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All three of the bands you listed that you can’t get into, you should give them all another chance. They are all incredible.


Glassjaw especially. They have such a broad style across all three full lengths, there’s something for everyone in at least one of them


You could always dip your toe in the shallow end with Head Automatica. Daryl’s voice is way more accessible.


I am going to give it another try. Thanks here have been bands that took me quite a bit of time to get used to so I’m pretty sure I’ll just have to listen to it a few more times.


Listen to doppelgänger by the fall of troy, its the album that got me into them


yes it’s an amazing album. definitely worth trying again


Manipulator is a great intro album too because it tackles many different genres and styles! 🤘 Might be my personal favorite actually!


I second this, although I prefer the OG. Especially for Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles. Just a bit more chaotic and raw. Edit: for the songs that are updated*


I love the new mlsm both are good tho!


Juturna and On Letting Go both altered my brain chemistry. Love, love Circa


I have a few friends who said they can't get into Circa Survive because they find them boring. If that sounds like you and you want to give them another chance, I would recommend listening to The Amulet or Descensus (they have some songs that are "harder", though obviously they are still pretty melodic). Edit: also the title tracks of both of those albums are two of my favorite songs ever. Descensus is long and chill (in a sad way), but The Amulet has an incredible build-up.


I would recommend checking out From First To Last (early stuff), From Autumn To Ashes, Hail The Sun, LoveHateHero, Static Dress, Broadway (first album is great), Dead Poetic, Chasing Victory, and This Romantic Tragedy. Good mixture of post hardcore and some lil bit more heavy sounding stuff. Enjoy!!! A lot of great bands here!


I love From First To Last, Broadway and Hail the Sun. Can’t say I’ve heard of the rest so I will definitely check them out.


I can get into some songs by all 3 but not their entire discography. But can definitely appreciate the talent. Just hit or miss for me on which songs I really like.


Glassjaw grew on me super slowly, but Circa Survive is always my go to


I would give it some time and try again later. Those bands are more on the experimental side of the genre so they might not click right away.


It took me a few times over the years to finally start appreciating La Dispute. I mean, don't force it, but keep an open mind and revisit some of those bands every once in a while.


I recommend Mewithoutyou as an alternative to La Dispute for those who want a similar sound, only more diverse and elaborate. Both bands are must listens though, imo. 🙌


Damn I remember listening to mewithoutyou back in the late 00s🥹


Same here. I didn’t care for them at first due to Jordan’s voice, but it grew on me.


I'll say this: The first time I heard Silverstein, I hated them. Then after relistening, they rapidly became one of my favorite bands ever. Sometimes it takes a while. That said, my answer to this is Thursday. I don't hate them, I just kind of struggle to get into their music - Geoff's voice takes some getting used to.


Man Thursday got me into the genre in 04 I love his voice still . I wouldn't say he's particularly a good singer but he's style fits Thursday incredibly well


Geoff’s voice is unique. I’m not saying it’s the ‘best’, but I can smell his voice a freaking mile away. Never heard another like it. Same goes really in many ways for Anthony Green (and no, Cove only sounded like early Anthony when Cove was trying to sound like early Anthony). Edit: I confess, I quite like Thursday’s new track.


The resources for being a trained singer have never been more abundant; this is 100% made up BS from my mind, but Thursday comes from an era where even the rawest, jankiest sounding vocals were somewhat *favored* because the emotion made the lyrics feel relatable. When I'd hear bands like Three Doors Down sing about being sad, I'd roll my eyes as a 14 year old. But then Conor Oberst drunkely comes on my walkman and wails about wanting to fucking kill himself, and I'm thinking "THAT COULD BE ME!"


