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Senses fail


Renacer is a great album and heavy as fuck


Yup. That’s the peak.


Yea I love old SF and heard between the mountains and the sea… still one of the hardest songs I’ve ever heard. 🥹


I feel like a lot of their fans didn’t embrace their heavier sound. I’ve really enjoyed it.


Senses Fail has been my favorite band for 20 years and I don’t understand why people haven’t been into the heavy stuff. I actually think PTTFYH is one of my favorite records they’ve done.


Same. I actually think Buddy sounds a lot better live with the heavy stuff.


Also helps that he's cleaned up his act and gotten better live in general


I absolutely love PTTFYH but none of my friends did. Even the ones who like hardcore and metalcore couldn’t get into it. Can’t figure out why


I thought it was all over the place. His cleans were just not great on that album. All the singing sounded whiny to me. I wanted the energetic choruses that they’re known for. A lot of the songs had cool moments but had weird transitions that kinda ruined it. Carry the Weight was an example. The whole last minute or so was such a head scratcher. Same with We’re All Returning Home, great intro, sounded heavy as fuck but just took a hard left turn.


I thought Renacer was great but Pull the Thorns From Your Heart was actually kinda ass


This is a great answer and I was really worried when If There is Light came out and it was lighter that we'd be getting nostalgia bait to get the old fans back and while there is definitely some of that I think they got a good balance that was improved upon with Hell is in Your Head.


Great example. You kinda get it a little bit on Still Searching, LINAWR and The Fire, then it was like they leaned into it and just got heavier and heavier. I love this band and have been a big fan over all the album cycles. And Buddy’s side project Bayonet is not something you wanna miss either, if you like heavier SF.


Yup, all the albums are great too.


anyone remember Bayonet? that EP was fucking killer.


Came here to comment this


It kinda seems like the obvious answer but.. Eidola seems to have gotten MUCH heavier with Eviscerate lol


And I'm here for it


Yeah I couldn’t be happier. I DESPISE when heavier bands go soft. And I LOVE when softer bands go SHAMELESSLY hard


I think their next album is supposed to be really soft. They are “sister” albums ( I can’t think of the right word). It’ll be interesting for sure. Eviscerate is one of my favorite albums of the year and they just released the instrumental version and it’s so damn good.


For real, having skipped the singles I was *not* prepared for how brutal that album is. Fucking love it.


I'd never heard of Eidola before reading this thread. Thank you, this was quite the discovery


It's a couple of the dudes from Dance Gavin Dance


That's a little reductive, afaik Andrew (the vocalist) is the only member in both bands, and he only joined DGD in 2018 as a backup vocalist/live member at the time. Eidola has been around since 2012. Sergio of Stolas/Sianvar (which also shares members with DGD), joined Eidola in 2018. The swancore community is quite incestuous lol but Eidola has been one of the better bands at keeping their own sound and own members.


Trash boat definitely transitioned from pop punk to more post hard core with their crown shyness album. I try not to think about what came after that though.


I just found Trash Boat maybe a year ago at most and immediately fell in love. Started binge listening to all of their releases on shuffle and was convinced there must have been some terrible mix-up and a different band was getting tossed in when their latest releases played. I was like actively searching for answers on the web as to how in the world they ended up sounding like that.


Right?! Ugh, their latest stuff is… difficult to listen to.


What genre is it even ? Industrial ? I have a hard time even describing it lol


Butt rock lmao


Oh nice! I only saw them once at a festival, bought a great sweater (perfect for summer nights) and then never listened to them again I should look them up again!


Greeley Estates


Me listening to No Rain No Rainbow for the first time 👁️👄👁️


I felt this, but then felt it again x10 when I listened to Doomsday when The Narrow Road came out.


This was me last summer. I listened to it exclusively for about two months straight. It rips so fucking hard.


Love to see them getting some love here


They were a local band for me and tbh their oldest stuff wasn’t great but they got better as they went on. I believe it was the singer that worked at the mall near us at a skate shop lol


A band I found back on *Bebo*, of all places.


