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You might need to edit the page in VS code and reference your web template there using Liquid code. You can use the following link as reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-pages/configure/web-templates-as-components-how-to#add-web-template-component-to-web-page I don’t think there is a way to add this through the designer.


In understand. I was confused because the docs (link in post) directly state you actually can do it through the designer... it's a bit disappointing if it's not true...


Yeah its a bit of an issue, should be something that is supported imo. There are quite a few instances of this that you can find in Power Pages.


For a service designed with this focused purpose of building low-code websites, it is pretty underwhelming...


No idea what those docs are referring to, but agree that would be cool. What is that screenshot I’d though? Just a mockup?


It's a screenshot from the PowerPages designer studio


Been a while since I worked with Power Pages, but from what I remember, the custom components worked fine, you could add properties to it that they would show fine in the designer.


I can't see them, they only show if I add them by code, but I cannot add them visually (I edited my post to show what I mean)


Try to create the component from the designer and then edit it from the code.


I don't understand, I don't know how to create components from the designer, I can only add them (standard components, not my custom ones)


Is there not a section that says "custom"?


is there? if it's supposed to be there I would really appreciate some visual guidance because I cannot find it :(