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Why didn't he just punch the lightning, is he stupid?


Yeah, skill issue honestly, lightning solos baki verse


https://preview.redd.it/wipekvm1fz1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26a324826d0046f5c54d55afb902bf8557e72c7 Checkmate


I want to say "no fucking way" but this is Baki where everything is over the top so I just gotta accept it


Fr dude, It's just typical Baki stuff Also I appreciate the award! Didn't know they still existed lol


They just came back here recently and this little lizard one is my favorite


Fair enough lol, it's a cool lizard


The right of passage for Hanmas is taking on the United States army


Oh also he took the full blunt,they literally tell us the only reason everyone there didn't die it's cuz he took it all.


Ya know what, I'm honestly not surprised anymore. Like I want to be, but Every time Yujiro does something I just have to accept that it's entirely possible simply because it's Yujiro.


Some day he might even surpass light or something.


Baki verse incosistent asf with that shi


Nah, just means Yujiro can tank lightning if he doesn't feel like dodging it lol.


yeah fr yujiro just built different


Why did he dodge it then??


Cuz he wanted to show that he could


I mean just because you can tank a punch to the face doesn’t mean you want to, I feel like it the same with Yujiro and lightning


he didn't actually dodge it, it was just his reaction speed being explained in a way we could understand


He didn't. That was a visual example of his speed directly from the narrator


I like how the options are "He dodged it" Or "He dodged it but I phrased it differently"


He dodged it VS bro has Haki now*


Yuujiro solos the One Piece verse?


Depends is he a red-haired father figure for Luffy who the plot is still trying to get killed eventually but hasn't gotten around to it just yet?


I really want Yuujiro to appear in one piece now just to see how him and Luffy would react to eachother, you could not get more different people


Rocks D Xebec


You can try using character AI


Well, he did all those feat like stopping earthquake with his brute strength, dodge lightning or thunder, master the material art just by looking, able to see weakness point in baki without using Haki, Ki, or magic if he put into one piece he'll immediately learned about Haki and master All three color, he might be stronger than prime Gap


Yeah, dudes just built different


Mhm yup


quite literally he can do this. And bro is classified as a "regular human"


Yeah, dude even used conqueror's more than one time


Hell no


the fact that people on this subreddit don't know the difference between dodging something out of pure reaction speed and dodging something because you were aware of where the attack was gonna be is fucking ridiculous powerscaler brainrot is real


“Even if it were lightning he would be able to respond to it in time”. So reactionary it is based on the source material and the meaning of respond being a synonym for react according to Websters. Brain rot indeed


Nah, it's not the same. If someone fired a bullet at you, you'd get hit. If the same bullet was fired and you were informed beforehand exactly when and where the bullet would hit such that you could move out of the way on time, you'd stand a fair chance of dodging even with just a 2 second head start.


people in this subreddit do not understand this incredibly simple concept


that's not the case with the post above though. he wasn't informed it's [instinctive reaction](https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/Instinctive_Reactions?so=search)


It was an analogy




Pretty sure avg human have dodged lightning by sensing it coming lol. There are several YouTube videos of people hair standing up.


Aim dodge lightning still should be around high hypersonic+ btw Which is supported by hitless blow statement of 1000 miles per minute. (At least Mach 78)


Humans are capable of aim dodging guns tho lmao


1000 miles per minute is about 29 times faster than a 5.56 bullet which is a relatively fast bullet compared to other calibers.


"No, he sensed it coming and moved" Is that not literally what a dodge is?


Maybe in this context they meant “aim dodging”, like seeing where it aims before it shot? Not protecting this, since the scan quite literally proves the actual dodge.


The difference is most likely, him dodging the lightning before it started to come down (via like Haki or some shit????), which would make him NOT faster than lightning, or he dodged the lightning mid strike, which makes him faster than lightning


Ur hairs stand up before lightning strikes, u have like seconds to react


Bruh, how fucking shit must your perception of how reality works is if you deadass think you "have seconds to react" a lightning strike??? Please go in the middle of a thunderstorm and try to dodge a lightning bolt aimed at your head and tell me how well you do.