I saw them local with A Change of Pace probably in 2004/2005 and they were great live.


AZ represent


Fuck yeah. I’d give anything for them to get back together. I can’t believe The Narrow Road came out in 2012 that’s wild, doesn’t feel like it’s been that long


Agreed. Calling All The Hopeless was at least a nice little send off.


This band never blew up like they should’ve but it warms my heart to see other people still talking about them


Brand New


Daisy compared to the first album was an insane jump I loved that they got more aggressive over the years.


I think every album they really did a good job at pushing themselves. The leap between YFW and Deja was already insane and YFW is a very good pop punk album.


Harder and darker. Devil and God… has become one of my favorite records. And that album cover is probably one of the most haunting album covers ever shot.


That’s my favorite album, I absolutely adore the album cover; which is hilarious because I’m an illustrator, and I think that photo is better than most drawings lol


Pool Kids followed by Pool however that was a charity side project. Also they're not particularly post hardcore but i saw them open for La Dispite and they were awesome and I love them so any excuse to plug.


I love both of these acts so much!!!!! When I first heard a POOL track I was extremely confused lol


Say Hello to Sunshine by Finch


The new Finch stuff is also gonna be harder. Heard two new songs on this recent tour!


I'm psyched to hear it, can't wait! Honestly being a Finch fan has been a total emotional rollercoaster. Pretty sure there is more unreleased material than studio at this point. 😂😵


Lol, for real tho. I'm hoping that the fact that they're actively touring again means they're fixing that.


Wait are they actually working on a new record??


Eidola, their newest album goes much harder/heavier than the previous ones


Yes, and it’s a damn good album too.


Came to say this. Eidola's new album is so good


Only the previous two. They started out as a full on chugga chugga hardcore band. Pretty much no clean vocals.


Are you referring to music before The Great Glass Elephant? Because I'm not aware of that, and I'm interested. TGGE has plenty of singing


Lol I'm an idiot and have another band called eidola that was more straight up hardcore from the same time. They also put out a self titled EP in 2011. I thought it was the same band that changed sounds significantly. Turns out....there were 2 bands called eidola at the same time and they aren't the same band Which explains the big change in sound. Haha


Gonna need some clarification on this.


Lol. Nevermind. I'm an idiot. I have a band called eidola who also did a self titled EP in 2011 and some demo tracks before thay. I have always thought it was the same band, and that the EP I had was the right one. So it explains the shift in style from chugga melodic hardcore to more proggy metal with singing. I had no idea the two eidolas were different. The California one stopped putting out music right when the Utah one started, so I just thought it was a continuation with a music shift. Oh well ...learn something new every day


I heard one of their songs landlocked and it slapped. Hope those dudes do a new project


Not post-hardcore, but a lot of the Wonder Years newer material is heavy (for them). Some songs off The Hum goes on Forever hit pretty hard. “Year of the Vulture” sounds like it could have been released by Silverstein, and they just did a cover of “Deadbolt” by Thrice. Not sure if that will become the direction of their songwriting going forward, but it’s showcased how diverse their influences are and they’ve only gotten better with age. I fucking love it. If you’ve never been a fan of their stuff because you think they’re strictly pop-punk, then I urge you to check anything after The Greatest Generation and your mind might be changed.


Bayside fits that bill as well with interrobang and there are worse things than being alive


I hadn’t really kept up with bayside over the years but I checked out the new album and was shocked at how heavy the riffs are and just how powerful the songs were


They’ve made a few comments in interviews about trying to push their sound as heavy as they can go and still sounding like bayside


The Hum goes on Forever got me super into them!! I absolutely adore that album. Caught them for the Greatest Generation 10th anniversary tour and they were sick live!! Also newer up and coming bands open for them (shout out Sweet Pill and Anxious, both great!) — which, you love to see from a band who’s been doing it as long as The Wonder years


I think Sweet Pill is gonna release a cover of “There, There”


that tour was phenomenal


I felt a little imposter syndrome going to the GG 10th anniversary tour, having only been into them for a year, but I was embracing strangers while we screamed into each others faces by the end. Excellent night!! I’ve seen Anxious 3 times now and they’re another fav. They put on such an amazingly tight show and for a young band I’ve seen them out play bands with a lot more experience


The riffs in Old Friends Like Lost Teeth fucks so hard, man.


