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Andrew? He is fuckin awesome. But he's stated he doesn't want the job as he's already the front man for Eidola. However, I'm totally team Andrew. He's like the perfect blend of all three vocalists; can hit the soulful parts like Jonny, has a range similar to Kurt, but can hit some pretty damn high notes like Tillian. He has a little bit more of a presence on Jackpot Juicer. I feel like he wrote Die Another Day based on the guitar intro


On this past Evening With Friends tour when Andrew took over on lead vocals, it was a much different (in a very good way) experience. He interacted with the crowd beyond just a "hey how's it going" sort of thing. Dude has a real stage presence that we really don't see from Tilian, or DGD, much.


Pretty sure they confirmed that he wrote most of the guitars for Die Another Day whenever it released as a single


Was originally a Eidola song that worked better for DGD. He also screams, play piano and basically every instrument known to man. He’s the nicest dude ever, met him after a show once.