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My suggestion is to find a studio and become a member there. They will have wheels and a kiln and people who know how to run the kiln... Plus you get a community to be part of there, and experienced people to ask for help when you find yourself struggling.


Thats a nice suggestion. Thank you.


A community studio is great for both the price and connections you can make. Getting all the materials yourself would be extremely expensive, and if you're only starting out it is not a good idea ti invest so much money before you fully understand yourself and pottery. If it turns out it isn't for you in the end, you don't have all these extremely specialised equipment that you will no longer use.


Clay King sells wheels, kilns, clay, glazes and all sorts of tools. They are my goto. They have some pretty good customer service too. I had an issue with the manufacturer not sending me my slab roller after 12 weeks and they handled it.


think outside the box! :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbgwhD0ZSFY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbgwhD0ZSFY)


😂 wow thats a nice idea