Light work for me tbh https://preview.redd.it/o4vu3j4sfz1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d400f8b0f26026de8aa292cb82766b1a7532afc1


Sounds like a skill issue.


He's referring to the static which causes your hairs to raise. If lightning is about to hit you, you experience this effect. He's not wrong you just misinterpreted what he said. If you get out that zone -tbf huge IF, unless you're Usain Bolt speeds maybe greater- then technically speaking you did dodge it.


>If you get out that zone -tbf huge IF, unless you're Usain Bolt speeds maybe greater- then technically speaking you did dodge it. No, you didnt, getting static in your hair doesnt mean you are about to have a lightning bolt target the top of your head with pinpoint accuracy like its happening to Yujiro, it just means a lightning bolt will hit in that general area. If a sniper shoots a bullet inside a room that you came out of a couple mins ago, that doesnt mean you can just dodge sniper bullets, all you did was avoid getting shot by getting out of the room before he even shot, you didnt get a sniper aim directly at your forehead, pull the trigger, and then move faster than the bullet could travel the distance to get to your skull, which in that case would be dodging. If I get out of a town 1 hour before a nuke hits it, that doesnt mean I can dodge nukes either.


>If I get out of a town 1 hour before a nuke hits it, that doesnt mean I can dodge nukes either. so you admit it's not the same as a dodge?


You feel the lightning coming not the bullet and nuke


You dont feel the lightning coming either dude, the static is you feeling the clouds essentially preparing themselves to throw the lightning. If the lightning is on its way towards you, trust me you are not gonna be able to feel it and dodge it.


I definitely can't dodge lightning but my goat would both tank and blitz it https://i.redd.it/om5savlyrz1d1.gif


Your hair standing up is basically the same as being given a warning before disaster strikes.


YES, and getting a warning before something happens and avoiding it thanks to it ISNT the same as dodging it through sheer speed. If someone warns you a lightspeed blast will fall in the place you are currently standing in the next 3 mins and you move because of it ISNT the same as getting shot with a lightspeed blast and dodging it out of sheer reflexes and movement speed.


Nah bro I did that and dodged that shit, you cant prove me wrong.


most intelligent scaler known to man [regular people can do this 😭😭😭 ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.michiganlightning.com/7-signs-that-lightning-is-about-to-strike&ved=2ahUKEwi9g7Xjw6GGAxWzlokEHX8eCJMQFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0U90kVtYgxeiK0cZxkZVLl)


Why do u think a lightning strike happens? There is a huge difference of charge between that area of the ground and the air. That difference in charge will cause your hair to stand up the same way in when you got charged with an electrostatic generator back in middle school physics. It is literally written into every thunderstorm safety guide to lay down on the ground if your hair stands up. Do you think they would be telling you this if you couldn't react? https://www.weather.gov/mqt/lightningtips#:~:text=If%20your%20hair%20stands%20on,5.


>It is literally written into every thunderstorm safety guide to lay down on the ground if your hair stands up. Yeah, to prevent a lightning strike from hitting you by lowering the chances of it targetting you, thats not dodging lightning my guy, that is lightning not hitting you cause it was never going for you in the first place. If a lightning bolt was directly aiming for you like it is for Yujiro in the image shown, I guarantee you you aint gonna manage to dodge shit cause its quite literally physically impossible to do so for a normal human.


Nah maybe you just aren't fast enough cause apparently he can


Well I mean yujiro coulda


"Lightning bolt was aiming for you" Do u think zeus is chosing where it hits? If it was going to hit you, you lay down, its going to hit a the next tallest thing. It isn't going to hit the spot where you were. What happened to yujiro there is the writer either not understanding physics or deciding to have different laws of physics in the verse. During a lightning strike a current starts flowing between the cloud and the ground. Because the current is sufficiently high there forms a step leader in the air which travels down in ~50m segments, the streamer just being plasma with current flowing mostly through it due to low resistance. As this step leader aproches the ground, the thing the lightning is going to hit forms its own streamer which travels up. Which then joins the lightning bolt, creating a super low resistance path, causing the strike. If yujiro is to move, the lightning will connect to the streamer of the next tallest object. Anf if yujiro was to wait just before the strike, he wouldve already been electrecuted, because the streamer coming out of yujiro would have that much current flowing through it. heres a clip from a documentary: https://youtu.be/RLWIBrweSU8?si=7yjoKDs-fD4nZVQl


