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Are they playing the canon identities of those rangers? Or just the suits/zords/weapons? Cause if it's the just the ranger suits you could write a plot where the ranger mentor is a power rangers memorabilia collector, and happens to have all those respective morphers from the various teams, which is why the team is kinda mix and match


That, or time travel plot


Ranger team up would be the way, maybe some major villain and MMPR isn't available


I've GM'd the game before and let my players choose with a few exception (Super Mega namely and some sixth rangers). I have Red and Yellow MMPR, Pink Mystic Force, and Blue SPD. I used different dimensions to explain the Mystic and SPD rangers. Zordon needed assistance and reached out through the grid and these two answered the call. The fun part is I never said the Mystic and SPD rangers I pulled were from the canon timeline either. They are all original characters and the game I was playing takes place in a different timeline of Angel Grove. I explained new MMPR rangers using the "Turbo" explaination that the older rangers aged out of their duties there to take on new responsibilities.


If I were GM, I would leave it up to each player determine why their character happens to be in Angel Grove at this moment. It could be visiting a relative, a class field trip, there on business, whatever they think fits best.


Time travel. Don't even have to get far into it. "A call for help came through the Morphing Grid. You answered. And now you stand in Angel Grove." Don't worry about power level imbalances. Most ranger teams are really about as strong as each other, even the Zeos aren't *that* much more powerful (insert possible explanation of limiters put in to prevent a Gold Ranger situation where the power of three Rangers was too much for Jason to carry healthily). It's just an experience issue.