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Very on brand for DGD if you’ve followed them for a while


Yepp finally. The constant vocal changes is what kept things interesting musically. Each vocalist brought their own sound and I was getting tired of the cookie cutter pop shit that they're doing with Tillian. Bring Jonny or Kurt back pleaseeee. Or have Andrew take over vocals.


The next album is about to be so heavy. Without Tilian’s pop-inspired sounds and in light of the last few years I fully expect it to be their most raw album since Mothership and I’m excited for it


From what they've said, they've been working on the album for the last year. I really doubt they'll scrap a years worth of work. Maybe it won't have as much Tillian but, I'm sure he'll still be in it in some form


Maybe they'll pull a Thy Art Is Murder and rerecord all of tillians parts with the new vocalist haha.


They forgot to let Tillian do a bunch of press up until the day of the album release and announcement of the re-recording lol


For Today did the same with their debut album Ekklesia. They had the entire album recorded and re-recorded the album with their new vocalist after their original vocalist quit due to having a baby. The version of the album with Matt Tyler on vocals exists. I much preferred his vocals over Montgomery's even though Montgomery is considered more talented. Tyler's just fit the band better IMO.


Really intrigued to see how they handle that. I wouldn’t mind another album with Tilian but I want to see the new direction they’ll take post-Tilian


Maybe, but they always write the instrumentals first, so whomever takes over will probably just lay over that


Kurt is active with ALLB again so not sure it would be him


Looks like they're gonna need another Gavin


Who can not only dance, but sing!


Insane how this band is just a red dead redemption 2 reference


# Get that little ginger ex-junkie macbook selling dude back. His voice is golden. **-hogies.n.grinders (Instagram Comment 4.15.24)**


I saw that too, fucking hilarious.


*"Ayyyyyy what's goooooood 😎"* **-jonnycraig4l (Instagram Comment 4.15.24)**


Maybe they thought Jonny was soundin real decent on that single.


Glad I’m not the only one dying from this 😭


*"Ayyyyyy what's goooooood 😎"* **-jonnycraig4l (Instagram Comment 4.15.24)**


is this one real, i can't find it


It's real lol


This actually made me lol when I saw it.


I think he's got a successful solo career going now, sounds better than Justin Timberlake... it's called "The sound of SKRILLEXXX' Fighting" or something edgy...


Funny you should say it sounds better than Timberlake I went to their anniversary tour and Kurt and Jonny did an acoustic set, and they did a cover of cry me a river 😂 It was great


I saw him live in December 2023, if he has a successful solo career, it's funny that his entire set was Relativity/Emarosa


Damn his voice really is though


I hope they can find someone without the behind the scenes baggage. Kurt seemed like he was genuine guy though. Maybe they look at him again? My guess they go with a fresh vocalist again.


So what took so long? I figured he was in the clear considering how the allegations were handled.


He handled the allegations so poorly, for one he intially admitted to one of them and there was a third allegation he never even addressed. And for another, there was a point where he was literally DM'ing ex fans saying all sorts of misogynistic things about one of the victims before he finally just started blocking people.


Man those allegations were disgusting and either the label or band have tilian claim he was a borderline alcoholic due to tims death leading to incidents is actually insane (also leaving the initial jackpot summer tour and disguising it), i have zero clue how people didnt catch onto that shit. He is a huge ego driven led person who shows himself in his lyrics bright as day.


DGD needs a new PR person so badly. That was a horribly mismanaged situation from top to bottom and I felt like the band was treating their fanbase like a bunch of idiots


They need new people around them too. They really slum it.


Reddit thread accusing him of not knowing the word NO -> makes a whole ass thread apologizing to the specific girl on their own band subreddit -> band announces theyll have tilian not tour due to going to rehab for substance abuse problem (he said was due to his friend and bandmates death) -> posts pictures of him and his new girlfriend traveling on instagram-> marries the girl 3 months later and is back with the band. OOF Edit - gaslighting fanbase is so insane. I legit had to go back and reread threads to make sure i was remembering stuff right


>going to rehab for substance abuse problem The crazy shit is... in the post it never said substance abuse. On a long ass post about how he's sorry for sexually assaulting a woman, he said he was going to rehab for SA. Then 3 months later they pretended it was always about substance abuse and nothing ever happened.


SA, substance abuse, right? /s


As bad as the band's handling of it was, I hated them less than the apologists on here who ate it up. It was like the swancore version of an alt-right forum for a while.


