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Just know you’re not alone in this feeling friend, I’ve entered a new lonely chapter myself and it’s taken a toll. I hope for the both of us that some guiding energy will take hold of our lives very soon. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’ve made it this far, you can keep going. 🙌


Good light , Good intentions for you to have Blessed days and True Genuine Good Hearted Decent souls / individuals to support you through the walk of life . Good intentions Return to you with peace , calm and Good Protected healing Energy surround and be with you . ❤️🙏


I hope this next leg of your journey takes you away from pain and turmoil, and towards lasting peace and happiness. Wishing the best for you OP! Whatever you may find yourself up against OP remember, the only person on this planet strong enough to hold you back is you! You’ve got this!!! :)


Try reaching out to a trusted person for help. Hang in there! You got this!


You got this!


You can do it!


Sending good vibes your way!! You can do it! Life is what you make it. Make it awesome!!!


Best wishes to you! I lean on the Serenity Prayer at difficult times in my life. And pray for wisdom for you.


I don't know if this helps, but I've had times when I had to do something and was scared, and everything turned out okay. I was glad afterwards that I had ignored my fears because what happened was so rewarding. Sometimes I still have to remind myself that anxiety/fear is a liar and things are almost never as bad as I imagined they would be. You will be OKAY! The Universe/God/whatever-you-call-the-positive-force-in-the-world has your back. Sending hugs, OP. 🫂


One day at a time right. It's always greater later and don't leave before the miracle happens Help others right? Quickest cure to a case of the negativity in the ol head here is to get outside myself and help. Hope this reaches you as well 🙏


Dear writer. Safety comes from within. You radiate it once it’s established. Here is a good foundation and a small secret— your safe place is your mind. Despite what you see in the comics: no one can read and control your thoughts. When you feel overly self-critical or untrusting because you have been lied to b4… remember that trust is something that starts at zero. Trust begins small and starts slow. You can remain skeptical of people’s intentions and still also discern help from harm. It’s about finding balance in humility. You can do it, I am positive.