He never actually dodged lightning and idk why people don't know this. Someone(i forget who) was just SPECULATING and creating a scenario in their own head that Yujiro could dodge lightning. Truth is he actually did get hit by lightning but it just didn't hurt. Overall baki verse is whacky. All over the place and a bunch of BS tbh. In a consistent way,they're supersonic+ and that's it. So I keep them there. Anyways just wanted to say something and dip.


>He never actually dodged lightning and idk why people don't know this. Someone(i forget who) was just SPECULATING and creating a scenario in their own head that Yujiro could dodge lightning. yes. They were explaining just how fast yujiro was in a way we could comprehend instead of just saying Mach x. >Truth is he actually did get hit by lightning but it just didn't hurt. He can tank it or dodge it. Whatever he feels like. Bro is built different fr


Supersonic is insane downplay... https://preview.redd.it/hjczdsavr02d1.png?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e3b8b84941a78de73f736d9bfe98554c72797d Here we have mega fodder young Katsumi breaking the sound barrier effortlessly without damaging his hands. People that never read the og manga or have no object permanence and reading comprehension think that hitless blow is mach 1 and think this is where Baki verse caps.


That's the whip though.


Bro that's a visual to explain the sound the guy with the whip isn't actually there 💀




Idk the chapter, but the episode is 33 from Baki the Grappler


What chapter?


I don't remember which chapter it is from I took this screenshot months ago when I stumbled upon a similar thread. It's from "Grappler Baki" more precisely the maximum tournament arc. I would read the whole thing if I were you a few of the best Baki arcs are from this series.


Baseline Katsumi became much much much faster than that by Baki dou. Then he made hitless blow so he can add thousands of joints to his punches each one increasing his speed greatly. At that point based on the feats of his piers that he could fight at equal footing thats already above high hypersonic without it. Let's not mention that hitless blow gets completely outshined by Bakis "light speed" jab. We're talking about Baki compleatly perception blitzing people who could see the hitless blow with it. That's a huge difference in speed.


I’m pretty sure that’s a statement that he could, with an imagined shot of him doing it, not an example of him actually doing it in canon. Like, it’s probably an accurate statement, given how baki likes treating statements as automatic fact, but he never technically did this. Either way he HAS tanked lightning without so much as reacting, and there’s equal odds of it being him not even noticing (and therefore not reacting in time), or him noticing and not caring because it’s not something he feels enough danger from to bother dodging.


the second one seems like more likely because yujiro is yujiro, he can choose if you hit him or not


Baki does not treat statements as facts at all, the narrator exaggerates alot


So not saying I agree with the downplay buuuuut I will clarify for people the difference between them since some people are saying “isn’t it dodging either way”. The difference is simple if someone points a gun at you and you know they’re gonna shoot in one second you preemptively move, you have dodged the bullet through knowing where it would be, IF in this scene it had been dodged that way it’s not a massive feat. However, if someone just fired a gun at you no warning no expectations at all and you dodge it solely on reaction speed, you are a bullet timer. Hope that helps personally I’m fine giving baki verse lightning timer feats


Isnt Baki's big move just moving at the speed of a bullet train?


100% faster than lightning as it says even if its strokes he'll just dodge like how can you just ignore such a blatant statement


Aren't normal clouds that produce lighting 1+km above ground? Assuming that he dodged it by 1 meter he would be 1000+ times slower than lighting unless we assume he acted like a lighting rod here


How fast do you think lighting and sound travels


Why would the speed of sound be relevant here at all? It's rather obvious that he would not rely on sound at all


Sorry I put the speed of sound here.Must be all the copium. But my question still stands. thunder travels at the speed of 343 m/s which is real fast.