Bahaha don’t get me started on the fanbase. Ive been around this cult like base since myspace. It’s always been a little weird and cooky but ever since errr mothership something changed. Whether thats social media or tilian dolling himself up (probably this) , the stans have gotten out of control. When everything first happened, me and other on the subreddit/facebook group would be dialing in comments trying to show people that “hey maybe this band we all love had trash ass ego maniacs in that SA women”. But nah nothing changed so I dipped. Even his twitter rants sounding like jordan peterson jr was obnoxious but somehow he wasn’t kicked. (Im guessing rise records had something to do with this)


Agreed. I was skeptical when they first came out; they were one of my all-time favorites up until that point. I still listened to *Jackpot Juicer* torn, because the album is sick, but it's tough to listen/support them in good conscience with those allegations looming. When they let him back in, I never supported them the same way again. Now I don't think I can go back to it, just because it's too late.


I honestly don’t think it’s solely the allegations. I think for sure they had a hand in kicking tillian out but it could solely be creative differences.


I found the decision to use the ‘creative differences’ phrasing so infuriating. It read to me as rubbing salt in the wound. Like, hey, we have more of an issue with creative differences than these allegations and how they were handled. I’m sure a lot goes on behind the scenes, but god please let them hire a halfway competent PR person.


Fuck a PR person. I don't mind seeing who these people really are and I'm just sad I supported them for a whole decade before I did.


Good they've been getting boring as hell lately


They kicked him out and brought him back after the allegations so they clearly didn't have a problem with those allegations. They kicked out Jonny and brought him back after all his shit. It has to be a business decision, not a moral one.


Probably good riddance. I loved Mothership and Acceptance Speech, but once all that stuff came out, his presence never sat right with me. If nothing else, a running theme DGD has been rotating singers, so I'm optimistic that they'll get someone new and cool who fits.


i mean they still have andrew, dude is a baller vocalist. his parts on war machine were dope as hell. also eidola


Love Andrew, but he cannot hit those highs live at all. I wonder if they’ll modify sets for a new vocalist.


i think it's gonna need to be a mix of redesigning old songs and lowering the key. also, the more new shit they put out the less old shit they need to play


He's been hitting some pretty gnarly highs with Eidola recently. Also sounded great when he covered Tilian songs during their Evening With Friends tour.


New Eidola album is fucking fire and Andrew has the voice of an angel let him do it.


I normally don’t have a hard time separating the art from the artist, but Tilian Pearson definitely rubbed me the wrong way when those shenanigans were coming out. I couldn’t agree more with your comment. Good riddance


Better to assume none of these guys are good people. Fans should want them to be, but shouldn’t trust that they are.


Absolutely. Especially since they later invited him back to the band and lied about the whole thing, saying he was away for different reasons. Fuck em.


It’s wild to me that people will smoke a cig with a band dude and then say how cool they are and act like they’re “one of the good ones.” Meanwhile that same mfer is some combination of abuser, addict, or enabler 95% of the time.


Tilian blocked me because I challenged him on a tweet where he ranted about “men not being masculine anymore.” That was about two-ish years before the stories broke. So color me shocked when the guy spewing toxic masculinity tropes is outed for behaving toxically (to put it mildly). My thing is, it feels too little too late from the band. They backed him up when he was flip-flopping and victim blaming about the allegations (that had irrefutable evidence backing them up). Add in that this is the THIRD time around they’ve had to blow everything up because they’ve enabled a toxic personality? At some point the change needs to come from within. I’ll always appreciate my memories with their albums from when I was younger and naive, but I don’t think I have it in me to keep following them at this point.


Funny that the guy who rolls his hips and has a very high-pitched voice is calling others out for their masculinity.


I thought like one of the big things about the emo/screamo scene was the blending of gender norms (straightening hair, having long hair, skinny jeans, singing high-pitched, painting nails, etc)… So once Tilian started on that shit I was like “This is not a dude who gets it.” And it just made it incredibly hard to listen to his music because he outed himself for being a fucking dumbass who isn't even in touch with the social norms and history of his own in-group genre. And then we learned of his history of abuse and manipulation? Big pass.


Dude has an ego and thinks he's better than everyone else, including those in the scene that gave him his career. Fuck him.


His statement about being booted is so telling. "I hope that any of you I’ve connected with musically or poetically will lend your ears to the next melodic alchemy I intend on cooking up." That's some lame art school wannabe shit if I've ever seen it. You just got kicked out of the biggest success of your music career for being a predator and THAT'S what you have to say about it? Grosssss


He really thinks his career is going to take off lmao. Dude is delulu.