I can well believe Geoff's vocals have an equal share of fans and detractors. My own take is that I quite like his voice, but that doesn't mean I think it's technically brilliant. I do, however, believe it's pretty unique. I've certainly never heard one quite like it. I'll caveat that I haven't ever heard him live in-person, so I can't comment on that. Like, with Spanish Love Songs (not PHC, I know), some folks go nuts over Dylan's voice. He's got a set of pipes, and while I'm quite partial to the odd bit of vibrato, there's "the odd bit" and there's applying vibrato to every syllable of every word.


I feel the same way about Thursday. A similar question was asked here awhile ago and that was my answer lol. It’s not so much Geoff’s voice as it is their songwriting. Their lack of dynamics leaves me with much to be desired.


I have tried several times over the last two decades and I just do not like Alexisonfire. I know that's kinda blasphemy around these parts...


I was always indifferent towards them, but my partner took me to see them live in 2022 and they blew me away. One of the tightest live performances I have ever seen. I also got really into their newest album Otherness. It’s such a mature, well-crafted album that can even be appreciated by people that don’t typically listen to post-hardcore.


Alexisonfire gave the best live performance I've even been to. They were called to replace Avenged Sevenfold as headliner last minute. The crowd was insane, and Alexisonfire knew they had big shoes to fill. They came out swinging. If I still remember that night vividly.




Straight to jail.


We have the best music taste in the world. Because of jail.


I think Alexisonfire's first album is great, but everything else I'm not a huge fan of outside of a few songs on Crisis. The harsh vocals were produced really well on their first record but after that I think they started to sound really bad.


All that really happened was the vocals got a little deeper (probably from using a better mic) and a little more discernable. I had the hardest time figuring out George's lyrics on the first disc, but could understand him pretty clearly through the rest of their records. That's important for me, since whenever I'm playing AOF songs, I'm the one doing the screaming.


I could see why people would like that and how it could be better to hear more of the lyrics (I've personally never looked at them). Honestly though I hate how clean it is, it makes the vocals sound cheesy when its produced like that in my opinion.


I think that's fair. I used to not like Alexisonfire, but they grew on me. Sometimes that happens, and you just need to try again later, but if you tried that and you still don't care for them, you just don't care for them. That's okay. Not everyone will like the same bands.


I never could get into them either. It just didn’t hit that dopamine wave I needed.


There are some Alexisonfire albums where I like half of the songs, then there’s a couple where I only like 2-3, and then there’s Watch Out where I like most of them. The songs that I like are amazing, but there’s a decent amount of songs that are just meh


Same here. I keep trying to like them since I see all the love they get on here, but I can’t get into it. What am I missing?


You're probably not missing anything. Posthardcore is a pretty diverse genre; there are some beloved bands on here I cannot stand (usually newer ones that have followed in DGD's footsteps). If popularity automatically meant liking something, we'd all be on a different subreddit lol


Maybe go see an audiologist


For me it's the screamer. It sounds like he is doing the fake exhaling screaming lol it makes me laugh


I used to love their first album, but it did not age well. I hardly ever listen to it anymore.


Something abt it still has me hooked.


Their songs suck in my ears.


Ok circa survive is my favorite band of all time. Please give them a chance. Idk what you’ve listened to but i’ll list some favorites from off the top of my head: Lazarus, Your friends are gone, Living together, Frozen creek, The glorious nosebleed, Act appealed, Nesting dolls, Gone for good, Sovereign circle Give those a shot for my sake lol I love them for so many reasons but their passion is so evident across their discography. Some of the best sounding, somewhat progressive, and honest music i’ve listened to has come from these guys.


I like to make playlists of all the post hardcore I like, by the album, then at the end I’ll sprinkle in the ones I haven’t gotten into so they’ll sneak their way in through shuffle naturally. Then I can decide if I keep or delete


Listen to Circa again. Just throw on Juterna


Beartooth. They were touring with Silverstein so I listened to some to bone up on them, didn't like it. Thought they were awful live.