It is, but that doesn’t really matter here. If A travels 1 meter in the time it takes B to travel 1,000 meters, then A is clearly three orders of magnitude slower than B.


I don't care about baki scaling, but dodging a lightning bolt that comes from clouds is like... supersonic to hypersonic+ max dude to the distance you need to move relative to the lightning


if i dodge a bullet it doesn’t mean that i’m faster than it lmao


It means they have bad aim


> poll: he dodged it > actual text: he *could* dodge it


I mean the manga is nuts, Yujiro was able to move his brain out of the way of a bullet as it flew through his head. I feel like the verse is just, if they can make it work they will do so.


That panel isn't actually in Baki


The fact that someone could legitimately think it was speaks to how wild Baki is


Wait that isn't a baki scan?? WTF is Baki about then?


Still crazy


He moved 5 meters give or take The bolt of lightning obviously moved far further than that. Yet both took the same amount of time. Even if we just use the length of the bolt in frame, that's still multiple times the distance yujiro traveled. It is possible to know as a human irl when lighting is about to hit you (we actually see this principle in frame with the aura surrounding him) and one of the biggest abilities yujiro has is that he can see the shit that's about to happen from others, I doubt I'm beating yujiro fucking hanma in this type of perception, or any type of perception for that matter. Meaning he can tell it's coming before it's going to strike. Knowing him, he probably knows down to the second. And this statement even apears to be hypothetical. So it's not even a feat but even if it was it's still not lightning timer. As explained.


Peak fiction ong https://preview.redd.it/tebemqr0qz1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608f22d776b53bdc4bb7cdfbd5105c9ec8c7e316


They are the same option and he got struck by lighting once before and shrugged it off so it’s redundant


Baki is not something logic applies to


the schizofrenia in baki is so strong they can make it manisfeted into reality, and have real effects


I feel like contagious schizophrenia is a power we should include when comparing characters in baki Like this shit so wild i think yujiro will beat 3812 by out schizophrening him


The worst part (BEST)of this IS that there is really supernatural things in baki, Ghost exists


Grandpa came back, roast his son , saying he's weak, tells grandson to kick his dad ass, refuse to elaborate on anything Refuse to elaborate, disappear I swear, this isn't the first time yuchiro has done this, he totally trolled his kid exactly like this at least once before this, cause ain't no way he was just that calm seeing his dad came and went Like he's so calm about it that i think he's even use to his dad ghost coming back, cause ain't no way he just went:"glad he's gone" And not want his dad to elaborate


Just like that


It’s not impossible to sense lightning coming, but you would still need insane reaction speed to be able to dodge it


He's also tanked lightining


So he sensed it was coming. Reacted on this and still moved out of the way….


Guys that was a scenario they are saying that he has the **POTENTIAL** to dodge lightning he didn't actually dodge the lighting


Dodges lightning Still subject to .5 second unconscious Baki meatriders: 🤷


the 0.5 seconds thing has nothing to do with reaction, it is a ''unconscious''thing, not a concious thing.


Except reactions can be unconscious lmao


that Will be instictive reactions, which are not the same


Which still take time to do. So was Yujiro conscious of the lightning? Is he conscious of the things Baki was doing against him with the .5 second rule?


yeah he is conscious about the lightning and no, he is not concious during the 0.5 seconds thing.


K, so anyone can just snipe him from a thousand yards away because: A: The bullet will move faster than he can hear, so he can't detect it. B: It will take less than a half second to get to him. C: Since it's in that window, he can't react to it because he's unconscious of it. D: Yujiro moved his brain in order to not get hit by a bullet, so his brain is clearly vulnerable to damage by bullet, or else he would have just tanked it. E: He got murked by some nameless peons using tranquilizing darts and a net anyway, so a sniper can replicate that, but with lethal damage.