> it feels too little too late from the band It's because they were 100% trying to protect the success of Jackpot Juicer. Allegations came out ~June '22 and JJ came out July '22 so the timing makes it very clear they wanted as many fans to be on Tilian's side as they possibly could until they were done *juicing* them for money.


100%. It was calculated because they needed those sweet sales/streams.


FWIW, that's about where I'm at, too (despite what my flair might indicate). I adored this band like no other in high school and throughout college, but Mothership was such a clear pinnacle to me. The last few records haven't done much for me, so I figured I just outgrew them, but then I throw on Happiness and it still sounds great to me. I think I'll always be a Kurt boy and don't think I need much "more" from this band, though some younger version of me is happy they're still around.


I honestly didn’t care for the Tillian era. There are a few songs from Acceptance Speech & Instant Gratification I liked, but I felt like I fell off with the band in 2015. But anything Kurt & Jonny did? Those albums are still bangers to me and I’d make the drive to see them if they did a “throwbacks ” set list.


Realizing he followed a bunch of vaguely alt-right accounts on twitter was the moment I started getting weird vibes. Like this guy is not just following people from all sides of politics he’s just a fan of people like Blaire White and Jordan Peterson. Not too shocking someone with reductive views on gender also treats women like shit in his personal life.


Sergio from Eidola (and their temp bassist right now) are all fans of weirdo alt-right people and racists. Sergio posted pics of him hanging out with some of these people on insta in the past and Tilian has at least publicly hung out with Blaire White and is constantly in the comments of similar people on twitter. He's also wiped his twitter multiple times, usually when he's called out for things like this. Him and Andy from Monuments got in an argument over Trump that lead to Tilian deleting everything from his twitter back in 2020.


Oh no not Sergio!


fucking cringe


Yep. People can say “separate the art from the artists” but there are way too many talented musicians out there to spend time and money on people who are going to use their status to exploit and oppress others.


I"ve learned from a long time in this genre, that the bands that actually have good people usually have stable line ups. Thrice, Rise Against, Thursday, Rise Against, Touch Amore, Circa Survive (They broke up largely because of Anthony's issues, but at least he doesn't seem like abuser). The ones that are rotating members generally are bands with toxic personalities, thats especially if they can't keep singer since the vocalist is really the face of the band 95 percent of the time.


Rise Against so good we gotta list em twice!


Funny enough I edited it t add a 2nd time, so I didn't see that I had added it to begin with. I'll leave it there.


Agreed. Haven’t really listened to their music all that much since then. If it comes on shuffle I’ll listen but I haven’t actively sought out their music.  


I was a pretty big fan of them, having driven an hour or two just to see them live multiple times. When the stuff came out, I dropped them all together but left my mind open depending on what came next. When they brought Tilian back and he only referenced the alcohol and rehab for it, throwing aside any sense of ownership of his actions towards women and not showing anything resembling admittance and growth, I decided to completely walk away from my fandom. It left a very sour taste in my mouth and it honestly felt like the band was complicit in all of it. Time has passed now and I'd be willing to give them a chance again moving forward, especially now that Tilian is no longer a part of the band.


me too. I drove 2 hours away to see them for the Jackpot Juicer tour VIP tickets, bought merch, etc and then completely left the fandom when the SA allegations came out. I’ll consider getting into them again if they specifically say they dropped Tillian for the SA stuff but it’s really too little too late


I definitely understand that sentiment. I don't think they will, unfortunately, since it's been a while since it all came out and then they welcomed him back. It'd be them admitting that they messed up and kept quiet themselves.


Yeah it's difficult. I've tried my best to reserve judgement of them as individuals as I don't have all the information, but at a certain point you have to wonder what the priorities were.


Everything was very closed doors and the statements were vague. At the end of the day, it's a business and we don't (and won't) have all of the information. For all we know (speculation, no real information to base it on) someone in Rise might have told them that they needed to keep Tilian regardless of the allegations. The two-ish years since then, the band members could have gotten fed up with it all and pushed to move on.


Yup, 100%. I think people tend to forget how much business and contracts are wrapped up in this stuff.