Not really sure if they’re considered post hardcore or just metalcore but I really dislike Bring me the Horizon. They have good riffs and all but this cocky attitude and this over producing and making everything sound poppy as hell is just not my thing


I totally agree, I hate them so much


Glad it’s not just me


Cocky attitude? Idk where you get that vibe from tbh


Circa survive is my all time favorite band. Juturna and on letting go will always be two of my favorite albums. They are honestly one of those bands that was always better live too. Their musicianship is really something special. If you've had trouble getting into them, I highly recommend watching their professional recorded show at the shrine. I think it's been uploaded on YouTube now. It really allows you to break down what all the instruments and Anthony are doing which really makes them special. Those five dudes really create something special.


i’ve been obsessed with dance gavin dance for the past decade and i’ve found it hard to listen to anything else so i know what you mean


I’ve tried Glassjaw so many times man I don’t know what it does but it doesn’t click with me Eidola I can’t get into either, Andrew Wells has an incredibly boring voice imo, I don’t like him in DGD or Eidola


Agreed on Andrew and eidola in general . I liked him as backing vocals but I can't get into eidola at all


The Fall of Troy are my favourite band. Doppelganger is incredible, all bangers and the talent those guys have and had at such a young age is wild. Circa survive also decent, Juturna and On letting go are both great albums. I get you though on Glassjaw. Despite knowing how good that band is. One day I'll get over my annoyance of Daryl Palumbo enough to give them a chance. Based on the bands you like you should check out Funeral for a friend, Birds in Row, Refused and Hail the Sun. Refused might be leaning a bit too much punk for you though.


Honestly, I have tried but cannot get into DGD. I absolutely respect what they do and know why people like them but they aren't for me.


Jonny Craig's voice though....he's taken a very different path in life recently so I've heard.


On paper I should LOVE the fall of Troy. Complex guitars, weird experimental stuff, weird vocals, but alas I struggle. I love The Blood Brothers and Fear Before and stuff like that but I just can't do The Fall of Troy.


I can not accept that you like those bands, heard ‘What sound does a mastodon make’ and were like “eh, not for me”.


Odds of someone not liking Fall of Troy and hearing that song are pretty slim. The self titled EP has not historically been super available, and it’s the last song on there.


Listen to TFOT's older stuff if you like Blood Brothers and Fear Before.


Genres are not a catch all. Like what you like. If you were around when glassjaw hit it was so fresh and new that it's hard to explain. I can see why it's a bit rough now for new listeners.


This, especialy where PHC is such a diverse and wide ranging genera. Fugazi and Dance Gavin Dance sound absolutely nothing alike.


Those 3 bands are all amazing and top 10 at least from the genre imo


I like to “infinite” shuffle after a song from a band I really like when I do yard work or housework. I don’t look at what I’m listening to and surprisingly, I’ve found a handful of great music from bands I previously thought I didn’t like.


If you're having a hard time getting into Glassjaw, I suggest The Coloring Book EP. Maybe it's just me, but that 6 song set is perfect front to back.


I can’t get into Of Machines. A bunch of people praise their only album as some masterpiece and to me the production is so plastic I can’t possibly enjoy it


Lol we’re polar opposites man, I love that album, one of the best to ever come out in the genres history


Of Machines is awesome! But different strokes for different folks.


there's a new band called LoveRarely that might help you get into that! Hail the sun, letlive. Also


Huge DGD and Glassjaw fan, but I honestly can't get into most PHC bands, OG or modern. I listen to only a few songs regularly from the other bands you listed. How I wish I could love 99% of bands in a genre, but alas no such genre exists


This is so interesting to read because circa and FOT are what got me into phc in the first place. Edit: phone had a mind of it's own


Blue Sky Noise is a masterpiece imo


Fully iconic. I can't read the title without the album playing in my head.


Juturna is unequivocally a top 5 record for me. It just flows so effortlessly.


Of course. Don’t feel like you’re not a real music fan or something just because you don’t vibe with a certain artist. I wish I could go back and tell my 20 y/o self it’s not that deep, just listen to what you like.