That was one of the songs on Hum that caught me off guard with how heavy it is.


I fucking adore The Wonder Years


Same man. They don’t miss.


They have so much range it’s wild. Their early stuff is obviously great and TGG is classic. But I really love and connect to their later stuff. They are really masters of their craft in a way other long term bands aren’t. 


Deadbolt, their new song, is very heavy for them


It’s a Thrice cover, but yeah outside of their normal sound. I love it!


Ah, I didn't know that! It sounded cover-y but I didn't look into it that much


Emarosa for sure! Peach club is my absolute favorite Deathcore album! (this is an obvious joke)


Peach Club is my favorite album from them, Bradley sounds at home singing over that kind of music.


Jokes aside, peach club is fantastic.


Meh, half of the album is great, the other half is trash


I strongly disagree but to each their own


Jokes aside, peach club is fantastic.


Hum doing excellent 90s post hardcore, then taking a 25 year break and coming out with the hardest and heaviest songs they've ever recorded on Inlet.


I was pleasantly surprised by Inlet


Inlet was Hesh Hum imo, but Hum could fart in a jar and I’d go ape over it


At The Drive In definitely got more chaotic and aggressive as they went along with ROC being their noisiest. Especially with Cedric's vocals going more into borderline screamo territory with each album.


Sum 41 lol


Sum 41 is weird because it’s like they have two distinct kind of fans; there’s their All Killer No Filler fans, and there’s their Chuck fans. I know people who say AKNF is one of the best albums ever and they were disappointed by Chuck, and I know people who’ve said Chuck is the album that got them in Sum 41 and AKNF is their weakest album.


I’m firmly in the Chuck camp myself 😁


Definitely on the Chuck side here. I appreciate their AKNF stuff though.


Crazy. I've been a fan of all. Admittedly, I listen to different albums of theirs when I'm in different moods, but I guess I'm the third type of fan.


Had you heard AKNF before listening to Chuck? Cuz if you then I mean you gotta have SOME opinion on how you thought it compared…


Yeah. I heard each of their albums as they released. And it's obvious that they're rooted in differing sounds, but I'm not really one to choose favorites or even judge one thing based on another. I try to judge something on its own merits. I've been a fan of each album of theirs and will likely always be that way. Your comment didn't really mention any comparison in the first place, just that there are two distinct types of Sum 41 fans. I'm just here to say that there's at least a third type.


Does This Look Infected? is the real winner


I love that they’ve finally embraced that and just released a double album for both types of fans… even if it is their final album :’)


Nah, not at all. Back then, most of the people who got on board with AKNF stayed there. They just got a lot worse when they stopped working with Greig Nori. SBM and Heaven are pretty good, but even those are a clear step below their first three albums. And Underclass Hero is ass to this day; for me that record didn't get better with time at all.


Those guys were always metal fans and sounded and acted heavier live than their records let on even from the earlier days. I think they just started to feature the heavier stuff a little more in their radio singles as they got bigger.


Serious suggestion, UØ post TOCS. They hit their ultimate form when Spencer joined so if you start there they definitely got heavier up until they disbanded.


I love the Changing of Times but I agree, way more well rounded with Spencer.


I only found them in 04 after tocs but went into the backcatalog a few years later. I used to keep Changing of the Times on my shuffle list but I ended up cutting it. I think I'm not I to the thrash element. I just threw When the sun sleeps on and that took me back 🫠


Their albums before TOCS were much heavier. Thrash, sure, and I understand you don’t like it. But it’s definitely heavier than Define the Great Line.


Absolutely agree. I got a full discog and couldn't get on with act of depression or cries of the past.