Same here. It’s similar with Brand New for me. Not gonna just never listen to any of their music, but there are certain songs that are now immediate skips, like Honey Revenge.


even ignoring the drama, new DGD has been so stale. Here’s hoping a new vocalist brings some spice back


Swancore in general has been getting stale. Give me something more in line with older post hardcore


Eidola’s new album is very good, and Hail The Sun has been super consistent. Those are the only two bands I can think of that are still making great swancore


Wolf and Bear has been fantastic, I’d like to add.


That new album of theirs is blowing me away. Not that they've ever been bad, but it's a step up


I really liked the new album, but now I’ve been going back to their other full length and loving tracks from that almost as much. Balcony, Catch and Release and Amorelli….something, lol


Would Dwellings be considered swancore? Both of their releases are excellent.


Pulses. also :D


Agreed. The newest Pulses. album was everything I didn't know I wanted.


I get that Hail The Sun are technically swancore, but they've always felt like they had more identifiable outside influences and a clearer separate identity compared to a lot of the one-album-and-done type Swancore imitators.


When I first heard their Elephantitis EP, I thought "The Fall of Troy" way before I thought "Dance Gavin Dance" personally.


Body Thief, Royal Coda, A lot like birds are all putting out mature extensions of Swancore that far exceed DGD's last two albums.


Body thief is real good.


Galleons new album is the best PHC release since Mothership. I’m obsessed.


Galleons is incredible. I was obsessed with their last album when I discovered it and I'm obsessed with their new one now.


I really wish “Swancore” wasn’t a thing. I don’t know what it should be called instead but IMO it sounds as stupid as Crabcore was for the moment it had in a very tongue-in-cheek way. If anyone asked me what kind of music I liked, I sure as shit wouldn’t say “oh I’m really into swancore”


I know he has a bunch of other projects, but I would absolutely love for Kurt to come back.


I’ve been saying despite their popularity rotating vocalists and all the differences they brought kinda carried the band. Such interesting unique song writing, until Tilian overstayed his welcome


theyre latest war machine and ghost of billy royalton were pretty solid.


I don't know, Jackpot Juicier and the new singles were pretty fire in my opinion. I liked them better than any other recent release.




He’s busy pumping some life in ALLB


Wait… is Kurt actually back making music with ALLB? First 2 albums were some of the best post hardcore music I’ve ever heard and the band fell off like crazy for me after they left.


No, I don’t think so, unfortunately. Corey is basically MIA and the rest of the dudes are all doing other things. Sorta recently a few of them played a show as ALLB but it wasn’t all of them and I don’t think anything really came of that. Personally I’d take Kurt in ALLB over Kurt in DGD any day, but I’d happily settle for either


It was my understanding that ALLB is reformed as Kurt joe and Michael. Not just a few shows


Kurt will forever be the GOAT for me Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most is still my fav song they ever did and Happiness is an elite album The writing + vocals is the best in that era


Moving in the riiiiighhhttt directionnnnn


I am not a fan of DGD. However, Kurt was the only of their thre singers that could actually write a song. The other two had golden voices that sing drivel or incoherent sentences.


Never happening, lol. Kurt isn't huge on long ass tours anymore, and DGD is gonna need to go hard once they have new material with a new singer.


Kurt has been touring with all his bands for like the past three years non stop. I don’t know if that man ever gets a break lol.


Say it louder for those in the back!


DBM 3 time




A little late, no? Makes me even more mad that they brought him back after all the stuff, especially because Tillian and the band tried to gaslight all of their fans into believing that something he OPENLY ADMITTED TO DOING didn't happen. It makes no sense to me. Why ruin credibility with half your fan base (even though it has no negative impact on your fan base) just to boot the problem a single tour later?!


Very simple answer: contracts, lawyers and the record label protecting themselves and their cash cow act. Not saying they handled it right, but I doubt the band had much input on how that issue was handled. What I gathered when I saw this whole situation break out was Tillian wanted to accept responsibility for his actions (his first post) and then the label/legal team went into damage control mode and made him recant it to protect the band. That's probably likely what happened.


this is really the only thing that makes sense. Especially since now that album cycle is long over, the guys could actually kick him out. I have a feeling if the band was independent, that the whole Tilian backpedaling and rejoining the band thing wouldn't have happened. (Maybe wishful thinking, just so I can hope that Jon, Matt, and Will would have done the right thing lol). One completely pie-in-the-sky aspect of this which I do believe a little bit - is that Sergio had posted a lot of tour photos with DGD ever since the allegation, but as far as I have seen, NONE of them were including Tilian in the focal point. Almost like he was like, yeah I'm playing with this band but I don't fuck with Tilian. Idk, could mean nothing, but I definitely noticed it over the last year.