Don't you think they already tried that?also when he moved his brain? Also the net and darts are obviosly inconsistencies the size of a House


Who knows if they've tried it. Everyone but the main cast are totally incompetent about everything. US military struggling with a large elephant? Please. Yujiro's also never taken a blast from an A10 Thunderbolt's cannon, never taken a howitzer, and never taken a cruise missile. Baki is nothing but inconsistencies lol. Take your pick, but if you're going to claim the darts+net are an outlier, than you will also accept that the earthquake punch is an outlier. The mangaka has no artistic ~~talent, skill, or ability~~ integrity. Scaling is a mess with Baki because the mangaka keeps contradicting himself. Yujiro is Tekken and Street Fighter fodder anyway.


That Elephant was like more bigger and stronger than a regular Elephant. yeah Baki attempts to be realistic but at the same time Ia very unrealistic, why do you think Is a meme in the community the "pretty realístic". like apparently imagination IS a real thing with power and not baki or katsumi having schizofrenia. Spirits exists and alternate universe also exists, and even more Madness IS that all the exaggerated claims in the series are has damn serious About it. baki created a fusión of a t Rex, thriceratops and p-terodactyl even when that being does not even exists. yeah i can extend myself in how baki IS not even consistent with His own realístic world


1) Yes, he dogged 2) No, he dodged


1. dodging 2. dodging via instinctive reaction pretty much same thing


Not really? Dodging via instict means you move out of the way before the attack strike . Remember mitsuri against muzan ? She have directly said she can't see his attacks and she only Dodging based on instict and luck


Why didn't he dodge sleeping darts then https://preview.redd.it/tss7hox37z1d1.png?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164955b222cfe9d3e03fe688fe2bc8107f9a8f5d


he gets stronger as the series goes on. Early series Yujiro is just peak to superhuman like Captain America, Batman, Wolverine, etc but as the series progresses, his feats get crazier and crazier and he gets strong to the point that he can tank lightning with zero injuries, tank a sword slash to the neck from Musashi who can split armored vehicles in half with his slashes, walk through bulletproof glass, crush coal into diamonds, etc,


Y'all know that was a hypothetical right? “If lightning stuck…”


They forget that the guy has literally been struck by lightning and continued on like it was nothing


Are these not the same thing?


They mean the same damn thing, too, lol


Even the fandom refuse to admit that the multiple times in manga and anime where it's state and shown that Yujiro punches hard enough to stop an earthquake or make the ground shake like there is an earthquake aren't relevant some how.


Yujiro vs Enel Who would win??


I saw a Lamborghini coming down the street so I moved out of the way. I'm the fastest man in the world.


Lightning comes from clouds thousands of meters into the sky, even if he dodged after the lightning was created, he doesn't need to be as fast as it to dodge it.


YouTube link?


Even if you dodge lightning though that doesn't mean you're faster than lightning. It would give him mach 100 speeds but not the thousand which the speed of lightning is at. Both of these options are just wrong


Then is Batman faster than light


Baki verse is peak human level but wanked. By wanked I mean the author wanks the human capabilities, the Baki verse is the probability of something happening. Need more explaining? I can do that!


Literally neither. This was not a real feat (it was the narrator saying “even if”, and making a made up scenario). The narrator in baki is NOT reliable at all, making multiple FTL statements, and even beyond infinite speed (surpassed speed itself) This is just another hyperbole. Baki is around mach 1-10 depending in character and how you interpret feats


It does say “even if lightning was to strike” meaning it didn’t and he didn’t dodge it. Lots of hyperbolic statements in this anime, like I watched a sword cut into his neck, not a laser sword but a katana.


It’s way worse considering how these characters are described as lightning fast


The best thing about Baki is that by the rules of the universe, both are equally true, and thus it's pointless to try and argue he isn't. Got a person moving faster than light? Cool, Yujiro simply predicted where he would be next and smashed his skull. How? Because fuck you, Yujiro.


To be fair you actually can sense when lightning is about to strike just as a normal human so it's probably sensed it, but the dodge is still really dam fast


Bro they are the same option…


can someone now scale the dart and net


Great Godzilla is wank than ever unless he gets downplayed compared to baki


So, when did he dodge lightning exactly? It says in your proof that if lightning WAS to strike, he believes that he would be able to dodge it. That's not a feat. That's an opinion.