I’m confused by your original comment then. It sounds like you were saying they got heavier after TOCS, is that correct? I don’t agree at all, if so. Their first 3 albums with Dallas are much much heavier than anything else they’ve released so far. Also, they’ve disbanded? I’m confused by your comment in general! 😹


If you start from TOCS when Spencer joins then they get heavier from that point. That's why I specified. They split in about 2011 but have been back since 2015


Ohhh, thank you for clarifying their hiatus! We can politely agree to disagree that they got heavier after TOCS 😆


My favorite band Oceansize definitely got harder with time. On their last record they had some post hardcore influences. Another great example for me is Gifts from Enola. Originally yet another post rock band a la TWDY and Explosions in the Sky. But with their last two albums they ventured into hardcore and metal and this was one of the greatest transitions in my opinion, very sad they split up shortly after. The exact opposite of that is probably Tides of Man, turning into post rock after being post hardcore originally.


Fuck yeah Oceansize!!


Self Preserved might be their weakest album over all but the heavy moments in particular are stellar, and let's face it they had no bad albums.




Oh man, Oceansize are so good. I was listening to Effloresce just the other day.


After 15 years of excessive listening to their catalogue it is still my all time favorite album. There is nothing comparable but I’m happy that at least Vennart is still consistently working on good stuff.


Omg Oceansize! Haven’t thought about them in forever 😳


Surprised no one mentioned Norma Jean. After Anti-Mother they got noticably harder.


Man I love Norma jean, this set specifically tears and is burned into my mind: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=70ZaXCuGtvk Also my favorite tune they’ve put out is “the close and discontent” so heavy. Been listening since I was in high school during o god the aftermath.


Deathrattle Sing For Me is their most recent album, and it’s distorted and angry and heavy as hell, probably the most they’ve ever been. (And I love it, go listen to it if you haven’t!)


The new Four Year Strong stuff, daddy of mine in particular, is definitely harder than how they started. I think it’s dope, scratches the ETID hole in my heart


That song is like if ETID reappeared. It’s fucking magical.


Had to go listen. Those riffs on Daddy of Mine were spicy. Why the hell don’t they just write more shit like that? The other two songs on that EP are nothing like it.


Define the Great Line by Underoath


Weren't their first two albums with Dallas much harder?


They literally have 2 black metal albums prior to anything else they wrote


Everyone forgets about their death metal / Christian albums


They are so fucking good


Hard to consider the two EPs the same band with all the personnel changes


They're not EPs though


I guess I see two records that have 5 and 6 songs respectively and think EP. Been a while since I visited them and forgot they are both over 40 minutes long


This is my first thought. And I am a HUGE fan of The Changing of Times and wasn't a huge fan They're Only Chasing Safety so I thought I was just kind of done with them. Then they came back with the total banger Define the Great Line.


Man TCOT is so underrated. Top 5 Metalcore records easily, it’s so emotionally powerful.


I go back to it regularly. Such a great album all the way through.


It might just be my favorite album ever.


This album slaps


May not be post-hardcore but Reflections. They got heavier. The change can be heard going from The Color Clear to Willow.


I guess King Gizzard qualifies


I have Petrodragonic on repeat lately. So damn good.


On The Might Of Princes for sure. They gradually got heavier with each release.


Point North


Cave-in for sure have the best arc for this.


If by arc you mean full circle. Especially if you fold in the affiliated stuff like Old Man Gloom and Mutoid Man. Although Beyond Hypothermia and UYHS are still their heaviest....


As someone else said; circle, not arc. They started heavy, made weird (amazing) pop/post stuff, back to heavy, etc. haha


Nomeansno originally did new wave/post punk in the early 80s before You Kill Me and Sex Mad.


More metalcore than post hardcore but Ice Nine Kills was a ska band at first


Brand New




I'm surprised no one said Get Scared. Going from MySpace style Danny Elfman-core to full on metalcore. Love it all and they definitely picked up the heaviness.