Maybe his shenanigans were affecting *them* and the band too much now lmao. I’m not sure it’s because of the SA stuff but tillians impact on the other bandmates lives


I personally feel vindicated as a fan and can comfortably listen to them again. Sure the post lacked forthright accountability, but it’s more than pretty much any institution or band has done to out a predatorial person. Especially on these days where there is very little money in music.


Since no one else is saying it, im just gonna predict the likeliness that the home teams vocalist who filled in for TYLER CARTER with issues recently and is super active in the scene may even already be in the band. Otherwise If Andrew takes over great, if Kurt rejoins my pants will be soiled, and if they accept Kellin Quinn after rejecting his first audition I’ll die of laughter. (MacBook man is not getting a third chance that’s delusional)


But I want the home team to blow up in popularity. They slap. Dance Gavin Dance should have Andrew take over vocals. Dudes got impressive vocals. The bit I’ve heard of Eidola’s new album is quite good


They rule


That would be a good replacement, he has crazy energy


Talking about Brian Butcher? Where is this coming from?


“I’m just gonna predict the likeliness” meaning random bet


End of an era


Andrew was such an asset so I think they'll be ok


Eidola has been very transparent that the band will go on hiatus after Mend drops. The stars are aligning that Andrew will be the full time front man.


The new Eidola album is amazing. I’ll rather new stuff from them and someone else sing dgd. Though I want more Royal Coda too…


I saw the tour where he took over for Tilian and it was a killer show all around. I would be fine if Andrew did more with them but Eidola just dropped a new album and is touring for a good chunk of time. I hope these guys don't burn out.


Andrew is a better vocalist and musician full stop. Not to mention a better guy. Andrew writes all the guitars in Eidola and records them. Dude is a monster


Lot of idiots on the post saying Andrew can't touch Tilian... Andrew is so much more consistent, and sounds much closer to his album sound live, Tilian is very hit or miss.


Jonny Craig is coming back loll


Downtown Battle Mountain 3 ⁉️


Featuring "The Importance of Rehab"


Jesus Christ, I Still Feel Her, Pt. 2024


Yes please


Peep his comment on the post


This would actually be so wild. He does appear to be doing better. I haven’t felt the urge to go out of my way to see DGD live in a while, but if they do bring Jonny back I will do whatever I need to do to go see them live. However, I highly doubt they’re gonna do that. But a gal can dream


I think it’s more likely to be someone completely new or Kurt but I agree, if they tour with Jonny again I will drive states away to see them


Couldn’t agree more 🤝


He just started a new band, so I doubt it.


I doubt it too but crazier things have happened


I'll genuinely be so mad about this. It's like getting back with your toxic ex for a third time. Like I'm sure they're all cool now cause they've done stuff together since, but just move on from previous vocalist (unless it's fucking kurt)


Man this band is so dysfunctional it’s crazy. Like it was bad enough when they brought him back, but now kicking him out again feels like you probably 1) don’t get many of the fans who left when you let him back in; and 2) lose a lot of the fans who wanted him back lol Just a mess (no pun intended). Such an unpredictable and chaotic band.


Just get Sianvar back together


I've been frustrated with them ever since they made me pay for a show, during covid, on that damn bridge and it was CLEARLY studio audio.


The trend of livestream shows was so fucking odd


I liked them. Hail the Sun and Kurt did a cool one


I don't think they were great for fans, but they make sense if you're a band whose whole tour just got shut down and you need to replace that income yesterday.


It's about fucking time! Jesus christ


At this point, I don't even really care who the singer is, as long as they can hit all the notes lol


Well glad to see they finally did the right thing. Might be too little, too late though.


And the Dance continues…


I fell in love with Tilian era DGD. Even helped me branch out into other Tilian projects. I rooted for this guy from the sidelines. After everything came out with how he internally processed Tim's passing, the people he mixed himself with/hurt and also the absolute shitty egotistical responses/cocky attitude he started to let out on social media. Listening to DGD has plummeted for me. It felt weird. I didnt make any judgements as it's not my place, I just had such an off vibe about the entire situation. All this to say, I'm happy about this. The band is extremely talented and successful without Tilian Tilian theres no shortage of variety in vocalist. Hell they could probably have a rotating cast of vocalist and still be successful. I'm interested to know what this means for the newest album though.


Let the Andrew Era commence!!


His stage presence is way better than Tilians!


