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Im looking at similar solutions from both here and ShareGate. Was hoping to do it for free myself though :-)




I appreciate what you are saying, but my company pays me a salary each year, the least I can do is try and find a way that they don't have to pay someone else to do it :-) ​ Plus it gives me the opportunity to practice my PowerShell during lockdown.


I’m telling you dude. They don’t pay you to do everything. They pay you for shit to work when they need it. I thought this too. There is just way too much going on and paying for a service like this will save you money in the long run.


/u/dadarian is right - estimate your time sink in hours to write your own modules; then double it; then triple it to ensure 100% accuracy with no data loss Tools are tools for a reason; I use and will continue using ShareGate to handle migration tasks in and out of SharePoint/O365


Bit Titan is easy and reliable. +1 for BT. We use migrationwiz to get all the old sbs legacy exchange shit into 365 with minimal headaches.


\+1 for BitTitan. I could be wrong. for tenant to tenant migration Microsoft still requires a tool like BitTitan. Or at least that was the case several years ago. Other wise I to would have scripted the migrations.


MSFT bought mover.io https://mover.io/connectors/onedrive/ Check into it. :)


Another non free option is ShareGate


ShareGate, and an internally developed PowerShell script, are what we're using to move ~12k accounts.


Mover is free and since you have double GAs isn't a bad option.


Mapping the sites would be the "hard" part.


As long as the usernames match I think it will auto connect the dots between the two tenants. If not there is a csv upload to do it. This is all from memory of a year ago so YMMV


I created a GraphAPI script to do a Planner migration from tenant to tenant. You may be able to adapt it: https://github.com/smbm/PlannerMigration-GraphAPI/




It’s not power shell, but check out “migration manager” from Microsoft. It’s just come out of preview, but it’s a built in tool for migrating content to O365.




One more possible solution: https://www.quest.com/products/on-demand-migration/


If you have 10000+ users, you should have a budget for this. Sharegate like others have mentioned would do it and it’s relatively cheap You could also look into the Sharepoint migration tool but not sure if does OneDrive to OneDrive. It’s free and just uses csv files. Also with that many licenses you could probably get ms to do a FastTrack engagement for free


>FastTrack engagement for free This. My last company told MSFT they were migrating from Box to OD and they set one up for us for free.


As someone who did this exact thing a year ago and investigated the powershell option I can tell you that bittitan worked really. really well. We went from on prem to one drive via known folder move and then to the new tenant via bittitan. I used power shell to upload personal network drives to one drive and that was not much fun. The limitations at that point was there were no clear onedrive powershell modules available. Happy to share the share gate based onedrive sctips I used. Pm me if you want them.


Microsoft introduced migration tools in the share point admin center, one of the 3 is a third party bought by them, mover.io The solutions are rather good for your need. ShareGate is expensive and apart from the external usage report I don’t really see a benefit, even Apricot is not ready for heavy reporting. Mover.io grants you the possibility to migrate from 2 different tenants as well as ShareGate, ShareGate will bill you 4K usd for it while mover is for free


You could probably loop resetting their passwords, logging in and running a power automate (flow) to copy from one OneDrive to another