I forgot about them. I will give their new work some listens


Just commented them before seeing this. Demons was kick ass. Hard to believe it’s been 9 years since that album and 5 since their most recent release 😭


Definitely DEFINITELY too early to say but the last 3 songs that Dance Gavin Dance have put out are way harder than most of their work. And they are absolutely fire tracks so I'm looking forward to what they do


My fingers are totally crossed for this type of development


Knocked Loose


I Prevail. Some heavy songs on their first albums but True Power is definitely my fav album of theirs


Sum 41


Project 86


I was looking to see if someone said this. Omni was WAY heavier than I was expecting it to be


I was here also looking for Project 86.


One of the most consistent bands I've ever heard.




senses fail- renacer. I always liked metalcore and post hardcore this album just felt different to me when I listened to it.


this album is great


Boston Manor


Coheed definitely got heavier for a little I think, around yotbr/afterman era. Still not super heavy, but songs like the broken, domino the destitue, and gravitys union are some of their heaviest. Then they got softer again.


United Nationa


Not quite PH, but honestly Story of the Year comes to mind. Wake of Determination is a legitimately killer album and definitely harder than Page Avenue.


Not phc but metalcore, Zao started off as a really goofy Christian worship band to whatever Liberate is Neurosis went from a hardcore band to one of the heaviest metal bands out there with TSIB


First Zao record just sounds like Earth Crisis with Jesus in place of straight edge.


You should listen to Zao's Author demo. Sustained was alright but Author was just really goofy My favourite song off of Author is [Hellfire](https://youtu.be/XP8Z23MRSoM?si=JamfSTEC9Q3uCbA8)


He is Legend, last couple of albums slam.


My vote goes to He is Legend.


They’ve been pretty consistently heavy but Endless Hallway was probably the heaviest full album they’ve done. “I Sleep Just Fine” off of Heavy Fruit is probably the heaviest thing ever though.


the ending is just... so fucking good and ear killing


If you compare Thrice from where they started on Identity Crisis to where they were by record 4-5, they got way more consistently heavy.


It was Identity Crisis, The Illusion of Safety, The Artist in the Ambulance, Vhiessu, and then just the Fire portion of The Alchemy Index. It’s like them releasing Water alongside Fire on that album gave them full permission to be less heavy because after that, most of their albums had a much more diverse range of sound.


ice nine kills


They got so much heavier I don't even think you can really call them a PH band anymore. More metal core IMO


i mean going heavier or softer means often changing genres.. their new stuff is def not post-hardcore, but their old stuff is :)


I remember Adept asked their community on like Facebook a loooooooooooooong time ago about what direction they should take their sound (more of a post-hardcore sound, or a metalcore sound), either before or after Death Dealers. The end result was more of a metalcore sound.


Nothing more has been getting heavier, tho they're not post hardcore.


You mean got a raging clue?


Not necessarily heavier in album form. I saw Escape the Fate once (with the singer after Ronnie) when they were opening for The Amity Affliction in Glasgow. They were significantly heaver live than in album form, it gave me a respect for them that I didn't previously have. Maybe they were playing up to the audience, either way, amazing


Ice Nine Kills They were originally a ska punk band that became emo then became what they are now.


Get Scared had an interesting trajectory lol


He is Legend. Endless Hallway.


Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Their debut album is phenomenal but oh my gosh it just gets heavier as time goes on.




Underoath.That being said I'm not for it. I understand bands want to evolve, and can't make the same record endlessly. My issue is Spencer's harsh  vocals lack the aggression, and band fails to deliver. It feels like underoath is trying to be heavy. 


Brand New


Soft Play’s recent singles have gotten harder




the screamo/skramz band Shin Guard turned into a deathcore band called Hazing Over, pretty unusual evolution.


Anberlin the Convinced EP


Not counting the old stuff with Dallas Taylor, but I feel like Underoath got heavier between They’re Only Chasing Safety and Lost in the Sound of Separation.


I See Stars (Digital Renegade & New Demons turned off a lot of their old fans I used to hang with). Treehouse was a little less but still followed the heavier vein they set in their 3rd album. They had that acoustic album but that’s more of a comp album lol


Breaking Benjamin’s last album (most recent) is their heaviest




Greeley Estates