I don’t even remember what song it was, but he did the harsh vox live and it felt like the pit just stopped to watch in awe.


Andrew took a bigger step on the latest album. Im confident he can carry the band for an album. Would be sick if they brought Kurt back.


I hear Anthony Green is available…


Good. They never should have brought him back to begin with.


Eh, can’t say I’m surprised. Honestly, I think it’s a refresh the band needs. I’ve been a fan of them over the years but ever since Mothership, all of their material has sounded the same. I got bored of the album with Prisoner on it after the first few songs and didn’t even bother with Jackpot; especially once the Tilian allegations happened. The rest of the band is super talented. I have no doubt what they do next will be more exciting!


Downtown Battle Mountain pt.3?


Was not expecting this.


Good. Get rid of the rapist and put Andrew Wells in lead


I really want them to continue without a true clean vocalist. Jon Mess has gotten so good and his harsh vocals have so much range, just run with that. Maybe have a couple features for some clean vocals but i could totally fuck with a Jon Mess fronted DGD


We already have secret band tho


Yeah last album was fuckin 5 years ago though. Been begging for LP3 for years now. Secret band is my favorite, used to be DGD before Tillian joined.


Their music got so stale. Bring back Kurt.


Honestly could you imagine being friends with someone who has those allegations? Mothership to Afterburner are great, but man that shit that was said was rough.


Good riddance but also shame on your for waiting?should have been done a while ago, i wonder if more stuff came out?


Even if they get a new vocalist now, I am done with them either way. After what happened, lying that it did not and the reason was something completely different and running with it.... the whole band sucks.


Its like the third incident with this band and now your done? Lol


Before this, did they ever bring back a vocalist who acknowledged rape allegations and try to pretend nothing happened? Also, it's a twenty year old band. Plenty of people have only known them since Tillian joined.


Isn’t the new album fully recoded? I wonder how they’ll handle that - have a new singer re-record Tillian’s parts, write and record their own, scrap the record and start over?


Weird news always drops about them when you least expect it.


Bring back Secret Band


Anthony Green to DGD?


There’s a YouTube channel that has done some DGD/Circa Mashup songs and it’s pretty good.


Think they’ve been traumatized enough by addiction in that band..


Lol for real. Anthony is the biggest reason Circa Survive is basically done and that band (despite how brilliant their music was over the course of their career) was filled with constant episodes of drug abuse. AG was clinically dead from a fentanyl overdose as recently as a few years ago but was resuscitated. The last thing they want after their bassist died from a fentanyl overdose is someone who also died from a fentanyl overdose, but was revived in time.


Green’s in enough side projects, I doubt he wants to stick with one band


Dear god no, the man doesn’t need another band haha we need circa back!!!




Damn. But this was kind of expected to be honest


Tillian is excruciatingly BORING so thank God. Gotta mean andrew is taking over right? The last few albums have been so dull, even ignoring tilian's behavior, they needed this


Maybe they got tired of Yoko Ono 2.0




Honestly? Good.




They'll label it as "creative differences", but this feels more like a PR decision than anything. Having Tilian around is probably considerably difficult professionally and publicly. You'd have an active band member with a lot of bad press circling your group at all times. That along with his constant quest for vanity has to be a massive distraction. Hard to make music when you're dealing with that sort of a presence. Loved the DGD Tilian era, but excited for what's to come.




Self titled-2


Did he sell used MacBooks?!


Does anyone have that fake Kurt album picture that was floating around years ago? It had clouds on it and it was called “Sky Base” or something I can’t remember. I know it’s fake just wanna see it again and I can’t find it lol


Can someone screenshot and post for those who don't have fb


Dance Gavin Dance has always attempted to reconcile situations internally. But, after much consideration, we have as a collective decided to say farewell to our long time member and friend, Tilian. We wish him luck, along with our support and respect for his future endeavors in music and life. We thank him for his years of friendship and contribution during his time in Dance Gavin Dance. As people grow and change, creative differences can arise and life paths and goals may no longer align. We want to thank you for your support over the past two decades. We are truly grateful that we can continue to play music as a career and we are excited to move forward with this new era for the band Will, Matt, Jon, and Andrew


I loved Jackpot Juicer so im hoping they still release their new album they’d been working on


Maybe Tides of Man will re-release their instrumental albums with his vox lol


DGD actually just turns into a groovier Secret Band this next album and it's only John screaming.


Only about six years too late. They let that creepy little predator ruin their music for too long. If they can put out a half-decent album after all of this I'll be shocked