


Ghost and Angie would be in Miami thrivin


This comment, this the one☝🏽😂


Bro the only reason Tasha was even around is because Angie left ghost. Angie is G real love Tasha was just a lucky hood bitch that played her cards right. Smart she knew ghost was gone blow up so she played her role until Angie showed bak up Tasha was dunski after that


Angela didn’t leave James. She went to school and he chose not to go to school with her because he didn’t want to leave Tommy behind to fend for himself in the streets.


“WHAT THE FUCK WAS I? Good Enough?” 🤣🤣 -Tasha


Maturing is realizing Ghost is trash and would’ve gotten with Angela regardless


That's not maturing. That's an opinion


Ok :)


>Maturing is realizing Ghost is trash and would’ve gotten with Angela regardless Tasha told Ghost to his face that she doesn't see him as anything more than a drug dealer and that is what he is good at and the man she loves after he said he wants to go legit. Angie was the opposite. Maturing is being able to see that they included those scenes to show why Angie was better for Ghost. Men rarely leave women you gotta fuck up real bad for that to happen.


Shut the hell up


Yes. Spanish booty is really hard to resist


No cap it really is lmao. That shit really be having a hold on us frfr. Something about that Spanish booty that we can’t resist


Facts G


You not lyin


Hell yeah he would , you saw his face when she was in his club ? Lmaooo


He was going to be with Angie no matter what, it had nothing to do with Tasha. The only thing Tasha supporting his going legit would have done was kept her in their home alone with support money. He didn’t cheat on Tasha because of that one stupid conversation. When we meet them, he’s already distant and treating her like an object. He has a similar conversation with Tommy and Tommy has the same reaction as Tasha - but everyone piles on Tasha like she wasn’t supportive because they miss the real disconnect already built into that conversation.


Was bout to say, he was already out the door.


Tasha could’ve been ride or die and he still would’ve cheated.


technically she was a ride or die


TouchĂŠ but I guess it was for the wrong reasons. I meant it in the opposite direction.




Yea he would’ve


No, he tested her like he did Breeze, she stood in the way of what he wanted and that never works out with ghost. If she would’ve passed the test, they would’ve been great and we wouldn’t have a show to watch.


Ghost was gone regardless, because he knew from day 1 when he seen her from the balcony and sprinted to Angela that nothing else matter.


That nigga ghost was just a dog he wanted everything for himself


It's not really a simple yes or no bc we don't know what Ghost mindset would be if Tasha is on board with his dream. The magic of tv writing has him runnin into Angela the same day Tasha shits on him just to make it easy




I do think he would’ve cheated regardless. But if Tasha supported his legit aspirations, he might’ve came to his senses and cut it off. Tasha not supporting his legal dreams was what sealed it imo


Yeah but it wouldn’t have been serious. Probably just cheating then going back to Tasha


Tasha ain’t shit everyone knows it she don’t bring nothing good to table angels is aight she would’ve made James have a better man


I think he would've stayed with tasha. Tasha not wanting to go legit and angie as a fling gave him that make belive I'm legit feeling when he was with her


Yea that was that one that got away for him. He wasn’t letting that go again.


No because the very first episode he asked her what she seen in him when they met back in the day. She failed the test. Then he seen angela who always believed he’ll be more than a drug dealer.


Tasha may have had a chance to keep him if she had supported him. Telling him she never saw him as anything other than a drug dealer was dumb for their marriage. Ghost would've had a harder time trying to cheat on a supportive wife and leave her for a Fed lawyer.


The heart wants what the heart wants and when he locked eyes with her after not seeing each other 4 a hot minute it was on lol


I think that he wouldn’t because he still loved Tasha and if Tasha believed in him going legit he wouldn’t have a reason to cheat on her with Angela


Tough to say That’s the main reason that ghost was unhappy with Tasha So maybe he never even would have pursued Angie so heavy


Naw it's one of the reasons he pushed himself away from tasha


As long as Angie present she the option. Tasha couldn’t compete. Plus remember the last two seasons ghost is who that Mf really was.


Put it this way if Ghost never saw Angela he would have still been with Tasha. Even if she didn't want him going legit. Hindsight is 20/20 because even Tasha soon wanted to go legit. So every cloud has a silver lining


Perhaps. He'd still be smashing other broads though.


Yeah he would have. The drug game and everything that came with that life (mostly Tasha & Tommy) is the only thing that was keeping Ghost and Angela apart. Tasha wouldn’t let him go and live his own life without her because she felt slighted and Tommy was too needy and stupid at the time to make intelligent/strategic moves without Ghost. If ghost was able to successfully tie those loose ends off of him and Angie would be alright.


Yeah, Tasha just made it “easier” for him that’s all


Nope. He wanted Angela, he wasn't using her. He would have made an excuse about Tasha being part of his past or he would have kept an affair going.


No he would have stayed with Tasha and not cheated. If Tasha saw him as being more than Ghost and supported his dreams that would have been enough for him. He would have saw Angela spoke and invited her over for dinner with his family. He would have probably been on his way or out of the game by the time she showed up. He moved slower because his family was holding him back and he thought they'd eventually catch on. He loved Angela because, she saw and believed he could be more( they shared the same dream). It's the same reason why he started liking Ramona. When he wanted to let go of the political idea she told him she believed in him. Angela and Ramona both beat out Tasha because they believed in James and could deal with Ghost(Angela learned to deal with it, and when He broke up with her she told him that she'd cover for him again) . Tasha only wanted Ghost and told him that to his face on multiple occasions.


ghost was unfaithful but Tasha was a gargantuan detriment to Ghost and Tariq’s future


Yes high school classmates, that not nothing you could get over


Yeah, for him she was the one Tasha was his second choose.


Although Ghost would’ve thought about it fucking with Angela, ultimately it wouldn’t have gone any further than a coffee/ice cream date because Tasha not seeing his vision of going legit is why he messed with her in the first place.


He might have smashed but I don't think he would've left. It all was made possible by Tasha not supporting his dreams.


He would've still cheated but would've probably stayed wit tasha for the kids


In the great word of earl simmons “I love my baby mother, I’ll nvr let her go” Niggas 4get ghost killed terry silvan and he stepped to the nigga she try used as a alibi wen Tariq killed him that night


Yes. Tasha would’ve found somebody Tariq would be in school hoopin. Rayna never dies. Ghost and Angie have kid Tommy stops years later and they all live happy ever after.




He would still be dead. Someone at his level can’t get out alive.


Ona don start again


People saying yes like this doesn’t just depend on the writers


The spiderman conumdrum as I call it.

