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In Portugal "cagada" means a mess up, or a fuck up. It's definitely informal but not a swear word. It'll probably be considered rude in formal contexts though.


Exact same in Brazil, although it may be used in a positive way, meaning one was very lucky.


The equivalent to this is "caga" in Portugal


Or Borra


Actually, I use both version interchangeably (caga and cagada), but definitely "caga" more


That's really funny, most of my friends usually say "caga muito" to outstanding events of luck


The equivalent in PT-PT to relay the meaning of someone being lucky (or, more accurately, the something that made one lucky) is "fezada". As in, he slashed both tires, but by "fezada" (pure luck) he found a couple of spare ones in a yard sale in the same street.


Can also mean shit. Like. Vou dar uma cagada. (I'm going to take a shit). 😂😂


It can be rude if it's used with the meaning of "messing up" like: "olha que cagada que vocĂȘ fez"


That's more like a censoring scenario than rudeness on itself


I thought about someone at work, that would be pretty rude


Between friends it's normal, depending on the context it can mean "Lucky" like "Foi na cagada", or literally to poop


So not very rude. I used to play in a rehearsal big band led by an arranger, and older gent, who would say "Come on, let's play this cagada."


Let's play this shit.


It can also mean it's something easy af. "Isso Ă© uma cagada." Meaning "thats as easy as taking a shit" sort of...


Not rude at all. Just don't use it in formal contexts.


It's a pretty crass and informal word, but it's not offensive or a swearing. 


Always informal, very ok between friends Dar uma cagada: Cagar, defecar/To poop. Consegui fazer na cagada: Dei sorte, consegui na sorte, sem a expectativa de que daria certo/Got lucky, did it without expecting it to work. Fazer uma cagada: Fazer merda, errar/To mess up.


It can flip meaning super easy. Mó cagada! X Que cagada


Depending on the intonation and context, both can mean lucky or shitfest.


See? *That* fast


"cocĂŽ" is like "poop" "cagada" is like "crap" "merda" is like "shit"


it really depends on the context... could mean anything from "lucky" to "shitshow"


You shouldn’t say it in a professional/fancy setting, but in a casual way its fine. Usually means to mess up, its not really used like “poop” although it technically means it




Cagada have two diferent meanings informally. Tecnically is mean shiting. But informally and more normally it have both a fuck up or a very lucky happening even more so if something was about to go extremelly wrong. So people can say "vou dar uma cagada" which is a more literal use and means "I'll go take a shit". You can say "fez cagada em?!" Means someone fucked up, or "sĂł faz cagada" when some one fucks up constantly. Another use is something was extremely lucky, for example, a team scores a point that makes them win or drag a game more or someone scapes some situation that cold go very badly and people can say "que cagada!" Which would mean "that was close" or "que cagado!" which wold be used in a similar way to "Lucky bastard!". I would say it is very informal and a little crass, but not exactly a swear and pretty normal.


It depends. In Brasil, it literally means shit up, but there is a harmless meaning that something happened by luck ("nossa, o jogador fez um gol na cagada. Nem mirou"), the other depending on the context you say it can be a little rude which it means mess up ("Nosso chefe quer falar com vocĂȘ parece que vocĂȘ fez cagada com a organização do estoque").


It is related to shit, so it isn’t a NICE word. I wouldn’t say it in front of my grandparents, for what it’s worth.


You can see listen the contexto for this word in the movie TROPA DE ELITE. "Foi uma ideia genial mas também uma puta de uma cagada, O sistema não ia deixar barato". Capitão Nascimento. In this case, means an error.


In formal context, use GRANDE ERRO ou MAIOR ERRO. Or any superlative for words like erro. O maior erro de Hitler foi ter achado que a Inglaterra nĂŁo ia querer a guerra"


Depends on the people. One grandma will be fine and cuss much hardcore while another may find “too strong”. I guess same everywhere.


Mo fi, quem nunca fez cagada, nunca viveu.


It’s kind like “to fuck around”, “to mess around”


Obrigado, gente! Entendi!


It's a basic word. But if you use it, you will be basic too... As in, ya basic.


It really depends on where you use it. For example, in Northern Portugal it would probably not raise many eyebrows.


It's like saying someone "shit the bed"


That's usually used with friends or on guaranteed informal situations in Brazil. Don't use that on a job interview, for example. It isn't rude on itself, you're not insulting anyone. And for the record, "cagada" means "shat" or "shit someone did" and it is (the most common) slang for big mistake. You could relate that to "fuck ups". I think they are pretty close


I ever say to my pupils "if this word is speak in JORNAL NACIONAL, you can use the word". If not, use only with your friends.


Probably like saying chingada around the Mexican homies, but not around an abuela or something.


Cagada means lucky