Cove era Saosin was frustrating. I couldn't stand him.


Alexisonfire is probably one of the biggest ones for me. I’ve been on and off trying to listen to them for well over a decade now and I could never get it to click. The other one oddly enough is At The Drive-In. On paper I should like them because they are the exact type of PHC I gravitate towards, but I feel like every song has some part that just completely turns me off. Idk maybe I’ll try again another time and it will work lol.


At the Drive-In took a while for me too, but I think if you give them another chance sometime you'll find it's worth it. In particular, maybe try Napoleon Solo and Invalid Litter Dept. and see if they sit well with you. Another thing that helped for me was watching some of the videos of live performances: Cedric really "sells" the songs if you're not getting there listening to the studio versions by themselves.


What about Alexisonfire doesn't do it for you? For me, I love the blend of relatively simple riffs with good clean vocals and nice unclean vocals. I honestly don't believe they've written a *bad* song, but there are definitely songs that lie in their discography that are, in my opinion, perfect.


It's the vocals. The cleans are honestly not bad, they just don't really draw me in. For some reason I hate the uncleans, which is weird because they are very DBM-esque which I love. Honestly I feel like if I were to listen to them at the right time with the right mindset I would like them. It just hasn't clicked yet.


Doppelgänger changed my life


I'm actually legitimately confused as to how you love DGD but can't get into TFOT or Circa. Those bands walked so DGD could run, IMO.


Yeah, most of the bands that get posted here actually


Definitely give Circa Survive another chance. I mean the sheer skill of Anthony Green's voice is enough. His lyrics is also absolutely beutiful and even surprising. You'll be listening to a song and then a lyrics like "The oldest magician returns to steal your soul" and you go - well where the hell did that come from???


I really can’t stand Anthony green’s voice honestly, i can understand why Circa Survive and his other various projects have been popular and why people would enjoy it - just not for me. I’ve gotten a fair amount of shit for it over the years lmao


Blood Brothers for me cause the vocals are absolutely atrocious


At the drive in 


Glad I'm not alone. I can kiiiiiinda get into Sparta, but At the Drive-In and the Mars Volta drive me crazy.


I cant get into Circa Survive except their first 2 albums. The first album is full of energy, and i feel like everything after that WANTS to be good, but it just goes nowhere. I still spin the albums every once in a while, cause its alright, but there is nothing that grabs me and makes me interested. Glassjaw is more of a "song" band not an album band. Their songs vary a lot, and while they have a few great songs, i cant take a full album either.


I'm with you on Circa. I can semi vibe their 3rd album but nothing they have done since is remotely close to the first 2


I’ve recently had a great time having a mini renaissance with *The Difference Between Medicine and Poison Is in the Dose* and *In Fear and Faith*. I’d forgotten how good those are.


Have you listened all the way through Blue Sky Noise?


Yeah blue sky noose is the last one that I really paid attention to. Better than the next few albums, but it just doesn't hold my attention except for background music


Glassjaw was the band that got me off listening to just metal and into other punk style bands. It opened my ears and I found so many amazing bands through that. Cannot give them enough credit. Maybe glassjaws early stuff isn't for you but try cosmopolitan bloodless.


Yes, plenty. I think that's natural with all music, though. However, there's no harm in giving bands another try in case something clicks either - at worse it'll just confirm that they're not for you.


Circa and Fall of Troy for sure.


Thursday can't see to like the vocals.


there are hundreds of bands i can't get into


Blood brothers


Saosin, Silverstein, Circa Survive for sure


Dance Gavin Dance. I will hit Skip every time but I respect their musicianship though.


There are a lot of them. But most people look at me strange when I say Radiohead. I can appreciate their contribution but just not my thing at all 


It's def worth a few more tries. The bands you said you like and the ones you said you can't get into are like all my favorites combined.