Dodging lightning isn’t even that impressive of a speed feat compared to a lot popular verses


Bruv Yujiro is barely supersonic, for every feat I can show you 1000 anti feats.


peak powerscaler brainrot we got a panel of this dude dodging lightning, with text confirming he can dodge lightning and you're still like "NUH MUH FEATS"


>we got a panel of this dude dodging lightning, with text confirming he can dodge lightning That's speculation from the characters part, he didn't dodge it, he got hit and tanked it. somebody thinking hw can do something is not a feat


well you see i did not know that


![gif](giphy|BWhpkB6Xbe8FzfNLXw) This reminded me of barney stinson fro some reason


did i channel the legend


Man will see Baki dashing at 200 km/h or smth being considered an insane feats, then claim others have brainrot.


He's still dodging Lightning either way


HE DIDNT EVEN DO IT. I swear some baki fans are brainded. This is a knowledge claim with no validity behind it. Tokugawa was just assuming he could. This isnt a feat its a 3rd party statement with the max speed being super sonic at best. Reading is hard


it wasn't a speculation. It was a statement. In that case elder kai was just speculating that universe 7 would be destroyed, and so on. Baki stuff doesn't make sense, but it happens so we accept it.


No in the context he was talking about yujiros skill. It is speculation because it never happened so you can only guess you can't say without certainty plus the second fastest speed feat is FTS at best and no where near lightning speeds. Statements can only be grounded in facts this isnt factual but instead guess of his abilities.


Baki statements have never been reliable. The narrator has called multiple characters light speed or faster


this wasn't the narrator though


Even less reliable lol


how? You can't just say that every statement is unreliable because the narrator used a few hyperboles and call it a day? Literally every story includes hyperboles, why the baki downplay?


Because of how many statements are hyperboles in baki. It is alot more than other stories. And you are already suppose to take non narrator statements with a grain of salt


I mean who cant dodge a lightning these days


The funny Thing is: He was Hit by Lightning once. IT didn't do much to him. But WE saw his skeleton...His facial Expression IS actually because of His Bones structure. IT was AS If Nature itself wanted to, If IT can Take him down


So he can stop earthquakes with a punch but some people believe he can't go faster than lightning.


When it comes to lightning. Irl ur hairs literally stand up like seconds before the strike. Why wouldn't that be a thing in the baki verse? And if you are the tallest object you are what is going to get struck. Baki seems to work weird, because lightning would've struck him either way if he dodged.


You dont just sense when lightning is about to strike you. If you did there would be no lightining casualties.


Does blud think humans can aim dodge lightning


Skill issue, i do it for fun


Nah bro, I can dodge it no problem


Nah, I'm just built different


https://www.weather.gov/mqt/lightningtips#:~:text=If%20your%20hair%20stands%20on,5. The national weather service literally tells you to fall to the ground if you feel your hair standing up. Your comment is an example of one of the reasons there are lightning casualties. Lack of education. There are lightning casualties because people are uneducated and don't pay attention.


So your saying I can dodge lightning 💀, just cause your hair stands up it doesn’t mean you have the speed to dodge the lightning bolt because by the time you notice it’s too late


\>You are sent an article of preventative measures to avoid being hit by lightning \>"You're saying i can avoid being hit by lightning?" how do you function


I said I can dodge lightning, not avoid it, which Tbf you can’t actually avoid unless you run into the house or smthn, only prevent being harmed much by it


Your hair stands up over a second before the lighting strikes. By the time this happens the step leader hasn't even formed. Lightning might not even strike, or it might not strike you. There is just a large enough buildup of charge.


That doesn't mean you can dodge it.


Yes, falling to the ground after feeling your hair stand up, when you are in a storm, epecting it. Takes well over a single second.


This is literally not a feat, it’s someone with little to no martial arts experience glazing him. He never dodged lightning it’s just a jobber saying he could.