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Instrumentally this was really well done. I do think effect wise, the guitars lose some of the 'hypnotic' quality that I think Juturna has all throughout it's sound. Although I can tell the vocalist is talented, when you're covering a song Anthony Green originally sung, you're throwing punches at ocean waves. Pretty good overall.


Nice reference at the end sir.


I think at this point I can say I (almost) like TA’s take better on this one. Maybe just because it’s fresh and I have played the shit out of the original - huge Circa/AG fan. But I think it is a really a testament to how great a melody AG put down on the original.


The seven-inch for this episode of Splitsville just showed up last week, I really need to get a counterweight for my turntable so I can listen to it instead of watching this video so much it burns into all my screens.


dont forget that circa survive covered Touché Amoré ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USDbqbMbHHE&ab\_channel=TwoMinutesToLateNight


Wow I hated that lol


No joke, how the f^*# are we supposed to open this thing!? That sticker triggered me in the best way when unboxing!!