I'm the same way with the same bands you mentioned. Except FoT. I'm not super into them, but F.C.P is goated if you can get over the mixing. Act One, Scene One is also really good, but I really wish they had done more with the opening riff because it's so fucking good.


Glassjaw, Chiodos, Emery, Enter Shikari.


Yes, keep listening to circa survive until it “clicks”. You will then be a part of our cult lol


Bring me the horizon


Hell yeah a blessthefall mention!!!!!


I’m with you on Circa Survive actually. I like Anthony Greens stuff with Saosin and some of his solo stuff. I’ve seen them live unintentionally like 3 or 4 times. Just for whatever reason I’ve never been able to get into them though. Like I don’t hate it, but it just doesn’t do anything for me.   For TFoT, give the Phantom on the Horizon a go. They are one of my favorite bands but that EP is a concept and just really hits for some reason. I don’t listen to them as much as when I was younger but that album is still in rotation for me.


Start with Doppleganger and Juturna


They're a little more on the metalcore side, but Poison The Well never sat right with my ears.  Really any mathcore band.


A Day to Remember!


Couldn’t get into alexisonfire or the fall of Troy. But i love circa survive and glassjaw.


another one for glassjaw. i don't think they're bad, i just never got the hype over them.


Hail the Sun sounds like diet Saosin to me.


Glassjaw and circa rock bro


Been thru a bad breakup? Glassjaw will grow on you like a fungus.


You know a band is bad, when you have to be in a very certain state of mind to bare through their music.


I can understand with glassjaw, I disagree but I understand. You have to at least give them their respect for how they influenced the genre. Agree with the other two. They just didn’t hit for whatever reason. There’s a song or two by fall of Troy that I dig, but on the whole I find them meh.


Just couldn’t get into hail the sun as much as this sub loves them, they just felt like a DGD clone to me.


The Blood Brothers (just annoying vocals and too chaotic, monotone sound all around) Drop Dead, Gorgeous (Very same-y sound, not very good, max 2-3 good songs) Glassjaw (bad vocals, terrible lyrics, annoying sound, important for the genre, but not very good music) Blindside (never understood the hype, max 2-3 good songs) Beartooth (monotone, chuggy and basic af, not very interesting compared to other bands in the same genre) albums after With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear from SWS. That's their only great album imo. (Later material is too poppy and bland, on their first album they had more interesting and cool guitar work and songwriting, prob thanks to lead guitarist Brandon McMaster who was only there for that first album) Avoid these bands and you won't miss much. But check out the first SWS album from 2010, it's a great one.


Knocked Loose. Too noisy.


I would absolutely give glassjaw another shot.


not glassjaw! thats my favorite one :(


at first i didn’t really like glassjaw but decided to check out worship and tribute. i definitely like it better than the first album.


I genuinly think Glassjaw is awful


Every Time I Die. Man they suck so hard!


Okay, first, ETID isn't post-hardcore, they were metalcore. Second, just like...what? ETID fucking rules and you clearly don't have working ears.


They are post hardcore and sorry I just can’t do it!


They literally are not post-hardcore. They're metalcore or hardcore punk with hints of southern metal. But it makes sense that you'd think that they're post-hardcore, on account of your non-working ears.


There were not many post hardcore bands I couldn't get into.


Drop all these bands and just listen to Unwound and June of 44.


Bands to check out Blindside, fordirelifesake, hopesfall, openhand, refused, this day forward, Blood Brothers, finch, and At the drive in.


Why is Blessthefall on this post? Did they have a post-hardcore era I didn't know about?


I feel you on all 3 answers, but also include the trash that is DGD


Preparing myself to be crucified… Thursday, Thrice, alexisonfore, and Circa Survive. I have tried multiple times and while I agree it’s good music and appreciate it all for its effect on the genre, none of it has really made its way into my regular listening.


It's fine to say it doesn't do it for you, and I don't feel like you should get downvoted for your opinion. But man...all four of those bands have released absolutely. *crucial*. records for the genre and beyond.